Thursday, 23 July 2015

Finding the real traitors

Lately, everything seems small for many Malaysians compared to the 1MDB mess.

As rival camps debated on whether DS Najib Razak is still fit to be prime minister, other things are happening in the country.

At the moment they were talking about whether to arrest and charge those who undermine the PM for treason.

Read Big Dog's fancily titled

Primero of pestilentially pernicious

or Malaysia Online's (The Mole's)

Legal experts disagree on treasonous conspiracy to topple PM 

Personally I think it's quite ridiculous.

You all really want to accuse and then execute those people who oppose PM for treason?

It is crazy, okay.

Imagine this headline - Mahathir to hang for treason.

Anyway, as I said, other things are happening while we were so fixated on that nonsense.

This is a Malay Mail Online's story yesterday

Despite police ban, 10000 throng Sarawak independence walk

Now, if we are so itchy to accuse someone of treason, this is our real chance.

Anyone who promotes the break up of our country is a traitor.

There should be no compromise on this matter.

If Najib wants to demonstrate his willingness to be tough, which many have been disputing all this while, this is his chance to do so.

Bear in mind this - people who bitch about 1MDB are dangerous to Najib, but people who talk about separating their state from the federation are dangerous to the country.

It shouldn't be tolerated, either it be for Sarawak, Sabah or the other states such as Johor.

Yup, there are now people in my home state Johor who wanted to take it out of Malaysia.

They wanted to turn it into another Brunei.

I wrote about it here,

I think if no firm action is taken now, the secessionist movement will soon spread to especially places like Kelantan and Penang.

Once that happened, it would be too late to save the country as it is now.


  1. Hi Annie,

    i like the "Bear in mind this - people who bitch about 1MDB are dangerous to Najib, but people who talk about separating their state from the federation are dangerous to the country."

    where do you think the spotlight is now for msia. its all about najib najib and najib. the country is going by autopilot.

    yeah we do bitch about najib.

    but it seems to me hes more interested in himself more than he is about the country. hed rather do a rally for najib to stay pm rather than stop the sarawak independance walk.

    instead of focusing on the country, hes busy promoting himself and tell people why he should stay.

    hes doing the anwar style. the problem is anwar is or used to be the opposition leader. he is unfortunately the prime minister who has better things to do than rallying support for himself.

    do read kadir jasin's second latest entry about the transformation of the one particular bugis.

  2. I grew tired of Najib's habit of keeping silence on national issues at hand.

    He has the opportunity to come hard on these secessionists, but he blew it.

    Sometimes I feel like I want to slap his face and shake him hard for his lack of action.

    It's the same feeling I had with Pak Lah when he was sleeping on the job back then.

    1. Act blur outwardly .... nanti sekejap dia diam-diam menyerahkan keluhuran negara kita kepada kekuasaan mega-korporat dengan menandatangani perjanjian TPPA.

  3. Najib is incompetent. We need to get the 300 to stop floating his boat.

  4. They alway it is eazy to manage country. D idea of breaking up it easy said thsn done. Juz take a look at those country tht did it. Still hanging for help from other super power n in a way let them in ........starts another .....intruder by invitation.

  5. The diversion of RM2.6 billion (the tip of the iceberg?) is not treason, if proved to be public money?

    Mara, FGV and TH cases are not betrayals?

    They're just trying to shift the focus to the whistleblowers.

    Jaguh kampung mentality. I'm waiting for them to sue the WSJ.

    They could have sued SR 7 months ago.

  6. Najib lebih sibuk berpura-pura mengambil-berat kebajikan rakyat sampai brake LRT berasap pun di twit solah-olah 'malapertaka besar' dan mahu di 'forensik-audit' pengerusan Pasarana. PM dah jadi penyibuk pulak dah. Beri duit zakat pun sudah jadi kerja beliau sebagai PM. Kerja orang lain, disapu untuk menonjol-diri sebagai juara rakyat.
    Sedangkan Negara yang mahu berpecah-belah kerana ada segelintir Rakyat yang sudah 'besar-kepala' mahu memerintah negeri sendiri, dia tiada telur untuk bertegas dan memberi amaran.
    Apakah bangang mempunyai seorang PM pengecut yang tidak berani menegakkan kedaulatan Negara demi kesejahteraan rakyat yang jelas berada dalam bahaya perang-saudara jika niat pengkhianat-pengkhinat yang mahu keluar dari federasi dibiarkan berterusan tanpa tindakan tegas.

    Percayalah. Sarawak akan jadi seperti Sudan yang terbahagi-dua setelah Rakyat yang berbeza agama berbunuhan sesama-sendiri. Selepas itu, jangan harap untuk aman-damai sampai bila-bila. Ia akan melarat ke Sabah dan seterusnya campur-tangan Indonesia dan Filipina.

    Betul seperti kata Anon diatas. Rasa macam nak bagi penampar-jepun kat muka PM.

    1. 'Rasa macam nak bagi penampar-jepun kat muka PM.'


  7. salam idul fitri,

    saya ada menulis artikel pendek berjudul 'sengketa ds najib dgn tun m - usaha ikhlas yg tak kesampaian'.

    olih kerana pendirian kita mengenai kedua pemimpin ini hampir sama ,saya cadang hantar nak satu salinan kpd sdri.

    pls advice as 2 how I can pass it 2 u. if u feel that it is suitable, pls feel free 2 publish them in yr blog.

    tq.dato Rahman noor.

    1. Please email it to Thanks.

  8. Sorry annie , negeri saya pulau pinang mereka tak mampu nak buat macam di serawak kerana masih ada ikatan kontrek dengan kedah ,tolong la jangan main cakap lepas dan seronok apa ,ingat negeri kedah tongkol kayu sekarang pun dah ada angin yang kedah menyimpan hasrat mengambil balik pulau pinang terutama sekali seberang perai . Pasal tindakan keatas penentang Najib , saya cuma nak sampai pesan kepada Pak bugis Najib dan Kuncu nya terutama pak pak menteri sila kan ambil lah tindakan keatas Tun M walau pun nak memuaskan hati kamu untuk bawa Tun M kepenjara tapi kalau ini terjadi kamu semua bersiap sedia lah memilih bilik bilik cell disungai buloh kerana selepas PRU 14 kamu ( terutama najib) pasti akan kesana mungkin sempat bersama Anu-ar aljubur.

    1. 'Sorry annie , negeri saya pulau pinang mereka tak mampu nak buat macam di serawak kerana masih ada ikatan kontrek dengan kedah ,tolong la jangan main cakap lepas dan seronok apa ,ingat negeri kedah tongkol kayu sekarang pun dah ada angin yang kedah menyimpan hasrat mengambil balik pulau pinang terutama sekali seberang perai .'

      Kedah sedang perhatikan perkembangan yang berlaku. Dengan cakap-cakap Sarawak, Sabah dan terkini Johor nak keluar Malaysia.

      Kedah patut ambik balik Pulau Pinang dan kemudiaan laksanakan Hudud. Baru terkejut chin2 macamLGE lari nak masuk Hong Kong.

  9. What do you want more from Najib
    He gave answers most of us refused to accept,we trusted foreign distorted reports,presumptions and speculations
    We acted as we are judges giving guilty sentence before proper trial
    InshALLAH I had the feeling the real truth will be coming soon and if it is true that Najib had committed the crime by all mean he will be dealt accordingly to our law and if he is clear,to those who rally want him down and berated him should repent,esp to the Muslims bertaubat nasuha as you had fitnah him.
    My advice is be patience,afterall are the condition in our country now so bad,such as hunger,rioting,theft and untowards incidents happened,none whatsoever.Reflecting our Eids celeberation,the rakyat celeberated harmonously,sad thing only too many road fatalities

    1. him skirting around the issue = him giving answer

      wow thts convenient

      for example u ask us wht more do we want from najib,
      id then answer
      najib is a bugis. wht i want may or may not be to najibs liking, answer can be define as...... bla bla bla

      did i asnwer your question?

    2. Did he answers,?

      I think there are two important questions in the mind of the people.

      1. About the allegation that RM2.6 Billion goes to his account,
      2. About the RM42 Billion. Is it all accounted for and questions by Tun. M to this affect.

      So, did he answer those questions?

      Is it too much to ask for the rakyat for him to answer these questions?

  10. Did Najib care , did KDN care or the IGP is concern ,what is most important to them all, is how to save Najib .

    UMNO tergadai tidak apa , Malaysia tergadai pon tidak apa .

  11. Malaysians for Malaysia .......

    I Won't Give Up on Us

  12. No big deal if malaysia disintegrate. At least no more bastard pm and his parties to think about.

  13. Let IS minded people run the country.let see who will be slaughtered.remember people like al maunah,dr.azhari and nordin mat top.will these people targer our pm who is a muslim or lim guan eng who is non muslim

  14. Easier said than done

  15. To have an opinion and view is not treason.

    Treason is like spying for another country or betraying a country by letting enemy soldiers in.

    Sarawak nfor Sarawakians and talking about seccession.

    My main concern would be why are people talking about it now, what concerns do they have and if they are reasonable, can they be meet.

    Please note that Sarawak is not just a state of Malaysia, it's joining Malaya created Malaysia. It is equal to Malaya.

    If they want to seceed, isn't that more a criticism of the governance past and present in Sarawak than anything else?
