Thursday, 2 April 2015

A storm is gathering

I have to take a break from writing my boring Japanese diary because of the latest development back home.

Received this from my BF (best friend) via Wassap earlier today:

Bila che det menulis. Wallahuallam
1. Ramalan oleh masyarakat sekarang ialah UMNO dan BN akan kalah Pilihanraya Umum ke-14 kerana terlalu banyak tuduhan yang dibuat terhadap Najib yang tidak dijawab olehnya.
2. Ia bermula dengan kes pembunuhan Altantuya, wanita Mongolia yang terlibat dengan skandal pembelian kapal selam.
3. Dua orang anggota polis dituduh menembak mati wanita berkenaan, dibicara, didapati bersalah, kemudian didapati tidak bersalah dan dibebaskan. Kemudian dibicara semula dan dikena hukum bunuh.
4. Seorang daripada mereka berada dalam tahanan tetapi Sirul seorang lagi berada di Australia. Dia membuat kenyataan bahawa dia diarah untuk membunuh.
5. Rakyat tertanya-tanya siapa yang memberi arahan. Sebagai pengawal peribadi Dato Sri Najib, dakwaan Sirul perlu disiasat untuk menentukan siapa yang memberi arahan. Tetapi selain daripada Najib berkata Sirul “merepet”, tidak ada siasatan yang dibuat. Ini adalah nyawa manusia. Amatlah zalim jika Sirul dibunuh kerana menjalankan arahan.
6. Kemudian kes 1MDB. Tuduhan penyelewengan dalam urusan wang berbillion Ringgit oleh Jho Low telah dibuat dengan bukti-bukti yang jelas. Tuduhan ini tidak dijawab selain dari berkata ia adalah pembohongan.
7. Kononnya aset 1MDB berjumlah 52 billion sedangkan hutang hanya 42 billion. Aset tidak jadi keuntungan sebelum dijual (dicairkan). Kenapa untuk membayar faedah sebanyak 2 billion pun terpaksa hutang dari Ananda Krishnan. Kalau 1MDB tidak rugi kenapa terpaksa hutang. Kenapa wang Kerajaan sebanyak 1 billion diberi kepada 1MDB setelah hutang dibayar?
8. Kononnya wang yang disimpan di Cayman Island sudah dibawa balik. Tetapi separuh disimpan dalam bank Swiss (BSI) di Singapura. Di mana pergi separuh lagi dari 6 billion? Kenapa wang ini tidak diguna untuk bayar faedah 2 billion.
9. Kononnya disimpan di Singapura kerana Bank Negara akan menyoal simpanan lebih dari 50 juta. Jikalau duit itu duit kita yang hanya disimpan di Cayman, apa masalahnya menjelaskan kepada Bank Negara punca wang itu. Lagi pun duit ini dimiliki oleh 1MDB yang dikuasai penuh oleh Perdana Menteri yang juga Menteri Kewangan.
10. Soalan-soalan lain berkenaan 1MDB tidak dijawab selain daripada berkata asetnya besar. Soal harga tanah Kerajaan yang dibeli oleh 1MDB tidak dijelas. Sudah tentu jika dibeli dengan harga yang murah dan dinaik nilai berkali ganda, aset ini menjadi besar. Tetapi Kerajaan rugi banyak dengan tanah miliknya dijual dengan harga yang tidak mencermin harga pasaran.
11. US$700 juta dibayar kepada Petro Saudi untuk apa? Sudahkah ditentukan Petro Saudi memiliki konsesi kawasan minyak dan gas di Argentina dan Turkmenistan sebelum membayar wang yang begitu banyak.
12. Jho Low dilapor dalam New York Times, London Times dan Sarawak Report terlibat dalam pengurusan berbillion Ringgit duit 1MDB. Siapa dianya Jho Low yang begitu dipercayai oleh Dato Sri Najib. Pegawai Malaysia yang dilantik mengurus dana 1MDB mengaku mereka diarah oleh Jho Low yang mendakwa ia mendapat kepercayaan penuh dan arahan dari Dato Sri Najib.
13. Gambar-gambar Jho Low dan kelakuannya, umurnya yang amat muda serta cara hidupnya tidak menggambarkan peribadi yang menyakinkan orang ramai. Tetapi dia dilapur membeli rumah di New York dan Hollywood beratus juta Ringgit. Kemudian rumah-rumah ini dijual kepada anak tiri Najib dengan harga ratusan juta Ringgit bagi setiap satu kerana kononnya Jho Low telah jumpa rumah yang lebih indah di Hollywood yang harganya lebih tinggi.
14. Dari mana datangnya duit beratus juta kepada Riza Aziz tidak dapat dijelas. Keluarga Tun Razak termasuk Najib menafikan duit ini adalah dari keluarga. Pelaburan ratusan juta dalam filem “Wolf of Wall Street” oleh Riza datang dari mana?
15. Dan banyaklah lagi tuduhan dan soalan terhadap 1MDB yang ditubuh oleh Dato Sri Najib dan dikuasai sepenuh olehnya sebagai penasihat yang tidak dijelas dan dijawab selain dari menafi dan mendakwa semuanya bohong belaka. Laporan-laporan dalam akhbar di New York dan London amat memalukan negara.
16. Sementara itu, walaupun Kerajaan menghadapi kekurangan wang yang besar dan terpaksa hutang, Dato Sri Najib sebagai Perdana Menteri membeli sebuah lagi pesawat mewah. Umum mengetahui pesawat ACJ319 yang sedia ada diguna bukan sahaja untuk tugas rasmi tetapi sebagai kenderaan peribadi untuk Dato Sri dan Datin Sri.
17. Dalam keadaan ekonomi tidak menentu, dalam keadaan rakyat terpaksa bayar cukai yang lebih tinggi, dalam keadaan nilai Ringgit yang menurun teruk, dalam keadaan kos sara hidup meningkat dan rakyat dilanda banjir dan kehilangan ratusan juta Ringgit, Kerajaan membazirkan wang ratusan juta untuk pesawat mewah walaupun sudah ada pesawat-pesawat milik Kerajaan.
18. Cara pembelian tidak dapat menyembunyi bahawa akhirnya Kerajaan terpaksa menanggung beban pembelian ini. Jika syarikat bukan Kerajaan yang secara rasmi membeli, bayaran melalui lease (sewa) lebih tinggi daripada belian secara langsung kerana terpaksa memberi keuntungan kepada pemilik dan faedah yang dimasukkan.
19. Selain daripada ini dasar-dasar pemerintahan Dato Sri Najib terhad kepada pemberian wang percuma, menimbul kemarahan orang Melayu dengan mengenepikan Dasar Ekonomi Baru kerana ingin mendapat sokongan orang Cina. Namun penolakan BN dalam PRU 13 membuktikan orang Cina tolak pemerintahan Najib.
20. Sesungguhnya rakyat, baik Melayu, Cina, India atau suku kaum Sabah dan Sarawak sudah tidak percaya lagi kepada Dato Sri Najib. Ahli UMNO dan pemimpinnya perlu sedar bahawa UMNO dan dengan itu BN akan kalah jika Dato Sri Najib memimpin UMNO hingga PRU 14. Apabila UMNO kalah, orang Melayu akan kutuk kepimpinan yang menjadikan parti keramat ini begitu lemah sehingga ditolak oleh bangsa Melayu sendiri. Sekali UMNO kalah, ia tidak akan dapat dipulih semula.
21. Ramai juga ahli dan pemimpin UMNO yang setia secara buta tuli kepada pemimpin. Saya juga setia tetapi kesetiaan saya ialah kepada parti dan orang Melayu yang diwakili olehnya. Bukanlah mudah bagi saya menulis blog ini. Tetapi demi bangsa dan Negara saya terpaksa dedah semua ini.
22. Saya belum nyanyok walaupun umur hampir 90 tahun. Sesiapa yang berkata saya nyanyok sebenarnya menipu diri.
23. Melayu hanya akan selamat jika bersikap bangsa lebih utama daripada diri sendiri.

Honestly, I was shocked.

I had immediately tried to check the authenticity of the whole thing at the blog of former PM Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad but apparently it could not be accessed.

It's still inaccessible at the time I'm writing this.

Then I check at other blogs and found these,

Dr Mahathir Drops Atomic Bomb !! -

Amaran terakhir buat UMNO 

I have always maintained in this blog that Dr Mahathir had never called for the ouster of PM DS Najib Razak and that all his criticisms of the current administration were just meant for it to do better.

But following this latest development, I'm now certain that Dr Mahathir is indeed wishing for Najib to be replaced.

I guess the push has finally really comes to a shove.

Personally, I'm sadden.

I wish it doesn't have to come to this.

However, Dr Mahathir must had thought long and hard over this and in the end decided he needs to do what he needs to do.

I guess all the dirts will start flying soon.

The run up to the coming Umno general assembly, scheduled at the end of this year will be very interesting to observe.

Bear in mind that Umno is supposed to hold its party elections next year.

I don't think things will get any better after this.

To make it worse, all these happened at a time when there was so much confusion such as the one caused by the implementation of GST.

You can read about it at A Voice's

Gee... Gee ... GST-

I know that most regular readers of this blog may assumed that I am a pro-Najib blogger based on my past postings on the PM and therefore probably thought I would want to defend the establishment again following these developments.

But let me reveal here that just before I went off for this holiday, I had been severely told by a high ranking person who is beholden to the PM that my status now is that akin of a pariah and therefore my help is not wanted anymore by everyone close to Najib.

Well, as if I need his permission to choose whom I want to defend. Nobody pays me for what I write in this blog, okay.

Nonetheless, I have decided that I don't want to cause any trouble. So, I'm just going to sit back and observe.

From now on, I will only write about the unfolding of events affecting the PM in the manner of a straight forward reporting.

I'm not going to be cheeky, okay.


  1. You don't deserve to be called names, Annie. Screw that high-ranking a*****e. Enjoy your holiday, and don't let this episode dampen your spirit. You're a rare talent. They will regret what they said and did one day.

    1. its long overdue. a cancerous limb has to be cut off or else the whole body will be dead. resign jer la bangang

  2. Cartoon. Annie is a cartoon.

  3. Calm before the storm. Fasten your seat belt my love. It's going to be a rough ride. Yeehaaaaaa........

  4. Black Dog: for the Punk Master

  5. Its not a bomb.....its a 23 warhead laden missile fired by your so called most handsome and well liked guy that you pooh poohed not too long ago.

    And the most potent warhead is directed at IMDB....yes 1 MDB about which you wrote recently saying they are doing okay and you claimed the opposition got it wrong in finding fault with the damned 1MDB.

    Now it can be confirmed that you have removed all doubts that you are a indeed a leper who knows nuts.....did not you say that you are now considered a fits in aptly. Go get a your Jekyll and Hyde personality is truly exposed. Kah, kah, kah.

  6.'re cutest when youre cheeky...don't change pleeeease


  7. Bulayu atak bilang ,kalau tatak angin ,pokok tatak goyang lea aa . Wa manyak sukak itu uncle Lim tapi Wa manyak lespect sama ini Tun M maa aa , lia tatak kacau punya kalau atak betut jalan . Lia bukan macam itu Aluar maa aa ,kacau sana kacau sini , sutak tatak ampun pon tak mau telima maa aa .

    Itu uncle Lim manyak kacau lea aa , tapi Wa manyak ingat itu Tun M ,bukan itu macam punya olang lor rr .

    Annie , lu mesti manyak syok lea aa ,sana Lepun dekat , manyak sayang Wa tatak bolih tengok , lia punya amoi manyak suee lea aa.

  8. It goes to show that you are a fucking retard. The uncle talking cock in the coffee shop probably has more reliable information about what's going on in UMNO than you.

    1. Kopitiam Ekonomi: Is the price of your Teh Tarik inflated?

  9. High ranking person? It just shows that Najib is surrounded by idiots. In politics you need everyone as your friend and not enemy.

    Najib cannot remain quiet. If he doesn't clear up the mess, people will perceive the allegations as true. If you block blogs not favourable to you, then the negative perception of you will be even more.

    Many people take silence as admission of ones faults.

    1. For a Prime Minister handicapped by such a gargantuan breach of trust "admission" is not a solution but "exit".

  10. Tun is an intelligent person and a veteran politician. When he raises certain issues, it is not based on his instinctive feelings but based on actual occurrence that he receives the information from the relevant parties. After reading the part on Atlantuya, we can clearly see that Tun is pointing his finger on the real culprit, which most of us know from day 1.

    Najib, enough is enough. You and your fat wife have brought misery to the country. Like the late Karpal Singh said-“Najib harus bertaubat”. The honorable thing for you to do now is to go and stay in Cayman Island while at the same time safeguarding the money of 1MDB, if it actually there.

    Talking about GST, when those items which are not subjected to GST, the common immediate reaction of most people is that it must be that Najib and Rosmah consumes this item,that’s why GST is not imposed.

    I really feel sad for the lower income group who has been struggling to make ends meet and now they have to pay higher price for their basic necessities because of GST. It all started because of 1MDB and the money used by Jho Low to party with Paris Hilton could have been used for the benefit of the country. And of course not forgetting Riza Aziz etc.

    Annie, you are the only blogger appears to be defending the PM, or in other words, defending the wrong. Well, that’s your prerogative as everyone is entitled to their opinion. And if those people in PM’s camp don’t appreciate your commitment, they are just another a**h*le.

    Enjoy your deserved holiday and do not get stressed up with the events unfolding back home. Looks like we need the help of “Ultraman” now.


    1. Well, the Tun described LKY as "kiasu".

      That doesn't say much for Tun's grasp of political realities.

      He realises that he was outsmarted (outfoxed?) by LKY who he thought (and hoped?) wouldn't be able to make Singapore survive outside Malaysia.

      Well, LKY proved him wrong. Completely, decisively and thoroughly.

      Fast forward to 2015 and it is patently obvious that issue still rankles with Tun, hence his penchant for taking potshots at Singapore every now and then.

      Which is why Tun is unloading in Malaysia, because there are few people internationally who take him seriously.

      Which is something his "fan club" in Malaysia absolutely detests!

    2. KLIA still struggling to catch up with Changi Airport!

      Wasn't KLIA one of Tun's pet projects?

      Seems that the "kiasu" Singaporeans can do a better job of managing and growing an airport than their Malaysian counterparts.

      Let's not even talk about the travails of MAS. How many "bailouts", ah?

      I guess that Malaysians are blessed with short memories...or are enormously forgiving.

  11. '....... my status now is that akin of a pariah and therefore my help is not wanted anymore by everyone close to Najib....'

    Jangan pedulikan komen orang Najib ini. Pada saya manusia jenis ini adalah yang paling bangang/bodoh/tolol/bahlol dan paling sombong dan pernah wujud di maya ini!

    Kita memerlukan sokongan semua orang! Itu fakta hidup. Bukan Najib seorang, malah SEMUA orang!

    Kita lihat nasib orang orang yang paling bangang/bodoh/tolol/bahlol dan paling sombong bila Najib hilang kuasa. Rasa rasanya, In Shaa Allah tidak lama lagi!

    Annie mengmbil keputusan yang tepat,

    '....So, I'm just going to sit back and observe......'

    Bila sampai masanya nanti kita nyanyi beramai ramai, ' kesian dia, kesian dia, kesiiiian dia!


  12. GST is good for the country. People will forget about it by GE14, about 3 years from now. However, in a couple on months, tax-evaders will be the loudest to complaint. The only bad thing about GST is that people have the perception it's being use to pay 1MDB's debt.

    Najib has to go right now or at least by end of this month. TS Muhyiddin to replace him. The Deputy's post should remain vacant. All top post are open for contest in the UMNO's general assembly, not necessarily end of this year. Who ever got the top post, will choose his Deputy.

    I agree with Tun Dr.M. Najib will bring down Barisan National. He and his wife are too spendthrift a aristocrat. Rakyat di dahulukan is just bullshit.

    1. The good thing about GST is it effectively broadens the tax base. Presently, only about 10% of economically active residents pay tax. With GST, it will effectively levy tax from all 100%. Infact, even those who are not economically active.

      With that, income tax rate will come down. This will encourage full declaration of income, as people with undeclared income will be more likely to 'surface' such. Paradoxically, governments from Philippines to the UK have found that the lower the income tax rate, the more tax the government will collect.

      It encourages the growth of competitive businesses, and thereby the nation's economy.

    2. GST Imposition - A Business Opportunity

      I have interest in a small mini market chain which was set up 2 years ago to take advantage of the business condition after GST comes into being.

      We forsee that problems it will cause to some mini market and provision shop operators. Compared to most, we are GST ready, efficient, and conservatively capitalised.

      We forsee expansion in same store business, number of stores, as well as better margins. We expect 2015 to be the first of 5 years of fast growth.

    3. Baik macamana pun Boss Bajib kamu kena resign secepat mungkin. Dah tak da masa untuk selamatkan UMNO. Dengan hutang yang terlalu banyak, boleh pulak beli jet. Kalau rakyat boleh tumpang pergi melancong bersama, tak pa la jugak.
      Rakyat tak mahu anak bangsawan yang boros menguruskan wang Negara. Kalau nak boros pun, guna lah wang sendiri.
      Rakyat di Dahulukan, kepala-angguk bapa-mertua aku.

    4. Kalau ada bukti dia boros guna wang selain wang sendiri kemukakanlah.jgn buat tuduhan palsu

    5. Najib is better than Pak Lah in many aspects. He is very calculative in making his moves.unlike Pak Lah , Najib does not give up easily

    6. "Rakyat di Dahulukan, kepala-angguk bapa-mertua aku."

      Kau tak suka kat bapa mertua kau ke RD?

    7. Anon 22:33
      Nak jadi lawyer lah pulak. Semua nak bukti susah la. Lagi pun bukan saya orang yang pertama tuduh PM boros. Kalau tak boros, buat apa nak beli jet baru ketika hutang Negara tengah berlambak. Jet yang dok ada, tak boleh pakai ke? Nak bukti apa lagi. Hang nak bukti, pi tengok blog CheDet atau The Scribe.
      Masa Karpal Singh dan Mat Sabu tuduh Anwar seorang Peliwat pada 1997 di Parliament, tiada siapa pun Menteri atau lawyer dari UMNO tanya, mana bukti. Pada hal, Anwar ketika itu adalah Timbalan Presiden mereka merangkap TPM.

      Sayang juga tapi Bapa mertua saya sudah tiada. Masa bertunang tengah sakit. Masa kawin sudah tiada. Nak tulis 'kepala-angguk bapa aku' tak gamak la pulak, pasal bapa masih ada.

  13. i am happy with the latest development.

    but i fear it wouldnt change anything. najib is too strong within umno. nobody wants to challenge him. and it is because he is fighting ignoring the call for him to quit. nobody except his apple polishers want him to stay as pm.

    he put himself more than agama bangsa n negara. tht should speaks volumes about the kind of man he is. After getting everything apparently it is not enough. he still need to be the one in power.

    i fear the future is bleak ahead. when BN finally lose, things will get worst. everyone for themselves.

    ill make sure my kids and grandkids know, when eveything is lost, the moment when 1 man become more important than agama, bangsa n negara.

  14. Anonn10.18,

    Inilah hasil yang dituai apabila golongan muda terpelajar dan bijak pandai dihalang masuk UMNO oleh golongan tertentu. Mereka hendak memengang jawatan hingga ke akhir hayat. Oleh yang demikian mereka cantas golongan inj sebelum mereka masuk UMNO lagi.

    Apa yang tinggal ? Cuma golongan kurang bijak dan kurang berwibawa yang berada dalam UMNO. Itu sebab Najib boleh maintain kuasa dalam UMNO kerana ahli ahli UMNO jenis MOYOK dan tidak ada yang lebih 'bijak' dari Najib.

    Good news for Najib but bad news for UMNO/Melayu, bila mereka lingkup dalam PRU 14!

    1. Saya yang kurang pelajaran pun mereka buat tak layan je, bila saya mahu mendaftar sebagai Ahli UMNO.
      Saya bagi borang, mereka suruh saya poskan sendiri ke PWTC. Nak bayar yuran RM2, suruh saya kokot wang itu pada borang, sebelum pos. Masa itu ada duit syilling 1 ringgit, color emas. Saya kata nak kepil macammana, duiy besi? Mereka jawab; pi la tukar ke duit kertas kat kedai dulu.
      Alamat tempat tinggal, no. talipon pun mereka tak tanya.

      Mungkin mereka ingat saya pun macam mereka jugak, masuk politik untuk cepat kaya atau mahu cari peluang dapat kontrak, pastu jual untuk dapat untung atas angin. Kalau masuk seorang lagi, nanti lagi banyak persaingan.

  15. Gurindam Raja Ali Haji kepada Encik Najib:

    Barang siapa yang sudah besar,
    janganlah kelakuannya membuat kasar.
    Tanda orang yang amat celaka,
    aib dirinya tiada ia sangka.

    Jika hendak mengenal orang berbangsa,
    lihat kepada budi dan bahasa,

    Barang siapa khianat akan dirinya,
    apalagi kepada lainnya.
    Kepada dirinya ia aniaya,
    orang itu jangan engkau percaya.

  16. Dah berapa Kali mak kamu cakap kamu ni Bodoh!
    Boss Kamu pun kata Kamu Bodoh!
    Najib pun Kata Kamu ni bodoh!

    Tak faham lagi Ke? Bodoh!!

    1. annie kamu bukan bodoh....yg bodohnya si bodoh ini....

      >james bond

  17. I think this is just retribution for condemning Othman Wok in your posting several days ago. Wake up and smell the roses, all this "agama, bangsa and tanah air" rah-rah is just to disguise stealing and do as I like attitude.

    If you sit on the sidelines, its as if your sulking. Well, women don't like to be rejected.

    But right now a lot of pro UMNO blogs are attacking Tun. Tun only said what he said because the people are sick of Najib but everybody is so scared to talk. At least Ibrahim Ali came out in the open and defended Tun. How about you?

    1. Othman Wok was not well liked by us Singapore Malays: dia adalah pengampu Lee Kuan Yew, asyik menuduh orang yang tak serasi dgn pandangannya sebagai Marxist.

    2. #Anon 01:05

      Well, I know many Singaporean Malay-Muslims who support the PAP, believe in equality and meritocracy, competing on a level playing field and being bilingually fluent in English and Malay.

      Sorry to rain on your parade, lah.

  18. u pariah Annie???hahaha betul tak I cakap u Annie is the cream of da cream of da bangang gang...hahaha...

    1. I think a lot Johor UMNO trolls are flooding this,place. Shoo,away

    2. u think by defending her u can get under her skirt ka???hahaha bangang gang the series la u all...hahaha...

    3. *...get under her skirt...* ? stop confusing yourself and your dad with everybody else...we dont defense in return to get something.

    4. Hello 2134
      I am anon 1722. Our comment is genuine, no need for ulterior motive. Her comment on the state of Johor UMNO is spot on. And I think that is why she kena blacklist from PMO.

      For you, you should consider what Tun said. U berjuang untuk Melayu or utk perut sendiri?

      Btw, I am non-Malay. Quite sad to see how UMNO don't fight for Malays anymore but only for diri sendiri. Hope you perform self-introspection (muhasabah diri)

      Terima Kaseh
      Anon 1722

    5. if my dad got confused he'll surely end up under ur mum's skirt...

    6. nothing surprising about you and your pariah dad trying to get under skirts as that is what pariahs like you are...hope your dad dont get confuse with skirts and pants this time...or nanti dia liwat punggong kamu baru you tau....

  19. Annie, it is sad to hear that you were treated this way by UMNO. You are the only blogger who dares to go against the masses by trying to defend the PM although he is dumb and clueless. Your noble intention should have been appreciated and not discarded. But as we all know that UMNO is synonym with arrogant and stupidity. Despite being attacked and remains defenseless or clueless, instead of enlisting whatever support they can get, they decided to ignore you.

    On a lighter note, if you stopped defending this dumb guy, i have no place to whack him through my comments as all the other blogs are whacking him like nobody's business.


  20. Apa bisingx,dulu TDM jadi PM dia pun dikutuk olih Tunku.sampai join oppo,tapi tak ada apa pun jadi pada TDM.sebab orang UMNO belakang dia.Skrg ini same case la,selagi ahli UMNO esp MT dok senyap tunggu lah pada GE 14 nak jatuhkan Najib,itu pun kalau berupaya dgn situasi Oppo sekarang ini....hancus.Ingat Najib bangang ke .he chose to be silent and he knew whatever TDM comments are kacang to him.

  21. PM kita not the hands-on type. Everything outsource to people. He would not go down to the ground unless he brings entourage along.

    Since Tun M, we never had any PM who would take the opposition by its horn. This is the problem. Najib always adopted that elegant silence.

    Information Ministry needs to be revamped in terms of its function. Maybe change the leadership too.

    They're too slow to respond to allegations. By the time people finish talking about one issue, then only they start answering.

    These days, the social media becomes the Parliament. You can't wait for answers in Parliament session anymore.

    By the way, why does Najib keep on appointing losers to important posts? Penang and Selangor UMNO still same leadership. Puad Zarkashi made head of propaganda. Shahlan Nasution (saifudin Nasution PKR's elder brother) made chief strategy. These are all losers. Some even lost in UMNO election. Why are they still around?

    1. Losers will not pose a threat to Ah Jib Gor's internal politics, and he had hoped to purchase bureaucratic expertise thru his con-sultans - but he's failed badly.

  22. Talking about Atlantuya case, why the authorities wants to end this case by citing court decision? Sirul had claimed that he did it on orders and he never admitted in court. Since Najib has been implicated, why don't he exposed the mastermind since new evidence had surfaced and would be a good opportunity to clear his name..But unless....


    1. Ada banyak cara selain mahkamah untuk rungkaikan misteri pembunuhan ini. Sirul gesa KPN buka semula fail perisikan, kenyataan yang dibuatnya kepada cawangan khas sebaik dipanggil balik dari Pakistan. Pengarah dan Timbalan Pengarah Cawangan Khas ketika itu sudah pasti mempunyai maklumat jelas secara langsung tentang perkara ini. Jika KPN sekarang dari cawangan khas juga pasti mempunyai maklumat yang lengkap tentang kes berkenaan. Tidak perlu buka fail pun sudah pasti mereka yang berkenaan ingat kerana kes sebegini bukan sesuatu yang lazim. Jadi keterangan Pengarah atau Timbalan Pengarah Cawangan Khas ketika itu boleh dijadikan asas tentang apa yang dinyatakan oleh Sirul sebaik ditahan. Fail mungki telah musnah atau boleh dipinda tetapi maklumat yang diketahui oleh individu lebih bermakna dalam keadaan sebegini.

      Setiap VVIP termasuk isteri juga mempunyai ADC dari kalangan polis yang sentiasa bertugas mengiringi ke mana sahaja. ADC ini bertindak bagaikan kembar kepada VVIP, sentiasa bersama boleh dikatakan setiap masa terutama jika keluar. Boleh periksa kembali berlakukah pertukaran ADC mana-mana VVIP dalam tempoh terdekat selepas kejadian berkenaan? Peertukaran sama ada atas permintaan VVIP ataupun oleh ADC pasti disebabkan oleh sesuatu yang besar. Keterangan ADC ini juga boleh dijadikan sebagai asas untuk membongkar misteri.

      Pendek kata, pasukan keselamatan mempunyai lambakan maklumat yang mencukupi untuk membongkar misteri ini tanpa melalui mahkamah. Soalnya sama ada mahu atau tidak.

  23. Latest news is that Sirul has rebuked IGP's statement and further calling him a liar for issuing false statement on Atlantuya murder misleading the public. The skeletons are now coming out of the closet. We all know that there is a cover-up of top level on this case. IGP must reign immediately for lying on crucial case.We have lost confidence on PM & IGP.

  24. One of the most sacred principles in the American criminal justice system, holding that a defendant is "innocent until proven guilty".But this quote does not apply to Najib now. Due to his prolong "Labour Pain", he is "guilty until proven innocent".


  25. najib must explain about 1mdb and its numbers. as the former minister of finance he should be able to do that. but what did he gave, silence? this is totally unacceptable.
