That's because a friend yesterday asked me what I think about this article,
Well, from the start, when I saw the title and name of the author, I immediately knew that it's going to be a racist article.
True enough, these are excerpts from it,
Rohingyas have long been distrusted. Rohingyas in Myanmar have a dark history — from trying to get their Arakan/Rakhine province ceded away to calling for the province to be incorporated into Bangladesh to their attempt to declare an independent Islamic State.
Rohingyas must know that we too know about Rohingyas terror acts against Buddhist and the massacre of Hindus. So Rohingyas should not not play innocent.
If that's not racist, then I don't know what is. It's like saying that all Indians with Christian names have been proven to be pariahs. Something like that.I don't know how Malay Mail Online can published such vile racist propaganda. Its boss Leslie Lau is after all known to be championing a Malaysia without far as I know. Hey, Leslie, you sleeping or what?
And the author of the article was also clearly trying to get the Malay Muslims to hate the Rohingya who are also mostly Muslims.
Further, the Rohingyas could inter-marry with the Malays and their off-springs within a generation or two become Malay-Bumiputras. Remember the poem “Melayu” by Usmang Awang. Soon, there will need to be added a new line to the poem “Rohingya yang pelarian pun Melayu.”
What it all means is that, the Malays will (in time) need to share their special rights and privileges with the new Malays — the Rohingyas. Thus, the Malay share of their cake will get even smaller. They too will be entitled to studying in UITM and MARA or getting loans from MARA or Tekun. They too will demand the contracts apportioned exclusively for Malay be also given to them.
Hey, we help the Rohingya refugees because they are human and prosecuted.In fact, we would help even animals in need because that's our human nature.
As how to deal with the Rohingya issue, we should just let the government handle it instead of spewing racial hatred as did the author of that article.
The government has proven that it knows what it's doing and we should let it do its job, especially amidst this Covid-19 crisis.
No need to make things more difficult by going on a hate mongering campaign.
That author of the article was also the one who prompted me to do this post earlier at the start of the Covid-19 pandemic,
No need for hate-mongering during this Covid-19 war
Well, some people are simply toxic.
Apparently the same person has been offending quite a lot of people, such as this lady,
That's one gutsy lady.
I wish I'm as fearsome as her.
Yeah, racist scumbags do deserve to be whacked like that.
They are the type that I highlighted in this post the other day,
The worst about them is that they go around shouting Racist! Racist! Racist! at other people while they are in fact themselves the worst racists.