That's because I do think that I'm one of those.
I'm not going to be a hypocrite and deny it.
I'm definitely not the so-called conservative type of Muslim.
I don't even really live the so-called proper Islamic lifestyle.
For one thing, I don't believe that voting for Pas makes it easier for me to go to paradise in the afterlife.
And I don't really like all those Arab things people said to be Islamic.
I don't even like Arab food that much. I think I'll get very fat if I eat all those lamb kebab.
I prefer Japanese food and the kawai stuff.
Still, I'm a Muslim, okay.
I don't do some things they said to be demanded by Islam, but I don't debate on them either.
I hate religious debates more than any other types of debate because I think that's when religion brought out the worst in people.
For me, my faith in Islam is something between me and Allah. Not with other people.
I hardly commented on religious stuff because of that.
And with that, let me write a bit about Datuk Zaid Ibrahim of DAP, whom everyone said is a liberal Muslim like myself.
I think he should consider doing the same, that is not to talk too much about prayers, Islam or other religions.
His comment the other day on the AirAsia pilot who asked passengers of the troubled flight D7237 to pray as he tried to land the plane safely was really stupid.
Sorry, that's the only way I can describe it.
You all can read what others said about it at this link,
Netizens defend AirAsia pilot after Zaid’s criticism on prayer request
Zaid, being a liberal Muslim may not really believe in prayers that much, but he shouldn't antagonised others who really believe in it.
He achieved nothing by doing that, except in a way confirming what the Umno people have been saying all these while that Malays who joined DAP are not true to their race and religion.
Honestly, again, let me repeat, Zaid needs to really shut up on things he is really not good at, especially religious stuff.
Hey, I don't wear a tudung, but I don't go around saying that wearing tudung is stupid because of the country's hot and humid weather.
People want to wear tudung because they believe that's what their religion demands them to do, so let them be la.
Why the need to insult them, right?
What could be achieved by doing that, anyway?
Is it all just about the ego of being supposedly smarter and superior than other people?
That's why I said Zaid was stupid.
In Islam, as far as I know, when we are in trouble, we pray to Allah for help. Probably other religions also suggest for us to do the same to their respective gods. That's what the pilot did. That's what most of us would do in that situation.
Why did Zaid have to gatal-gatal comment on it?
I 'm certain that myself, despite being categorised as a liberal Muslim, would pray to Allah in such a situation.
Well, actually I did that once several years ago.
I was on a night flight to Colombo, Sri Lanka when the aircraft hit a turbulence over the Indian Ocean.
It was the worst flight I ever had. The plane even at one point dropped several thousands feet after hitting an air pocket.
I actually prayed to Allah until the plane safely landed in Colombo.
I do wonder whether Zaid would pray too if he's in the same situation.
Maybe he would.
Now, he talked only like that.
He is still a Muslim, after all, okay.
Just a bit too liberal, I guess.
p.s Sisters in Islam and others of the same type, please take note, ya.