Friday, 16 March 2018

Annie's theory ; if Pakatan wins


The Star expects parliament to be dissolved between March 28-30

The newspaper put its speculation on its front page.

Very brave, actually.

The Star's reputation is at stake here.

However, today, there's no followup on the story by officials.

Nobody has confirmed or deny the story.

Still, the story was written by the newspaper's top guy Wong Chun Wai.

I think Chun Wai must be very sure about his sources.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have published the story.

So, I'm inclined to believe him.

The only thing that puzzled me though, was that these kind of cock sureness about election dates and such used to be that of news organisations closer to the BN and Umno leadership such as Utusan or New Straits Times.

Well, maybe things have changed.

Whatever it is, the general election is very near.

Good lah.

Better get it over and done with.

Hopefully we can move on with more important things in life after that no matter which side wins.

However, I believe if BN wins, the fighting will continue.

The opposition people have never win, so, if they lose I think they will as usual fight again for another election.

But BN people on the other hand have never lose. So, I believe BN and Umno will close shop if that happens.


I think Pas will close shop too.

I think everyone will jump ship to join the winners.

But this I think will not stop the fighting either.

Once BN and Umno are gone, the Pakatan people will start to fight each other.

This is unavoidable.

They will split into the establishment and opposition as it is now.

My bet is that PKR and DAP will form the government as a multi-racial coalition while Pribumi and Amanah become the new opposition in the form of a Malay Muslim coalition.

Sabah and Sarawak parties I believe will gang up with PKR and DAP as their coalition is multi-racial.

Yes....I think that will be the scenario if Pakatan Harapan wins.

Interesting isn't it?

Well, I just hope this country will not burn down after that.

But then again, that's just my stupid theory.

So, you all don't get too scared, okay.

Enjoy this from a classic rock movie instead,

Cool right?



  1. Yes Annie it is really a stupid theory.
    If pakatan wins, PKR,Pribumi Amanah and DAP will form the government and BN will be the new opposition and NOT pribumi and amanah being the opposition. BN will still be around.

    1. Err...I thought Pakatan people like you want BN, Umno and such to be dead and buried...

    2. You are wrong Annie, I am not pro pakatan but pro good governance.

      BN need to be around just in case pakatan didn't perform as required, then BN can be the alternative choice in future election. In this way I am quite sure this country will be better managed in future.

    3. "If pakatan wins, PKR,Pribumi Amanah and DAP will form the government and BN will be the new opposition and NOT pribumi and amanah being the opposition. BN will still be around."

      Yes of course.

      As for Barisan Neraka, they need to detox if in opposition, because every single detail of their massive corruption will be made public.

    4. Ingat umno ni parti org maksum. Ramai yg jadi pengkhianat dgn makan rasuah dan salah guna kuasa

    5. Tggu bapak g... dakwa terus bg dia ada akai sikit... dia dok malaysia dia guna duit jolok badan2 NGO suh buat kacau mcm2... buka kes memali ni semua agenda dia...

  2. All the signs are pointing towards BN winning the general election.Prove me wrong.

    Prof Kangkung

    1. Pros Kangkang,

      Open your mouth (or ?????) as some dedak is waiting to be shoved in.

      Prove me wrong.

    2. Prof shithole talks

    3. Dah lama dah dengar bukti2 kukuh..ttapi apa hasilnya..ziro

    4. Razak Baginda siap Ada BODYGUARD UTK lagi Shooping di KLCC?

    5. Kita tunggu lepas pru14... baru kita tahu langit tu tinggi ke rendah

    6. Manalah kapal selam Malaysia???

    7. Bukti ada bukti ada tapi apa pun tak jadi.

    8. krna najib Negara Malaysia dprmalukan d kbyakkan Negara d dunia..Paling ketara skali,Matawang Negara jatuh teruk.Pedagang dri luar ragu2 utk melabur d Malaysia.Najib cakap skrng ekonomi Malaysia pda tahap normal..tpi pda asasnya tidak..that’s why u say CASH IS KING..ini mndorong ssiapa pun akan menyogok kpd yg d pikir boleh dpkai..Impossibe I vote/choose u Mr.Najib Razak

    9. Dedak mcmana pulak dia ni mkn.... tahu tak tahap kemajuan dan pmbngunan yg rancak sedang berjln kat msia ni...... jgn bgi mknan kuda nyanyok dibuatnya

    10. Geng umno dah buta kau cakaplah apa pun kau bawa la bukti ,mereka tidak akan percaya

    11. PENGIKUT2 um noo ni tahap kebodohan mereka dari

    12. satu dunia Tau dia pencuri ..

    13. Mulut sudah penuh dgn dedak..X blh nk ckp nnt tersembur dedak tu...


    15. Siapa yg bodohkan rakyat Msia..
      ......macam x tahu ja......org2 mcm
      Awak la.........dan ketua awak...laaaaa
      ....yg ckp...."kepala bapak kau" laaaaa....

    16. Wahhh....kau ingatkan pemimpin2 UMNO gitu eh tapi kau masih dlm UMNO. Ha!ha!ha! Kau pun bodoh ler.....

    17. Sudahlah 61 tahun jadi kerjaan.. Beri saja kepada PH.. Sudah dapat banyak duit..

    18. Memang tak bodoh.rakyat Susan bayar gst. Orang pekak. Orang bisu. Orang gila pun bayar GST. Kepala babi kau sundar

    19. Ade macai tak paham isu gst bkn susah bayar tapi menyusahkan dan tak perlu dikenakan pd lapisan masyarakat yg sepatutnya memerlukan bantuan dan bkn dibebankan dgn cukai

    20. Hukuman ...trlepas klw di Msia ... klw bapak atantuya nk dakwa minta mahkamah antarabangsa lah..... sini sorry...

    21. Byk betul masalah lh pm malaysia ni... Dh masa utk tolak BN n ganti PM tun m...

    22. Bill nak saman wikileaks prof melancap

    23. Dedak2 meroyan

    24. Cina does not colonize militarily but economically through asset purchase do u understand?

    25. Religion should not be used in education and politics.

    26. Asal orang dia semua lepas boleh ada lesen songlap wang

    27. Zaman sekarang main ratusan juta shj. Politik memberi kekayaan kpd ahli politik . Sifat tamak haloba berleluasa . Mungkin beranggapan akan dpt perlindingan dr orang tertentu . Insaf lah wahai korup politician .

    28. Lagi2 rasuaj gasak ratusan juta...patut la hutang negara cecah trillion. Hutang da besar, apa lagi 'NAIK HARGA' la, yg terseksa rakyat lo siapa lagi, x akan siVVIP n menteri2 bn umno akan terasa beban tu.

    29. Massyaallah hari2 cerita rasuah juta2. Ye lah kan kalau dh guru kencing berdiri murid2 pula kencing berlari2

    30. Ini lah yang direbut olih politikus2 jawatan dalam ameno/beend untuk kepentingan peribadi,cakap saja menyalak sana menyalak sini habuk pun tarak

    31. Banyak lagi yg belum disiasat.ini ikan bilis saja.Yg berbillion kenapa tak nampak.Semua tu duit rakyat

    32. SPRM siapa yang lantik nanti kena tukar macam yang pergi Immigresen betani ke kita tahu selok belok nak hidup

    33. Wow ratus juta puak puak ni bedal...yg ratus tu juga yg kena tangkap... Dasar cikgu babi

    34. Buat duit seberapa banyak yg.boleh sebelum Pru 14 ini......

    35. umno memang sial laknat.

    36. Pru 14 hampa bagi lsgi kat bn ,benda ni akan lagi byk,macai bn peduli apa janji msduk

    37. Sebab tu lah penyamun pilih lagi... Sebab nanti senang lagi rembat

    38. Byk penyamun dlm amno

    39. Jangan lebeh pikir pasal rasuah dia org ni. Mari kita ubah. Ini kali lah

    40. Kalau rasuah libatkan juta jatuhkan hukuman gantung je..? Baru dia orang tak curi..? Malaysia boleh jadi negara maju & kaya... dalam ranking 10...?


    42. W0w.!hebat dlm umngok skarang kn..semua kaki paw!haha..

    43. Duit 1MDB lesap lepas tu cekik duit rakyat dgn GST.Hasil dari GST pula pakai digunakan mbayar hutang 1MDB.Mgapa media2 diluar tak disaman kalau semua yang mereka katakan itu fitnah.

    44. Klu buat kt australia, tkut nti dia kata, air d sgor lbh kritikal drp 1mdb.

    45. Duit 1MDB lesap lepas tu cekik duit rakyat dgn GST.Hasil dari GST pula pakai digunakan mbayar hutang 1MDB.Mgapa media2 diluar tak disaman kalau semua yang mereka katakan itu fitnah.

    46. Saman selasa dia lah...tempoh 6 bulan settle dibi...dia jugak..kepala bapak..dia jgk...masalah air lebih kritikal dia jgk...2.6 bilion duit dia jgk...betul2 something wrong lah jib ni

    47. Kenapa lah macai2 umno masih percaya..bodoh!!!

    48. Macai2 ameno...kencin...berak..semua dah berbau dedak...mana mau amik tahu...

    49. PR14PH
      SAY NO UMNOBN +PAS + UMNO jamban

    50. Azmin baru tnya skit pasal hutang makin meningkat dia punyer teknik diversion 180° ke isu air. Ni nak mnjawab kat oversea, lg kelaut memalukan msia nanti.

    51. Tanya lain n dijwb lain plak tu...hancusssss.~ Terbaeek Azmin.

    52. Duduk d sedney berkurung d hotel, xberani kluar blk, takut d serbu media,....
      1Mdb menghantui PM,
      Equanimity lg tmbah perisa pahit,
      D tambah lg dgn pemanis2 mulut..felda, kwsp, TH, kapal selam x blh menyelam, semua itu perlu d rass pokjik.....

    53. Kenapa nak buat kat luarnegara? Kat Parlimen Malaysia tak berani berkokok! Nak perabis duit je pandai! Kalau betul2 jantan bentangkan laporan siadatan PAC tentang pelaburan dana 1MDB kepada umum!!! Atau Rakyat Malaysia gunakan kuasa mutlak di PRU14 humbankan BN dan semuanya dapat di siasat sepenuhnya tanpa sebarang gangguan!!!! Takut kerana salah, berani kerana benar!

    54. Lama dah Kak Ros tak shopping

    55. terkincit la...sediakn pampers jika brani berhadapan media antarabangsa

    56. GOOD LUCK HAHAHA...Bugis warrior yang tak bertelur....sure say he has nothing to hide and then conveniently decline later on saying got his security..cannot go.

    57. bersangka baik pd bapak segala pahlawan ni...selama ini dia nak jawap tp balaci dan taliperut berlumba lumba jawap...lg pun dia ada sindrom terkucil kalau di ajukan soalan...terkepit slalu jadinya

    58. Eloklah macai2 bunga..pakat tadah tangan ramai2...madey masih belum puas lagi kencingkan ko org semua..

    59. Ditempat sendiri bolehlah cakap berdegar2. Kat negara orang nanti tempat duduknya kat tepi tandas sebab namanya dah macam tandas (busuk)

    60. PC berani kot tpi kena ada syarat....dia je yg boleh bercakap x berenti merapu hapa-hapa ntah dan tiada sebarang soalan yg boleh diajukn oleh wartawan...yn ni confirmed dia berani .....

    61. Jangan jadi ayam jantan "Kokok berderai-derai ekor bergelumang tahi" Tahi busuk lagi tu ! Be a real man "Berani kerana benar takut kerana salah" "He who hesitate is lost" So face the truth jangan jadi bachul "Lempar batu sembunyi tangan & Mengunting dalam lipatan" Sahut cabaran dunia sejagat👉

    62. jgn laa cabar dia sampai tahap tu... dia mna berani buat punya... skarang ni pun najib ni dok kumpul duit gst nk rasuah malaikat dlm kubur supaya jgn tanya soalan kat dia...

    63. Tv1 dengan tv3 suku je yang ada media antarabangsa lain mana langsung tak nampak...

    64. This pm has lost his marble and confidence time has come to eliminate corrupted government leader

    65. PM buat pc kt sana,tapi press dri tv3suku,rtm,bernama...tu je press yg dia berani buat pc....hahahaha....

    66. PM buat pc kt sana,tapi press dri tv3suku,rtm,bernama...tu je press yg dia berani buat pc....hahahaha....

    67. Tunggu ada Akta Berita Palsu baru senang sikit idup...cakap pasal 1MDB tros masuk lokap

    68. Cuba selongkar dalam seluar dia ada x telor dua biji tu..t off pun terkepit2 ni an nak buat conference d Sydney....karang mc apon elak peluru kapor...

    69. Takut jib masuk hospital nanti tak boleh nak jawab.. sedangkan kat sini ramai yang backup pun tak boleh nak jawab..

    70. Berani le dia hahahhahaha fucker la klu dia berani.. Kt malaysia pn dia spin bagai nk giler...

    71. Hmmm harammmm kat sini pun dah terkepit2 telo nak ckp padal 1mdb.. ni nak buat kat luar negara lagi lah kecutkulup telo nya nnti... cabaran ..ada berani ke kepit...

    72. Buang masa je.jawap la mcm mana pun xkan ada yg betulnya dimata macai dap celaka

    73. Mau tertelan telo kalau brani....kat kpg sndri pun cuak lari dah...lain ditanya lain dijawap....tu pun dia dok mikir mcm mana dimana nak rampok nyamun lg.

    74. Harap dahi saja luas macam tun razak tapi otak udang tak boleh pakai langsung. Yang boleh harap kepit jer.

    75. Buang masa xda faedah .rakyat pun dah faham .pendedak ph yg meroyan mcm orang gila talak .

    76. bodohnya pakcik nihh... camna laa bleh terlepas hidup sampai tua camnih...

    77. Memang elok di maki aje PM mcm ini.memalu dan menyusahkan rakyat

    78. Tk sudah2 pasal bayar gst sebab utang 1mdb.Muak pulak nk bayar...

    79. Cepat Jibbo jawab jgn tak jawab..
      Kalo xnk jawab sah otak kat jubo le tu..

    80. Tk berani jibby..mengelak ngelak dia..ha haaaaa

    81. Xbleh..Nnti soalan 1mdebik bertukar jawapan kpda masalah air Selangor..loL nye pieM

    82. Katanya sama mat salleh masalah air lebih kritical di Australia

    83. Mana pm kita berani hehe malu saja seluruh dunia cakap

    84. Hilang telor Najib nak buat sidang media mengenai 1 MDB

    85. Mana ada bazir duit raayat,berita palsu belaka or fake news.Jho Taik Lorr tu Billionaire dgn Billionaire Rizal Aziz mereka kan deal Berbillion dgn Pak Sheikh dari hasil menabung bro...berbangga la orang Boleh Land boleh throw party hebat dgn artist Hollywood harga champagne 100k biasa2 je bro.Sambung party on super duper yacht 1B pun duit titik peluh depa tu bro,jgn percaya fake news,ini semua salah sangka belaka.

    86. Semua instituisi berkenaan , lindungi jenayah pemimpin 2 BN.
      Rakyat nak Undi BN lagi ke ?

    87. jho low puas bermain bersama omputeh, macai ameno tegar masih menjilat sisa² dedak.

    88. Dia ingat dia ada duit yg dicuri banyak dia bolih buat dia punya suka? Tunggu laa...

    89. Buatla apa yg patut, berani kerana benar takut kerana salah. Kalau kita tak salah kenapa kita diam membisu, saman sajalaa.


    91. Bukan senang nak tutup bangkai gajah😬

    92. All political leaders r the same. If not, how they become leaders! So don't expect others to carry out the transformation. All up to you and me when we cast the votes !

    93. What is important for Malaysia is for the now and future of the ppl. We can't be living in a country and letting it ruin. A change in mgmt is certainly required. No compromise and let down.

    94. hutang malaysia teramat maju kedepan dibwh pentadbiran Najib.. syabas. Tahniah kepada penyokong dn pengundi tegar BN kerana menyumbang kepada peningkatan drastik hutang diri sendiri dn anak cucu cicit. So matlamat pencapaian di utamakn telah tercapai.����

    95. Siapa yg buat hutang,jual eset dia dan bayar la hutang,jgn pula rakyaat yg kena tanggung,x cukup jual juga eset kroni dia itu je cara.nk langsai hutang negara.

    96. Inilah nasib rakyat msia yg dipimpin oleh mereka yg mempunyai kepentingan peribadi. Kalaulah hutang negara sebegitu banyak, sudah pasti pembangunan negara akan slow. Rakyat menjadi mangsa. Pemimpin kayaraya.. kita perlu pilih pemimpin yg mentingkan kebajikan rakyat

    97. Tengku salah malaysia kearah negara maju.... Jadi hutang kena besor itu yg pm dan menteri dia belajo..... Lagi besor hutang lagi maju negara..... Jadi boleh pinjam lg utk majukan menteri menteri yg ada.....boleh buat lagi maju negara nnti.

    98. Selagi ada makhluk perosak yg sokong Najib...selagi tu lah Najib dgn angkuh terus menyusahkan rakyat...

    99. Jangan bimbang kita sebagai rakyat yg perihatin sanggup berkorban demi nagara...lepad PRU ni kalu bulih naik lagi la GST..baru kemas.

    100. No problem dgn hutang negara, kata jibbo dan croniesnya. Undilah bangsat negara untuk kehancuran negara malusia.

    101. 1 trillion tak bnyak lah... negara kita ekonomi msih stabil, najib dan org2 dia tahu la nak settle mcmna... dia pm dan pemimpin trbaik...

    102. Jual assets negara & macham macham chukai, wang pergi mana? Lagi utang banyak. Da terlampau.

    103. Kejayaan negara maju mlysia kerana hutang dalam bahasa mudah mlysia darul hutang tu pun ramai melayu bangang sayang kepada bapak hutang

    104. Bnyknya mne duit tu prgi ya.ksian rkyt kne byar.mntri n kpla bpk mntri enjoy ya😂😂

    105. Mengapa tidak buat teguran kpd Kerajaan pada mula2 lagi. Bila keadaan sudah nazak baru hendak bersuara ? Orang politik 'play safe'.

    106. Kuli ada dlm dewan mcm xde juga,,takut hilang calon ...porah bising apa

    107. imi menampakkan menteri di dalam bee end tak erti urus negara, ada maseh mengharapkan mareka lagi menghuruskan negara lagi? beru lah rakyat malaysia.

    108. sbb begni lah yg raky mendsak supaya byar dulu utang2 negara x ush membazir duit negara n rakyt nti tergadai negara kita hasil dalaman dlm negara byak ada knp x byar utang hang nk mampus pi la mampus sorg x ush la dok menyeksa kan rakyt semua sbb rakyt x membazir harta negara pun segala cukai rakyt dh byar bawa kemana hasil negara?

    109. Umno menang PRU kali ni InsyaAllah hutang makin bertambah dan InsyaAllah rakyat akan menanggung semua tu automatik sensara la rakyat trmasuk macai2 sekutu dngnye..ini Fakta bukan auta

    110. Siapa nak tangong. Boleh bayar ka? Mampus la rahyat. Makan pasir la. Mati oh!! , PM fikir la sikit, rahyat pun nak hidup juga. Kalau rahyat mati u pun mati juga

    111. Relax lah kerajaan buat hutang menimbun kita rakyat yg tolong bayar skali dgn gaji depa.. Depa relax ja perah tenaga kita smpi x leh perah dah

    112. Mo1 mai Perlis warga sini dok sambut dia macam nak mamuih sedaq la wahai orang Perligh

    113. Najib ada jawab bukan jumlah hutang yg jadi ukuran tapi kemampuan kerajaan bayar balik hutang tersebut.... Apa punya bangang pm malaysia skrg ni

    114. Ini pendapat orang hidup dua alam. Sekejap sana sekejap sini, susah nak kita faham. Biarkanlah.......

    115. Tak apa naikkan gst sampai 20%..boleh bayar hutang. Tol pun boleh naik lagi..

    116. Dah sah semua rakyat Malaysia jutawan segera klu diagih2 kan...... Tp yg nyata??????

    117. Rakyat senang hati, negara mampu bayar hutang kata pm najep, guna cukai gst, rakyat tlg bayar, bagi rakyat tiada hari tanpa gst.

    118. Tapi belagak nk kasi mcm2 lagi... Nk capai wawasan 2020 konon.... Woiii 2 tahun lagi lahhhh.... Mimpi tak sudahhhh ker apa????

    119. Ku tak payah bagi tau banyak mana hutang semua rakyat tau. Ku cuma bagi tau kita ubah pemimpin yg mnyusahkan rakyat tukar no more BN. Let BN b d end.

    120. PM yg tak guna. Siapa pilih bodoh, akan bangtrap negera

    121. Bangsat umno misti d kalah kan masa pru akan datang

  3. Annie,

    Have been taking a break so not commenting on anything.


    // I'm inclined to believe him.//

    Look, believe me, OK?

    It's gonna be August 2018 after the last day of Parliamernt sitting :)

    //The opposition people have never win, so, if they lose I think they will as usual fight again for another election.//

    Of cos they would.

    They have to.

    //So, I believe BN and Umno will close shop if that happens.//

    Nup, cannot lah.

    The "business" is too big and the stakes are too high.

    UMNO/BN will continue to exist.

    But it is very likely there will be leadership changes.

    //I think Pas will close shop too//

    No way!!!

    Hadi Awang can walk up and down Jln Bukit Bintang in his underwear as long as he tells PAS supporters that it is all ordained.

    Look, PAS supporters are not exactly the sharpest tool in the sdhed and will believe anything which has that religious "OK" stamp.

    Doesn't matter who is giving that "OK" chop as long as it sounds plausible and the unicorn looks like the real thing.

    //Once BN and Umno are gone, the Pakatan people will start to fight each other.//

    Probably but we dont know until Pakatan wins :)

    As I said previously, it is about changing dirty nappies.

    The Pakatan nappy is nice and clean at the moment.

    Yes, it will get soiled eventually but not just yet.

    //My bet is that PKR and DAP will form the government as a multi-racial coalition while Pribumi and Amanah become the new opposition in the form of a Malay Muslim coalition.//

    That is madness for Pribumi and Amanah.

    Pribumi and Amanah want seats at the "big table" and they know they will get it.

    If Pribumi and Amanah go into opposition, thsy might just as well go into partnership with the remnants of UMNO or those 80/90 seats PAS says it is going to win and form government, right?

    //Sabah and Sarawak parties I believe will gang up with PKR and DAP as their coalition is multi-racial.//

    Well, that is one BIG unknown :)

    I think Sarawak will stay with BN but not too sure about Sabah with the Shafie Apdal effect.

    //Well, I just hope this country will not burn down after that.//

    Yeah, PDRM is training really hard.

    I wonder why :)


  4. Prof Kangkung,

    //All the signs are pointing towards BN winning the general election.Prove me wrong//

    What are the signs which prove you right?


    1. Kangkong's 'signs' must be:-
      - PH cannot use single logo.
      - PPBM's registration nullified. Maybe DAP too.
      - PAS' Haji Hadi helping UMNO-Najib.
      - EC delineation of voting constituencies.
      - Ghost and postal voters.
      - etc & etc.

    2. That are "signs" of winning for PH...
      ...proof of dedak's man and misuse of government agency.
      ...proof that BN is extremely desperate to win. Use dirty game.

      Rakyat is not stupid.

    3. Stealing a democracy is a sign of waning leadership

  5. no lah, Tun M will make Mukriz as PM in 100 day, u will se that.

  6. Unknown,

    //Tun M will make Mukriz as PM in 100 day//

    I see you have been reading He-who-is-known-as-the-Moron-from-Manchester :)

    I have often wondered why Tun M has waited until he was out of power to try and make Mukhriz PM.

    I mean, very susah like that you know.

    Wouldnt it had been easier for Tun M to help Mukhriz while he was in power?

    Who would have dared to say "No" to Tun M at the height of his power?


    1. Yes you are right Glad.

      Only those of subnormal IQ will believe a word written by fat white pelacur RPK.

    2. Unknown,
      I believe those in the Pakatan are aware of Tun M's real intention.I am sure they have something in their sleeves that Tun M might not aware about it.
      Prof Kangkung

    3. So you think we vote penyamun UMNO for licking Jho Low asses?

    4. Konon merperjuangkan bangsa melayu

      Ko bangsat macai merepot lah dalam penjara sungai buloh


  7. No way maa aa , mau menang mesti mau pakai wang maa aa ,tatak wang apa macam mau menang lor rr.

    Lalam itu Pakatan ,mungkin DAP sama itu PKR atak wang lain-lain mana atak wang ,sekali BN tabor semua habit lor rr.

    Impossible maa aa !!!.

  8. Annie,

    We are human being, yes.?

    In this planet of ours, we are not the only country in this planet.

    What happen if Republican wins in US?

    Did democrat close shop?

    What happen if the labor party wins in UK?

    Did the conservative party close shop?

    Let's look at our neighbor,

    What happen if the golkar party lost in Indonesia,

    Did they close shop?

    So, what if BN lost in Malaysia.?

    What do you think will happen?

  9. Pakatan are crooks but most voters are sensible how can Pakatan win.

    1. As Anon 21:46 said... Stupid is as stupid does.


    2. theprofessor 05:05

      Semua olang bolih cekap itu crooks ,sana crooks itu professor pon crooks sama lor rr.

      Kalau professor mau cekap itu mau kasi sebab maa aa ,kalau tatak kasi sebab semua olang bolih cekap lor rr.

      Sikalang professor pon manyak tatak bolih pakai punya maa aa.

    3. "theprofessor17 March 2018 at 05:05"

      You are competing for dedak with Pros Kangkang?

      Kih kih kih.

    4. Hi did scumbag professor

    5. If Pas or Pakatan win the next long as not Bn. Everything will be reveal. And for Najib n the gang Sg Buloh homestay is waiting for you haha

  10. Selepas Dr.M keluar ABC news, Geng-Najib mempergiatkan propoganda bahawa PH mengundang campur-tangan Asing.

    Bila diundang bekas-askar atau Veteran Perang Penjajah dan membazirkan beratus-ribu... silap-silap berjuta... wang pembayar zakat, taja flight ticket & penginapan untuk berarak dalam sambutan kemerdekaan 2107, ok pulak.

    Sebenarnya, jika Najib tidak tubuh 1MDB(berhutang pulak tu) guna Jho Low sebagai orang-tengah untuk berurusan bagi pihak Rakyat, semua ini tak akan berlaku.
    Sudah tentu Dr.M. Muhyiddin, Shafie Afdal, Mukhriz.... masih berada dalam UMNO-Najib & sokong BN.

    Jho Low & Reza Aziz pun satu. Kalau ya pun dapat 'durian-runtuh'... berpada-pada lah. Kata Omputih, Keep a low profile.
    Jangan la buang/tabur-duit macam Pak Arab Saudagar minyak. Buat party-mega-mabuk dengan celebrity Hollywood, beli arak yang berharga RM60k sebotol, demi memperomosikan filem lucah, Wolf of Wall-Street. Inilah yang meyebabkan media US, seperti New York Post 'buka-mata' dan diikuti WSJ & SR.

    Bermula dengan Party-mega-mabuk bersama Paris Hilton dan Leonardo DiCaprio inilah, nama Jho Low, Reza Aziz & 1MDB, dibicara seantero dunia.
    Yang sedap Jho Low, Paris Hilton pun dia dapat kongkek.

    Harap Maklum.

    1. Seperti biasa RD pulled no punches. Bravo..

    2. Satu dunia dok cakap pasal Najib merbahaya kepada Malaysia, buat-buat tak dengar pula. Bab Tun M, pasal benda kecik pun heboh siap buat artikel pulak. Itu namanya dunggu.

    3. AG will say it is all hearsay. Nothing concrete to iniate and investigation.

      Harap maklum harap babi terbang

  11. One thing for sure power corrupts and the longer you hold on to power the more likely for you to be corrupt.Knowing this,its a good idea to have a change after 60years of the same team but you must watch out for the new team and willing to throw them out too if they fail to perform after a reasonable period.With this mentality we will have a better chance for better governance of this country.

    1. Apandi Si Apandi
      Apa you nak cakap lagi ? ?
      Kelakuan you buat Rakyat jelata tak boleh Hormat you.

  12. Annie,

    you said, that "But BN people on the other hand have never lose. So, I believe BN and Umno will close shop if that happens."

    If that's not a joke, that's terrible thinking, and surely an insult to the UMNO and BN members, their beloved President Mohd Najib Bin Abdul Razak in particular.

    First and Foremost, in Perlembagaan UMNO Fasal 3 ASAS DAN TUJUAN, from 3.1 to 3.6, there wasn't anything stated to the effect that the Party was established to win election, or that it should be closed if election is lost.

    Second, UMNO declared that it is a political party "yang berjuang mendukung cita-cita Kebangsaan Melayu" and therefore it's a PARTAI KERAMAT. A PARTAI KERAMAT, like jinns, takes a long time to die.

    Third, Opposition could breath and live on without winning election, UMNO is Partai Keramat, for sure it's much more versatile than the Opposition. So when UMNO loses, it will not go MAMPUS, of course, but it would 'bersemadi' or DISEMADIKAN... depends on and at the pleasure of MAPPADULUNG the King.

    1. Xsabar aku nak tengok najib rosmah n the geng masuk penjara...mudah2an percepatkan pru14 dan masa tue aku harap umno kalah teruk dan najib n sekutu bole dihadap di makahmah...

  13. Be realistic...
    PKR..without PAS in mixed area...Kaput
    BERSATU...hay grassroots members,if deregistered stand election under DAP logo...hancus
    Both PKR and BERSATU...are parties that be described as Too many Generals but few soldiers...
    DAP...status quo,not surprising will be losing few parliament and DUN seats due to current situation in Png..
    PAN...Make your own conclusion.
    PAS...according to Rafizi will not win any seats at all...but if they become BN friendly...totally disaster for PH.
    BN....naturally not perfect but optimistic confidence of retaining power.

    1. Anyway Justice will prevail, and the citizens of Malaysia have matured politically and know their rights, not the fake news they have been hearing from local media.


  14. Yes, 00.51, be realistic.
    And you should heed your own advice.
    To those who have made up their minds NOT to vote for UMNO/BN this coming GE14, it matters not at all under what logo or symbol PH chooses to contest in the election.
    Underestimate and belittle PH at your own peril.
    You may think that PKR, Amanah and most of all, Bersatu as parties in chaos and haywire.
    As if the sinking UMNO/BN ship is doing well and sailing on just fine.
    With all the infighting and back-stabbing going on in UMNO/BN, all it takes is just a little push by PH for UMNO/BN to be confined to the dustbin of history.
    Bersatu, PKR or Amanah don't need a burgeoning membership list to prove their worthiness and strength.
    And, just in case you overlooked this matter, come this GE14, PH can count on the votes for them coming in from UMNO and BN members themselves, who for reasons best known to them will vote for PH.
    Not only from the ordinary members, but right up to the division leaders themselves.
    So, maybe, UMNO/BN should brace themselves for the shock of their lives.

    So come to think of it, I really encourage you and those of your ilk to go on underestimating PH.

    1. Keep on dreaming.Pas is not backstabbing PH.Pas is stabbing PH.
      Prof Kangkung


    2. PAS stabbing PH is nothing new. It is in the same boat as UMNO. Now, PAS members backstabbing PAS
      itself is something else.
      Oh, and just in case you missed out on the meaning of backstabbing, look it up.
      It is something done among so-called friends, not foes and enemies.

    3. Prof Kangkung,

      Re: DREAMING

      In Johor, BN under Khaled has started campaigning, many places they go. But surprisingly PAS is nowhere to be seen. They say, Botak used to be their enemy in PAS, now Botak no longer in PAS, so from then on UMNO and PAS could do zina in public toilet and nobody is going to call their offspring 'bin Abdullah' because , for people like you, PAS and UMNO are couple made in heaven so their pembiakan must be holy holy.. ;-)

      So it's very unfortunate that, despite both parents of Encik UMNO and Cik PAS having settled their RM90 juta duit mahr, but because all these while Cik PAS had accused Encik UMNO as bapok / lelaki yang tak sah and in the same time Encik UMNO had accused Cik PAS as perempuan curang / pelacur, their zina with each other just couldn't happen.... :-(

      Cik PAS nampak Encik UMNO tetap kering tak datangkan selera, and Encik UMNO nampak Cik PAS batang pun tak boleh naik.

      That's why the 'STABBING' of UMNO into PAS tak jadi jadi.

      You are going to see, how the planned marriage between PAS and UMNO is going to spell disaster for BN.

    4. Why would I listen you dumbass academic drone fucktard like you?

  15. Anonymous @ 17 March 2018 at 18:41,

    //A PARTAI KERAMAT, like jinns, takes a long time to die.//

    Jinns die when you stop believing in them.


  16. Annie - reverse psychology again? takutkan voters with your stupid theory? you are PMO closet-dedak receiver.

    1. Exactly my thoughts when reading the entry

    2. Setuju..
      PH walaupun baru ditubuh semalam tetapi kematangan, persepakatan dan perjuangan mereka rasional dan diterima rakyat.

      Resipi itulah yang menjadikan parti najib takut..siapa jangka Tun tubuh BERSATU dan diterima baik oleh PKR, AMANAH dan DAP - dilantik jadi Pengerusi dan calon PM.
      Semua itu tidak tercapai di kepala otak najib dan partinya.

      Kalau sebuah parti umur 60 tahun pun tergugat, mana mungkin penyokong seperti annie, rocky dan sebagainya dapat menggugat rakyat dengan teori tepi jalan.

  17. SG..
    Of course my assessment base on realistic..
    Pse explain why some Oppo leaders esp PKR running away from defending seats..
    How kelam kabut when Prime Minister appointee going to be partyless
    Any proves UMNO grassroot members up to Division level will backstab their party.This same accusations was made before last GE13 and yet UMNO alone won Parliament seats more than PR consisting of DAP,PKR and PAS.
    Who will be having shock of predicment will be more overseas Chinese coming home to vote,undi rosak campaign had been conducted months ago by few Chinese papers.Not all Chinese are rich and some of them felt they were betrayed esp in Png.By embracing TDM as an ally was the last straw for them.The sign was there when DAP was celeberating DAP'10 years rule the attendance was apalling which was slien to DAP before,what more in Png.
    Do not be double standard,your comment also have the elements of underestimate too...
    To the Malay it was very insulting admitting being RELA JADI UMPAN UNTUK DAPATKAN UNDI MELAYU and RELA JADI KULI UNTUK MENANGKAN PH..

    1. Anon 1504
      Berbuih mulut kita ckp pun geng pakatan tiada harapan ni bukan nak dgr pun.They are living in the world of make believe.ckp mudah mereka berangan-angan mat jenin.
      Prof kangkung


    2. Ahhh Prof.
      For someone who professed to belong to the academia, I expect a much higher level of argument from you.
      How disappointing!

    3. No rebuttal prof loser?


  18. Let's first look at the big picture. UMNO/BN has been on a downward spiral since the 2008 elections. Even during the GE13 when Malay unity was much stronger then it is now, and before the scandals and scams involving 1MDB, FELDA, MARA, KWAP, SRC, EPF,TH etc., plus GST broke out to plague the nation, UMNO's and BN's performance wasn't that convincing. In the peninsular, BN only managed to get 85 seats compared to the opposition's 80.
    Percentagewise of the popular votes, it was 44% for the opposition to 38% for BN, while the rest were fencesitters.
    It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that the downward trend will continue for the present ruling party. All these scandals aforementioned were started by Malays, involving mainly Malays with the collusion and collabration of some non-Malay actors. And the main victims will be the Malays themselves, more so when it involves FELDA, MARA and TH.
    Will all these have an impact the Malay voters, both rural and urban? Go figure it yourself.

    As for the Malaysian Chinese, they will forever remain BN's big problems. You can count out their votes. As the past two elections show, they will go to the opposition no matter how much BN try to reverse the trend. They are a very pragmatic people, and they have long memories too.

    As for UMNO members and divisional leaders biding their time before striking out against UMNO itself, that's for me to know and for you to find out. I can't be telling you everything, can I?

  19. Yes Annie ... once a while it's nice to have sweet dream .

    We dream Turm M becoming PM again ...

    We dream Turn M kicking out his deputy the kipas lady for being blur blur..

    We dream Turn M promoting Boboi as his deputy .

    We dream Turn M saying the convicted sodomist do not deserve to be pardon.

    We dream Turn M saying the Lim dynasty is racist after all ..

    Sweetest of all ... we dream Turn M becoming Robin Hood ... robbing BNM and distributing the loots to all marhain ...

    Yesss ... a very sweet dream .


    1. The most sweetest dream is I got landed in jail for mass fraud

      Jho Low

    2. say it well waghih.
      Sweet dreams are made of this
      Remember that song?
      Prof kangkung

    3. After all that's said and done about 1MDB, its Jho Low who had the last laugh.

      Paris Hilton pun dia dapat kongkek.

      #Terima Kasih UMNO-Najib.

  20. Anonymous @ 18 March 2018 at 12:26,

    //takutkan voters with your stupid theory//

    You sound like a newbie to Annie's blog :)

    You should know that theories are usually acvompanied by pretty graphs, many tables of numbers and percentages, and links to referernce sites.

    As far as I know, Annie just writes what she is thinking - right or wrong.

    It's up to us to jump in and give our two cents worth.

    Think of it as a kopi tiam and you have just heard someone at the next table say something controvesdial.

    Do you join in the conversation with something which is hopefully intelligent or do you shoot off your mouth trying to show the world what a moron you are? :)


  21. We have Top Dog and Old Dog in PH .
    They have been tearing each other apart for decades ...when outside the cage .
    What can we expect them to do when inside a cage ?

    Also ..can we expect any new trick from old dog ?


  22. RD,

    //Paris Hilton pun dia dapat kongkek.//

    He paid for that in cash - our cash, of cos.

    BUT, with Miranda Kerr, he got a freebie there.

    She thought she was getting paid with jewelery but the poor girl had to surrender them all to the US DoJ.

    As someone said elsewhere, Jho Low got free makan with Miranda Kerr :)


  23. Waghih,

    My neighbour got old dog and also a big dog.

    When a thief went inside, both of the dogs take a bite and the thief learned his lesson.

    Dog is man best friend.

    In Islam, according to Mazhab Maliki, A muslim can own a dog for the purpose of Sheep hearding or thief prevention with certain rules and condition of course.

    According the American, Dogs are man best friend.

    Who cares about old dogs or top dogs or whatever.

    As long as it benefited the owner.

    The problem is a certain type of animal which, when it sees thievery, evil or anything which is wrong, it do nothing.

    Albert Einstein says, the world is a dangerous place to live, not because of evil people but because of people who do nothing about it.

  24. SG..
    Firstly you have nothing favourable facts to support you argument.Dont full yourself that if you reveal the secret will be busted
    Get your fact correct..GE 13 it was UMNO only and not BN won 85 seats
    Declining UMNO support...Rompin,Sg Besar and K.Kgsar byelection ,all candidates were from UMNO..howcome the margin of votes for UMNO intact and the best were the winning majority increased fm GE13.This happened inspite of Oppo smear dirty campaigns on 1 MDB and GST..
    Never mind,just to be syok sendiri you can write anything same same your idol manifesto which promised moon and stars...I rest my case as the stigma of always in the state of denials had been glued to most of Oppo hardcores...

    1. PM dah melampau. Dia semestinya sedar, negara akan tergadai. Rakyat yg akan menderita... Sebelum nasi menjadi bubur, ubah segera kerajaan di PRU14...

    2. Anon 13:49.

      By-election is just for the sake of replacing an ADUN or MP who just died and would not change a thing, no matter who wins.
      in-fact, it benefited the locals when the candidate representing 'Cash is King' made promises of development grants and gifts were strewn around the constituent.

      Surely, the locals would be obliged to give their support to those who had authority over the moolah.

      Therefore, you must a fool if you rely on by-election result to gauge Rakyat's support for BN. Furthermore, you didn't take into account the low turnout of voters. Most of the opposition supporters does not even care to balik-kampung, wasting their resources and time to vote.

      In contrast to GEs, many don't mind spending thousands of Ringgit for a 2-way tickets home from Australia, Hong Kong & Taiwan... etc, just to exercise their duty as a voter.


    3. 13:49.
      “Firstly you have nothing favourable facts to support you argument.”
      You might be right there. The facts are not favourable to you. But they remain what they are: facts.

      “Don’t full yourself that if you reveal the secret will be busted”
      Only a fool can write a sentence as incoherent as this.

      “Get your fact correct..GE 13 it was UMNO only and not BN won 85 seats”
      My facts were correct. I wrote earlier, ‘In the peninsular, (as in Peninsular Malaysia) BN only managed to get 85 seats compared to the opposition’s 80. BN as the incumbent, could only sraped through with 85 out of the 165 seats up for grabs in the peninsular. As a ruling coalition, that is a very poor performance indeed.

      “Declining UMNO support...Rompin,Sg Besar and K.Kgsar byelection ,all candidates were from UMNO..howcome the margin of votes for UMNO intact and the best were the winning majority increased fm GE13.”
      Another long, muddled and disjointed sentence, losing its meaning and impact on the readers. However, for argument’s sake, I am prepared to overlook this.
      Declining UMNO support.., yes it is continually waning, and there is little you can do about it.
      A GE and a by-election are two totally different things. An opposition candidate in a by-election will have to stand up against impossible odds, with all the might of the government machinery and facilities stacked heavily against him. Throw in copious amounts of money and bribes to the electorates, and chances of the opposition candidate winning the by-election is almost zero. Witness the three by-elections you mentioned. The results were a foregone conclusion.

      I will refrain myself from commenting on the last part of your comments as I believe it will be an exercise in futility and a complete waste of time.

      Just a gentle reminder to you, brush up on your English and your comprehension and writing skills will be a lot better.

  25. Parti2 politik d msia ni wayang kuat . BN kalau menang pun kali ni menang tipis. Aku pun pening kalini nak undi sapa. Hoping for BN to kalah mustahil. PAKATAN menang tidak akan terjadi. PRU ni rumit betul..
