Thursday, 30 April 2015

Reading Dr Mahathir

This blog's number of page views this month is the highest ever since I set it up in March 2013.

With a few hours to go, the number of page views for this month stands at 111,393.

Normally, this blog's monthly page views averaged at about 80,000.

The previous highest number of visits to this blog in a single month was in May 2013 - the month of the 13th general election - with 110,487 page views.

During that election month about two years ago, I wrote 46 posts.

I was  trying very hard that month, campaigning for BN before and winding up after the general election.

This month, I wrote 33 posts (which include this one you all are reading now).

Honestly, I was not even really trying too hard with a few of my posts this month being mere nonsensical ramblings such as the last one,

Good day and bad English

Well, I believe the reason why this blog received significantly more visitors this month was because of this guy,

Former PM Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad still commands the people's attention.

So, when he started to vigorously attack PM DS Najib Razak earlier this month, people sit up and wanted to know what it was all about.

They wanted to know, because Dr Mahathir would not had said anything without a good reason.

I believe that the people had tried to read everything they can get, to know the development of the supposedly Mahathir-Najib clash, including those in this blog.

That was why this blog's page views this month was exceptionally high.

Well, maybe the numbers were nothing compared to that of the prominent blogs, but what should be noted was the reading trend among readers of this blog indicated that the Dr Mahathir's attacks should not be treated lightly or stupidly (as it is now) by Najib and his people.

I'm still hoping for something to be done to avoid BN from losing the middle ground due to the incompetent handling of the grouses voiced by Dr Mahathir and the apparently increasing number of people shifting to his side.

As I had previously wrote, Don't let BN go into the longkang


  1. Problem with Najib is that Woman!!!!

    1. hehehehe TOA PUI KAY POH ROS & BOH LIAO AH JIB GOR hehehe

  2. Mamakutty going around like Badut looking for a Ketua Bahagian to allow him to talk to ahli-ahli UMNO.

    All telur kecut takut dengan keris Bugis or is it Tanduk lembu Minangkbau?

    RT dan Ibrahim Ali tak ada kawasan bahagian ke? Abdullah Shaik pun tak apa. Atur kat Surau atau Madrasah pon boleh.

    Sg Buloh pon boleh. Anwar menunggu nak dengar syarahan Mamakutty.

    1. pasai apa nak kena sebut mamakutty? Awat tak sebut saja nama dia Dr Mahathir? What r u trying to prove bro? Hang nak jadi joker ka?

    2. Ok lah. Lain kali guna Dr. Mahathir a/l Iskandar Kutty. Mamakutty kan senang, Badut!

    3. kesian kat mak pak dan cikgu2 yg ngajar budak yg tak hormat org yg terlebih tua dan terlalu banyak jasa pd Negara..ntah2 makpak datuknenek sendiri pon tak hormat..dah lah tak hormat org diri sendiri pon tak hormat...

    4. Itu la, wahai 08:50 ni org kata dah bodoh, bangang pulak. Kalau bodoh dok diam diam org tak marah, tapi bila bodoh suka tunjuk yg hang tu bodoh tu yg jadi sampah dalam masyarakat. Nak kutuk org tapi fakta pun x betul hahahaha. Nama dia Mahathir bin mohamad la bukan iskandar, awat la hang jakun sangat??? Hahahahahaha kesian kat mak pak hang ada anak otak penuh taik, nak jadi badut pun tak berapa nak lawak cuma hang cukup pandai bodoh dan bangankan diri hang sendiri. Hehehe

    5. biarlah beradap ..hormat orang tua...tambahan orang yg banyak berjaaa pada negara dan dirikita.....

    6. Siapa yang ajar siapa dan siapa yang bodoh? Contoh terbaik ialah Dr. Mahathir ni diberi gelaran Mamakutty supaya beliau senantiasa teringat akan keturunan asalnya dan tidak selindung dibelakang seperti seorang hipokrit Melayu.

      Mamakutty pon tak hormat orang tua-tua seperti Allahyarham TAR, Tun Hussein Onn dan keturunan Datuk Nenek moyangnya.

      Sekarang pulak tak hormat pemimpin seperti PM yang dilantik secara demokratik sebagai Presiden parti dan PM Malaysia.Dia ingat dia masih PM dengan segala "Yes men" dahulu ke?

      Dia sahaja yang meragui integriti Ketua Odit Negara, PAC dalam tugas mereka. Kenapa? Adakah kerana beliau sendiri berpengalaman semasa jadi PM, di mana orang-orang ini semua ikut sahaja arahannya sebagai PM?

      Semua orang dah bau motif dan agenda Mamakutty ni. Di belakang tadbir, tiada lain kecuali nak tabalkan anaknya jadi PM dan legasinya bersama kroni-kroni dan Mahathirist yang diindoktinasi selama 22 tahun.

      Sebelum tiba masa sesuai, dipergunakan proksi pemimpin Melayu yang lemah dan penakut. Pemimpin Melayu yang berani dan gagah perkasa adalah musuh kepada beliau dan harus disingkirkan. Berapa ramai pemimpin Melayu yang jadi mangsa permainan beliau sejak zaman Allahyarham TAR? Memang Melayu alpa dan mudah lupa dan kelemahan ni digunakan sepenuhnya untuk mengulangi permainan singkir-menyinkir pemimpin.

      Kenapa Mamakutty tak guna saluran demokratik untuk menyingkirkan sesiapa pon? Kat tahap Presiden parti, UMNO ada MT, AGM, EGM dsbnya. Kat tahap jawatan PM ada Diwan Rakyat. Kalau salah laku semasa bertugas, ada SPRM, PDRM, AG, Mahkamah dll

      Kau nak jadi Mahathirist, kroni atau kuli Mamakutty selama-lamanya pon orang tak kisah. Nak jadi hamba Mamakutty seumur hidup pon orang tak kisah.Nak buat dia Tuhan mu yang tak boleh dikritik langsung, orang lain pon tak kisah.

      Tetapi jangan hina orang lain hanya kerana tak hipokrit, jadi badut, jadi hamba seperti kamu.

      Antara pejuang-pejuang Melayu dalam sejarah Melayu, pejuang Melayu jenis apa yang teguh , berani, tidak berundur dan tidak hipokrit?

      Orang Bugis, Jawa, Riau dll Nusantara atau Mamak dan penyangak Melayu Perlembagaan?

    7. Teringin nak tahu berapa umur komentar ni.rasanya maybe dah berumur kot bila tahu semua benda kalau muda lagi,rasanya hanya membaca daripada hikayat sang purbakala yang tidak tahu sahihnya.stick to the current issue point hanging on the issue that has by past us long before ur even had ur unilateral wet dream.
      and for the info,arent we all from various places in asia like india,indonesia,polynesian or even sulu.

      Imagine somebody called u a bloody malay.will.u be mad?

    8. kerana awak pandai dan sgt berhemah..cer terangkan kemana berpuloh biliyen hengget ilang...

    9. something is wrong with this anon 10:41 guy

    10. Wa atak ingat eaa aa , itu Anon 22:50 ,8:50 ,10:41 atak jiwa punya sakit lor rr , lu bolih tenok lia lekat lain punya blog ,pon atak selupa cekap , kasi ulang-ulang maa aa .

      Kasi loaa sama lia lah , bikin semboh lia punya sakit lea aa .

  3. Thank You, Tun Dr. Mahathir and the People of the Middle Way


    1. Dedikasi kepada Dr. Mahathir & Dr. Siti Hasmah

      Malamku Bermimpi

  4. Please could you suggest what exactly needs to be done to counter Tun M's allegations?

    1. Najib kena jawab mana pergi duit 1MDB, kenapa BSI Singapore keluar statement documents dari 1MDB adalah palsu, kalau pelaburan 1MDB menguntungkan kenapa kena meminjam dari ananda. Najib mempunyai utusan, berita harian, star dan Nst. Siarkan jawapan anda terhadap segala persoalan yg ditimbulkan oleh Mahathir. Habis cerita. Seperti apa yg mahathir lakukan kepada segala pertuduhan tentang kronisma yang dibuat oleh bekas ketua pemuda umno dahulu iaitu Datuk seri zahid hamidi. Najib tidak harus berdiam diri. Berani kerana benar kecuali kebenaran tidak berada di pihak najib

    2. Fully agree with you bro.the longer the issue drags more people are becoming scepticals.they might feel that najib is buying time

  5. The only way to avoid BN to fall into the longkang is to force ahjib gor to resign....

  6. Let me thrust you to dizzying counts. O la la. I am the one you're looking for.

  7. Middle Earth is with Mahathir and will show That Bugis Warrior a thing or two!

    1. untuk menjadi pahlawan, tidak kira pahlawan apa sekali pun sesorang itu tidak harus mempunyai ketakutan terhadap isteri sendiri. Tapi bila najib sebut dia umpama pahlawan bugis tu yg buat rakyat nak tergelak. Kesian dia. Dia hidup dalam khayalan. Dan dikelilingi oleh bangang bangang dan jemuan jemuan yg syok sendiri

    2. Greed and False Pride will send them into the monsoon drain ...

      How about some humility?

    3. Bugis Warrior?
      He doesn't have enough cojones to be called a warrior

  8. Plz dont be too judgemental. Sure all in this forum are well educated ma...... and very sure what dr.mahathir is doing is for the love of our country ie Malaysia.....

    1. "Good intentions are the most beautiful of secrets."
      - Sayyidina Ali r.a.

  9. Wow! So many Mahathirists commenters comin out. Must be desperado.

    The last gasps of hot air, kut?


  10. Sorry but have to date to date that Rewcastle Brown woman, adinda Ms Annie
    SR editor in London,

    OK kut(?) to in-sya-Allah check some sensitive private documents
    and messages that are taking us and Malaysia by storm.and
    absolutely convinced our normally hyper-cynical Tun Dr M.

    Haji M Zin
    Alor Gajah DPH

  11. To called a clash is rather inaccurate. A clash is like when two persons have different opinions like the crooked bridge. In this case,Tun is asking Najib to answer on some of the possible wrong doing by Najib like 1MDB and Atlantuya murder among others. I would rather term it as Tun’s questions to Najib. And since Najib has been silent(the crappy interview on TV is just a merepek session), we can safely assume that there is indeed wrong doings on Najib’s administration.

    This Jibby boy of Rosie do not need to further pay billions of poor rakyat’s money to hire consultants to counter these questions. Since he assumed premiership, all his strategies like 1Malaysia, Ah Jib Gor etc not only did not workout but instead brought disastrous result. Since he is too arrogant and/or dumb to realize this, whatever strategies that his expensive and drunkard consultants come up with will fail miserably, except for one golden strategy-that he vacate his premiership immediately. Too much damage has been done. To borrow the late Karpal’s quote “Najib has brought so much trouble to the country and Najib harus bertaubat”.


  12. haji zain..since your love Jibby so much, can you answer on behalf of jibby where 24 billion disappeared..


    1. Sure you look for $25 billion, is that the latestt $ now(?) Sdr Anon 23:15
      and I go visit Rewcastle Brown to keep her an honest woman, boleh?

      Haji M Zin
      Alor Gajah DPH

  13. LUTH just confirmed it bought one plot for188.8 M.. but not the Signature tower plot.. Wow inspite of the High Risks conclusion.. I would love to see the economic evaluation.
