Sunday, 14 September 2014

Racists, bigots and hypocrites

So now there's a campaign or two for good Malaysians to take back this country from bigots and racists.

To be more specific, MALAY BIGOTS and MALAY RACISTS.

Well, according to those who organize these campaigns, only Malays in this country are qualified to be not so many words lah.

Umno, Perkasa, Isma = racists

DAP, Dong Zong, Hindraf = not racists

Who are the people who organize these campaigns?

Pro-Pakatan people like Ambiga, pro-Pakatan people pretending to be pro-BN like The Star boss Wong Chun Wai and bleeding hearted liberals who know nuts about the reality on the ground like Anas Zubedy, Marina Mahathir etc.

Well, go ask Marina Mahathir point blank whether her father who led Umno for 22 years is a racist and she would definitely say NO.

How about her brother, that Umno's Kedah MB? Is he a racist? She will probably say NO too.

How about Umno? Is it a racist party? Based on her latest diatribes against the establishment, I believe she will probably say YES.

Yup, that's Marina Mahathir for you.

And I thought I am a confused bitch, sometimes.

Anas Zubedy? Honestly, I don't know this guy.

All I know is that he looks a bit like a Mat Salleh (or probably some northern Indian ancestry), write like a goody two shoes and knows a lot of important people.

He even got Marina Mahathir's father who led that racist Umno party for 22 years to launch his book recently.

Does he think that Marina Mahathir's father is a racist? I don't think so. Otherwise he wouldn't ask him to launch his book wouldn't he?

Does he think that Umno is a racist party? Err...go and ask him yourself la.

How about Wong Chun Wai and his The Star newspaper?

I think for that, it is better to refer to Helen Ang

Here is her latest posting

M’sia a better place if all Malays are like Marina, say Firsters

Yup, just look at the other Malay columnists writing for The Star : Azmi Sharom, Zainah Anwar etc. All from the same brand being promoted as the best among the Malays.

If you all happened to meet Chun Wai, do ask him whether he thinks Umno is a racist party.

I bet he will pause for a bit.

And as he was mulling on what to say, you should quickly ask him whether he thinks that his MCA towkeys are racists too.

Both party were race-based, aren't they?

Watch as he struggles with an answer. Can be quite fun, okay.

Also, please ask Chun Wai whether all those over 90 per cent Chinese who voted for DAP and their allies to get rid of the Malay-led BN government are all against racism and bigotry.

Well, I think you all know the answer to that.

Let's not be hypocrites.


Actually, I don't want to waste my time writing about her on this beautiful Sunday morning.

Suffice to say that she is just a Pakatan's stooge, plain and simple.

That's all there is about her.

Mana-mana Melayu yang jadikan Ambiga ni ikon dia orang, memang lah dia orang tu spesis bodoh.

Aku malas nak betulkan lah. Bukan kerja aku pun nak bagi pandai orang bodoh yang tahap kronik macam tu.

Apa-apa hal korang tengok je lah rupa Ambiga tu, lepas tu tanya diri sendiri apasal engko orang nak jadi pengikut dia.

Kalau korang masih nak juga jadi pengikut Ambiga ni, maka betul lah yang bapak Marina Mahathir tu cakap, Melayu memang bengong.

Pada aku, dari jadi pengikut Ambiga, lebih baik jadi pengikut KJ.

At least KJ handsome.


  1. Hehehe that true. Siapa yang ikut Ambiga memang sah bodoh. Tapi apa boleh buat. UMNO senyap diam seribu bahasa. Tak berani bersuara tapi masih berani mengaku dialah parti yang mewakili orang melayu, yang melindungi orang melayu, yang menjaga hak orang melayu. Humm boleh percaya ke.

    1. Mengapa tak boleh percaya? Dah 57 tahun terbukti, tak nampak juga lagi ke?

      Salepas pergaduhan kaum 13 Mei 1969, di mulakan Dasar Ekonomi Baru dek Kerajaan pimpinan UMNO di bawah Tun ARazak. Di tahun 1970 Melayu ada ha nya 2% kekayaan dan ha nya 5% dalam bidang professional saperti doktor, jurutera, akauntan, dsb nya. Tapi sekarang Melayu dah ada 20% lebih kekayaan dan dah demikian ramai doktor Melayu, akauntan Melayu, beribu Melayu yang pegang ijazah Master's dan PhD dalam berbagai bidang.

      Sekarang ultra kiasu DAP tak boleh kata apa saja mereka suka, di mana mana dn bila bila masa yang mereka suka tanpa di cabar dek Melayu yang dah ramai yang berkelulusan tinggi.

      Tengok lah, ada sekurang kurang nya 170 daripada jumlah 191 Bahagain UMNO yang menyuarakan tak mahu Akta Hasutan di bubarkan. Tak tahu ke bahawa Akta Hasutan itu melindungi berbagai hak dan kepentingan Melayu dalam Perkara Perkara yang di kenali sebagai sensitif dan tidak boleh di perso'al, termasuk Kedudukan Istimewa Melayu dan Bumiputera Sabah dan Sarawak.

      Ada parti lain yang buat gitu ke? Yang saya lihat, parti parti Melayu lain ikut DAP yang mahu Akta Hasutan di mansuhkan.

    2. He..he.. Annie, simple, plain, macam roket Al Qassam yang membalas BUTA TULI yahudi !

      1. BUTA TULI yahudi - sasaran AlQassam Annie

      2. BUTA TULI gunakan peluru 'Melayu Bengong' (contoh proPR) membantai Melayu Islam !

      Kudos Annie !

  2. Well done, Annie. Bloody good post. Plain and simple language but hard hitting and effective in imparting your thinking. That's why you are on Rocky Bru's Blog Roll. And getting 1.3 million clicks yourself in just 1 1/2 years.

    I'd say encore. Especially on your comments against Ambiga. To me, what stinks as far as that woman is concerned is the fact that her bank accounts had foreign remittances at the time of so much talk of Anwar arranging for Neocons, Jews and Zionists in US to remit funds to Malaysia Kini, Suaram, etc (many having admitted receiving). There were reports about her several bank accounts in the papers before the Bersih 2.0 rally.

  3. Malay must stopp of being raciest ,not them (kaum pendatang) but they still prefer to send their children to ,'racist school' SJK(C) and SJK(T) denying the existence of one school that could unite all Malaysian that is Sekolah Kebangsaan .

    That why the 'Sedition Act' must remain until people such as Ambiga and her alike, are no more around .

    Melayu mesti berubah ,bukan mereka yang berubah ! , so if they go to Australia or Europe ,they want the 'Mat Salleh' looks at them as white .

    1. I know you menyindir, sarcastic at them who do not want to respect and abide by the Constitution. Article 152 on BM as the national language, BM as medium of instruction for schools, etc. I support what you said.

      Been said many times that those who don't respect and abide by the Constitution should migrate to countries whose Constitution they respect and willing to abide by. Including by well-known personalities in this country.

      Also agree the Sedition Act must stay. Minister Shahidan Kassim had said 160 (by now at least 170) out of a total 191 UMNO Divisions have expressed their wish that the Act must be retained. Including Cabinet Ministers and UMNO Supreme Council members.

      Some have even asked UMNO to replace the person who wants to replace the Sedition Act with something else.

    2. The Sedition Act must be retained indefinitely, forever. It protects the sensitive clauses of the Constitution, for example, on citizenship right of non-Malays, the institution of YDP Agong, the Malay Rulers, the Special Position of the Malays and the Bumiputeras of Sabah and Sarawak, etc.

      If the Sedition Act is removed, DAP people and their kind will start to question those institutions, the Special Position of the Malays and the Bumiputeras and, in turn, the Malays and the Bumiputeras of Sabah and Sarawak will question the citizenship right of the non-Malays and non-Bumis, then all hell will break loose.

      We must avoid another race riots like in 1969 and therefore the Sedition Act must be retained forever.

    3. Anon 5:28,

      Replace the person ,who wants to replace the Sedition Act.

      I agreed to that .

  4. Let me reiterate, reemphasize and reinforce that I am glad and proud to be the Ultra-Malay-Racist after PRU13.

  5. The dictionary definition of racist is where there is antagonism towards another race.

    The DAP is definitely that. They picked up Lee Kuan Yew's/ PAP's slogan "Malaysian Malaysia" after LKY and Singapore were kicked out of Malaysia in 1965. Wanting equality without simultaneously acknowledging the Special Position of the Malays and the Bumiputeras of Sabah and Sarawak that's spelt out in Article 153 of the Constitution. In so doing hey appeared to be antagonistic towards the Malays and the Bumiputeras of Sabah and Sarawak.

    The Government White Paper "13 May 1969: A Tragedy, by the National Operations Council, October 1969" (can be Googled) tells that for the 1969 general election campaigning and the election results celebrations, the DAP and gang's behaviour led to the race riots of 13 May. That was the biggest and sorriest example of racism in this country.

    Let's avoid another one like that. Let's call for the retention of the Sedition Act. Less sedition, less likelihood of another 13 May race riots.

  6. I like your post today. Memang Melayu bengong. Suka bertuankan bangsa asing yang dulunya pendatang. Dulu kerja bawah benggali putih jadi drebar, Kemudian suka ikut arahan cina tongsan sampai sanggup jadi kuli payungkan cina totok, Sanggup ikut telunjuk tamil (ni orang dari negara India yang panggil nak bezakan asal usul keturunan ni) sebab mereka pandai klentong. Sekarang dah mula sanggup kerja bawah indon dan orang paki dinegara sendiri.....aduh..bodohnya Melayu...Sedangkan bangsa-bangsa ini merempat di negara sendiri dan melata di bumi asing. Sia-sia Tun Mahathir berjuang 22 tahun menaikkan taraf melayu supaya menjadi TUAN. Melayu terus bodoh mengikut telunjuk pendatang supaya menghapuskan taraf KETUANAN sendiri. Memang bengong tak mahu menjadi boss tapi sanggup jadi pak turut dan kuli batak.

    Nak marah saya marahlah. Kebenaran tu memang pahit walaupun itu hakikat. Orang Melayu lupa bahawa tak kaya oleh emas pembawa, tak gadis oleh kain berselang. Jangan lah barang tergenggam jatuh terlepas.

    Happy Sunday

    1. Melayu yang terus bodoh mengikut telunjuk pendatang supaya hapuskan taraf KETUANAN sendiri itu ia lah merela di PKR dan PAS. Bersekongkol dengan DAP, selalu kena cangkol.

      Mana tak nya, DAP kata "Never" dan "Over my dead body" kapada Hukum Hudud mereka, pun mereka terima.

      Yang PKR pulak di pimpin dek sodomist pemain belakang. Mahkamah Tertinggi kata, walau pun rayuan nya di benarkan "atas sebab sebab teknikal", Hakim Hakim itu catitkan dalam penghakiman mereka bahawa Anwarul Al Juburi ada menyondol belakang.

    2. "Sia-sia Tun Mahathir berjuang 22 tahun menaikkan taraf melayu supaya menjadi TUAN." -

      Saya fikir Sdr maksudkan supaya menjadi Tuan kpd diri sendiri, tidak lagi menjadi coolie dan bertuan kpd orang lain.

      Kadang kadang kita keliru dengan istilah Ketuanan Melayu. Istilah itu tidak bermakna Melayu jadi Tuan, yang lain jadi hamba, saperti coba di propagandakan dek DAP dan yang sekutu dengan mereka.

      Ketuanan Melayu yang kadang kadang di sebutkan itu ha nya merujuk kapada kedudukan, peranan dan tanggongjawab YDP Agong, Raja Raja Melayu, Majlis Raja Raja dll yang di sebut di Perlembagaan negara dan di lindung oleh Akta Hasutan. Juga ada Perlembagaan negeri negeri di negara ini yang menyatakan jawatan tertentu perlu di penuhi oleh orang Melayu sahaja.

      Ini tidak rasis sebab di negara maju sperti Amerika pun Perlembagaan nya menyatakan ha nya yang di peranakkan di Amerika sahaja boleh menjadi Presiden negara itu. Bermakna ada had nya, walau pun had itu berbeza dengan di negara negara lain.

  7. Saya pembaca blog Annie yang sentiasa mengikuti tulisannya setiap hari. Walaupun Annie selalu bersikap merendah diri terhadap apa yang ditulis, saya menganggapnya terbaik kerana lahir dari suara hati yang jujur .

    Kebanyakan apa yang Annie tulis saya amat bersetuju dan tidak ada yang kontra kecuali kenyataan ini,

    '.......Pada aku, dari jadi pengikut Ambiga, lebih baik jadi pengikut KJ.....'

    Pada saya antara KJ dengan Ambiga sama sahaja. Malah saya lebih 'tabik spring' kepada Ambiga kerana dia teluuuuuus ( ikut istilah Najib ) dalam perjuangannya.

    Kita tahu apa pegangannya dan dia tidak menyembunyikanya. Terpulang kepada kita untuk sokong atau sebaliknya!

    Tapi manusia bernama KJ adalah manusia 'cunning' Saya hargai pencapaian akademik dan kebolehannya bercakap adalah 'tip top'

    Pada saya bila ingat KJ, ingat Anwar Ibrahim!

    Mungkin saya terpengaruh dengan gossip gossip mengenainya. Mungkin cerita yang didengar tidak benar. Moga diampunkan Allah swt dosa saya

    Dengar cerita pada awalnya dia meminati Nurul Izzah. Bila Anwar kantoi, dia melakukan babak filem Hindustan untuk memikat Nori. Dia berjaya.

    Bijak tak dia memulakan langkah politikya! Terus 'tangkap ' yang tertinggi!

    Begitu juga cara dia memenangi KP UMNO yang saya anggap tidak gentlemen.

    Selama dia memengang KP UMNO, apakah pencapaian 'brilliant' dia . Jadikan pencapaian Allahyarham Tan Sri Jaafar Albar ( Singa UMNO ) dan Allahyarham Datuk Harun Idris sebagai Penanda Aras!

    Pemuda UMNO pada zaman itu amat digeruni dan diberi pelbagai nama yang hebat! Antaranya ginger group , kumpulan pendesak dan menjadi 'check and balance' kepada badan Induk!

    Mana suara KJ dan Pemuda UMNO bila Melayu Islam dilanyak secukup cukupnya oleh kumpulan Cinabing biaDAP dan geng Ambiga? Bukan itu antara tugas mereka untuk mempertahanan kelangsungan perjuangan UMNO?

    Penilaian saya terhadap perjuangan KJ, tidak lebih daripada 'personal glory'

    Saya pernah melahirkan pendapat bila KJ menjadikan penyokong tegar DAP sebagai setiusaha akhbarnya'

    Di sinil lah 'kebijaksanan' KJ berpolitik! . Dia berpandangan jauh. Dia telah membina asas untuk menyelamatkan keriar politiknya pada masa hadapan sekiranya UMNO/BN lingkup.

    Hanya KJ, pemimpin UMNO yang tidak pernah dilayak LKS dan LGE. Malah dipuji puji. Berhati hati dengan 'burung tempua bersarang rendah!'

    Kemungkinan UMNO/BN lingkup dalam PRU 2018 amat 'cerah' dengan kepimpinan moyok Najib!

    Dalam PR tidak ada pemimpin Melayu yang berkelibar dan berpengaruh setelah Anwar Ibrahim menghuni Istana Kajang' Lagi pun pada masa itu Anwar sudah TUA.

    DAP adalah golongan yang rasional dan berpandangan jauh. Mereka sedar untuk menjadikan non Malay sebagai PM hampir mustahil!

    Jadi siapa yang layak untuk menjadi PM kalau bukan KJ, tokoh yang sealiran dengan mereka walaupun kini memakai 'baju' UMNO/BN.

    Saya yakin KJ akan patuh dengan kehendak mereka demi cita cita menjadi 'the youngest PM', walaupun mungkin pada ketika itu dia telah berumur lebih 40 tahun!

    Siapa yang tidak mahu merebut peluang yang terhidang di atas dulang emas!

    Atas dasar ini dulu, kini dan selamanya saya tidak akan pernah menyokong KJ. Malangnya, memang belum ternampak calon pemimpin ummmmph dalam UMNO.

    Mungkin kita kena lihat dan cari di kalangan Ahli Majlis Tertinggi UMNO malah di kalangan pemimpim Pemuda dan juga Puteri untuk pemimpin pelapis UMNO!


    1. Re:"Pada saya bila ingat KJ, ingat Anwar Ibrahim!"

      Saya pun berpendapat begitu. Saya sangat skeptikal dgn KJ, instinct saya dia ni berpolitik secara berpura-pura, macam Anwar dulu dan sekarang. Harap Mukhriz boleh wallop KJ suatu hari.

    2. Mana "telus" nya perjuangan Ambiga?

      Tapi kalau ikut Kmus Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka,

      telus = dapat masuk ke dalam lubang dll, terus menembus, bulus, celus.

      Jadi, mengikut Kamus DBP, Ambiga memang lah itu semua.

      Hahaha, Ambiga bulus, celus. Betul ke Najib ada kata Ambiga telus?

    3. Mak ai panjangnya tulisan kau anon 16:13. Daripada gaya penulisan, kau sebenarnya ada bakat menulis. Kau ni wartawan ke apa? Dengan mata pena yang tajam begitu, kenapa tak menulis atas identiti sebenar? Kau boleh jadi popular dengan tulisan sebegini..

    4. KJ ? Hmmmmmph. ....Below average as KETUA PEMUDA.

    5. Saya setuju benar dengan PAK uda.

      Yang sepatut nya Ketua Pemuda UMNO buat kempen berterusan mendapatkan mereka yang belom mendaftar mengundi sabelom PRU13, saya tak terbaca pun dia buat begitu.

      Kadang kadang dia keluarkan komen yang bertentangan dengan kepentingan Melayu, mirip kpd kepentingan bangsa lain, pada hal dia Ketua Pemuda UMNO. Ada masa masa nya saya tertanya tanya sama ada dia siuman atau tidak pemikiran nya. (Tertanya, belom menuduh).

      Tak pernah mana mana politikus di dunia ini menyatakan hasrat nak jadi PM sabelom umur 40, atau sabelom apa apa umur pun. Dia buat begitu, bukan kah satu tanda tak suman? (Saya bertanya, belom menuduh).

  8. Achi Konde....Pariah

  9. Hmmm, mmg bangang sapa ikut ambigot. Dorg ni rasa terlebih cerdik sampai nk pusing undg2 ikut sedap rasa dorg. Mana2 undg2 yg jd penghalang, hapuskan., banyak santekk muka ambigot n d konco2 ni, puiiii..!!

  10. Memang achi tu bangang. Buat NGO pun namakan Negara Ku. Kan nyata macam budak kecik tu.

    Negara Ku nama lagu kebangsaan kita, Dia nak persendakan Lagu Kebangsaan negara kita. Patut dia di tohmah di mahkamah di bawah Akta Hasutan.

    Rasa nya ada yang dah meyuarakan saperti ini. Wahai pihak berkuasa, nak tunggu apa lagi? Jangan benarkan sesiapa mempersendakan lagu kebangsaan negara kita.

  11. What is the hu ha about sedition acts.Why so afraid if you do not break the law.These politicians are suppose to be educated lots.Pse use your brain whenever passing statements.Be rational and not emotional,unless they purposely do so just to create issues and be relevant to the public.If it is the case then be ready to face the consequences.Law is law,if you breaks it,convicted,do not complain if being punished.

  12. Tun Defended His Claim

    Former Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad today defended his controversial claim that Malays are "lazy" despite a torrent of criticism.

    "I do not want to deceive myself. If lazy, I will say lazy.

    "If people don't like, then so be it. Even when I was Umno president I nagged all the time," he said in an interview published in Mingguan Malaysia today.

    In the interview, Mahathir spoke at length about the need to read and be hardworking.

    When asked if he did not think Malays were hardworking, the former premier pointed to local varsities for example.

    "If we go to university, 70 percent are women. Where are the males? What are they doing? They become Mat Rempit.

    "That is why I say not hardworking. Even when they go to university but do not learn properly," he said.

    He added the Malay community needed to work harder to catch up with other communities.

    Mahathir also again raised incidents involving a bread franchise he owned which he claimed highlighted the lack of integrity among the Malay community.

    "Now I own bread shops. I say it clearly, I am ashamed because among Malay, Chinese, Myanmar or any other workers... when Malay workers see money, they forget and become dishonest," he said.

    In one incident, he claimed his manager had attempted to conspire with other workers to siphon off money but was thwarted by one of the workers.

    "I had to sack many Malays because of this sort of attitude," he said.
    Mahathir has in recent days been accused racial stereotype after he made disparaging remarks about the Malay community on Tuesday.

    1. What is right is right ,whatever weakness that the Malays are being labelled with ,are supposed to be overcome . They should UBAH ,but not the type of UBAH that Lim Kit Siang is proposing .

    2. The Malay commoners have been attacked on two fronts: 1) Islamist Salafism (2) Corrupt Cronyism.
      Both our heads and hearts are under siege.

  13. Melayu memang racist.


    Annie, saje nak share


  16. Ayoyo tarakucha kucha..

    Jadi pengikut Kj?
    Kj pengikut Ambiga..

    Please jangan jadi double super duper bengong..

    1. ^^^ ini satu drpd pengikut ambiga sudah marah....WAHHHHHHH

    2. Setuju dgn kluangman marah. Ada sebab. Sebab munasabah.

      Silakan, kluangman. Teruskan, tunjukkan kebengongan depa tu.

      Aku suka membatu api saja. Yang betul dan sedap di dengor, mesti lah nak dengor selalu. Betul tak?

  17. Annie, are you a Malay or a Malaysian?

  18. An article wasting my time reading. I am a rcist and I am proud of my race and I blend well with outher races and we are all malaysian. What the big deal?

    1. You talk bull. I doubt if you respect and abide by the Constitution fully. If you don't talk bull, I might think you do.

  19. ohh finally annie is back with sort of writing that I thought this blog is all about.
    Everyone is racist, so what? Just like everyone loves money. Some admit it, some misuse it, some deny it. Its a matter of saying it out loud or keep it to yourself. But someone deserves a respect for calling a spade a spade i.e.TDM. That is a character that many leaders lack, maybe to jaga their periuk nasi or simply weak. In general, Yes, malays are lazy, pantang di tegur and tak rajin baca buku. TDM is spot on. Marilah wahai melayu bangsaku, let's reflect on the first word that Allah say to our prophet which is READ work hard is also ibadah yg di tuntut Islam. So who are we really???

  20. Melayu bengong !!!....sarcastic....tapi tengok muka KJ kat bawah tu, darah aku membuak....budak hingusan ni terus dilantik jadi mastermind politik UMNO walhal ramai pejuang yang dah 20-30 tahun berjuang masih jadi AJK cawangan.....macam hampeh !!!!

    1. Najib lantik KJ sebab Najib dah gigil lutut, takut di tanding jawatan Presiden UMNO salepas Tsunami Cina di PRU13. Pemuda UMNO banyak Gurkha. Macam apekenama Azeeez ke yang di beri ganjaran jawatan boss Tabung Haji.

      Gitu jugak dia simpan Shahrizat di bawah ketiak dia walau macam mana pun. Wanita UMNO pun ada banyak Gurkha sanggup ke sana ke sini menentukan Najib jangan di tanding sebagai Presiden.

      Sekarang Najib nak buang Akta Hasutan. Tapi 170 dari 191 Bahagian UMNO dah kata tak mahu di buang. Tak tahu lah jika Najib nak gosok kepala Khairy dan hidung Shahrizat supaya Pemuda dan Wanita tak ikut gulingkan dia sebab nak buang Akta Hasutan.

  21. Annie, if you don't know Anas don't knock him. He is someone who has built a successful brand and business, who has the gumption to say what he thinks openly without hiding his identity. I like your writing skills but are you genuine in what you say? No one really knows because you hide your true identity. Your followers will say that I just as anonymous too. That is true but then again I am not the owner of the blog. All blog owners should be upfront about who they are and then I agree that all of us commenting should also be properly registered and identified.
