Saturday, 8 November 2014

Putting the bible burning issue in the right context

I have to admit that I never really like Perkasa people even from the inception of the organization as they seem to be quite an abrasive bunch.

The bad press  they have been getting had also to a certain extent influenced my opinion of the Malay rights group.

Ibrahim Ali being their leader further put me off.

I never like the man since back then when he was with Umno due to his rather unpleasant personality.

Due to those factors, I have always wonder why did Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad had consented to be the patron of Perkasa.

When Ibrahim became embroiled in the Malay bible issue, due to his alleged call for Muslims to burn the Christians' holy book, I was of the opinion that the guy deserved all the brick bats which came flying his way.

That was until I read this article by veteran journalist Shamsul Akmar of The Malaysian Reserve,

When context is disposable.. 


For context, the issue sparked several months ago when a few individuals reportedly distributed Malay-language Bibles to Muslim students in Penang in what is believed to be an attempt to proselytise them.

The matter was brought up to Perkasa to which Ibrahim said anyone receiving these Malay-language Bibles should burn them.

If that was the context, then the call is specifically for those Malay-language Bibles being distributed for proselytising purposes and not any other Bibles, be it in English, Malay or any other languages.

Then, if such call was specifically made for those ill-intended distributed Bibles are still deemed unacceptable, surely the morally upright detractors should also insist on the original provocateurs be pursued and charged for wrong doings.
But with context dismissed, the issue has now been rendered to be that of an extremist calling for the burning of Malay-language Bibles hence the criticisms on the AG for not charging Ibrahim for sedition.

And given the lack of sophistication in some of Perkasa’s leaders in articulating their views, they contributed further to their already battered image.

And with that, the “original sinners” are ignored and probably laughing away at the success of their venture to cause mischief.

Honestly, I was not aware that the issue started that way.

Otherwise, my opinion of Perkasa would most likely had been less harsh.

A lesson I learned here was that I need to do a more thorough study on the origin of an issue before forming an opinion about it.

Getting things in the right context is indeed crucial.


  1. Aiseh, Kak Annie, what PERKASA abrasive u talk?

    DAP flers, Tokong Lim, Papa Lim Tian Chua, Malaysia Chronic News not abrasif ha? Like hell they are, sis.

    The Mother of all abrasion Dear Leader Tokong Lim la.

    PERKASA said they came out because of Tokong Lim etc abrasive talk lah. Like "pendatang" story. Action and reaction thingy.

  2. Why Tun Dr Mahathir consented to be the patron of Perkasa I think because he got fedap with Tun Dol and after that Najib Bol.

    I also was not impressed by Pak Berahim at first, but after the mess created by Tun Dol and Najib Bol, it sometimes crosses my mind that Pak Berahim is a hero.

    He beats stupid Mat Sabun any time. The bloke who said communist terrorist Mat Indera a hero.

  3. The burn the Christians' holy book thing, he said IF THE CHRISTIANS GIVE MUSLIMS THE BIBLE WITH KALIMAH ALLAH, BURN IT.

    I think it was justified. Constitution Article 3 says Islam is the religion of the Federation. No other religion mentioned. Other laws enacted pursuant to Article 3 says no proselytizing of Muslims. If Christians offer Muslims the said Bible, it's an attempt to proselytize. So, it's justifiable to burn it.

    Well, maybe report it to the Police to avoid taking the law into our own hands. But the message to the Christians is clear - don't even attempt to proselytize Muslims. Especially after then MB Khalid went gagap over the Methodist Church Damansara Utama affair, apologizing even before JAIS completed their report on the investigation.

  4. It is just amazing how easy the Muslim faith in this particular country can be so easily swayed by just one word, one picture. They blame everyone except themselves.

    1. Oh yeah? And not amazing to you thatthe Christian faith wanna use kalimah Allah when the word Tuahn is enoug, ven better suited to the Christian Trinity of God - The Father, The Son and The Holy Ghost?

      There, I, Muslim, even respect the Christian faith - I pur capital "T" on those 3 kinds of Christian God? Spirit a better word to describe the 3? Whatever it is, definitely not Allah, which is the One and Only.

      Not blaming yourselves? Ultra kiasu, innit? Or religious bigotry ha? Respect Article 3 of the Constitution, man. It says "Islam is the eligion of the Federation". No other religion is mentioned. Loud and clear, ok? There are also other laws enacted pursuant to that Article 3. Blame yourselves, now, ok?

    2. Ya. Islam need human law to be protected as though Allah need these stupid Malay to protect Him. Allah is not racist and do not discriminate according to race.

    3. Wo, wo, wo, this damn stupid bastard Anonymous8 November 2014 09:58 calling the whole race of Malays stupid. Must be damned racist chauvnist biadap and kurang ajar ungrateful ingrate Cina Bukit pendatang DAP bastard.

      How, you like the long title I give you. What? You said thank you? You are welcome.

      Why don't you attend PERKASA's function on 23 November where Tun Dr Mahathir will give a speech, raise your hand, ask to be allowed to speak and repeat your words above. Ada berani? Got balls? Your 2 inch dong will shrink some more to 1 inch?

  5. Annie, dear, no harm to form an opinion any time. Expressing it should be done after some checking.

    Me? The moment I detect a comment being Red Beanish or ungrateful ingrate Cina Bukit pendatang DAP, I'll whack and wank lah. Pre-emping them from merepek, melanda landa and nak naik kepala. Tak kasi chance. Depa cakap nais, I cakap nais, otherwise simply wong and dong them. It's called tit for tit. hehe

  6. I like to read the bible, especially Genesis 19:30-36 New International Version (NIV).

    1. Alo, Mista, Who's talking about liking Bible arr?

      People here talking about not liking Bible with kalimah Allah, lu no unnerstand ha?

  7. Perempuan Perkasa Menggoreng ISIS Pembunuh Perogol

  8. Annie juga perlu mengkaji sejak bila platform Perkasa menjadi vocal dan Ibrahim Ali mula dinilai melalui kaca mata yang berbeza. Dari gelaran si katak lompat dia mula diberi perhatian ramai terutama apabila Cinabeng biaDAP mula bongkak sejak PRU 2008 lagi!

    Tentu kita semua sedar bahawa Cinabeng biaDAP dewasa ini begitu celupar dan membuat provokasi melampau terhadap perkara perkara yang telah dipersetujui oleh nenek moyang mereka.

    Ketika mereka dagang merempat di Tanah Melayu, Melayu polos telah bersetuju memberi taraf warganegara kepada mereka ketika kemerdekaan Tanah air akan dicapai. Sebagai syarat mereka bersetuju dengan hak hak istimewa orang Melayu. Hak hak keistimewaan orang orang Melayu tertumpu kepada kedudukan agama Islam, hak Raja Raja Melayu dan beberapa keistimewaan lain yang tidak pun mencacatkan kedudukan mereka sebagai warganegara!

    Tapi dasar Cinabeng biaDAP memang teramat amat TAMAK. Keadilan kepada mereka hanya apabila semuanya mereka kuasai, Mereka seolah olah lupa 8 manusia terkaya di Malaysia adalah golongan mereka serta menguasai ekonomi lagi.

    Mereka mula membuat provokasi melampau termasuk menyentuh perkara perkara yang telah dipersetujui. Bukan kah jahat dan tamaknaya mereka itu. Mereka juga mempertikaikan hak tuan rumah yang telah memberi mereka tempat untuk berteduh!

    Kalau hendak diharapkan Najib dan UMNO pimpinannya untuk membela bangsa, agama dan Tanah air, tunggulah seribu tahun lagi! Walaupun sebenarnya itulah asas perjuangan UMNO.

    Najib lebih mengemis undi orang Cina sampai ke satu tahap seolah olah mengenepi kepentingan Melayu! Padan muka dia bila lebih 90% Cina menolaknya dalam PRU 13 . Nasib baik ada Melayu polos yang terus menyokongnya. Kalau tidak, dia sudah pun meninggalkan Putrajaya mungkin menaiki tongkang menuju Pulau Sulawesi!

    Melayu beruntung ada orang yang mungkin dianggap 'gila gila' bangun mempertahankan maruah orang Melayu. NGO seperti Perkasa dan ISMA lah yang bangkit untuk memperjuangkan maruah orang Melayu walaupun lebih secara vocal. Itu sebab mereka dicaci dan dihina oleh Cinabeng biaDAP!

    Jadi hairan kah kalau orang orang Melayu yang cintakan agama, bangsa dan negara memberi sokongan penuh kepada Perkasa seperti TDM?. TDM yang telah lanjut usia, menjadi PM lebih 22 tahun dan mempunyai pengalaman yang luas bukanlah manusia yang boleh diperbodoh bodohkan dan dibutai matanya!

    Bila tokoh seperti TDM memberi penghormatan kepada Perkasa dan ketuanya, Ibrahim Ali sudah tentu pertubuhan ini mempunyai nilai tambah yang tinggi!

    Dewasa ini saya lebih rela melihat wajah Ibrahim Ali daripada melihat wajah Najib dalam media cetak walaupun Najib jauh lebih handsome dan jauh lebih 'polish' daripada Ibrahim Ali. Pada saya Najib melambangkan 'kelembikan' dan Ibrahim Ali sebaliknya.

    1. Wow, Anonymous8 November 2014 02:54, bloody good comment, bro. Clear, succinct, polite words and expressions, certainly fitting such words as 'kelembikan' Najib, 'Cinabeng biaDAP', Najib 'menaiki tongkang menuju Pulau Sulawesi', 'dasar Cinabeng biaDAP memang teramat amat TAMAK' - nak tambah sikit - depa ULTRA KIASU.

      Nak dengor lagi pikiran Tuan. Silakan. Macam buluh perindu, tiup di angin, naik rindu.

      Pssst, betul ke buluh perindu tu mcm tu? Tak pernah tengok buluh yang di kata buluh perindu. Kalau ada nak juga hantar 1-2 ke Annie, hehe.

  9. So, "proselytising" is haram, but "evangelising" is ok?

    At least, that's what Pope Francis has said, according to recent reports.

    What happens in "secular" countries where "freedom of religion" means exactly what the words imply?

    Do Muslims in these countries create a ruckus when a few Muslims convert to Christianity?

    Do they celebrate unreservedly when Christians convert to Islam?

    At least, in Pakistan, Christians can be tortured and burned alive for allegedly desecrating the Koran.

    Only for the Koran, mind you.

    No one, it seems, gives two hoots when the Bible is desecrated or when zealots threaten to burn it.

    What's next on the slippery slope?

    1. The road becomes slippery-ier and slippery-ier when you blokes don't respect Islam, stupido.

      Drum into you head that in this county, Malaysia - repeat, Malaysia - the Constitution says under Article 3 that "Islam is the religion of the Federation" Loud and clear, very definitive - "the" religion of this country. No two-way about that. You take it or you leave it.

      Leave the country if you don't like it, don't respect and abide by the Constitution, the highest set of laws in the country from which other laws emanate, other laws cannot contradict it, become ultra vires, etc.

      This is not Pakistan and such. No such thing as absolute religious freedom in this country, comprende? Wanna me repeat Article 3 endlessly?

    2. Do Muslims in these countries create a ruckus when a few Muslims convert to Christianity?

      Alo alo, Mista, Which country Annie and we here talking about? Cakap lu bodoh, marah. But apasat mau ciakap lain countries?

    3. Anon 6:41, In Pakistan Muslims also commit atrocities on one another because of ideological disagreements - they have been infected with Wahhabi radicalisation.
      Don't even compare that to Perkasa - it's Malay Islam of the Sufis.

      "The foremost in religion is to know and love your Lord."

      "Man, know thy self ! "

    4. Anon 8 Nov 08:31

      Let's be clear.....the Constitution is a "man-made" document. No more, no less.

      Were those who drafted the Constitution and subsequent laws inspired by the Divine/Almighty/God?

      Or were they mere human beings, subject to the same fallibilities, failures and crises of faith/confidence that the rest of us contend with on a daily basis?

      Are you claiming that the Constitution is "God's Laws" writ large?

      That's mighty presumptuous, because you are claiming to be privy to the mind and thinking of The Almighty/God.

      So, let the PM and the other Ministers stand up in international forums and clearly and unequivocally proclaim the facts of life in Malaysia.

      Or will they twist, turn and duck the issue because they can be called out on it and not have any effective counters or ripostes?

      In short, being shown up as "the king with no clothes"!

      And it's amusing that you mention "absolute religious freedom", when you don't even know what it means.

      But let the PM explain it (which I am sure he can do well) with his interlocutors.

      Failing which we can always send in the Panzer battalions....hahaha.

    5. Anonymous9 November 2014 09:34,

      More than "be clear", let's be damn bloody clear - that while the Constitution is a "man-made" document, no such thing as amending the sensitive clauses of the Constitution. You'll have a bloodbath and the Army asked to help the Police restore order, like during the race riots of 1969.

      And note that you can't change those sensitive Articles even if you have overwhelming power, like 2/3 majority in Parliament. In Fiji, the bloody British colonialists let the pendatang became the majority, they won the general elections, but could not taste power. The Army grabbed power. The pendatang could not stand provocations during the years of military rule, migrated in droves and now no longer the majority in Fiji. The party led by the locals won the recent general elections and the Army gave back power to the people - the locals.

      So, your question "Were those who drafted the Constitution and subsequent laws inspired by the Divine/Almighty/God?" does not apply. It's shit question, nasty and seditious thinking. Remember, almost all the 191 UMNO Divisions and a few Ministers have said they want the Sedition Act retained.

    6. No, those who drafted the Constitution had the draft discussed with those concerned at that time, and the draft was discussed and debated in Parliament among Parliamentarians, all those who were mostly definitely wiser and good thinking people compared to you ungrateful ingrate ultra kiasu pendatang buggers.

      Don't talk about "the Constitution is "God's Laws" writ large" when you buggers don't even respect laws, claiming such things as archaic laws, coz mau main bontot buggers, mau equality and cannot even except you pendatang got citizenship right that the Malays agreed to, and you jolly well should respect the quid pro quo - the Special Position of the Malays which was extended to the Bumiputers of Sabah and Sarawak upon he formation of Malaysia.

      No such thing as being presumptuous. You are having seditious tendency again, casting aspersions on the integrity of the Constitution with the sensitive clauses, including the Ketuanan Melayu, which is reflected in the position, roles, functions and responsibilities of the YDP Agong, the Malay Rulers, the Rulers Council etc, other Clauses on the system of Constitutional Monarchy, all of which constitute 10% of the august document. And the Secial Position of he Malays and the Bumiputeras of Sabah and Sarawak. If you don't like that, would you surrender your citizenship right? Because that's the consideration or the quid pro quo.

    7. And who the hell do not "allow the PM and the other Ministers stand up in international forums and clearly and unequivocally proclaim the facts of life in Malaysia"? So long as they say fully in accordance with the Constitution. Like having Single Stream Schooling.

      Ooooooo, now using the old, worn out saying "the king with no clothes", eh? Bu the one naked and without clothes is Anwar Al Juburi, lorr. When in bed with Kit Siang and Tokong Lim. And Hadi waiting outside with the Amal team of Hudud enforcers.

      Hah, the usual Read Bean-ism now - accusing people mentioning "absolute religious freedom" as not knowing what it means without any substantiation, justification, even explanation. What a waste of your apparently good English!

      You can't send the Panzer battalions, boy, coz you don't have any .. you have only Red Beans. Pity.

  10. those for stand for the right principle is now being called racist. I hope you wont be caught up in these as well.

    we dont suddenly wanna burn bible. we were living peacefully before for about 50 years. like I said, action and reaction.

    people like ibrahim ali emerged out of necessity because we are constantly under attack. like it or not this is how we see it by the liberals and cauvinist and the likes of them who want to change everything which is the core and foundation of our country.

    we have something we dont like, say like the bible containing the word Allah, we could have flushed it in the toilet. Do you know why perkasa burn them instead?

    do you know we should do the same for old Quran or any piece of paper containing any holy scripture in islam in the exact same manner. we burn them.

    so you see, much as we hated the fact tht the word Allah is being used in the bible, we still treated them as though it is a holy scripture, out of respect of the other religion. If the situation is reverse, I wonder if they would have done the same. That is why tun said Ibrahim Ali said to burn them out of respect. can you imagine this. out of respect even though we hated it. wht do you suggest us do then otherwise? return them back only to have the distributed back to the muslim?

    the haters would have u believe that ibrahim ali is racist. at one time tun m was accused of anti semantic. its the same game. but we stand for wht is right. if there is no vile action, then there wont be any retaliation. you shouldnt play with fire if you couldnt stomach the consequences. I believe the malay proverb says it best, sarang tebuan jgn dijolok.

    1. Yes sir, tebuan docile, accomodating, but when provoked too much, mengamok. Like in 1875, the first British Resident to Perak, JWW Birch, got keriss-ed and tombak-ed on the banks of he Perak River in Pasir Salak.

      Don't blame me, only making a statement of fact. Bloody JWW. Wonder why he has 3 names before his family name Birch.

    2. Bro., it's "anti-semitism" not anti-semantic. And throughout history it's the Roman Catholic Church that's been the worst of anti-semites. When Muslim Spain was reconquered by the Catholic kings, Muslims and Jews were forced to convert to 3-in-1 Christianity or they had to leave the land of their ancestors.


    4. Ooooooo, tenkiu Anonymous8 November 2014 09:33 Bro.,

      Honestly I didn't know about that 3-in-1 Christian thingy in Spain. Damn.

      That's why I like Annie's blog. Got clever, knowledgable and informative commenters - alamak the spelling prompter keeps coming out on this word.

      I knew only 3-in-1 in China. When reading one history professor wrote about the Chinese practicing Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism all at the same time since the 5th Century. As TRIPLE INSURANCE AGAINST CALAMITY. Accused ultra kiasu they no like.

      Waaah, Nestle bloody smart innit. Used the catchy thing 3-in-1 to promote their coffee etc. Plenty Christians there maybe.

    5. anon 9.33,

      sorry its a bad habit of mine. malas nk check, as long as u guys get the point. aint no exam right? sometimes i read through sometimes i dont. its bad habit i know. lets hope the chauvinist wont call me malay malas haha.

      now tht i read it again, theres more mistake in it. oh well. u get the point..
      thanks anyway for pointing it out.

    6. Anonymous8 November 2014 09:33,

      "it's "anti-semitism" not anti-semantic." It's just the spelling. No problemo.

      I'm writing this comment just to point out that in this particular short dialogue, there are many Anonymouses among us.

      Clearly, you are different from the spelling mistake Anon. And I'm yet another Anon. The nons or pendatang DAP get scared coming in, got walloped prim and proper every time.

      I like Annie allowing the Anon system because I'm the lazy fler don't want to type names, email add etc. Looks like the Red Beans here also doing that, not using a blogging name.

      Hope Annie does not change allowing the Anon system. The Robot system is already annoying but is tolerable to avoid blokes pushing all sorts of shit into the blog pot comment section, all kinds of adverts, stupid promos, etc.

      Have a nice day, everybody.

    7. Anon 8 Nov 06:45

      So, according to your logic, the Christian pastor in the US who called for the Koran to be burned was within acceptable boundaries?

      Or in a recent incident in Pakistan where a man and woman were tortured and burned to death by a Muslim mob because they allegedly burned pages from the Koran - this is ok?

    8. anon 6.45,

      its the intention tht counts. common do not twist the situation around. are arguing for the sake of just arguing or you wanna talk and reason like a sound mind should.

      situation is different here and there. we are talking about respecting the word Allah here in malaysia and the constitution involved. those are two very different scenario you put out up there.

      tun happen to explain we dont want to return it. so we disposed of it. like how we did with the quran. Your example doesnt even fit the case.

      its tiring to exchange words with the liberals or chauvinist because they always pretend to not understand.

      wht, opinion again? at least get your facts straight.

      read another bricks in the wall. the intention is there. we have got many eye witnessed regarding what ibrahim ali actually said and meant.

      anyway in the world we will have extremis. even those of which belong to your religion. your trying to get ibrahim ali and perkasa into such group isnt gonna work.

      we dont give a damn what you think, much less for stupid argument like the above.

  11. You provoke, you get burnt. Go on, provoke some more.

  12. Nak join PERKASA lah.. Boleh apply online tak?

    1. When you get the application form, pls get one for me too, k?

  13. I like that bit tun said Ibrahim Ali said to burn them out of respect.

    Must repeat that statement "can you imagine this. out of respect even though we hated it. what do you suggest us do then otherwise? return them back only to have the distributed back to the muslim?"

  14. I'm a Christian. To understand how Christianity and Islam differ, a few Christians that I personally know have bought and read English versions of the Koran.

    So far as I know, none became less Christian as a result.

    To these friends, reading the Koran allowed them to learn 'at source' and be wary of areas religious thinking conflict when interacting with muslims.

    1. Solly, no unerstand wat u say lorr. Honestly. U wanna try again? So that we unestand?

      See, we broad minded, give you chance to explain.

    2. U must HV very poor understanding then.

  15. When I was in Singapore a Preacher approah me to read some of Bible verses, initially I refuse to listed and try to get rid of him, well with his kind and not given up attitude i felt sorry for him and to appease him I listen to him. He quoted some of the bible verses and after that he thank me for listening. However I aware that Allah S.W.T has no son and Christian believed Jessus is God Son (translated in Malay you know what it be) I have no heart to convert and just masuk telinga kanan keluar telinga kiri Tehre manay bible verses contracdicted Quran and even science. Reading bible is not wrong as it give us more insight of the Christian religion and we can analyst the way of Chritain thinking. We have to be positive. Look at Zakir Naik for example. Those who have stong faith or Iman will never convert even after reading the bible or hearing the preaches but in Malaysia it still am new and not wellcome . That why we have protection 'faith' body such as Jais, Mais and so on. Muslim in Malaysia mostly are still not open and still am worried how easily muslim can be turn off. Worried for another Lina Joy repeat. Anyway my 1 cent questions; 58 years of merdeka how many Chinese, Christian, Indian sucessfully converted to Islam by Malay muslim and the Islamic bodies in Malaysia such as Jais, Mais and so on. A sucess or a failure? Why is it difficult to convert these people when it seems evangislista able to convert many of them and easily? Muslim in Malaysia are majority and the way of living should be ablt ot attract them but why evangilista seem to succeed more. Nowdays newborn chinese baby being given a Christian europen sounded name even there are not christian. They prefer to be call as Joe, Johnny, Dorris and so on, no more Ah Chong, Peng Wah, Bee Li and so on Sorry this is my opinion no intend to hurt anyone.

    1. "Look at Zakir Naik for example." -

      Zakir as in dong? U r hitting back at those TRYING to make fun of Islam, issit. So u r a friend issit. Sori could not tell coz of yr very long paragraph.

  16. Wy u no paragraph one? U got muddled thinking? All and everything in one subject? But if u choose that, u don't mind others don't read or don't understand u, that's a different matter. But then, why the hell you leave a comment in here if you don't care others understand you or not?

    Now I humour u. Pretend I understand. Then I say: why the hell u think all Muslims are like u? Can read or listen to Bible and not be influenced?

    And u no think the level of education of Muslims and no-religion-believing Malaysians is not the same as Christians? Wanna argue that? How many hours you have to listen to me argue? Ask Annie how many yards she can allow my ranting against u if u argue that one.

    Then, also the level of thinking of those living in the interior, far from schools and other facilities. U wanna influence them and convert them to Christianity by using kalimah Allah? They already know the word Tuhan, why wanna use kalimah Allah? U wanna distract them from the term Allah that they may have heard Muslims use in this country?

    Don't try to convert lorr. Missionary activities are out of fashion olely. Ask the Jews. Now the Jewish missionary activities focus only on preventing Jews giving up Judaism thru marriage enlightenment, etc. Read or listen to foreign news a bit lorr.

    Before Merdeka so many missionaries in this country. Got independence, they were shooed out - passes to stay not renewed. Then they ran to Sabah and Sarawak. After Malaysia was formed and Tun Mustapha became CM of Sabah, the Christian missionaries were also shooed out of Sabah. Because Article 3 of the Constitution says Islam is the religion of the federation and other laws say no proselytizing of Muslims. Many were choosing on their own to become Muslims.

    What "Reading bible is not wrong"? You ask the Islamic religious authorities lorr. They are a part of the law as JAIS, MAIS etc were created under laws passed by Parliament.

    What "we can analyst the way of Chritain thinking"? Who want to analyze? You analyze he Qur'an lorr. Got good one translated, interpreted and commentaries provided. If you bring a letter to the Saudi Embassy Cultural Section saying you want to study the Qur'an and understand Islam, they'll give you one copy FOC, no need to pay RM50 for such a copy at the bookshop etc.

  17. "why evangilista seem to succeed more."?

    Because evangelista even allows main belakang. A few years ago, one bloke announced that he was going to New Yori to meet his boyfriend there and then fly to California to get married.

    Yukkk, bloody smelly and holy bloke.

    1. Forgot to type - the main belakang bloke was leader of an Evangelista Church.

    2. Better than some religion which says its ok to screw their own children.

    3. Anonymous8 November 2014 19:47,

      Your religion says that? Ooooooo so teruk.

      Lu pun kena? Wanna tell us apa rasa?

  18. Firstly Annie, many thanks for the effort to clarify the issue and the credit goes to Shamsul Akmar for his take on it. As one of the many, I do admit that I was also unperturbed by the actions of Perkasa on the matter.

    I do however believe that we have to remind ourselves of the "Rukun Negara", the main point "the ability to practice one's faith or belief" without prejudice or harassment. As you said, the culprits who instigated this are laughing and we are continuously bickering about it.

    We are seriously threading on fine thin line, thus exposing ourselves as a nation. If we continue to consider ourselves by race or religion, and not as a citizen of this country. We are certainly doomed.

    1. yes indeed, 'practice one's faith or belief" without prejudice or harassment'. and who broke that rule by harrassing muslims in wanting to use kalimah allah.

      yes, doomed we shall be, when people don't respect article 3 of the constitution.

    2. feisal eusoff Leow,

      Good of you to come in and express concern on natters that destabilize the nation. Though I don't agree on your opinion re Ibrahim Ali and PERKASA. I think they and ISMA are useful to check the extremist thinking and acts of the ultra kiasus. They came out as reactions to such ultra kiasu extremism, anyway.

      Like so many others, I think If we want to avoid people continuing to consider ourselves by race or religion, and not as a citizen of this country, we must have Single Stream schooling. DS Najib has said in his 1Malaysia blog early in his PMship that "Single Stream Schooling will be implemented when the rakyat wants it." Clear now that is only his political talk.

      Rushing to developed nation status no matter what, he might even allow Swahili schools in this country. We need to keep shouting to him to implement Single Stream Schooling. So much polite requests and persuasions been done since he first became PM already.

    3. Najib has sold his soul to global economic mega-corporations, so pity the common joe rakyat Malysia . . ..

  19. Annie,

    Anotherbrickinwall writers claim he was there when Ibrahim Ali made the statement.

    We were there the morning of Janurary 19th 2013 in UiTM, Permatang Pauh to hear Tun Dr Mahathir deliver his speech with the introduction by Ibrahim.

    "Ibrahim did touched on the incident of Malay Bibles being distributed to secondary Muslim student outside the school compound. It was in the height of DUMC and Malay Bible issue.

    If students are given, we remembered Ibrahim said casually without any high tone to not throw it in the dustbin as it would be an insult. He suggested burning it as in the usual manner of Muslims not throwing away old or tattered Quran but burn them.

    Today, we are surprise that those words could be an issue."

    1. Those buggers always make an issue out of anything and everything. They exploit, exploit and exploit. It's called ultra kiasu-ism. Also called DAP shit-ism. They caused the race riots of 1969. Google "13 May 1969: A Tragedy, National Operations Council, October 1969" and you'll get all the facts.

      Good that Ibrahim formed PERKASA. And others formed ISMA. Let them buggers know that the Malays and the Muslims will never take anything lying down any more. There are enough of us with education and the mettle to shit them back every time they try to fart smelly stuff against us.

      And call for UMNO to replace Najib for wanting to discard the Sedition Act, etc.

    2. Thats what one must also do when given another's holy book. Whats good for the goose is good for the gander.Boleh ? Agree ?

  20. AIB says: A+ for Annie.

  21. The beauty of god is that the god will rain his wrath of the tormentor. Just watch all the ills befalling the malay community. Just read the malay papers and read of all the ajaran sesat groups, the rise of the Malaysian Shiah and Wahhabis who will split the Malays. Just read about the endemic incest cases in the malay community and the disfunctional family and the related problem. Of yes, you guys are doing great.

    1. Incidents among the Malays are pretty recent and far in between. But among the pendatang, been prevalent long time go since ancient history, never stopped until now. But incest becomes so natural among them that it's not reported.

      The ultra kiasus also practising 3 different religions all at the same time. So easy to take new religions like Evangelicalism. But still got stigma among certain sectors of the ultra kiasus. Tokong Lim, for example, got the Klistian name Joseph but won't dare use it in public. Harry Lee Kuan Yew even banned from Singapore the Malaysians studying with him at Singapore U who called him by his Klistian name Harry.

      Anybody wants to guess what Kit Siang's Klistian name is?

    2. Anonymous8 November 2014 19:43,

      The difference between your kind and us Muslims is that we believe God is the one who showers all the good on human beings. But, unlike your kind, we don't believe "the god will rain his wrath of the tormentor." We believe it's us who caused God's wrath, not "God who caused it."

      So, you got away every time you do evil acts? Coz you say those evil acts are caused by God, God's wrath? Which logic school you went one? Sikola Chung Ling Low School?

  22. Perkasa is Nazi. 'Nough said.

    1. No, shit said, you. Coz u r shit for not justifying wat u said.

    2. I say, Anonymous8 November 2014 21:59, of PERKASA is Nazi, there would have been gas chambers and mass killing houses in this country, innit?

      But such things exist only in DAP mah. Maybe half death houses, like Ronnie Liu kicked out from Selangor DAP Chief's post, Dr Boo boo-ed out from Johore DAP Chief's post, so many sacked, disciplinary action-ed for condemning Tokong Lim's dictatorship.

  23. Yeah I love the incest part. Some more their fucking melayu minister say non-muslims accept this kind of things, that's why less caes are reported by them.

    Oh really??

    The reason is because for melayu everything is haram. Except raping your own daughter la. Go and read the Quran la. See which verse says raping your own daughter is ok.

    Bunch of animals. Some want to talk cock.

    1. No, we don't want to talk cock. We just state the facts.

      But we know you eat cock as well. Your kind eat all animals that exist on earth. Tokong Lim included.

  24. And OSTB is a very learned muslim ok?

    Reads what he says about Melayus:

    Just a lot of hate! Why? Because UMNO is sinking and they are scared shitless.

    Why are they scared shitless?? Because the gravy train gonna stop for a lot of lazy fuckers.

    Of course, there are exceptions la. I am sure the fucking smart mouth here going to raise that point. But as usual the few chibai kia will miss the point.

    1. OTSB learned says who? Says the pendatang? Of course pendatang knows shit only.

      Just a lot of hate? Pendatang hate? Ungrateful ingrate Cina Bukit pendatang DAP hate? Been like that since party formation innit? And they caused the race riots of 1969.

      The gravy train gonna stop for a lot of free lunches, bringing tupper ware to bring home food when attending free meals functions?

      Sure the smart mouth here going to fuck that point. But as usual the illegitimate cibai kia coming with the comments above will not have any point except make rude statements as usual. Cina Bukit, ultra kiasu kind..

    2. Now it appears we have a Red Bean regular here. A solitary ungrateful ingrate Cina Bukit pendatang DAP who we can use as a punching bag against DAP, Chnese tsunami and all. Good of him to oblige us. Thanks for that, mate. My morning is made.

      As usual, he's rude and crude. No decorum and decency. Uses the word fucking, cibai etc all over the place.

      He may be a dirty old man. Uses the old Malay spelling "chi" when it's long been "ci" for cibai. Could even be old man Kit Siang. Fairly good English like the old man. He has a lot of time because not many street demonstrations, not often these days.

      Accusing UMNO of hate. When he and Lee Kuan Yew was hateful of the Malays since Singapore was in Malaysia in 1863. And formed DAP after LKY and Spore was kicked out of Malaysia in 1965. Hogged LKY's slogan of so-called Malaysian Malaysia, wanting equality without simultaneously acknowledging the Special Position of the Malays (which was extended to the Bumiputeras of Sabah and Sarawak when Malaysia was formed.) And caused the race riots of 13 May 1969.

    3. Well, LKY and Singapore did pretty good after being ejected from Malaysia.

      So much so that VVIPs in Malaysia partner up with Singapore tycoons to pursue business opportunities in Malaysia.

      No names mentioned, of course!

  25. thanks annie for putting the perspective right
    to counteract their normal tactic

    1. "The devil can cite Scripture for his purpose". .

      "I like not fair terms [nice words] and a villain's mind".

      - (Shakespeare: The Merchant of Venice, Act I, Scene III).

    2. Yes, The Merchant of Venice being a Jew who practices the then (and maybe still so now) Jewish occupation of usury - lending money at exorbitant interest rates - demanding in court a pound of flesh of the borrower who could not repay the loan he took from the misery Jew.

      Yes, the devil and a villain's mind in most Jews. Like in most ungrateful ingrate Cina Bukit pendatang DAP and Tsunami Chinese. But they don't cite Scripture or religious books. They have so many of them - Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism (practiced all three at the same time, said Professor C.P Fitzgerald), then Evangelical Christianity - that they got confused, don't know which quotes to use, and mostly follow just because it's fashionable to use such names as Ronnie, Tony, Teresa, Jospeh (Guan Eng shy to use that, they say), Shawn (for Sean as in Sean Connery, the Scottish James Bond hero actor), Wendy, Molly, Polly, Trolly, what have you, among the Jinjang fellas selling pirated discs etc at shopping malls and car parks.

      Yes, the illegal money lenders Ah Longs, the secret societies, thugs and gangsters who splash red paint etc on house doors, gates and cars of the borrowers who cannot repay the loans on time etc.

    3. The DAP come from Maoist cultural revolution background! Look at the unjust and greedy way Lim Kit Siang conduct his internal party elections, it is proof they are anti-Confucius anti-Buddhist and anti-Tao Te Ching.

      The Wisdom of Faith

  26. I enjoyed the outcome in Norway very much. You see I don't buy into the crap of hard work. brains, rags to riches that is always associated with the master race. I and many of my pals know better and it is good another one of those myths is biting the dust...denial or no denial.

    At times, I wonder too about the slit eyed woman tennis player with a man's torso who suddenly retired at her peak or that famous hurdler who fell flat on his face a while back. And we know all the shitty legends of many "self" made billionaires and millionaires don't we...who arrived in Malaya with only the rags on their backs....hahahaha

    I love reading about performance boosters, illegal ones included and these articles caught my eye:



    By the way, I also love listening to good songs written as covers of the original, like this one done on Eason's song (Yeah, I know the lingo very well, thank you). So I thought I will share it with everyone here:

    Enjoy folks...for Allah has funny ways of showing up hypocrites and "superior" inferiors.....hahahaha

    Warrior 231

    1. Good to see you, Warrior 231. Any blog will become livelier by your presence.

      And your comment above is mild by your usual standard. The more hard hitting, pungent, and ungrateful ingrate head breaking ones are on the way I hope. Those like in Rocky's Bru, and Demi Negara in the days when it was active and prolific.

  27. In Annie's blog, an often heard advice is: If you don't respect the constitution etc, leave!

    The truth is, more and more have being making that move. But not for the reasons given.

    The main reason why emigrants leave is that many of these emigration destination countries have over the past 20 years, progressed much faster than Malaysia.

    Take China: China now builds its own miltary transport planes, AWACs, and stealth fighter jets. See:

    Malaysia's Proton, started around 1985, still can't wholly build its own cars.

    'What is the point if body is M'sian, but the spirit is Japanese?' he asks.

    BN's Kinabatangan MP Bung Moktar Radin today said that he was "ashamed" of national carmaker Proton's inability to come up with "original" cars, slamming them for consistently basing technology from other carmakers.

    About 70% of Chinese families I know have asset or children permanently oversea. The move is generally guide by education, career and business development preference. Even a Malay lady recently told me of her interest in bringing her family to Australia and start a Malaysian food restaurant there.

    So no worries guys, you'll have your wish. I've no doubt Malaysia will continue its current trend of progress. The tempo may even quicken.

    But of course those who leave will still love Malaysia - for her foods and as an increasingly low-cost holiday destination.

    1. Anonymous9 November 2014 10:51,

      Gud gud gud, "don't respect the constitution etc, leave! .. The truth is, more and more have being making that move .. "

      We know for a long time that you buggers don' have your heart in Malaysia. The British 60 years ago, when persuading the Malay Rulers and the Malay politicians to agree to their proposal to give citizenship right to the pendatang said, "After all they are 'transient". Indeed many left after Merdeka. And now you confirmed it that you blokes still doing it until now. Fine, very fine by us.

      No problem at all. We don't want blokes like you who take citizenship but have no loyalty for this country. Even the likes of billionaire Robert Kuok who said in Kajang some months ago that he is "twin-footed", one in China, one in Malaysia, and when standing with feet like those, his shit falls into the South China Sea!

      Yes, why wait in Malaysia when, like you said, "The main reason why emigrants leave is that many of these emigration destination countries have over the past 20 years, progressed much faster than Malaysia." You buggers never heard what US President JF Kennedy said - ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country. You have it at your tongue tip the expression: when the country is slow, run away ASAP. And let it be known that we clap, clap, clap.

      You leavin' for China soon? You said, "Take China: China now builds its own miltary transport planes, AWACs, and stealth fighter jets." But careful when in China, ok? You speak the way you do here, they might clamp you in prison for life. Or get you shot by the firing squad. My advice to you is migrate to Canada. They have a vast wilderness out there to be developed and they need people like you. You can have total freedom out there.

    2. "About 70% of Chinese families I know have asset or children permanently oversea." -

      Really arr? Thank God, Malaysia surviving without those. And doing well too - 6% GDP and LKSI at 1800 recently. Signs of good economic performance.

      So, those wanting to leave, leave lah. We won't die of hunger etc.

    3. Yea and plunder Canada like you did in Msia...guest who's the culprit plundering Cameron Highlands...the Malays, org asli? Who are behind illegal logging, illegal this and that...even legal this and that..partnering this crony and that crony..if you Mr democratic Ah Bengs cant think clearly whats the answer ask Annie..or if you want an always right answer ask Bersih or Tokong Lim..


      Why is Proton's performance so poor? Like a student who is incapable of going beyond primary school despite ALL help.

      Even Bung Moktar, staunch UMNO MP from Sabah felt ASHAMED.

      Do you?

    5. Bung Moktar's is no diplomat.

      But he talks straight.

      And he's guts.

    6. Heard he's very knowledgeable and result orientated. A highly effective corporate ceo type.

      Malaysia could do with more like him.

    7. Anonymous9 November 2014 15:07,

      Wah lau wei, why lu so small mind? Coz so small brain ha? Making Proton an issue up there and now here?

      Bung Mokhtar an MP. So, when he criticized, purpose is to get Proton to improve mah. Lu raise it twice here just to jeer. Buntut buntut Cina Bukit mentality lorr.

      Wat SABOTAGE lu talking? Wat Proton's performance so poor? Proton producing 150,000 cars every year and exported to many countries, got to maintain parts and service outlets even in small sales countries, an Australian well-respected magazine on cars saying it's the most economical small car, lu dunno arr? Wat lu know one? Know shit only arr?

      "a student who is incapable of going beyond primary school despite ALL help" is you and the likes of you lorr. Now adult also talking shit, cannot think beyond a child's thinking because not reading the right stuff but shit mostly. You dunno that Proton using 80% local production parts but have to compete with others like Korean cars with only 40% local parts and no protection from foreign car makers like Toyota with many decades of longer experience ha? Lu no read what Tun Dr Mahathir said ha? Stoopid innit, lu?

      Lu unerstand what competition is about arr? China one of the largest countries and the largest population in the world also could not compete until a few decades ago, lorr, stupid.

    8. Heh, heh.....not many people are aware of what Jeremy Clarkson said about Proton cars.

      I would say Clarkson is a more knowledgeable commentator on automotive issues than Bung Mokh or Tun Dr M!

  28. "But of course those who leave will still love Malaysia for her foods .." -

    Where u got unerstand meaning of love? Like Alvin and Vivienne Tan. When Police look for him in worm hole, cabut to US and the girl friend crying alone here. And where got pity for those criminals. Not respecting Islam etc.

    When gone, no need come back, ok. Food in Chinatowns oversea good what.

    1. where got vivien crying alone? she in fact "f---ked" some other boy during the trial period and was discovered by alvin the moron.

  29. I think the evangelists dont realise that Msian entertainment business converts more people to Islam..Ramai artis sudah convert ma...Hmm..perhaps more than ostads do. Fighting Perkasa or Isma and demonising anything malays and islam in trying to convert muslim... futile exercise la.

  30. Sorry Annie, even the context doesn't exonerate the action. It was not a matter of life and death, nor the ranting of some mentally unbalanced person or a child that didn't know better. It was the view of a respected and mature leader. In the same way, unless the above situations mentioned are a factor, I can't see the justification of burning a Koran, Torah, Sutra, Buddhavacana or Classic. If it is against your faith and world view to read such books, don't accept them or if you had no choice, return them. Proving that your faith is better than others by intimidation or thuggery might produce people that toe the line out of fear, but it never touches their heart. What God has ever desired people to follow their teachings from oppression? So many faiths have tried this over centuries, but every time this happens it just drives people to abandon all religions.

    1. Ahhhhhhh, the no-paragraph fellow is back here. This time not so long paragraph. Not so muddled thinking.

      But still a stu, lorr. Cannot see Tun Dr Mahathir's explanation that where the Bible got kalimah Allah and given or in the hands of Muslims, to show respect, Muslims don't throw away but burn like old dilapidated copies of the Qur'an as they contain God's commandments and must not be left lying around or be trampled upon.

      And who says "Proving that your faith is better than others by intimidation or thuggery"? You always associate with intimidation or thuggery because it's your ways, your culture?

      "might produce people that toe the line out of fear, but it never touches their heart"? Is that how you people react? Just towing the line, never sincere?

      And you got God that has "desired people to follow their teachings from oppression"? We don't. Those who practice Islam never do so out of "oppression". Would you like to tell us what religion you profess that you follow out of oppression?

      Oooooo, got "So many faiths have tried this over centuries, but every time this happens it just drives people to abandon all religions." You wanna say which religions? You wanna tell us how many people in the world now have abandoned their religions and are without religions? And quote some reliable and verifiable sources of that information?

    2. "Proving that your faith is better than others by intimidation or thuggery might produce people that toe the line out of fear, but it never touches their heart."

      So True! Let Truth be told:
      There is no deity worthy of worship by humanity other than Allah Most Wise and Merciful, The Lord Creator of the heavens and the earth, and all things seen and unseen, Sovereign of the Day of Judgement.

  31. The Chinese of the world incldg Chinese M'sians can go to Detroit. There are many abandoned houses there. They're being sold cheap, cheap. The A'cans should be happy that you're helping them. No need to stay in Malaysia if you're unhappy. Not good for health if you do nothing but whining.

  32. Aiseh Mista, you said, "If it is against your faith and world view to read such books, don't accept them or if you had no choice, return them."

    Lokee here, man, no question of offering, accepting or returning them, d'ya hear? They simply should not and must not be offered to Muslims. The laws state clearly no proselytizing of Muslims, you dunno arr? The issue of offering Bibles to Muslims does not arise.

    Oso no question of "Proving that your faith is better than others", You dunno Article 3 of the Constitution states very clearly that "Islam is the religion of the Federation" ha? No other religion is mentioned, what.

    You no read the history of this country arr? Long before you pendatang came, the people in this country been Muslims what. Before independence and when the British colonial rulers drafted the Constitution the vast majority of the people were Muslims and all the Rulers were Muslims, you dunno arr?

    So, now the Constitution states clearly the position of Islam in this country you people don't want to respect ha? So, no angry when people say if you no respect and not wanting to live by the Constitution of the country, migrate lorr. Wanna me quote the well known personalities who also said those?

    1. It must be terrifying to realise that one's faith is so weak that one has to be "officially protected" against apostasy, evangelism and proselytism.

      So much so that it has to be mandated by law.

      There are many ways to the Creator God, who is a God of love and compassion.

      A Creator God who created humankind in His own Image and Likeness, according to some religions.

      So, it's ironic that we seem to be pre-empting the Mind and Will of the Creator God by mandating who gets to be saved and who does not.

    2. Pidgin English is your puerile attempt at what passes for sarcasm? Seems to me that's a long and winding road for you.

      At least in Indonesia, interfaith dialogue is taken seriously.

      There are six officially recognised religions (Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Protestantism and Catholicism) and a traditional religion.

      And in Indonesia, the Minister of Religious Affairs Lukman Hakim Saifuddin "told local media recently that his ministry plans to draft new legislation aimed at protecting religious freedom in a country where rights groups say there has been an alarming surge in intolerance in recent years....

      "Mr Lukman told reporters that the bill would specifically address the issue of the closure of churches as well as attacks on mosques belonging to Shia and Ahmadiyya followers.....

      "The majority of Indonesians are adherents of the Sunni Muslim tradition. Minority Muslim groups such as Ahmadis and Shias - as well as Christians - have faced ongoing persecution from hardline Islamic groups". (UCANEWS).

      "Ongoing persecution from hardline Islamic groups". Sounds familiar....
