Sunday, 29 August 2021

Malaysia should recognise Taliban the same way it recognised CCP

I don't really understand why some people said Malaysia must not recognise the Taliban as the legitimate ruler of Afghanistan.

Those guys are actually already in charge of the country now, after all.

Is it because of their strict Islamic ideology and not being democratic? 

Well, we do recognise the absolute monarchy rulers of Saudi Arabia, whose administration was as Islamic as it could get.

You steal something, they would chop off your hand. You kill someone, they chop off your head.

Yet, everyone recognises them as the ruler of Saudi Arabia and custodians of the holy cities of Mecca and Medina.

No democracy whatsoever in that country, but then again, so it is also with so many other countries which despotic rulers we recognised.

There is no democracy in China, yet we recognised the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) as the ruler of Middle Kingdom.

We even kowtow to the CCP all the time.

For one thing, we abandoned our recognition of the democratic Taiwan as a country just to please the CCP.

We are even among the first to recognise the CCP's funny puppet rulers in North Korea who treat their people like farm chickens.

Or is it because the Taliban guys are allegedly supporting terrorism and being brutal?

But we do recognise rulers of countries who allegedly support terrorists.

All those Arab and supposedly Islamic countries which were accused of sponsoring terrorism, we do recognised their rulers.

And we do recognised the government in Washington which the Arab and Islamic countries accused of financing and arming the arguably biggest terror organisation called Israel.

Ya, not only Israel shoot and bomb even children, it also occupies other people's land and even have the biggest concentration camp ever called Gaza.

As for the Taliban being brutal, the CCP had been even more brutal.

Its Great Leap Forward policy (1959-1962) resulted in famine and violence which caused an estimated 55 million deaths, while its Cultural Revolution (1966-1976) killed up to 20 million more.

Malaysia first recognised CCP as the ruler of China in 1974, which was at the height of its merciless Cultural Revolution.

Also bear in mind that at that time the CCP was still financing and arming the violent Communist Party of Malaya, which only surrendered to the Malaysian government in 1989.

For more recent CCP's brutalities, just google Hong Kong and Xinjiang as well as its intimidations of Taiwan.

I can give more examples of terrible people whom we recognised as rulers of their countries, but I think that should be enough.

Okay, the Taliban was indeed quite bad when it ruled Afghanistan from 1996 until driven out of Kabul by the Americans and its gang in 2001.

But I have to believe that they learnt to be nicer during the past 20 years fighting the Western occupiers of their country.

They have so far committed no atrocities ever since coming back to power except for a few claims made by the Western media.

They even offered amnesty to to those who worked for the US and its allies.

They promised to treat women better this time and said they wanted to be friends with everyone.

As for terrorism, they said they would fight terrorists such as the Islamic State crazies and would not let them use Afghanistan as a launchpad to attack other countries.

Of course, some accused the Taliban of making empty promises but at least this time they seemed to really mean what they said.

The Taliban people are after all known to be true to their words and quite steadfast in what they believe to be right.

Back in 1991 when the US demanded them to hand over Osama Bin Laden, they refused as it would be against their belief that they are responsible for the safety of their guests.

They could have easily at that time avoided being carpet bombed by the US if they just do as they were told.

Well, considering all that, I do believe that Malaysia and the rest of international community should recognise the Taliban as the ruler of their country.

The faster they could do that, the quicker Afghanistan could stabilise, affording its people a normal life after decades of war.

Even if we don't like the Taliban and what its people stand for, I don't think Afghanistan would be worse off than it was during all the fightings and violence.

It would probably become like one of those rather underdeveloped supposedly Islamic places.

Maybe something like Kelantan.

Not so bad, I think.


  1. annie is right, islamist is not that diff with communist, we should not discriminate one and not the other.

  2. USA trained, equipped n motivated Taliban returning to power. Its all political and ROC did the same in DPNK. The Brits now *them* just across the sea to invade us again mentally n spiritually...
    So cooperation with Taliban / Wahabism, the Sunis Shias... Very dangerous game, let's the experienced handling...

  3. Aisay Annie....Sabri shd appoint u Duta Khas to Afghanistan with ministerial status. U can do no worse that our former Duta to the mid east who makan gaji without achieving anything....itu halal Ka?

  4. i dont see anyone in beijing or shanghai clinging on to airplane wheels trying to flee the country. i also dont see any suicide bombers at china airports with 200 bodies.

    then again, according to annie, pas & talibans, its western propaganda.

    1. Actually, many people fled China back then and settled in Malaysia.


    2. I am sure it will happen in good time

      Malaysia is a friend to everyone

      People fleeing arrest from India

      Some criminals from various countries hiding out

      Everyone except genuine refugees fleeing persecution who land up in Malaysia. Then we are not so friendly.

      As long as the refugees stay out of Malaysia we will talk big and demo, but as soon as they land in Malaysia, we give them a kick demi bangsa but not agama

    3. Actually many genuine refugees landed in Malaysia since British rule, settled down, and became rich. Their decendents are also doing quite well.

    4. It's 2021 Annie, talking about the now

    5. Now also got. Rohingya alone more than 200k. The problem is that some of these genuine refugees demanded all sorts of things. Refugees from last time also like that.

    6. Yup, kids should not be allowed to be educated etc.

      We were kinder to the Bosnian's in the 1990's

    7. Google "sekolah Rohingya diMalaysia" and after that "sekolah vernakular diMalaysia".

    8. Google "sekolah Rohingya diMalaysia"

      Ok thanks

  5. "Refugees from last time also like that"

    Have no idea where you are going and a lot of things are getting conflated because you are on purpose conflating them. Great.
    Is this what is called gaslighting or gish gallop?

    Also not sure if you are just trolling or being genuine

    Anyway either way Chiao - i need to cari makan too

  6. CSR Petronas Carigali Indonesia buka mata rakyat tempatan semasa pendemi Covid 19.

    Petronas Carigali Indonesia dan Pemkab Sampang Luncurkan CSR Program 2020. Eratkan hubungan dangan Indonesia berbanding Singapura.

    Jakarta - Di tengah kesulitan industri minyak dan gas bumi (migas) karena pandemi Covid-19. Petronas Carigali Indonesia, perusahaan minyak dari Malaysia, tetap melaksanakan kewajiban tanggung jawab sosial di wilayah sekitar lokasi pencarian migas.

    “Progam pendidikan di antaranya memberikan beasiswa kepada 40 siswa SLTA di tiga kecamatan, pemberian bibit alpukat, penggemukan sapi, dan pembangunan rumah pintar beserta taman kota di Kecamatan Ketapang

    Link Iklan Petronas Indonesia

    Petronas Carigali dan Pemerintah Kabupaten Sampang meluncurkan program Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) PC Ketapang II LTD kepada warga delapan desa yang terdampak di tiga kecamatan wilayah pantai utara.

    CSR diberikan kepada warga Desa Temberu Barat, Temberu Timur dan Sokobanah Daya (Kecamatan Sokobanah), Desa Ketapang Daya, Ketapang Barat (Kecamatan Ketapang), dan Desa Nepa, Batioh, Banyuates (Kecamatan Banyuates).

    Senior Manager Corporate Affairs & Administration Petronas Carigali Indonesia, Andiono Setiawan mengatakan peluncuran CSR kali ini penuh tantangan, terutama pada masa pandemi Covid-19.

    Senior Manager Corporate Affairs & Administration Petronas Carigali Indonesia, Andiono Setiawan mengatakan, pandemi membuat industri minyak dan gas ikut terdampak. Nah link CSR Pertonas Carigali Indonesia. Rakyat Indonesia hargai sangat CSR pelaburan migas di Indonesia.

    Kelompok Petani Ternak Sumber Makmur yang berasal dari Desa Nepa, Kecamatan Banyuates. “Kami berharap ke depan Petronas semakin banyak memberikan bantuan CSR terutama pemberdayaan masyarakat, agar warga dan nelayan di Pantura merasakan manfaat keberadaan Petronas ternyata bisa meningkatkan perekonomian maupun sektor lainya.

    Lupakan Singapura, eratkan hubungan serumpun dengan tetangga kita Indonesia yang kaya sumber daya alamnya.

    Tinggalkan saja Singapura yang selalu jadi duri dakam daging. Pepatah orang putih berbunyi “If you have friends like Singapore you don’t need enemy” atau maksud dalam bahasa Melayu nya “kamu tidak perlu kan Musuh jika kamu berkawan dengan Singapura”. Mengapa perlu ada musuh jika sahabat mu sendiri berkelakuan seperti musuh. Namun begitu lah kenyataan nya.

    CSR Petronas Indonesia rakyat tempatan hargai sumbangan semasa Pendemi Covid

  7. By the same logic we should recognise Israel too right?

    1. Israel was created by seizing other people's land. It's still illegally occuppying what belongs to others and practicing ethnic cleansing as a mean to enforce its land grab.

    2. That is the making of the modern state, America, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, most of South America, to a lesser extend Taiwan

      if you go far back it's everywhere, groups and people pushed around Europe during Roman times, cleansing and displacement in Ireland by the British in the 1600's of the Catholic Irish, even in Japan

      It is a blot on many countries history but this the reality of the world as it exist now.

      Palestine is a tragedy.

      Also the Taliban did practice ethnic cleansing against the Hazaras in Afghanistan the last time they were in power.

      Anyway off topic, on the topic, I am not sure who is arguing against recognising the Taliban govt in Afghanistan, because Malaysia generally recognises all countries, so it's a kind of non-issue.

      i am sure this will come in due time once a government is formally established with a head of state in Afghanistan.

    3. We didn't recognise the Taliban government in the 90s.

    4. "Israel was created by seizing other people's land. It's still illegally occupying what belongs to others and practicing ethnic cleansing as a mean to enforce its land grab.

      We are even among the first to recognise the CCP's funny puppet rulers in North Korea who treat their people like farm chickens.

      Ya, not only Israel shoot and bomb even children, it also occupies other people's land and even have the biggest concentration camp ever called Gaza.

      For more recent CCP's brutalities, just google Hong Kong and Xinjiang as well as its intimidations of Taiwan."

      How do you know this?

      Oh yeah....western media reports : )

      Ironic, no?

    5. i thot jew was one of the native in israel, others came live there and self claim they are more native than the native?

  8. Ramai tak sedaq yang perbuatan harian mereka sendiri lebih kejam dan dasyat dari apa yg telah dsebarkan oleh media mengenai cara2 Taliban d Afghanistan.

    .... Allah SWT meletakkan dosa membuat fitnah lebih buruk kesannya daripada membunuh. Firman Allah bermaksud: "... fitnah itu besar (dahsyat) dari melakukan pembunuhan..." ~ Surah al-Baqarah, ayat 217.

    Tengok udah kekejaman yang sedang berlaku dMalaysia tiap hari.. lagi dasyat tau.

    Professor Nasi Lemak.

  9. "They have so far committed no atrocities ever since coming back to power except for a few claims made by the Western media."

    You mean like this?

    Indian and Turkish media, not western,

    Based on cross-checked eyewitness accounts from locals.

    Just because you live in fiction, not everyone else does, see?

    1. Turkey took part in the invasion of Afghanistan in 2001 as part of Nato. India trains Afghan soldiers on its soil using its own money. Their media is the same as Western media when it comes to reporting about Taliban.

    2. Oh I see.

      So the Afghans' own first-person accounts are fake? Okay.

      What is your personal source of truth for these statements?

      ""Israel was created by seizing other people's land. It's still illegally occupying what belongs to others and practicing ethnic cleansing as a mean to enforce its land grab.

      We are even among the first to recognise the CCP's funny puppet rulers in North Korea who treat their people like farm chickens.

      Ya, not only Israel shoot and bomb even children, it also occupies other people's land and even have the biggest concentration camp ever called Gaza.

      For more recent CCP's brutalities, just google Hong Kong and Xinjiang as well as its intimidations of Taiwan."

    3. Yes, "duh" is what you are, Annie : )

      What news source did you get these "facts" from? What is your source of truth?

      I'm using YOUR logic, see?

      Or maybe just watch Taliban TV, where guys with guns are right behind the news anchor:

      Better than Bernama, kan?

    4. What are you trusted media sources then Annie, since everything is not to your satisfaction?

    5. "What are you trusted media sources then Annie, since everything is not to your satisfaction?"

      From now on, I only trust ANN (Annie News Network).

  10. Maybe... PDRM's past experience dealing with extremist groups... made the government hesitant to recognize Taliban.

    Although it had been 20 years, Non-Muslims, especially Buddhist, could still vividly remember the fate of Giant Buddhas, bombed by the Taliban on March 2001... just because it was deemed as idols... in Malay, berhala.

    This stupid and radical act by Taliban, had ignited hatred, suspicion and distrust towards Muslims as whole, worldwide. The brunt of which, most felt by Muslim minorities, living in a majority Buddhist country such as Burma, Thailand and even China, a Communist country which is supposed to have no official Religion.
    Most probably... China wanted its population... not to be fooled by religious people.

    6 month after the 6th-century giant Statue was desecrated, New York's World Trade Center's twin-towers was hit by 2 commercial airliners.. in what was known as Sept. 11... the deadline chose by US to 'retreat' Afghanistan.

    Ehmm... Lets wait and see how they act toward the Afghan population... Pashtun, Tajik, Hazara, Uzbek and other minorities... before we decide to recognize the them.

    1. Muscles sliced off, strangled with scarf: Nine men of the Hazara minority killed by Taliban

      In early July, the Taliban tortured and murdered nine Hazara men in Afghanistan, looting their homes in Ghazni province, according to human rights organisation Amnesty International.

      Three of the nine guys were tortured to death, according to eyewitnesses, including one who was strangled with a scarf and had his muscles cut off.

      According to eyewitnesses, Taliban terrorists broke a 45-year-old man's wrists and legs, shot him, and ripped his hair out.

      The Hazara ethnic group, which mostly practises Shia Islam, is Afghanistan's third biggest ethnic group.

      "The cold-blooded brutality of these killings is a reminder of the Taliban’s past record, and a horrifying indicator of what Taliban rule may bring. These targeted killings are proof that ethnic and religious minorities remain at particular risk under Taliban rule in Afghanistan, "Amnesty's secretary-general Agnès Callamard said.

      But according to Annie, the eyewitnesses are all liars.

      We have to wait for her to fly to Kabul on AirAsia and deliver a front line report.

      Yg lain jgn percaya, okey?

    2. Amnesty International...hahahaha

    3. Amnesty International, yes, go look at their website.

    4. Ya. Everything the white people tell you, you believe them.

    5. Right, not looking at the content but the messenger.

      The messenger's skin has to be the right colour I guess, then it is all ok

      Obviously you have not looked at the content but choose to denigrate things racially as you have done in a number of comments/responses on this porting

      Syabas Annie dan Selamat Hari Merdeka

  11. what's the rush? Do we have to be the first or something?

    By the way , China (and Russia) has already been engaging with the Taliban even before their takeover these last few weeks.

    1. Let this be H20's first priority
