Saturday, 29 August 2015

Be safe, T-shirt banned already

I'm now at my friend's place in Kuantan.

Drove here after work yesterday evening.

Decided that I don't want to spend this long weekend in KL.

Not with that Bersih 4.0 thing happening there.

I suspect things will turn ugly this time.

The authorities seem determined to stop the rally.

I don't want to be there when it happens.

Honestly, I'm worried for the Bersih people.

I hope no one gets hurt.

This came in a while ago via NST SMS alerts;

NST 28/08 Home Ministry bans yellow Bersih 4 T-shirts, publications and related printed material

I guess they are going to arrest anyone wearing yellow or carrying anything related to Bersih in KL tomorrow.

It can be quite havoc if that happens.

The other day, they even blocked the Bersih website.

I think the censorship of internet in this country has started in earnest.

Some of my friends have decided to be at the rally.

They are young and idealistic.

They believe in everything good about Malaysia and wanted to express their desire for the country to continue having those by joining the rally.

Maybe they are misguided, but I still hope they will be safe.

I'm worried for them because in the crowd today will be some very bad people.

Those who did this,

I think the crowd will be big.

As I was driving here, I saw quite a bad jam at the Bentong toll of the Karak Highway heading to KL. That was about 9pm.

I also noticed that a lot of cars on the East Coast Highway were heading towards the Klang Valley.

In a way I would be glad if those cars were carrying Bersih people as they should be Malays from the East Coast states.

That means Bersih 4 will not be dominated by just Chinese from DAP.

It could become a racial issue if the FRU decide to employ force and the ones at the receiving end are mostly Chinese.

I think it could be the end of Malaysia as we knew it if that happens.

Imagine the images - Malay FRU beating up Chinese protesters.

Well, tighten the seat belt and wait for what's coming.


  1. Di Batu Pahat: Bersih 4, Cina bandar sudah tunjuk belang mereka. Batu sudah dipahat dengan chopsticks. Mungkin ada juga anak cucu-cicit Atuk Salleh tercelah berkabong kuning sama!!

    We can't tightened our seat belts no more!!

    Melayu ni pemurah,rendah hati dan rendah diri:

    Kita beri mereka masuk di laman rumah dan dusun kita, mereka melihat tanam-tanaman kita hidup subur dengan indah dan berasil. Mereka berbaik-baik dan akhirnya mereka dapat membeli asil tanaman kita secara borong.

    Kemudian kita jumput mereka masuk kedalam rumah, diruang tamu kita sebagai tamu terhormat. Kita hidangkan mereka minuman dan disambut pula dengan kerepek ubi, kueh-mueh hasil dari tanaman kita. Sambil itu mereka tumpang kencing di bilik air mandi kita, dan tidak segan silu mereka lalu ditempat kita mengerjakan solat. Mereka masuk kedapur belajar masak-masakan kita dan makan bersama diruang makan kita.

    Sekarang mereka hendak masuk dibilik tidor kita, dan mereka sungguh-sungguh berusha dan tidak sabar-sabar nak masuk juga. Nak bagi ke??

    Nasi belum jadi bubur lagi. Sebelum mereka masuh dalam bilik tidor, Melayu kenalah kurang ajar. Keluarkan mereka dari halaman rumah kita serta-merta dan halang mereka masuk lagi.

    Sebelum itu penghulu Melayu yang belut kena buang dulu. Lebih baik dia mengundur cara terbaik dan tidak menyusahkan kita lagi.

    1. Aduhai putar belit isu ini: Bukankah Tai Gor Jib dah menjelma laksana Cina buruk?

    2. @02:37 MALAYSIA doesn't belong to just you. Asshole. THIS IS MY COUNTRY. I didn't not gate crash you fucking kebun. Dumbest.

    3. @02:37 yes. Go ahead and get your ass fucked by UMNO.

    4. In any country in this world, anyone who professes to be a citizen or wants to apply for its citizenship, must be fluent and proficient in the national language of that country, among other things. That is the norm.
      Does that apply to Malaysia?

    5. Freaking Jib Gor is a cinabeng Dong Zong supporter!

    6. Anon 10:20, 10:22, there are people who don't like those Chinese whom are definitely chauvinistic and immigrant minded.

      Though they are yellow and their citizenship sanctioned by grandfathers' certification, these chauvinists are worth and deserved to be fucked.

    7. Apa lagi halau je pendatang ni balik,

    8. Balik ke mane? Indon?

    9. Tong san mali, Tongsan pegi la.


  2. If they want to go to the streets ,let them do it ,
    Their determination and believed seems unavoidable ,but what funny ,they could only shows the love of the country ,'as what they claimed' on the streets .

    it's really for the love of a country or showing their true color .

    What a funny ways of showing of love . just see how strong their love is

  3. Enough space to put people behind the bars, meh?

    1. Oh, 9.17, you will be very surprised. Never under-estimate your opponents, especially the ones wielding the power. And be wary of those you brush shoulders with. You never can tell.
      Good luck to you.

    2. Sumbat je dalam tong taik.

  4. Ya, how are they going to arrest and detain 30k-100k people.

    Come come, I am ready to be arrested. Within 24-48 hrs I will be out.

  5. Put them in the jungle. Let them have lessons on survival, lest they need it in the future.

  6. Sdr Tebing Tinggi
    Pada pandangan saya penyokong Bersih 4 boleh menunjukkan ' love for Malaysia ' dengan menghadiri Hari Kebangsaan pada 31 Ogos. Boleh pakai apa pun termasuk baju kuning tak ada siapa pun yang boleh larang.

  7. Annie dear, don't you wear no yellow T-shirt I wouldn't approve of, you hear ... Hehehe

  8. Cina mmg keparat!!!
    Nak buat demo at Malay biznes area pasar seni..sogo area....mcm sial!!!
    What was the reason fr this demo again?
    nak DAP perintah the country...yaaa right....

    1. Melayu boleh le buat demo dekat bukit bintang dan low yat seminggu,

  9. ...i love my chinese friends

    ...I love Malaysia too.....


  10. Cuba buat kat petaling street. Nk tgk camne. Ni asyik tpt yg sama.sabar ade had. Hei maria chin cuba la tukar venue. Tukar organiser bersih mungkin boleh tukar venue. Lau ade lgi nx bersih tpt sama. ...rasenye sudah lebih . buat je kat brickfield ke tgk camne.....silap hari bukan pdrm hentam tpi bisnes ppl kat sane

    1. Maria Chin dah loaded, duit tabung dah Rm1.5mil, Orang susah dia apa peduli. Satu hari nanti tuhan kasi balas sama dia punya jahat.
