Wednesday, 10 October 2018

DAP tight style

Apparently this video had gone viral since two days ago,

Then the DAP's YB Melaka exco issued this threat,

Well, I don't want to write much for fear of being accused of spinning.

You all judge it for yourself la.

With orang kampung also want to scream and shout like that.

Ya, I know, some of you all will comment that Umno YBs are worse.

But hey, this guy is a Malaysia Baru YB of Pakatan Harapan. Supposed to be better behaved, right?

Video went viral also want to sue. What la.

Anyway, I think his shirt was too tight. Maybe it's for being stylish but I suspect that it may had caused his blood circulation to be not so good thus contributing to the bad temper.

What ever it is, I can't help but to notice that DAP leaders tend to be like that.

Try to read today's open letter from Guan Eng's political secretary Tony Pua to MMC-Gamuda,

Setiausaha Politik Menteri Kewangan, Ahli Parlimen Damansara
10 Oktober 2018
Ke hadapan Lembaga Pengarah MMC-Gamuda,
Saya ucap tahniah untuk sebuah persembahan yang hebat sejak Menteri Kewangan, Lim Guan Eng mengumumkan keputusan Kabinet untuk
(i) menerima tawaran MMC-Gamuda untuk mengurangkan kos kerja-kerja atas tanah MRT2 sebanyak RM5.2 bilion, menjadikannya RM17.4 bilion (pengurangan sebanyak 23%) dalam bentuk kontrak ‘turnkey’, dan
(ii) menamatkan kontrak kerja bawah tanah memandangkan kedua-dua pihak tidak dapat menemui kata sepakat berkenaan pengurangan harga.
Tetuan telah mengeluarkan surat mengisytiharkan tidak bersalah, mendakwa bahawa anda menanti tawaran daripada Kementerian Kewangan. Anda mempersoalkan kelayakan konsultan kejuruteraan bebas yang kami lantik.
Anda mengandaikan bahawa keputusan penamatan dibuat secara tergesa-gesa dan tanpa pertimbangan yang sewajarnya. Anda cuba untuk meraih simpati, mendakwa tidak kurang 20,000 individu akan kehilangan kerja (wow!).
Media sosial anda dengan aktif sekali mempromosi kempen ‘selamatkan 20,000 pekerjaan’ merayu rakyat Malaysia menyokong petisyen anda.
Ada surat yang tular di Whatsapp daripada jurutera graduan kelas pertama yang menyesal mengundi Pakatan Harapan dalam pilihan raya lalu.
Prestasi dan mobilisasi kempen ini sangat mengagumkan. Persoalan kos projek ini kepada pihak kerajaan langsung tidak dipedulikan.
Kami tidak mahu bertikam lidah dengan anda di mata umum. Biasanya itu dikhaskan hanya untuk lawan-lawan politik sahaja. Apatah lagi, kami ingin meneruskan hubungan kerja yang baik bagi menyiapkan kerja-kerja atas tanah bernilai RM17.42 bilion itu.
Namun, tindakan berani tuan-tuan untuk berlagak sebagai mangsa kerajaan ‘zalim’ Pakatan Harapan menuntut supaya suatu jawapan diberikan bagi membetulkan fakta dan rekod.
1. Kontrak asal projek bawah tanah diberikan pada nilai RM15.49 bilion. MRT Corp kemudian memberi tambahan RM1.2 bilion untuk ‘variation order’ yang menyebabkan kontrak yang disemak semula bernilai RM16.71 bilion.
2. Selepas beberapa mesyuarat dan perbincangan, anda menulis surat kepada pihak menteri pada 15 Ogos bagi menawarkan harga semak semula, RM15.1 bilion. Ini berikutan keputusan untuk tidak meneruskan pembinaan dua stesen bawah tanah Bandar Malaysia Utara dan Selatan.
3. Kemudian pada 7 September, anda menawarkan untuk mengurangkan lagi harga kontrak projek bawah tanah sehingga RM14.58 bilion (semua sekali RM32 bilion untuk keseluruhan projek MRT2).
Ini bererti penjimatan kos sebanyak RM2.13 bilion atau pengurangan sebanyak 12.7%. Seperti yang disebut pengarah Gamuda dalam mesyuarat bersama menteri pada 4 September - “we offer what we can offer, but anything beyond that will be meaningless to continue.” (Kami tawarkan apa yang kami boleh tawarkan, lebih daripada itu tak ada makna untuk diteruskan)
4. Pun begitu, berdasarkan kajian konsultan kejuruteraan bebas, MRT Corp sepatutnya menjangka jumlah penjimatan antara RM4.19 hingga RM5.79 bilion bagi anggaran 60% projek yang belum siap.
Ya, anggaran penjimatan ini baru untuk baki kerja yang belum siap. Bayangkan penjimatan untuk keseluruhan kontrak.
Jadi persoalan yang perlu difikirkan oleh kerajaan baharu Pakatan Harapan ini sangat mudah sebenarnya:
A. Adakah kita akan kata, "Tak apa lah, kita terima sahaja pengurangan RM2.13 bilion yang ditawarkan MMC Gamuda"? Lagipun kita boleh ambil angka ini dan bercakap besar kepada rakyat Malaysia tentang ‘pencapaian’ kita yang hebat, kerana mereka pun bukan tahu yang kita mungkin boleh jimat sebanyak RM2 bilion lagi. Tambahan pula, kita pastinya boleh mengelak publisiti negatif dan proses tender antarabangsa baharu yang perlu dilaksanakan. Leceh dan banyak kerja.
B. Adakah kita akan menghormati mandat dan amanah yang telah diberikan rakyat dan memaksimumkan penjimatan yang boleh kita perolehi daripada projek ini? RM2 bilion boleh digunakan untuk membangun 5 hospital, atau 50 buah sekolah.
RM2 bilion adalah jumlah wang yang sangat besar di saat saya melihat rakan-rakan di Kementerian Kewangan berusaha untuk berjimat cermat mencari penjimatan RM50 juta di sini dan mengurangkan perbelanjaan RM80 juta di sana untuk Belanjawan akan datang.
Kabinet jelas sekali telah membuat keputusan untuk memilih B.
Dan anda betul-betul mahu menyuruh rakyat Malaysia menyalahkan Kabinet kerana menamatkan kontrak ini?
Atau adakah kemudiannya anda akan memilih sasaran berbeza, seperti yang tersirat dalam kenyataan media anda, bahawa konsultan kejuruteraan bebas adalah tidak cukup layak - walaupun mempunyai 500 staf dengan rekod menyelesaikan 80 projek di 24 negara di luar Malaysia?
Atau adakah kerana konsultan lantikan kerajaan ini mendedahkan tentang pembohongan berterusan kononnya kos MRT1 dan MRT2 adalah jauh di bawah kos biasa pembinaan sistem metro di rantau Asia, kerana tiada sesiapa yang boleh mengesahkan data yang diberikan?
Adakah kami patut mempersoalkan kenapa MMC Gamuda pada mulanya bersetuju berkongsi data kos dengan jurutera konsultan untuk menjustifikasi kos, tetapi kemudian enggan berbuat demikian, kononnya ia ‘trade secret’?
Kepada graduan kejuruteraan kelas-pertama berusia 26 tahun itu, saya memahami pergolakan yang sedang anda hadapi dalam kehidupan hari ini dan ia langsung bukan salah anda.
Tetapi, sekiranya Gamuda membuat keputusan untuk tidak mengekalkan khidmat anda, merekalah sebenarnya yang rugi, kerana anda akan boleh membina kerjaya yang turut cemerlang di banyak syarikat lain.
Kepada seramai 20,000 pekerja, seperti yang didakwa MMC, akan kehilangan pekerjaan mereka akibat penamatan kontrak, biar saya tekankan bahawa kerajaan Malaysia bukannya membatalkan projek tersebut.
Anda akan menemukan banyak lagi peluang apabila projek baharu dijalankan pada kos yang lebih rendah, manakala penjimatan yang diperolehi bermakna lebih banyak projek akan dijalankan pada masa akan datang.
Tetapi mungkin, daripada memulakan petisyen di bagi mendesak kerajaan menarik balik keputusan membatalkan kontrak, adalah lebih bermanfaat untuk memulakan petisyen mendesak bos-bos anda di MMC Gamuda untuk memberi tawaran yang terbaik kepada Kerajaan Malaysia.
Terima kasih.
Over 20,000 people are going to lose their job and that's how the DAP big shot reacted.

Arrogant like hell, if you asked me.


  1. Ha ha,

    Good, good, good.

    The Rebirth of New Annie continues.

    Now Very Very Very Very Neutral Annie is a sudden crusader for justice, transparency, rule of law, zero corruption.

    Now Anti-Violence pulak!

    Of course, when Pasir Salak's son and gangsters tried to whack Khalid Samad in Parliment, when Wak Jahid half-killed that guy leaving him with permanent facial deformity, when Jamal Jamban's thugs were harassing people, when Teresa Kok's MP centre was attacked...dead silence from macai Annie.

    Never mind lah, Annie.

    I give this post score of 4/10 for being predictable Umno macai.

    But reduced to 3/10 for forgetting to tampal music video kat hujung.

    Takpe, next time lah.

    Kipidap, Annie, dongibab : )

  2. Annie Blogging Method No. 4:

    (a) Attack any PH party
    (b) Pretend to forget that Umgnok did far worse things
    (c) Say "But this is Malaysia Baru!"
    (d) Spin till dizzy
    (e) Forget to put YouTube clip

    1. Forgot to put Youtube clip because she got all too excited

  3. That’s how Malaccan people speak la Annie..They speak as if they want to fight but deep down they’re actually very nice people..

  4. The true spirit of “Don’t mess with Malacca” by the a Malaccan..

  5. MMC the culprit.

  6. Very naughty Annie...conflate 2 topics together.

    1st one...that YB is clearly rude and no matter if he is right or wrong. A YB should be behave that way and be rude. This is irregardless DAP, UMNO or whatever party. He should apologize. You also have rude YB like that Pahang MB Adnan guy showing middle finger. No PH or BN supporters condone his action irregardless of what party.

    2nd topic. I agree with Tony. This is not rude. This is stating the facts. PH as government has 2 choices. The cabinet make the 2nd choice to save maybe extra 2 Billions. This extra 2 Billions can do a lot of stuff. If Gamuda think their bid is the cheapest...they can enter open tender. This 2 Billion savings can help pay debt or civil servant increase pay, nothing to do with DAP or whatever you want to imply. It just common sense.

  7. I like this YB. Very hands on. Take the bull by its horns. The only thing that bothered was his body-hugging clothes. It seemed out of place for people of his age. I kinda can accept it if it was Syed Saddiq.

    People in a Taman made a complain about an issue here. Instead of delegating to his officers, he himself instead went down to the ground adressing it. Doing all the dirty works. Got entangled in heated arguments by the unhappy and disgruntled lot.

    He earned every cent of his bloated YB salary for this act. People can’t accused him of ‘makan gaji buta’. Instead being praised for doing the job, he was pilloried left and right in cyberspace. Even got humiliated when video got viralled. He probably wondered now if it all worth it in the end.

    If it happened during BN rule, the certain YB probably dispatched a low ranking officer to the site. Taking the heat and the ‘hit’ on his behalf. While he himself relaxing in his fluffy and spacious air conditioned office sipping a coffee..

    1. If it happened during BN rule.....

      .....the Umno YB would have made 30% commission on kontrak to make new road.

    2. 17:59
      dumbos mcm kunan sipping starbucks in london whilst TTDI burning with anger adoi (or annie eating sukiyaki in japan wakakaka joke lah)

    3. 30%. You must be joking! UMNO always marked up BIG up to 100%. 30% is a waste of YB's time. Look at their Kleptocrat boss.. from 1MDB paid up capital of RM2 million they squandered a million percent to RM2.6 billion.

  8. Great reply by Tony Pua and kudos to transparency.

  9. I think headline wrong.....

    Tight style or fight style?

    Don't lah become crap proofreader like BontotKuda.....

  10. Annie,

    First time I have seen that video.

    My guess is that those are PAS or UMNO voters :)

    OK, OK, OK, bad joke :)

    Regardless of who those folks voted for, Norhizam should try to treat every single person equally.

    Should Norhizam have had acted the way he did?

    Probably not.

    He was in the right after all.

    That shortcut should not be there and there were complaints about it.

    It would probably have had been better if Norhizam played the "dumb official" just giving nonsensical non-answers. :)

    After all, the shortcut is closed and there is nothing else to say or do.

    The way I see it, Norhizam got suckered into an argument with a nobody and came out looking like the bad guy.

    //Anyway, I think his shirt was too tight.//

    It does, doesn't it? :)

    What is it with some people and tight clothing?

    All my clothes are a few sizes bigger then what I need.

    So much more comfortable and I get more material for the same price as a tight fitting uncomfortable garment :)

    Only my socks, my shoes and my underwear are an exact fit. :)

    //Arrogant like hell, if you asked me//

    Actually, I didn't think Tony Pua was arrogant at all, well, at least, not in the English version of the letter I read.

    In the English version, he was probably confrontational but hardly arrogant.

    As for the 20,000 jobs on the line, I think Tony Pua tried to offer them some hope.

    For me, the bigger question here is MMC-Gamuda.

    It seems quite obvious that the contract was hopelessly lopsided in their favour.

    They seem to have casually chopped RM2billion off the price without much problems.

    But when asked for their costings, MMC-Gamuda hmm'd and haa'd, then claimed "trade secrets".

    From what little I know of such building contracts, there is no hiding of costs between the parties.

    Any trade secrets are always covered by non-disclosure clauses.

    There is also not much point to hide the costs because those in the building game know what work is involved, what resources are needed and what everything cost.

    Believe me, using experienced people, the costs can be determined to within 5%, maybe less.

    Thus, MMC-Gamuda's refusal to show their costings is a sign of bad faith.

    I put to you that MMC-Gamuda probably has billions more in "fat" hidden away in those costs :)

    If Tony Pua's "arrogance" can force MMC-Gamuda accept a fairer cut of profits, then I am sure those 20,000 workers would be very grateful.


  11. I agreed on this one Annie , a leader should know how to behave themselves .

  12. “To my concern however is not on Gamuda the stock, but my bigger concern is Gamuda the business and company that it has built itself to be. I have always believe that we need to build our Malaysian companies. Gamuda is one of such. It is capable of delivering what other large companies such as Hyundai, Chinese state companies can deliver - tougher projects - tunnelling. Do it in Malaysia and then overseas - compete there.

    I thought the pitch that has always been provided so far is about building our Malaysian capabilities. This is why there is keenness to have our 3rd national car - I thought.”

    A different take on the situation. Worth a read, to broaden your perspective

  13. annie if you are not happy you can migrate to pekan (pahang) still governed by dumbos meh (meme dumbo SOP reply) wakakaka

  14. i will never engage these former mmc gamuda people, look like even my project go bust i still owe them a living...they shud be more enterprising mcm dumbos pandai cari makan oops shud not be revealed dumbos trade secrets wakakaka

    1. mcm mmc gamuda macais who blamed PH for busting them, will annie + other macais also blame PH for busting umno LOL

  15. Don't get too excited la Annie...Norhizam has apologised.

  16. This YB is doing his job except that he lost his cool in the way. Nonetheless like 17:34 wrote Melaka people speak that way most of the time. From PR viewpoint it is impolite but I suppose sometimes that is what it takes when dealing with crowd refusing to listen 1st and rebut when invited.

    Well the matter has since benn put to rest.

    Tony is an excellent negotiator. Syabas Tony. 20,000 people need not have to lose their jobs. The ball is in MMC-Gamuda's. When their smart alec suggested it would be meaningless to reduce the costs beyond what they have offered, what is there left to discuss but to order to discontinue. At last they now want to go back to the negotiating. Tony can now tell them a number. Take it or take a hike.

  17. let say msian population 30 million, imagine 29,980,000 hv to suffer & pay for these 20,000 overpriced mrt2, this is really sad sobbing :(

  18. #saveMRT2 smack of #savedumbos+cronies using those sohai mmc gamuda employees as sacrificial pawns

  19. Something for pro-Umgnok bloggers to hide......

    "KUALA LUMPUR: Deputy Inspector-General of Police Noor Rashid Ibrahim says police will need to confirm if a report has been lodged over a claim that Umno has transferred RM2.5 million of funds, possibly linked to 1MDB, to PAS.

    “If there is (a report), we will see if there are elements of corruption, ordinary crime or commercial crime,” he said after attending the forum “Preventive Laws: Security vs Human Rights” here today.

    Noor Rashid said police would hand over the case to the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) if the report indicated there were elements of corruption.

    He was asked about media reports today stating that the Youth wing of Terengganu Amanah had lodged a police report calling for a probe after copies of the alleged transfer transactions surfaced on social media.

    It had also asked whether the money originated from 1MDB.

    The reports quoted the wing’s communications director Muammar Qaddafi Nasir as saying that the transactions involved a transfer of RM1.5 million from the special officer to Umno’s treasurer to Tabung Pembangunan Jawatankuasa Jabatan Pembangunan PAS Pusat (JPP) and RM1 million to three recipients who are PAS members."

    Heh heh heh.

    Kemonlah bro.

    If 3 PAS members share 1 million, each gets over 300K cash.


    So that explains a lot.

    Like those fancy cars and all.


  20. Engko punye ayat win la Annie..”Anyway, I think his shirt was too tight. Maybe it's for being stylish but I suspect that it may had caused his blood circulation to be not so good thus contributing to the bad temper”

  21. Lucky we got guys like Tony Pua to look out for the interest of all Malaysians and our future.

    Now MMC Gamuda wants to crawl back to negotiation table after Tony Pua's expose.

    Of course for UMNO people like Annie, Tony Pua is a pain in the ass since UMNO are pro cronies instead of pro rakyat.

    1. Annie is pro UMNO? I thought she says she is neutral ? Hehehe

  22. Yup, dap is arrogant like hell. This govn will not last more than 1 term if they continue this way.

    1. Hmmmmmmmm.

      Article written by founder of Gamuda?



      :The Pakatan Harapan (PH) government is handling all lopsided multi-billion contacts wrongly by picking on local/foreign contractors instead of MACC directing the previous lawmakers (who executed the lopsided contracts) to explain why the prices were exceptionally high and the contract terms and conditions lopsided."

      That's nonsensical.

      We are all aware of how BN did business.

      Putting the crooks in jail is good, but does NOT solve the issue of how partly-completed projects can continue.

      In cases like ECRL, the overpricing was DOUBLE.

      There is no sense in honouring contracts where the intention was to siphon off $$$$$$$$$$$$.

    2. Anon 08:15, contracts are the foundation of business. Yes, either party has a right to terminate if they are not happy but then don't complain about the political backlash & -ve image. Afterall, I'm sure dap will do the same if the shoes is on the other foot. Pony Tua is a hypocrite!

    3. Anon 10:36

      You must have just woken up. The one complaining and trying to arm twist is MMC Gamuda by threatening the loss of 20,000 employees.

    4. Anon 12:21, the numbers maybe exaggerated but job loss is real. New tendering process will take 6-12 months at best for lump sum bid. Who will pay for the workers salary during this period? All the major projects have either been cancelled or deferred. U think they can easily get another job within 1-2 months?

      Of course the workers will complain, they are the real victims. Do u expect them to thank ph govn for causingvtheir job loss??? The company's owners & directors net worth maybe drop 1% but they are multi millionaires.

    5. Anon 14:17

      Who asked your previous PM to be so smart and agree on lopsided contracts and inflated prices to the huge detriment of the taxpayers?

    6. Anon 15:13, ph govn can cancel any project they like but then don't complain & accuse ppl are trying to tarnish gov image. If lge & tp are as clever as they think they are, then they should be able to resolve this amicably like azmin did with the hsr. Lge is a one trick pony, only know how to use force saje

  23. With ridership less than 20% from point A to B it is cheaper to build UTC
    Must all roads leads to Putra Jaya?
    Decentralise govt administrations via internet
    Encourage online shopping
    It's cheaper and faster


  24. open secrets (not trade secrets) are dumbos + cronies told those DBKL developers to quickly speed their progress works of their property projects so mcm MRT2 will be difficult for PH termination adoi
    if PH still arrogant to terminate, tens of thousands of contractors, suppliers, banglas, employees & house buyers will revolt thus #savingdumboscronies+kunan sigh

  25. my small head not working well perhaps my underwear too tight

  26. mcm komedi, MO1 can claim jho low made mistakes by using 1mdb monies for wrong & failed investments - honest mistakes no dishonest songlap wakakaka

    1. met lots of dumbos who confirmed jho low takde salah or songlap so MO1 pun innocent, perhaps annie can write on this 'revelation'

  27. Just a link to this article---
