Told my mother over a light lunch at the Curve today that I have cancelled my plan to buy a house in KL.
She had been bugging me to buy at least an apartment.
Good investment, she said.
My mother was not happy when I told her about my decision.
Our conversation went something like this:
Mother: Why?
Me: Property prices will go down.
Mother: Property prices never go down la. Buy landed and there is no way it will go down.
Me: Nope. I'm quite sure it will go down after the next general election.
Mother: Don't talk nonsense May (my Chinese name)....
Me: Really Ma. A lot of people will be selling their property after the election. You will want to sell your place too.
Mother: Why would I want to do that? Your father and me love the house. There is no way we are going to sell it.
Me: You and the others will want to migrate. So you have to sell your properties, okay.
Mother: Why would I want to migrate for?
Me: Ma, you are a Muslim, remember....the hardline Malay Muslims are combining their forces and going to take over after the next general election. They will implement the so-called Islamic laws. You will be subjected to it. Do you think you can take it?
(My mother took several minutes to digest what I told her)
Mother: I think you are exaggerating. It will not come to that.
Me: Well, it's okay if you don't want to believe me. But I think you better start to learn to be a better Muslim and get used to being one. Just in case. They are already starting with the hudud in Kelantan. Do you still remember how to wear the tudung?
Mother: Hahahaha...very funny. You are not such a good Muslim too May. You done your zohor prayers already?
Me: Not yet. Later, okay. By the way, I'm going to ask KH (my Singaporean cousin) to look around for a place for me in Singapore. She can buy it for me under her name.
Mother: May, you are so full of crazy ideas. Why don't you just buy a house in Melbourne instead like Ah Poh?
Me: Melbourne is too far away. Anyway, I am actually buying the place in Singapore for you and Pa. All our relatives are in Singapore. I know you all are too stubborn to realise that things will get hard after the Muslim hardliners take over. By that time, it will be difficult to get a good price for the Subang house.
Mother: Well, will you be joining us in Singapore then?
Me: Nope, I am staying put. I am going to open a boutique selling burqa and other clothes for Muslim women. I think I will make lots of money. Oh, I will also try to get myself a Dragunov rifle, just in case.
Mother: Can you please don't talk like that in front of your father later? He has always been sad that you have been so different from other girls.
Me: Pa will understand me better.
Mother: Eh, stop talking nonsense, okay. let's go for a foot massage after this. I belanja you, okay?
Me: Okay...err, I want full body massage, can?
Mother: Can.
Kartun-la you ni
ReplyDeleteSubhanaLlah Annie.. tarik handbrake sikit ye?..
ReplyDeleteAnda itu ramai pembaca..jangan memberi persepsi yang kurang manis pada hudud.
Hudud siapa itu ye? Spender Al atau Mat Sabo, Haji Hadi atau ISIS ye? Pahit sungguh kezaliman ... Boleh tanya satu tak? Negara ini berhuru hara masyarakat bunuh, rogol, rompak, fitnah sesuka hati kah? Wahai saudara kite minta ke mu jangan melabur persepsi sosial dengan main air keroh.
DeleteWhat ever happened to you, annie ? Sound like that gilla girl that gone viral two days ago... be sensible. If you're not a muslim, just shut up. If you're one, don't behave like a himar !
ReplyDelete'If you are not a Muslim, just shut up. If you are one, don't behave like a himar!'
DeleteAssalamualaikum Saudara maae,
Perbezaan pendapat adalah dibenarkan di dalam Islam. Perkataan-perkataan kesat, menunjuk-nunjuk, condescending adalah tidak digalakkan. Sila rujuk kepada Surah Al -Israa, Ayat 53.
And TELL all my servants, that they must speak in the most kindly manner (unto those who do not share their beliefs) verily Satan is always ready to stir up discord between men, for verily Satan is man's open foe!
Jika anda tidak boleh terima pendapat Annie, lebih baik hindarkan diri dari memberi pendapat yang jelas dipengaruhi Satan. My reminder to you is every words you utter now will be brought back up during Hari Kiamat.
Annie is just pointing out something what a lot non Muslims fear and don't understand. I don't necessary agree with her but I respect her points.
We as Muslims we need to reflect on ourselves. Have we done our dakwah properly to non Muslim brothers and sisters?
Islam is a way of life. This Hudud by PAS is done in such a way that divides the country and most importantly look at how it was done. It is basically done in 'my way or the high way, never mind my Partners are unaware and unhappy!'
A responsible Islamic Government will take care of the rakyat welfare and also the country welfare before anything else. When these are taken care of, the spiritual side will emerge naturally. The acceptance of non Muslims will come naturally too. Look at our Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) time! Anything that is good, fair and just is bestowed by Allah. It doesn't need to be label. All these anger are the work of the Satan. Do not be mislead by the Satan!
Annie you sudah sun*t belum?
ReplyDeleteHairan. Yahudi pun bersunat. Ramai orang kata, bersunat tiada dalam Quran. Kita ikut amalan Yahudi ke?
DeleteSetuju dengan pendapat Anon 17:57. Saya tersentak membaca komen si Ani ni.
ReplyDeleteJangan terpengaruh dengan perlakuan ekstrim hukuman ini dijalankan di sesetengah negara Islam yang telah melaksanakan hudud.
Walau pun andaikata seluruh negeri di Malaysia melaksanakan hokum hudud, In Shaa Allah Malaysia tidak akan ditadbir oleh golongan minoriti ekstrimist Islam.
Lihat sahaja PAS walaupun dikatakan memperjuangkan Islam, dan Melayu Islam adalah golongan majority, belum pernah merasai nikmat memenangi majority kerusi di Parlimen dan di DUN ( kecuali Kelantan )!
Hanya UMNO yang moderate yang memenangi banyak kerusi Parlimen hamper ke tahap tidak perlu bergantung kepada parti parti lain untuk mentadbir Malaysia dengan majority mudah! UMNO juga berjuang sesungguhnya untuk mendaulatkan agama Islam!
Si Ani kenapa kamu hanya mengeksport ayah dan ibu sahaja ke negara ' tiny red dot ' di selatan tanah air?
Kalau begitu pessimis pandangan kamu terhadap hokum Hudud, kenapa tidak turut serta bungkus pakaian dan berhijrah ke sana?
Sebagai umat Islam jangan prejudis dan ragu ragu terhadap hokum Islam yang datangnya dari Allah swt. Ketakutan kamu hanya dipengaruhi apabila membaca dan mendengar cerita cerita 'horror' dari negara negara Islam tertentu!.
Beristighafar lah banyak banyak. Allah swt Maha Pengampun, Maha Pengasih dan Maha Penyayang. Ibu kamu yang bukan dilahirkan sebagai Islam tidak berperasaan seperti kamu yang bertuah dilahirkan sebagai umat Islam
'........Oh, I will also try to get myself a Dragunov rifle, just in case......'
Tidak sangka begitu buruknya penilaian kamu hanya kerana terdapat sebilangan terlalu kecil umat Islam yang berjiwa ektrimist. Jangan lupa dalam mana mana bangsa dan pengikut mana mana agama golongan ini memang wujud!
1. Apa hal dengan ko ni Mamat? Sikit-sikit, "suruh arang berhijrah!" Apasal ko sendiri tak berhijrah ke Padang Pasir yang telah lama mengamalkan Hukum Hudud? Apa? Ko ingat Negara ni bapak ko punya?! Orang-orang macam ko ni lar yang aku takut berhudud. Orang yang tak menggunakan akal bila berbuat sesuatu; ikut sedap mulut dan hati aje!
Delete2. Ko kata ko belajar kat UM; UM to ‘Universiti Malaya” ker “UMNO Malaysia?!” Kalau “Universiti Malaya”, you are not doing justice to the University! Your arguments have many laughable flaws!
3. Apa Rasullullah buat dengan puak-puak bukan Islam di Madinah dan di Mekah selepas Islam berkuasa? Adakah Baginda halau mereka keluar daripada Madinah dan Mekah? Tidak! Sebaliknya, Baginda memeterai perjanjian bersama-sama mereka untuk berkongsi hidup di sana. Tetapi yang mengahalau (dan meghukum) orang-orang yang tak sehaluan dengan mereka termasuk juga saudara-saudara seIslam mereka ialah Al-Qaeda, IS, Boko Haram, dlll yang senagkatan dengan mereka. Jadi? Ko termasuk golongan yang mana?
4. Ko tuntut bahawa orang Melayu tak serupa bangsa-bangsa lain saperti Arab, Pakistan, Afghanistan, dsbnya. Orang Melayu beradat, lemah lembut, dlll. Jadi? Rasullullah tu bangsa apa? Melayu ker? Apa beza Baginda dengan bangsa Arab yang lain? Kezaliman tidak mengenali bangsa (takkan itupun tak tahu kot? Kata lulusan ‘UM?!’). Kezaliman terletak di hati masing-masing, termasuk ko! Cermin muka ko tu lama-lama. Adakah ko layak untuk berkokok yang kau pernah belajar di ‘UM?’ Kalau aku jadi ko, aku malu nak cakap aku lulusan ‘UM’ sebab kepintaran aku tidaklah seberapa…
5. Aku Melayu, dan Negara ni bukan aku punya. Tapi, aku ada hak untuk menyuarakan pendapat aku, dan ko tidak berhak untuk mengahalau aku atau sesiapa sahaja rakyat Malaysia yang tak sehaluan dengan ko dan yang seangkatan dengan ko!
6. Next time, please forward your arguments and opinions intelligently. Show us that you are worthy of being a “UM” graduate (?!). Apakah ‘matlamat menghalalkan cara’ Islamik?
Memang helah 'matlamat menghalalkan cara' (the ends justify the means) itu adalah periuk nasi si Islamist PAS. Boleh kata usual fiqh diorang tu talk mencapai standard ulamak muktabar - jauh, jauh tersasar ....
DeleteAnon 19:07.
DeleteJangan la marah dengan Annie. Dia bukan risaukan extremist IS. Betul juga apa Annie kata. Annie masih sayang dan bertekad menetap di Malaysia untuk buka boutique burga. Untuk keselamatan, Annie nak beli senapang Bragunov untuk mengawal boutiquenya. Hanya emak dan keluarga terdekat yang menjadi penyokong tegar DAP akan cabut ke Singapura dan Australia, kerana Malaysia mungkin sudah tidak aman.
Saya pula, nak buka bengkel buat parang panjang. Saya jangkakan permintaan akan meningkat selepas PRU14.
Sebenarnya saya pun tak setuju dengan Hudud PAS. Ia tidak selari dengan slogan mereka "PAS for All".
Kalau dah 'PAS or All', mengapa hanya Muslim saja, tertakluk kepada hukum Hudud PAS?
Betul ke UMNO sokong kerana Allah semata-mata?
Mengapa masa BN kuat dahulu, UMNO tak sokong Hudud PAS?
Dimana keadilan dalam Islam jika orang bukan Islam hanya di penjara 1 bulan, tapi Muslim di potong tangan jika mencuri?
Oleh kerana Hudud PAS, pencuri Muslim itu sudah di'sumpah' menjadi OKU dan masyarakat pula yang terpaksa 'membiayai' kebajikannya seumur hidup. Jika dia berkeluarga dan ramai anak, macamana? Masyarakat juga ke, yang kena tanggung anak-bini dia?
Lagi pun orang yang sudah tiada tangan sebelah, walaupun sudah insaf, tidak lagi berguna untuk mempertahankan Negara dan Agama, jika berlaku perang. Dan jika dia bersikap pendendam, boleh bertukar menjadi agent musuh.
Jika rakyat muslim Amerika datang ke Kelantan dan istihar murtad, beranikah Haji Hadi menjatuhkan hukuman bunuh keatas nya? Kalau Amerika hantar Air craft carrier ke perairan Kelantan, tak kecut ke telor Haji Hadi?
Saya juga khuatir jika lebih ramai orang Melayu istihar keluar dari Islam dan lari kenegara kapir, untuk melarikan diri dari di hukum oleh Hudud PAS. Tengok macam Sirul, satu apa pun Kerajaan kita tak boleh buat.
Yuh...banyak lagi keraguan atau rasa was-was dengan Hudud PAS, tapi saya dah tak larat nak tulis.
Lebih baik PAS dedahkan kepada umum buku panduan Hudud mereka. Harap-harap setebal buku Memoir Tun Dr.M. Maklumlah sudah berpuloh tahun mereka canang bab Hudud ni. Takkan satu panduan apa pun tak boleh bukukan. Bagilah detail, kemudian kita bahas semula di kedai-kedai kopi atau dimana-mana saja. Janganlah buat macam 1MDB, semuanya berahsia belaka.
Anon 21:48,
DeleteHe, he, he apa yang engkau merepek ini.? Baca dulu komem aku betul betul sebelum memberi komen.balas!
Aku lebih memperkatakan tentang jangan prejudis terhadap hukum Hudud hanya berdasarkan apa yang berlaku di negara negara Islam yang telah melaksanakannya.
Engkau juga tidak mungkin dapat menafikan bahawa 25 nabi yang wajib diketahui adalah terdiri daripada bangsa Arab dan Yahudi.
Mengapakah Allah swt memilih Nabi/Rasul daripada bangsa ini ? Fikir fikir kan lah!
Kalau pengetahuan Sejarah Islam engkau terlalu rendah mulai lah membaca sejarah keadaan masyarakat dan sosio budaya bangsa tersebut .sebelum kelahiran mana mana Nabi/Rasul.
Paling mudah kaji keadaan msyarakat Arab jahiliyah sebelum kelahiran Nabi Muhammad saw.
Memperkatakan tentang kebobrokan bangsa Arab tidak ada kena mengenakan dengan fakta Nabi Muhammad saw berbangsa Arab!
Siapa engkau untuk mengatakan sama ada sesaorang itu layak atau tidak sebagai penuntut UM atau mana mana institusi pengajian tinggi yang lain?
Engkau ada Phd ke? Atau ijazh ijazah lain yang berjela jela panjangnya?
Tapi dari cara engkau berbahasa budak lulusan UPSR lagi baik.
Engkau menyuruh aku mengemukakan pendapat secara ' intelligently ' Habis pendapat yang engkau kemukakan itu, bijaksana sangat ke?
Tentang berhijrah ke negara lain, Si Ani yang memulakannya bila dia mencadangkan ibu bapanya berpindah ke Singapura.
Saya hanya menambah tepung tawar bila mrncadang kan dia turut serta bila dia agak ' ragu ragu ' dengan cadangan perlaksanaan Hudud di Kelantan khasnya dan seluruh Malsysia amnya!
Come and stay in my abode. O la la. I am the one you're looking for.
ReplyDeleteGood points la Annie..with hudud implemented there will a lot of migration of DAP minded Christians.Good riddance, less noise, less kurang ajar, the property prices will also reduced.
ReplyDeleteHope that will happen soon once they emigrated..their citizenship shall be automatically withdrawn.
You sound liberal.
ReplyDeleteHudud versi PAS Kelantan . It ok to rogol kambing... ntah le...
ReplyDeleteAfter that the kambing boleh jadi korban aqiqah tak? Ya lah, itu sebab Spender Al rasa selamat dengan video besi Awang tu.
DeleteAnon 22:41 and Anon 0:00.. Jangan membuat kenyataan tanpa faham dan tanpa usul periksa. Jika anda seorang muslim, segeralah bertaubat.
DeleteAnon 7:20,
DeleteHudud Kelantan 1993 kata gadis mangsa rogol mesti keluarkan 4 saksi untuk membuktikan ia telah di jimak oleh si perogol .... kalau awak ada iman, cepat bertaubatlah dari kezaliman itu. Hai saudara! dunia kebinatangan terbuka oi!
excerpt: ..The second tabling of the hudud of PAS has made some changes. According to the Malay Mail's report, this time lesbian sex, necrophilia (sex with dead bodies) and bestiality (sex with kambing, lembu, kerbau etc) is NOT criminal anymore under the hudud of PAS....
ReplyDeleteHai...Yaa , Annie lu cekap itu macam ,Wa manyak takut lea aa .
For muslims here, do not make fun of hukum Allah. You can criticise its implementation but please do question perintah Allah. My hats to PAS for pursuing hudud, I believe they are sincere and it was not for political reason.
ReplyDeleteExactly! the Hanbali-Wahhabi PAS is making fun of hukum Allah! Hadi Awang teaches the radical takfir ideas of Syed Qutb who advocates OFFENSIVE JIHAD, like what the bloody ISIS is waging.
DeleteAnon 8:31. What's your undestanding of Wahabi?
DeleteKiata tak made fun tapi PAS yang melacurkan hukum allah swt utk kepantingan politik dunia , cuba study hudud pas dengan hududullah di dalam alquran tak sama langsung dan tak ujud langsung , itu saja yang kita marah , satu contoh hukum allah mana boleh ada double standard Bro cuma hanya untuk orang melayu islam saja mana ada macam ini kalau hukum hukum allah jatuh di bumi ini semua manusia mesti terkesan bro pi lah arab saudi si kristian pun kena hudud kalau bunuh dan curi ini sah melacurkan agama untuk kepentingan politik dunia..
DeleteDraft asal hudud Kelantan adalah untuk semua kaum, tetapi atas bantahan keras parti kompenen PR yang lain, hukum itu dikhusus kepada kaum muslim sahaja. Sekurang-kurangnya hukum itu boleh di laksanakan sekarang. One day it will include all, insya Allah.
DeleteAnon 8:52,
DeleteWhat's your understanding of Amanat Hadi Awang of 1981 when he calls other Muslims kafir? He refuses to repent till today. Is he a Muslim?
Anon 13:41. You are not what's responding to the "What us your undestanding of Wahabi?"
Deleteas long as umno is in power it will not go to that.
ReplyDeletehudud law is not about cruelty . it is about fairness. dont be such a dumbass please.
Re 'hudud is about fairness'
DeleteIt's not HUDUD that worries people. It's about the people that recite but do not read, who read but do not understand. It's also about the dead letters that allow for open interpretations, dead letters that could not argue back. It's about the teachings which are meant for advising to do good, but instead being used as basis to kill and injure. It's about a people whos naturally timid, who's reluctant to react to abuse of power, who sincerely think that bad leaders should wait to get their punishment in the hereafter.
And lastly, it's about pemimpin who's quick to tell you that you are wrong, who can show you 99 dalils why you are wrong, but when it's their own kind, especially their own son, they have lots of mercy and want everyone else to have mercy, and suddenly the dead letters seem to read exactly like what they want, with the concurrence of scholars in that field.
Anon 9.46 ,
DeleteIf you're not worried or not against hudud but merely not confident about people behind it then why don't you help them. Assist them in any way you can.
In a complex society such as ours , views from different persons/organisations are important.
Positive mindset and approach is what we all need.
"Me: You and the others will want to migrate. So you have to sell your properties, okay."
ReplyDeleteWill Ye No Come Back Again?
Jangan takut...Kelantan akan buka baitulmal sebesar2nya mcm Zaman Khalifah supaya org miskin tak mencuri.
ReplyDeleteTHREATS OF MURDER, RAPE AND BURN - are there such people on Annie;s blog as well?
ReplyDeleteProf Dr Mohamad Tajuddin Mohamad Rasdi :
The latest incident about a BFM newsreader being threatened with death, rape and being burnt alive by those whom I assume to be Malay-Muslim netizens brings forth serious questions for this country. Is this country safe for our children to live in?
If a simple point of view is raised against such issue as hudud or even such issue as democracy and clean elections can produce outbursts of murder, rape and burning people alive, what does it say about our country, its citizens and our leadership? Where did this culture come from?
Re 'hudud is about fairness'
Prof Dr Mohamad Tajuddin Mohamad Rasdi.
DeleteHe is a proud member of DAP.
Prof Dr Mohamad Tajuddin Mohamad Rasdi.
DeleteHe is a proud member of DAP.
As a result of which he deserves it! Kan, 12:28?
You don't see many practicing muslim joining DAP. Instead, many who joined, turn to be going against his or her race and religion.
DeleteHudud ala PAS is not hudud as stated in Quran. The punishments are more similar to the bible's. So I recommend to the Malays yang support hudud ala PAS to read the Quran and also the bible. Then only will you not go astray. By implementing hudud ala PAS, instead of mendapat rahmat Allah.. I bet you bala Allah yang akan turun. Allah will not allow wickedness to bermaharaja lela (many stories in Quran to support this statement, if tak percaya sila baca dan faham Quran. Jangan hanya tau menyanyi Quran aje)
ReplyDeleteTolonglah Melayu, jangan outsource your brain to others! Anugerah Allah yang paling besar untuk manusia ialah akal dan kebolehan berfikir (bukan Anwar Ibrahim :P). Jangan percaya bulat2 dengan orang yang kononnya arif pasal Islam. Bacalah! So that you will get knowledge. Bukan menyanyilah.. hanya syoik sendiri!
Apakah hukum Allah yang sebenar?
DeleteAnon 12.57
ReplyDeleteIf you're a muslim please enlighten the rest of us what the quran says about hudud since I sense to you, our understanding of the quran is wrong.
But if you' re a non muslim, what the nerve you have to tell us how we muslims should practise our religion.
Many people here seem to think that hudud is the all-complete law that governs every aspect of life in Islam. Wrong. Hudud is just a small part of sharia law which contains inter alia law of property, law of marraige, commercial law, criminal law etc. etc. Even the criminal laws are further sub-divided into among others, ta'zir, qisas, diyat etc and hudud contains only between 7 to 4 offences depending which govt legislate it and I don't think you can rule a nation with a law that criminalises only six offences.
ReplyDeleteSincethe meaning of hudud (plural of hadd) is the limit of punishment stated in the quran, the inclusion of offences of consumption of alcohol (Shurb) and apostasy (murtad) is still an on-going debate since the quran never state the limit of punishment for these offences in definite term. Therefore some Islamic scholars tend to think that these should be excluded.
In term of the implimentation rules which are which are formulated by legislators, there are still many points of contention being debated for example the use of circumstantial evidence (qarinah) in cases of zina or just stick to direct evidence of four witnesses. Since the circumstantial evidence of pregnancy or delivery of a child without legitimate father is accepted as proof of zina, why must it exclude circumstantial evidence of vcd or dna etc.
If you care to read widely the view points of leading modern Islamic scholars, there are vast number of unsettled questions that remain in debate. I just hope our legislators have sufficient wisdom to ensure that ordinary man on the street gets his justice