Saturday 20 July 2013

Parents, please take care of your children

By right, the most important thing for parents should be the well being of their children.

I'm not an expert in parenthood and probably will be a lousy parent if I become one, but I think I could not be wrong to say that those with children must placed the importance of their kids above all else.

Therefore, a parent should placed the welfare of his/her children ahead of his/her own interests.

A parent must always know where his/her children are and above all else must ensure their safety.

Tragedy such as this shouldn't had happened,

Girl left in car for 6 hours dies

I know, it's fated.

But the parents, should bear the responsibility for what happened to their young children.

I think those who can't handle such a responsibility shouldn't have children at all.

Irresponsible parents who neglect their children are bad parents.

Even worse were parents who deliberately placed their children in harm's way such as dragging them along to political rallies or use them to further their political agenda.

I think these type of men and women shouldn't be parents at all.

They should just be neutered or spayed instead. Well, at least that's how I see it.


  1. "I think those who can't handle such a responsibility shouldn't have children at all."

    .. some maybe tak nak pun but being pressured by their parents yang nak cucu. Bila dah lahir bukannya the grandparents jaga pun. Setakat nak main sekejap-sekejap adalah.

    .. some maybe tak nak pun but malu dengan ustaz/ustazah. Dia orang cakap, orang yang tak nak anak tu abnormal.

    .. some maybe tak nak pun but takut dituduh pasangan mandul oleh society yang tak puas hati kalau orang yang dah kahwin takde anak berderet.

    The one who suffers? The children cause their parents are still like children themselves.

  2. tapi berapa ramai pula pasangan yang sangat inginkan zuriat sendiri tetapi harapan tidak kesampaian walaupun setelah berusaha dengan pelbagai cara

    maka mereka redha dengan ujian berat itu dan berharap ibu-bapa yg diamanahkan dengan anak2 dpt menjaga serta menghargainya dengan sebaik2nya

    dan barulah kita menyedari bahawa anak itu adalah suatu rezeki kurniaan oleh Tuhan

    sebenarnya kalau dah tak larat atau tak suka dengan anak sendiri - boleh je beri kepada pasangan yang mahukan anak dan tahu menghargai mereka...tapi nanti malu kena kata lah pulak tak nak jaga zuriat sendiri

  3. You who are on the road ..... must have a code that you can live by
    And so become yourself ..... because the past is just a goodbye

    Teach you children well ... Their father's hell did slowly go by
    And feed them on your dreams .... the one they (the child) picked
    The dream you'll know by.

    Don't you ever ask them why ..... If they told you would cry
    So just look at them and sigh .... and know they love you

    And you of tender years ..... can't know the fears ..... that your elders grew by
    And so please help ..... them with your youth
    They seek the truth ..... before they can die

    Teach your parents well ..... Their children's hell will slowly go by
    And feed them on your dreams .... the one they (the parents) picked
    The dream you'll know by.

    Oh Allah, bless the children everywhere and grant them to fulfill their good dreams they have been taught by their fathers and mothers.
    Purify our troubled souls and bloody strife.

  4. Check before you enter and before you left your car !

  5. This is one careless attitude that led to a tragedy. A super duper one blunder that will hound the parents forever.

    I couldnt imagine the poor child screaming in agony over heat exhaustion in the car. It pained me to hear this kind of tragedy befell a young child.

    Why parents never seem to learn the lessons from previous tragedies of freak accidents like this?


  6. Annie, bila saya tengok gambar yg disiarkan saya tak faham macamana seorang bapa yg berugama Islam sanggup benarkan anak kecilnya yg berketayap pula tu dengan bangga membawa bendera parti rasis cina dap. Kalau dia benarkan anaknya bawa bendera pas bolehlah juga difahami. Ini bendera parti dap yg perinsipnya adalah menentang perjuangan Islam.

    1. Only BN supporters call DAP racist.

    2. 18:08

      Seriously you must be a racist yourself. people always view others based on their own expectations.

    3. Anon 18:41 and 19:17,

      C'mon! Both of you cannot deny that DAP is a racist party. Is there a Malay in CEC? Democratic my foot lah!

    4. i dont support umno and the for last election i vote pkr this year i dont vote because my lost of faith with this politician but i know dap member are mostly the anti malay minded type of different act different as well..i dont know why they didn't realise that they're smile when campaining for equality for all are so fake like a sales person friendliness type..they're so naive to think malay would fall for that.

    5. A Chinese-DAP MP,wearing baju kurung, giving free kurma to Makcik Pakcik at pasar Ramadhan. Totally FAKE

  7. Amazing how you used a childs death to spread your political bullshit. You are truly a despicable umno product.

    1. Ask people to look after their children also cannot ka? Why? You like seeing small Malay kids carrying DAP flags at Pakatan rallies, is it? What if there is a riot like in Bersih 3.0 and the kid got injured? You like that?

    2. Agreed with Anon 18:11
      Annie,you are such a despicable person and pls don't use other people misfortune for your own political bullshit, is no good you know !!

      And since when is Annie is so much care about the Malay kids ??

    3. It's about irresponsible parents la, morons.

    4. Annie, you know deep down you screwed up on this one. Apologise and move on. Look up the dictionary for the meaning of the word if you have to.

    5. Annie got the point. Why should she apologize?

  8. Adoi Annie....forever can't disengage politics in her writing.
    Ghani has lost the election, please get over it-lah !!

    1. This is a sopo blog la, idiot.

    2. soap opera .... by Drama Queen Annie, hehehehehe

    3. Annie, please write responsibly and don't because of your implacable hatred toward the opposition supporters, particularly the Chinese community made you become a utterly miserable woman.

    4. Annie,

      Don't get disheartened by the biaDAP comments from DAPigs! They know you have gained substantial followers to your blog even though you are new. And this makes them piss off big time!

  9. how to take care of the kids when the bapak is too busy running/chasing after lotsa cunts + the mothers are busy trying to outdo one another in the harem cos the competition is just unforgiving. They go for the quanlity, quantity wise- its a mat rempit breeding factory :)

    1. Some Malay Muslims deserve to be insulted like this because they are too stupid to even realize that they were being insulted. These are the ones who make their children carry the flag of those who insulted them such as in the picture.

    2. woit Annie, a kid has died inside the car-lah, and not by carrying the flag !! and pls stop using the child's death as your pathetic excuse to whack the opposition supporter.

      If the death kids parents happened to be an opposition supporter, guess Annie will have a field days to wallop the opposition tiap-tiap hari !!

    3. Annie' don't be chicken-lah,cakap terang-terang.... "some Malay Muslims deserve to be insult",so who are the 'Some' ?? The Malays from PR is it ?

      Bila Annie nak 'insult' PR punya Melayu ?? Bring it on Annie !!

    4. If I'm chicken I won't be releasing your moronic comments la you little piece of pig shit.

    5. little piece of shit, now with an additional word fitted by Annie the Brute, PIG.

      You little piece of PIG shit, so from now on whatever cuss-word will be added with a word PIG to make it sound more exotic.

      start with you mother PIG fxxker

      Adoi, lagi-lagi babi yg kena bantai, memang susah betul jadi babi :(

    6. Anon 20:33,

      You must be a cHINAkui! I'm pretty sure you look uglier than babi!

    7. While we are revolving around the subject of animals let's chill out with this classic from George Orwell:

      Animal Farm

  10. This is the problem working women with kids today face in this country. Some out of no choice MUST work to help supplement family income.

    Men who are not considerate will leave all children matters to their working wife to handle - many of them men, breakfast wife kena tersedia > go to work> meet up with friends after work > dinner tersedia, then go to sleep.

    Often my staff would bring along to work their sick kids to the office when I ask them what about the husband, owh cannot, my husband is WORKING cannot disturb him??? Then what about you!

    To even forget that a child is sleeping behind the car, rushing to the airport then for a meeting and classes, this must be one very stressed out lady,


    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. Anon,
      I'm ok if you want to run down the men, but not the religion. That's why your comment was removed.

    3. whatever. blind are those who will not see and too afraid too think and question. Too bad for you but hey its your blog. who cares.

  11. "They should just be neutered or spayed instead. Well, at least that's how I see it."

    So do you think parents who are negligent about leaving their kids in the car should be neutered or spayed too? Who made you God? What a horrible person you are.

    1. The one I suggested to be neutered or spayed are the Malay muslim ones who made their children carry a DAP flag. You can read or not? What a stupid person you are.

    2. What Annie meant is that particularly to the opposition supporters they should be "neutered or spayed" as to ward off the next generation of participating in any future street protest (against UMNO). Indeed, Annie is not only horrible but also despicable.

    3. kah..kah..kah... tomorrow newspaper front page headline : beware, suggestion made by one pro-UMNO blogger Annie to parents of Malay Muslim (only) who kids carrying the opposition flags shall be neutered and spayed.

      Annie, you are worst than Hitler !!

    4. Annie, there won't be much meaningful discussion in this site until this gentleman's stop ejaculating thrash int.

      Hope you can stop such postings.

    5. Annie - I was appalled at your statement that the people similar to those in the picture should be neutered or spayed. This is such a bitchy statement from supposedly a little lady (?) of the valley. I was being sacarstic when I asked you SO DO YOU THINK that parents who are negligent about leaving their kids in the car should be neutered or spayed TOO? - GET IT??


      You are the STUPID or rather IGNORANT one. MY comment still stands. WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE? GOD?

    6. Of course, Annie is not GOD, but a UMNO Talents! Just go read her previous posting, and soon you will find out how she vigorously condemns and disparages of those who do not support corrupt UMNO regime.

    7. I read the tragic story: the teacher's sister had been fetching the teacher's daughter to the nursery for 3 consecutive days before the incident; then comes the mum's turn and the child was "sleeping quietly" in the back seat; after dropping someone off at the airport she rushes to school for some important meeting, parks her car in the open-air car park and just takes off into the school building: What horribly tragic absent-mindedness! For the rest of the entire day her little 3-year old girl never occurs to her mind anymore because her mind is locked in long-term memory mode - sister is taking care of my baby girl every day. You can fault her for being quite negligent, not living in the present moment but it's mom's little dearie - heart breaking! She had no intention to kill her own child. In hindsight you could say it was fated, but only in hindsight.

      Now, as for the little child carrying the flag, the case of her parents is different. Her parents have consciously brought her to a political rally which is often the venue for loud and emotional speeches, and confrontational outbursts between political opponents. What does the child know about what the DAP stands for, that she should be involved? What values do her parents wish to instill into her that would educate her young immature mind? For sure the parents have their own experiences about politics but it is not destined that she should share their political ideology in the future.

  12. I guess if that was an UMNO or BN flag, there will be notice a problem.

  13. Neutered or Spayed.....Annie, has you lost your mind. Hope your cina-beng boyfriend didn't read your posting today.

    Cina-beng balls in danger !!

    1. If Chinamen get neutered, their kote would get even more kuntut, mah! Maybe only their balls are left dangling between their legs, HaHaHa!

    2. Anon 21.01
      Who should know better than you guys right ;) konek kena pancung dari kecik lagi so will never know what is a true MALE really like right ??? one one hand said man is a complete creation of God must accept, the next they chop it off at a young age. A practice that is not even mentioned in that great book of yours. Confused as ever.

    3. I thought Muslim men get *neutered* at a young age what?? Are you sure still got are balls even... HaHaHaHaHa

    4. Anon 03:53 & 03:55,

      Both of you live in Malaysia but still very ignorant about Malays/Muslims adat/religion. Malay boys bersunat at around 5 - 8 years of age. White men like my husband and his siblings were circumcised when they were still babies. My father-in-law who was a medical doctor advocated circumcision for hygiene reason.FYI, Malay men are known to be well-endowed unlike Chinamen.

    5. Mana depa nak paham. DAPig memang mcm tu. sibuk melalak dlm blog ni tp pi follow jugak

  14. The small guy in the picture is not a child. He is just small in nature.

    Look closely, even a hint of mustache.

    1. Can act as stuntman for Peter Dinklage! Msian version to "rampas Putrajaya"..

    2. Rampas Putrajaya? You must be hallucinating! What kind of drugs are you taking?

  15. Since when did this little lady in the valley became an experts in giving advise to parents ?

    1. As I stated in the posting, I'm not an expert. I'm just stating what I feel is right in MY own insignificant little blog. If you agree with what I wrote, then I'm glad but if you don't think I'm right, then I'm ok with it.Nobody forced to read this blog anyway.

  16. Well if parents are too stupid/hardheaded/can't find babysitter and keeps putting their children in potentially dangerous situations, maybe what we need is more laws and enforcement.

  17. Definitely!! A-holes need to be neutered 100%. Last of their breed to procreate and bring more A-holes into the world. Kecik2 tak mau mati dah besar menyusahkan orang.

  18. In Spore the national service is compulsory to all citizens but do you know that it is also done very discreetly that some are exempted esp those sons of very connected Chinese tycoons and top PAP?.Also as for Malays not all are accepted but in the case of Malays their non acceptance in the national service meant that their chances of getting good and government jobs are out because they did not undergo National service.Without national service these Malays are marginalized to work as gardeners, as PUB cleaners and airport usherer, as drivers as labourers and coolies. Conditions to be small contractors or government vendors are so strict that only the very few and well connected can do so
    Also in Spore , the existence of halal and non halal food stalls, so close together, almost side bey side in food courts and eateries is an ordinary and common situation so much so that eventually the poor Malay trader is devoid of customers and had to close shops because to get Malay customers would be difficult.The subtle way of PAP , the cousin of Malaysia's DAP is doing.
    you go to Changi and see for yourselves the place to worship is common for all religious denomination, there is no surau for Muslims

    1. At least Singapore done away with purely vernacular schools 30 years ago but these PAP pretenders are champions of the Chinese vernacular schools in Malaysia. Singapore is damned scared of communists but LGE wants to invite Chin Peng "homecoming" to Malaysia. Now, if it's the "lack of English medium of instruction like Singapore" that they use to prop up their defense, then we'd like to know how many of the English STAR newspaper staff (mouthpiece of DAP) were graduated from SKJC schools? Just a thought, but isn't Penang society now increasingly menaced by Chinese triads and Indian gangsters? What' LGE's political evangelism doing for the souls of his electorate?

  19. I like reading yr blog, Annie. This is my first comment. I dont think you should be riled up abt negative remarks. Just let them through. The intelligent among us can judge. Hv a good week ahead.

  20. Mak bapak budak tu tengah training anak nya. Just another potential *ostad a dime a dozen* kumpolnonok + beranak bertabur tapi value the making.Hope he discovers he has a brain not too late and break free from the shackles of religious dunguism.

  21. Annie please read this article and tell me if there is any difference between the couple who took their child to a demo and the mother of the baby who died in the car:

    Deadly bad habit
    Schoolteacher's routine to leave daughter all alone in school, says cop

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