Apparently this posting of mine had drawn quite a lot of attention.
I had among others received an email from Dr Brenden Tempest-Mogg, the president of Warnborough College (UK) over the matter. Unlike his former students, the guy seems to be a cool fellow.
He had given me permission to republish this clarification about his establishment which was originally intended for The Star newspaper,
5:13 PM (1 hour ago)
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Attn: The Star, Business Desk
Ms Gurmeet Kaur
Mr Risen Jayaseelan
We are concerned about the misinformation presented about Warnborough College (Ireland) that has appeared in your newspaper The Star on 17 July 2013 in the article entitled "Spotlight on Emir".
Warnborough College (Ireland) is entitled to award degrees, based on comparable academic standards similar to major universities. To this end, Warnborough College has been accredited by the Accreditation Service for International Colleges (ASIC) as a Premier College, after performing commendably in the intensive accreditation process. Also, it holds ISO9001:2008 certification, like several universities in Malaysia and abroad. Our qualifications are recognised in industry, commerce, education and the professions. Its membership in the UK College of Teachers (Royal Chartered in 1849) further illustrates its commitment to quality teaching, research and professional standards.
Our alumni consist of many worthy graduates including Dr Mohd Emir Mavani Abdullah. They worked hard to earn their qualifications, undergoing a rigorous academic and examination regime. They are and have every right to be proud of their Warnborough qualifications and the contribution they are making in all walks of life.
Our accreditation is stated very clearly on our website , and this can be verified directly with We are requesting a correction to the article so that the information provided by The Star is accurate.
Thank you.
Sincerely,Dr. Brenden D. Tempest-MoggB.A. (University of New South Wales)M.A. (Essex University)M.Litt. (University of Oxford)Ed.D. (George Washington University)Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts (London)Oxford Business Alumni, Said Business School (University of Oxford)Member Oxford Education Society, Department of Education (University of Oxford)Member Oxford Law Society (University of Oxford)President, Warnborough College (UK)Warnborough Headquarters18 Lower Bridge StreetCanterbury, Kent, CT1 3WH, UKTel: +44(0)1227 762 107 Fax: +44(0)1227 762 108ASIC accredited Premier CollegeUKBA Sponsor Licence Number: 3CWHGJ1M2ABE accredited training providerInvestor in PeopleISI Private Further Education Certification No. 090WISE ENGLISH: British Council Accredited for Teaching English=
Apparently, Dr Ranjit Singh Malhi was not satisfied with my apology for making him angry over this posting. He had send me two more emails, castigating me for this posting. Well, honestly, I don't really know what else to say. Apparently graduates of Wamborough University (or is it College?) are not very humorous people.
I wish I can share those emails here so that readers of this blog may understand how seriously offended he was, but since he had marked them PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL, I decided to honor it by refraining from doing so.
Apparently, this posting of mine had attracted quite a hostile reaction from one Dr Ranjit Singh Malhi.
These are his emails,
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I refer to your posting, “I’m Dr Annie, FGV may want to hire me” of 22 July 2013.
You have openly stated that Dr. Emir Mavani’s qualifications are fake and implied that Warnborough University (now known as Warnborough College Ireland -WCI) is a bogus institution. Your completely erroneous and defamatory statement is far more worse than that of The Star.
Attached is the Accreditation Service for International Colleges (ASIC) Certificate of Accreditation for WCI. ASIC is an independent body which provides an accreditation service for independent further and higher education colleges. ASIC is an independent British-based accreditation agency which currently accredits a number of educational institutions in the UK, Asia, and in other parts of the world. ASIC extends accreditation to schools, colleges, universities and training institutions which satisfy a range of stringent quality criteria in all aspects of their operations. Well-known academic institutions that have been accredited includes London International College of Management, University of Atlanta (USA), ASIA Metropolitan University (Malaysia), Institut Europèen des Affaires (France) and Amity Global Business School (Singapore). ASIC is a member of CHEA International Quality Group (CIQG) in USA and is listed in their International Directory and has recently been accepted by the British Quality Foundation (BQF).
Attached also is the documentation proving that WCI’s graduates have held academic positions with well-established universities and ASIC’s accreditation obtained by Management and Science University (Malaysia).
I did my Ph.D. in Organizational Behaviour with Warnborough University and I am utterly pissed off with your completely erroneous and derogatory insinuation about WCI.
I strongly demand an apology from you for your erroneous and derogatory insinuation that Warnborough University is a bogus institution and removing the offending posting within 24 hours. If I do not receive a favourable response from you within 24 hours, I will most definitely (100%) initiate legal proceedings against you. You have my word of honour on that.
For the record, I sued an individual (Malaysian) in 2010 for defamation in the High Court who erroneously accused me of buying my Ph.D. degree. The matter was settled out of court with him issuing me an apology letter and making a payment (amount is private and confidential). I am sure you do not want History to repeat itself. The ball is in your court, “Dr Annie” and I would most definitely not want to hire someone like you who slander others without first verifying your facts.
Yours sincerely,
Dr. Ranjit Singh Malhi
CEO and Principal Consultant
TQM Consultants Sdn. Bhd.
7A, Lorong Rahim Kajai 13
Taman Tun Dr. Ismail
60000 Kuala Lumpur.
9:02 AM (1 hour ago)
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Dear All,
Forwarding vital information about the status of ASIC which has accredited Warnborough College Ireland as a “Premier College” on 18 December 2012. Let this be a lesson learned: Do not slander others without verifying your facts. Have a nice day!
From: Ranjit Malhi [ ]
Sent: Monday, 22 July, 2013 8:44 AM
Subject: University accreditation in Thailand - News articles - Inside Government - GOV.UK
Sent: Monday, 22 July, 2013 8:44 AM
Subject: University accreditation in Thailand - News articles - Inside Government - GOV.UK
Shared via Norton Identity Safe. Get it for FREE!
Well, Dear Dr Ranjit Singh Malhi
I'm actually very sorry that you took serious offense of this little posting of mine.
I sincerely do not know who you are, but please believe me that this posting was only meant for a laugh or two. I did it on the spur of the moment after reading about the subject matter in other blogs. I hope you could understand and forgive me for it and not be too vexed with me.
Dr Ranjit Singh Malhi, since you took the trouble to write to me to express your indignation about this posting, as a sign of appreciation, I would like to dedicate this little sketch to you so that it may cheer you up a bit. Cheers. (Note: I believe God can forgive Mr Atkinson and can see that the sketch was just for fun.)
Why the doctor?
Because I can fake it.
Yes, for the purpose of this posting you all can refer to me as Dr Annie.
Nice isn't it.
Hmmm, let me tell you that I actually obtained my Phd in philosophy and anthropology from University of Middlesex, UK. (Note: Go search for the university and see if you can find it).
Oh, by the way, I also have a law degree from another UK university, you know.
And as proof of the authenticity of my doctorate and stupendous academic achievements, here is my photo on my graduation day which goes with my CV,
Well, hot and intellectually impressive aren't I?
Now, which gigantic GLC wants to hire me as its president and CEO?
How about you all at Felda Global Venture?
Hey, come on la, just dump this guy,
and replace him with me.
My qualification were fakes?
Well, so does the qualification of that ugly guy you all appointed as your president and CEO, isn't it?
At least I'm nicer to look at, aren't I?
That picture of mine is fake too?
Well, even if I put my real picture, I am certain I'm still nicer to look at than that ugly bald man.
Tan Sri Isa Samad, what do you think? You want to hire me or not?
(Note: For perspective, read Warnborough, revisited (possibly with a lawyer letter)
Dear annie, is that u?? u r really damn pretty..
ReplyDeleteno it is not will see the real Annie soon in court. Be surprise.
DeleteRuhaini Abdul Ghani aka Annie Gurney is very GEMOK! balik cebok la...
DeleteI think Annie is very pretty, slim and tall like a model. I have a 2 year old cat named Annie and she is the apple of my American husband's eyes! See, we don't have any children and we have no intention to have any. So, our Annie is our 'baby'!
DeleteWell putting aside his dubuious qualifications, why this guy anyway?
ReplyDeleteDoes he have some dirt on UMNO?
Is he a messenger, a Resident Advisor sent by some foreign East Hindi like evil corporation?
Or is he some twice removed cousin of some UMNO politician, or maybe his father saved somebody else father and this is paying back debts?
I was told about an internal seminar/meeting with FGV's top executives.One goes to these kind of company do and since it was held in a resort some brought along their spouses and there will be of course dinners and so on organized. But at the close door seminar the spouses were supposed to be out of bounds. In one FGV not only was the spouse ie the wife was there, she participated and asked questions as though she was a participant.
ReplyDeleteThe other senior executives were clearly pissed off but since it was the CEO's wife nobody dared to say anything out
There is a story that a large GLC down south whose wife, supposedly to keep herself with the husbands busy and many official, semi official activities been assigned a paid PA, an officer , of the help, like a good and busy executive all the affairs and arranged for the wifes programme but also to look after their teenage children
Bila dah isteri pun nak kuasa...jahanam lah
Why the fuss? Rosmah showed the way, others just follow.
DeleteGood la, keep the hubby's eyes off that pretty young GM, who happened to be a janda.
I do sympatise with Malay women. Highly stressful lives, always to be on the lookout for competition. Can be dethroned in a split second according to husbands whim and fancy ( see..the little -napoleon thingy begins at home). The need to bitch... thanks to their men too :)
DeleteI lagi pity Chinese women especially those who have rich husbands. Their rich husbands keep not one but several young and pretty mistresses especially from the mainland China. Only when their husbands die, they know the truth!
DeleteWell, to be honest here- the practice is more rampant in the Malay household. Big deal, just becos u have some papers signed, even by a slimy ostad in that sex-halal licence in- a -jiffy whorehole across the border doesnt me it *holier* or better. Wives/kids abandoned by their dead beat fathers who took on a other wives are all over the place and most of the time get away with it.Scot free. You know that, the Truth hurts yeah.
DeleteAnon 23:52,
DeleteYou have to ask PAS leaders such as Hadi Awang on this matter. Since you are a PR supporter, I'm sure he can tell you how he manages to juggle his wives and whether he is being fair to all of them. Who knows, if you are lucky, you'll be his no.? wife or if his quota is already full, be his gundek lah.
No way for me to be Hadi's next wife. He'll have to hantam my backside.
DeleteAnnie, lets JV buka PI agency specifically to tackle fake qualifications, sure make money.
ReplyDeleteOur MPs and Aduns - harap2 ade orang yang check theirs, cannot imagine an SPM drop-out leading this country.
Wow..takut tak bole buat kerja pulak.... kita orang lah bukan you.Make sure you're a real bitch Annie. kasi ajar sama itu olang semua who's da boss!
ReplyDeletealah Annie, you tak ada the most important factor - W.U.K. or Who you know. Camna u tempel Diploma/Degree you kalo tak ada CABLE dalam tak sampai cite2 ni. Also kena tajamkan lagi bodek skills sampai tarap Ph.d juga :)
ReplyDeleteMaybe a close cousin of The Wombles, fictional pointy-nosed, furry creatures that live in burrows, where they aim to help the environment by collecting and recycling rubbish in creative ways.
very famous in UK in the 70s.
Good one Dr. Annie!
ReplyDeleteJoke aside, don't tell me we have no qualified Felda gals or guys to replace both Isa Samad and that bald guy?
Those two guys look like Dumb and Dumber when sitting together. How about that Syed, the ex-Proton guy? He looks good, speaks very very well too! Granted he doesn't have plantation experience but do Isa and the bald guy got plantation experience in the first place?
Anything with the touch of Najib fumbles, turn to shambles, crumbles and eventually just a footnote in the anals of the those involved.....
ReplyDeletevery cheecky Annie... of all the name you choose Middlesex, UK. Why not Rearsex? hahaha
ReplyDeleteTo Annie and anon 9.55 above, for your info there is such university called University of Middlesex, in London and in fact my friend did graduated there (used to be known as Middlesex Polytechnics). They are recognised by JPA.
ReplyDeletePak Nik
May we suggest the Malays esp the Kelantanese Malays Don't have to go to University to study hard, do research,have PhD or have to study England language or even study Islamic studies or whatever degree because after all when you come back to Malaysia and when you die the guy who determines whether you go to hell or heaven is Nik Aziz .
ReplyDeleteAnon 11:19 I hope you post that comment in jest.
DeleteWhether one go to heaven or hell, it entirely on the discretion of Allah. No human, not even Rasulullah SAW, can determine that.
Do not make a joke of that, regardless what PAS said, which is pure and unadulterated rubbish.
Yes, I am serious, no joke no jest, its indeed true. I have heard Nik Aziz said so esp during last GE13 and many Malays esp the Malays in urban areas, the educated ones and those who benefitted from UMNO's policies like the NEP and who work in large GLC's and the successful Govt traders and contractors all agree to the statement.
DeleteThats why they voted for PAS and also the allied candidates either DAP and esp Malay PKR candidates esp in KL and Klang Valley /Selangor seats
Because the great brilliant leader in none other than Nik Aziz , the spiritual guru, de facto leader of PAS and you know PAS is a major partner of the Fuckatoon coalition
How come these educated urban Malays do not believe in pure and unadulterated rubbish then?.All want to enter Syurga (heaven ) kan?
Many of those who sides with PAS or PKR are not really their die hard supporters of, they are just fed up with UMNO antics.
DeleteThey do not believe in what Nik Aziz said about ticket to Jannah, neither do they believe the many PAS celebrity Ostazs. In fact I doubt any of the PAS top echelons believe in that. Only Nik Aziz and a few machai actually said that.
But they were exposed to other view of Islam apart from the official JAKIM or Menteri di JPM version of it. They know what is right or what is wrong. Th fact is that UMNO's version of Islam (development, etc) is no longer appetizing.
That's why we call Nik Aziz Najis or Father Nicky! Otak orang PAS bebal and easy to be manipulated by DAPigs!
DeleteIsn't that true Brothers., those islamist salafis have all but press-dried our souls of its sweet Love-juices and joyful Light-dances
Dr. Annie on the subject of fake qualifications:
ReplyDeleteCambridge: The hypocrisy of problems and plagiarism
Apparently Warnblabla's Ireland courses are not even recognized by Ireland's education department!
Why laa these jokers like to do PhD in obscure, never-heard-of foreign unis? It'll spare them a lot of trouble if they go for the famous ones. If they do it at UCL or Oxford then everybody knows la. Heck, even if they do it locally at IPTAs also nobody will say they buy their degrees. What lah. Unless of course, they are not qualified enuff to enroll at Oxford or IPTA.
More to the kernel of the issue, what and who did they study with during their undergraduate years? These are the formative years of the mature intellect but perhaps everyone should have an earlier headstart.
DeleteClassical Education in the West for Making Sense of Ourselves and the World:
Ranjit, can send me the link to your thesis or not? I want to know also what the heck is "Organizational Behaviour". You got any papers published out of that PhD?
ReplyDeletePlease identify yourself and don't hide behind an "Anonymous". In return, I will not only give you a copy of my Ph.D. thesis but also the various commendations I have received worldwide pertaining to what was written in my Ph.D. thesis. You will be amazed, my friend!
DeleteA charlatan with a fake PhD is still a liar, a thief.
DeleteI have a degree and Mastes from an Australian Sandstone University Group of Eight .
Lumpunya Wanketborough College tu tada kelas la...tak laku di US,south Korea, Ostolia.
Your PhD is not worth used as a toilet paper.
Ranjit Singh Malhi,
DeleteCan you tell me how much you paid for your Ph.D? I also want to buy one! Then I can add a DR to my name, hehehe!
Anon 19:01 & Anon 21:23, please identify yourselves to Dr.Ranjit, and don't be a hopeless coward and wimp!
DeleteAda berani ??
Anonymous22 July 2013 22:00
DeletePlease identify yourself first.
-dR Samp-
Extract from Wikipedia.
ReplyDelete1997-2005: London and Canterbury
In 1997 Warnborough University was registered as a limited company in Ireland, directed by Brenden Tempest-Mogg and Kee Guan Ng, a Malaysian national[1] and registered a branch office in the United Kingdom. It initially operated an office in London and later moved to Canterbury in 2001. It offered graduate and undergraduate residential and non-residential degrees in liberal arts, scientific and professional studies.[18] In November 2005 the Department of Education and Science said that Warnborough University in Ireland was in breach of the Universities Act 1997 by calling itself a university and requested that they not use the word "university" to describe themselves.[19]
In the early 2000s Warnborough University generated controversy by issuing graduate and undergraduate degrees in Australia because neither Warnborough nor any of its consortium partners through which it was offering degrees were authorised or accredited to do so.[20][21] The Australian state of New South Wales included Warnborough on a list of five “unrecognized universities”.[22]
The Oregon Office of Degree Authorization, in its listing of unaccredited universities, comments in its notes about Warnborough (under the former name of Warnborough University): "Also (known as) Warnborough College. 'Warnborough University is not a recognized institution in Ireland' - National Qualifications Authority of Ireland 'Not a UK degree-granter. Appearance on UK registry of training providers does not confer or represent authorization to issue degrees' - British Higher Education Governance office. [23] Alan Contreras, former administrator of the Oregon Office of Degree Authorization, characterised Warnborough College as "a diploma mill that has managed to move back and forth between Britain and Ireland for decades without either government's being able to put an end to it."[24][25] On its website, Warnborough College Ireland claims that its degrees are legal even though not accredited.[26]
This is misleading. Warnborough has never claimed to award UK degrees. In fact, the ODA has a history of being sued for promoting false information, most of it done by a former Director. Wikipedia is a very unreliable source of information and that is why colleges and universities warn their students not to use it. Anyhow, Oregon has no status in any education circles. It is famous for making matches!
DeleteThere are people around the local universities who for an agreed fees can write your thesis, your dissertation plus making fake surveys and response format Also include printing and binding plus everything. The arrangement are recommended by the lecturers and the prof. The practice of getting others to attend your degree on your behalf is also widely done , esp the on line degree programme. A lot of these people masquerade as management companies and run by Chinese, plse ask about these to the Chairman of Dong Zong, he will of course deny it
ReplyDeleteanon 13:04,if you have proof, just go and make a police report, don't just cakap-cakap and syiok sendiri.
DeleteYes, it is true. The Chairman of what again? Sondong? (Wtf) has a fake degree. Anon 22:02, ask him to show you his degree, if you don't believe!
DeleteDr Annie woi...very soon you will be kena sue habis-habisan, buat apa defame someone without facts !
ReplyDeleteFrom Drama Queen to Doktor hehehehehe
Drama kali ni dah kantoi !
DeleteBoth of Anons above are just jealous! Annie has her own blog and it is an accomplishment by itself. What about you 2? What do you have? Only shits for brains judging from your comments!
Deleteanon 20:58, you are correct Annie has her own blog, but Annie also using her blog to defame people, so how lah macha ??
DeleteDrama Annie kali ni tak kantoi, tapi akan jadi 'blockbuster'.
Anon 22:05,
DeleteSince you dislike or love criticizing anything written by Annie, why do you keep on coming here? You must be a DAP RBA and it is your job or else you would not be able to meet the target to get paid. There are so many other blogs out there but why you keep on coming to Annie's blog?
Using the ASIC website, there is no "Warnborough University, United Kingdom".
ReplyDeleteOnly 'Warnborough College, Ireland'.
Warnborough College (Ireland) was formally known as Warnborough University.
DeleteMalaysia really leads the world in the proportion of its population that are wannabe pocket-dictators. It stretches from the politicos to the i'll sue you types to the morons running off to make police reports every time they get offended. It's not a Malaysian tradition or part of the national character to let people live there own lives if it doesn't effect you - everything effects everyone else. In this way, Annie has shown herself to be not a true Malaysian. Every time she allows free speech to roam through this comments section, even when its as abusive or misinformed, (like mine), she shows herself to be better than a thousand Dr Ranjits.
ReplyDeleteAnnie, why did you apologize to Dr Ranjit? Takut ka?
ReplyDeleteAnnie sudah takut beb pasal tulis yg bukan-bukan, satu pengajaran bagi Doktor Annie, lain kali jangan terikut-ikut dengan geng UMNO bloggers okay.
DeleteYou are quite thick Annie. That was nothing but an apology from a terrified person. Epic fail la you Annie.
Deleteingat Dr Annie terror tapi takut jugak, cepat betoi Dr.Annie mintak maaf ! kah..kah..kah..kah...
Deletesudah lah Annie, mengaku saje , lain kali jangan buat lagi okay.
Deleteakan doakan agar Dr.Ranjit tidak ambil tindakkan undang2 terhadap Annie.
What that Phd man should have done FIRST is to present his case clearly to put right whatever misunderstandings on the whatever University status to let the public be aware. Kan itu salah satu TANJAK seorang yang pemilik Phd?
DeleteLucky he is not an MD Doctor.. dah open up suddenly found cancer cells bersepah2 ujud kat tempat lain habis dalam badan pesakit dikoyak2 dan ditikam pasai GERAM!
BTW I was made to understand one Doctor got his Phd doing thesis on "LEMANG" . Kalau macam tu my mum as an expert in making tempoyak.. I should encourage her to continue her studies and get her Phd! Agaknya Uni oberseas mana akan terima dia?
All these fake certificates nothing beats the Cinaman who received his Knighthood for the Queen. Few years back read in Australia or NZealand, an Indian posed as a Doctor for tens of years, had his own private practice and even did surgical procedures too. Another Indian with fake Pilot licence was even flying commercial planes.
Lots of Indian, Indonesian and Chinese Nationals living in Malaysia pun fake themselves as Malaysians.. If the authorities reward us citizens say RM50K per head for exposing these fakes, within a month I can become a millionaire..
Anyway Malaysians, please alert one another as there are too many cons moving among us today.
yg tanya tu kenapa?? tak takut kena saman ke? soalan bodoh menunjukkan apa di dalam kepala otak kamu.
DeleteWhy did you delete your earlier response to this comment? Takut ka?
Eh! You lagi? Tell us how you get paid to post a comment? Bastard punya orang!
DeletePerhaps Dr Ranjits may want to sue "The Independent" over Wankerburit Universitas.
ReplyDeleteCollege charges €18,000 fees for 'useless' degrees
Warnborough College in All Hallows, Dublin
A COLLEGE run by foreign businessmen has been accused of offering effectively "worthless" degrees and doctorates from the grounds of a prestigious third-level institution.
The self-styled Warnborough College is charging up to €18,000 in fees for unrecognised qualifications after renting offices at All Hallows College in Drumcondra, Dublin.
Following inquiries from the Irish Independent, All Hallows confirmed it will not be renewing its rental arrangement with Warnborough.
Using a slick website, Warnborough runs a so-called "distance learning" college where students from all over the world are offered course work over the internet.
Until recently the website included a photograph of All Hallows and made references to graduation ceremonies and seminars that were due to take place there.
However, the Irish Independent has established that the courses offered by Warnborough College are not recognised by the Department of Education.
The courses are also not recognised by the Higher Education and Training Awards Council (HETAC) and the National Qualifications Authority of Ireland (NQAI), which described the qualifications on offer as effectively "worthless".
Neither is Warnborough College, which also has offices in Canterbury in Kent, recognised by the UK Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills as an institution with the power to award its own degrees.
Education chiefs are furious Warnborough College has linked itself to All Hallows, whose degrees are validated by Dublin City University.
All Hallows last night said it was concerned about the presence of Warnborough College on its grounds.
It confirmed it would not be renewing its rental agreement with the college.
Since last July, Warnborough College has rented offices at All Hallows. Prior to that, it had offices above a pub in Bray.
But despite this, the head of Warnborough last night said claims it had tried to link itself to All Hallows were "ludicrous".
Old news and wrong information. It did not mention that HETAC was sued by Warnborough and had to agree to a new application. They didn't even have an appeals procedure!!! HETAC has now been closed.
DeleteASIC's "accreditation" is not quite what most readers of this forum define as such. It does not lend ANY standing to a school's degrees, or -of itself- make it legitimate for the school to offer them.
ReplyDeleteASIC started life reporting on British schools enrolling foreign students. It reported to the UK Border Agency and its accreditation primarily ensured that there were "real" classes, the schools were not hives of terrorists or undesirables and were not involved in illegal foreign labour scams or immigration-related chicanery.
Most of the schools it reported on were not degree-granting. A relative few were, but ASIC's seal of approval had nothing to do with degree-granting authority. Since then, ASIC seems to have morphed into a company that markets its services in many countries and people seem to view it as "accreditation" in the sense that degrees of ASIC-accredited schools will have the same standing as the mainstream schools. This is simply not so at all.
Interestingly, one (count 'em) school in the US displays ASIC accreditation: The University of Atlanta. This school had DETC accreditation for five years. It expires in 2013 and the school has been on a "teach-out" basis for a while. I guess they will now be enrolling new students once again, under their new ASIC accreditation -which lends no CHEA or USDoE standing to their degrees whatsoever.
Here's an interesting quote from The U. of Atlanta Website: "ASIC is a member of Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) International Quality Group (CIQG)"
Maybe so - but that doesn't make ASIC a CHEA-recognized accreditor! It just ISN'T! Check the list at Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) (2012)
Here's the full blurb from the U of A site: Accreditation, Licensing - Accredited Online Degree - UNIVERSITY OF ATLANTA
As far as Warnborough College and Warnborough University go: The College doesn't offer degrees - it can't. The University shouldn't. It relocated in Ireland some time ago and it has neither Irish or UK authority to grant degrees. Both schools have been much cussed and discussed in the various degree-fora.
Dear Annie,
ReplyDeleteGot it. Some may not understand it by I do DR Annie....
:D sarah
understand what , may i ask ?
DeleteAnon 16:43,
DeleteIt's none of your fucking business! Morons like you will not understand! Stupid DAP cybertrooper!
I understand what Annie try to say for the first time. It her way of making fun and it's to no one, other then herself. Why people make a fust on this one, I'm not sure but I read it as Annie fantasy resume to Tan Sri Isa Samad which in it, she try to justify why Tan Sri must choose her lah. Which in real life will never get send. Got it?
DeleteSo, how do you read it Anon 16.43??? Come to think of it, how other phd read it? As a humor artical, or like a publish phd thesis. I wonder ....Hmmm
:O sarah
akhirnya Annie terjumpa seekor Singa !!!!
ReplyDeletea very very very angry singa too.
DeleteSingapork? Bila lu olang mahu berambus ke Singapork?
DeleteAnnie, please remove your "Dr Annie post's" immediately, nanti kena sue tahu. Please ..please ..please...
Dr Annie,
ReplyDeleteHow sweet and gorgeous u r? Its now worth following ur blog so for the ultimatimatum given by so called Dr of Warnborough,keep cool. U have been truly civilized by openly offering an apology publicly...Kudos Annie..
Annie bukan takut. Only a BIG person will be able to say sorry. This is for all the above anons who said Annie apologized because she was scared.
ReplyDeleteBut Annie, please please please don't get yourself entangled with a lawsuit lah. I want to continue reading your blog until the 12th of never.
Makcik Ruhaini,
ReplyDeleteWhat is your excuse for calling Emir Mavani "that UGLY guy you all appointed as your president and CEO..."? Not sure if others will agree that your UGLY remark on Emir Mavani was due to "please believe me that this posting was only meant for a laugh or two."?
Now you are making Emir Mavani as the victim. Bravo!
Hahaha,,,...Annie, you are in deep shit now. Heard that you will get official letter of demand from Emir Mavani's lawyer soon. Better go find good lawyer or delete this posting.
DeleteI also heard my cats telling my neighbours cats about the incoming letter of demand. When I asked my cat, it meows to me that the story came from the birds chirping in the trees..
DeleteI sokong Annie 1000%. Emir Mavani memang ugly! Beruk dan monyet lagi handsome! Even pigs are better looking than this guy!
DeleteAnnie, ple call rockybru for assistance, he will settle this matter for you with his connection.
ReplyDeleteAnon 17:50,
DeleteHow was it last night? Wah! you terrorlah! Dua-dua sekali you sapu dalam satu malam. Who is more hebat? Kit sial or Lim gua mereng? Last time you had a threesome with kapal sink and his son and see what happened? Kapal sink straight tak boleh jalan!
Typical. tak ada ke ANGER MANAGEMENT dalam behavioral whacamacallit hapakebende tu?
ReplyDeleteLain kali nak hantar anak2 belajar kena check betul2.
ReplyDeleteSome Uni or Private colleges bukan semua courses they offer are recognized... in Malaysia we have the MQA to check on them, ada status baru duk apply, ade yg masih in the process, ade yang dah expire dan reapplying pendek kata ade SHELF PERIOD.
Yang that Phd fell who quoted in his mail "Attached is the Accreditation Service for International Colleges (ASIC) Certificate of Accreditation for WCI".... he should be more detailed. Better if he show us those certificates where everyone can see the names of courses, dates certifications given bla bla macam ni le seorang pemilik Phd shoud react.
Sue? itu taraf Teresa Kok aje....
That Sikh Dr should know that Warnborough College office was on top of a pub and then relocated to a office rented from All Hallow College and use the tenamts grounds to promote the WC as a prestigious college whereas, its degrees, dcororates do not comply to the QC of the Dept of Education and are worthless in a majority of countries.
ReplyDeleteEven Wikipedia and many news articles have reported on how many are investifating Warnborpugh College as a fake institution whose accreditaion has been denied many times.
His email only show the world how his a bogus doctorate graduate and a dishonest individual.
I am an education consultant based in London. Wikipedia is unreliable and any nut case can put up anything about anything. Warnborough College is accredited at many levels and has a very strong academic reputation in the UK and overseas.
DeleteI presume Warnborough is in your account's list?
DeleteASIC's certificate of accreditation for Warnborough College (Ireland) has indeed been emailed to "Dr Annie".
DeleteASIC's "accreditation" is not quite what most readers of this forum define as such. It does not lend ANY standing to a school's degrees, or -of itself- make it legitimate for the school to offer them.
ASIC started life reporting on British schools enrolling foreign students. It reported to the UK Border Agency and its accreditation primarily ensured that there were "real" classes, the schools were not hives of terrorists or undesirables and were not involved in illegal foreign labour scams or immigration-related chicanery.
Most of the schools it reported on were not degree-granting. A relative few were, but ASIC's seal of approval had nothing to do with degree-granting authority. Since then, ASIC seems to have morphed into a company that markets its services in many countries and people seem to view it as "accreditation" in the sense that degrees of ASIC-accredited schools will have the same standing as the mainstream schools. This is simply not so at all.
Interestingly, one (count 'em) school in the US displays ASIC accreditation: The University of Atlanta. This school had DETC accreditation for five years. It expires in 2013 and the school has been on a "teach-out" basis for a while. I guess they will now be enrolling new students once again, under their new ASIC accreditation -which lends no CHEA or USDoE standing to their degrees whatsoever.
Here's an interesting quote from The U. of Atlanta Website: "ASIC is a member of Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) International Quality Group (CIQG)"
Maybe so - but that doesn't make ASIC a CHEA-recognized accreditor! It just ISN'T! Check the list at Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) (2012)
Here's the full blurb from the U of A site: Accreditation, Licensing - Accredited Online Degree - UNIVERSITY OF ATLANTA
As far as Warnborough College and Warnborough University go: The College doesn't offer degrees - it can't. The University shouldn't. It relocated in Ireland some time ago and it has neither Irish or UK authority to grant degrees. Both schools have been much cussed and discussed in the various degree-fora.
Dear Dr. Ranjit Singh,
DeleteIn Peace and Forgiveness, might Love ascend beyond the Realms of Worldly Senses and the Heavens of the Mind . . . . to Beloved Lord God of all Creation
Beautiful Raag Kirtan
Since we know we have another Wankerborough who wear his fake PhD like a religious pendant to show off , we should have Dr Wankerborough Ranjit Singh to be investigated by the MACC.
ReplyDeleteSince he use a fake PhD to deceive people, his literally a thief.
I believe the Snakespit Dr Ranjit should sue the state of Oregon for calling his PhD as used soiled toilet paper
Kesian, dr university jadi college...apa kelass.
Ranjit Singh is lucky, in India PhD grads drive taxis or work in call centres.
ReplyDeleteHere in Malaysia he can cheat lie with an UNACCREDITED and UNRECOGNIZED PhD which are not recognized by first world countries like South Korea and United States, UK and even Ireland and still shamelessly sue people to save his strand of fake dignity, we are truly too soft on these charlatans in Malaysia.
Anon 19:20...if you dare go say in front of Ranjit and stop posting your defamation remark in Annie's blogs.
DeleteThis is not a matter of daring infront of someone. Itu level keluaran PMR.
DeleteNak go for further studies to Phd level is a no joke for many esp when they have to cough out the mony from their hard earned pockets. Not many parents and potential students are aware of all these certificate of accreditation thing.
Annie's article is a wake up call to all parents and students to be extra careful when choosing their places to further their studies.
I would do my further study somewhere where my qualification will be recognised and not be controversial besides getting the best knowledge NOT where it will be the easiest.
DeleteOregon has the lowest standard of education in the USA. No one takes a degree from Oregon seriously.
DeleteAt least Dr Brenden talks like a highly-educated and refined person. People who threaten and intimidate others are no better than street punks. All that education wasted!
ReplyDeletePlease show some class Dr Ranjit.
show some class ?? ya you should ask Annie to do so and stop calling people ugly guy or ugly bald guy !
DeleteShe deserves to be censure, period.
Anon 20:34
DeleteYou'll hear from my lawyer soon.
Another website for Ranjit to sue
Who wants tp be associated with a college that is in a list a fake degree mills.
The founder of WC is cunning, he made sure WC ,as a company,is legal in the framework of Irish and UK laws, meaning the fake degrees and doctorates are products sold to deceitful people with money like Dr Ranjit, however, since WC is not accredited, its degrees and doctorates are not considered UK degrees or doctorates, but worthless pieces of paper to be shoved up the asses of the buyers to make them walk around with their noses held high. £18000 for a piece of paper at WC, Dr Ranjit is a winner for getting away with it all these time cheating people with the Behavioral Organation PhDwhatever shit that is.
March on DOCTOR Ranjit....maybe you have a PhD from Hogwarts too.
It is a big sin in Islam to slander others, especially during the fasting month. Be a man and reveal yourself and I will bet my last dollar that Dr. Ranjit will sue you for alleging that he bought his Ph.D. degree. As a lecturer in a local university, I have attended his workshop on Effective Teaching a few years ago organised by the Ministry of Higher Education and that was the best workshop I have ever attended in my life. My teaching skills have improved tremendously. I too feel insulted because you have defamed my "Tok Guru". We will all pay for our sins. Allah knows best.
DeleteIt is unfortunate that a man of integrity be associated with an institution that many quarters have found issue to be less than confident about their academic prestige over the years. Annie oh Annie, this present world is all mixed up: not all credentials carry the same value. Certainly the public service administration deserves to be manned by men of high calibre; proven by their intellectual worth and moral integrity.
Salah satu seruan Ramadan adalah kesabaran. Banyak article mengenai Uni ini masih hangat dipertikaikan, apakah sudah anda sendiri merisik dengan mendalam mengenai status Uni ini?
DeleteYou kenal Tok Guru ni. Mohon dari dia a copy of his certificate and work from there, then come back and cerita kat sini.
Sementara itu, banyak bawa bersabar diri jangan gelojoh rajin sangat duk hitung dosa orang lain.
If Warnborough was 'so bad' how come it is accredited by the British Council, The Independent Schools Inspectorate, ISO9001, ISO27001, Association of Business Executives, Investor in People, etc. AND approved by the UKBA to accept overseas students?????
DeleteDear "Dr" Annie.
ReplyDeleteCan you please ask Dr Ranjit to verify this newspaper article I copy from Another Brick blog.
15 FEBRUARY 2008
A COLLEGE run by foreign businessmen has been accused of offering effectively "worthless" degrees and doctorates from the grounds of a prestigious third-level institution.
The self-styled Warnborough College is charging up to €18,000 in fees for unrecognised qualifications after renting offices at All Hallows College in Drumcondra, Dublin.
Following inquiries from the Irish Independent, All Hallows confirmed it will not be renewing its rental arrangement with Warnborough.
Using a slick website, Warnborough runs a so-called "distance learning" college where students from all over the world are offered course work over the internet.
Until recently the website included a photograph of All Hallows and made references to graduation ceremonies and seminars that were due to take place there.
However, the Irish Independent has established that the courses offered by Warnborough College are not recognised by the Department of Education.
The courses are also not recognised by the Higher Education and Training Awards Council (HETAC) and the National Qualifications Authority of Ireland (NQAI), which described the qualifications on offer as effectively "worthless".
Neither is Warnborough College, which also has offices in Canterbury in Kent, recognised by the UK Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills as an institution with the power to award its own degrees.
Education chiefs are furious Warnborough College has linked itself to All Hallows, whose degrees are validated by Dublin City University.
All Hallows last night said it was concerned about the presence of Warnborough College on its grounds.
It confirmed it would not be renewing its rental agreement with the college.
Since last July, Warnborough College has rented offices at All Hallows. Prior to that, it had offices above a pub in Bray.
But despite this, the head of Warnborough last night said claims it had tried to link itself to All Hallows were "ludicrous".
I did my learning up to postgraduate at local public uni.. so no hush2 for such accreditation checking! Prestige some more.
Montell, why don't you ask Dr. Ranjit yourself,afraid ?? and stop pestering Annie will you !!
DeleteAbout time some visionary entrepreneur set up a Warnborough College Malaysia. It will be a valuable addition for Malaysia in its drive to be an educational centre of the world.
ReplyDeleteFelda had a great facility at Trolak, ideal as a campus. At least two eminent Wanborough alumni here can be be inaugural Chancellor and Vice Chancellor.
Anon 19:55,please sell your 'vision' to Muhiyddin sure he will buys it.
DeleteWarnbourough College Malaysia? Apa barang nak enrol kat college yang tak di iktirah? Baik buat Phd kat local university.
DeleteIktiraf? No problem, Malaysia boleh la man. Once you get TSM blessing, everything else are just formality. Can offer degree in teknologi kelapa sawit too.
DeleteWarnborough could offer courses in political science and Felda should make it compulsory for all settlers to obtain at least a certificate in political science so that they would be able to manage their life in politically chaotic Felda scheme better.
DeleteWhats wrong with kelapa sawit? Malaysia has one of the best research centre here.
DeleteAnon 20:28 & Anon 22:52,
DeleteWhere did the 2 of you learn English? Is it at Belakang Mati? When you use future tense like will/ shall, the verb should not contain 's' : will buy, not will buys, bongok!
Everything is singular and should be 'is ', not are, another bongok pakatan supporter!
Anon 06:06
DeleteSplendid, fantastic.
Warnboro would be interested to gaji you as Dean, School of Manglish.
Irish Independent is well known for its poor journalism, distorting facts, and unreliable resources. Obvious that HETAC put them up to this hatchet job. Anyhow, HETAC was closed down two years ago.
DeleteFGV should hire me. I graduated with triple pHD from USG - Universiti Sain Gaji
My dear Annie,
ReplyDeleteYour apology is insincere and a qualified one. You tried to justify your action by implying that you were only joking. Do you think it is also appropriate to pass rude remarks about someone's looks and then defend them by saying it was only for fun? Be prepared for another legal suit from Dr. Emir Mavani. You have got yourself entangled in an unnecessary mess.
Please, please give an unqualified apology and put the matter to a rest.
How do you know Annie is not sincere? You are not God and for us Muslims, only Allah yang maha mengetahui!
DeleteI studied together with Dr. Ranjit in the University of Malaya in the 1970s. I know him as an excellent student and a person of high integrity. He will call a spade a spade. He is understandably upset because you have implied that Warnborough College Ireland is a fake institution. Indeed now, its President, Dr. Brenden has clarified the correct status of the college.I too would be extremely upset if someone accuses me of being a holder of a bogus Ph.D. degree. Just give an unqualified apology and I strongly believe that Ranjit will accept it with an open heart. You are the one who stands to lose and not some of these anonymous and irresponsible people who continue degrading Warnborough College Ireland out of spite and personal jealousy.
ReplyDeleteFikir baik-baik, Cik Annie. Jangan menyesal kemudian bila kena legal suit.
Annie is UMNO Malay and is protected by UMNO...go to court also no use..remember 'irrelevant'.
DeleteAnon 21:27,
DeleteHave you sucked Anwar's cock lately? I think you need it badly!
YOu study with Dr R in the 70s?
DeleteMust old ma ah? Vely difficult to lawan la
Saya setuju dengan Anonymous di atas. Pohonlah maaf secara ikhlas sebelum terlewat. Dr. Ranjit ini sememangnya the "Lion of Lions" dan beliau tidak gentar menegakkan kegemaran. Sehingga kini, beliau telah bertikam lidah dengan professor-professor terkemuka termasuk Prof. Emeritus Khoo Kay Kim. Saya berdoa agar saudari akan pohon maaf secara ikhlas.
ReplyDeleteSelama ni Annie suka serta berani memaki hamun dan hina orang2 Melayu serta kaum Tiong Hwa di negara ni, satu Ranjit apa yg nak di takutkan ??
DeleteKalau Annie pergi court boleh-lah kita semua tengok rupa bentuk Annie, muka cun ke ataupon muka pecah.
Annie is of mixed parentage. Offsprings of mixed parentage are not only good looking but also very intelligent. Annie without doubt is cun and brilliant!
DeleteAlamak, semua ulatnulat DAP dah keluar dari nanah Dr Ranjit akibat tikaman Dr Annie.
ReplyDeleteDr Ranjit must face the fact, his PhD is worthless, it is not a UK PhD, nor is it recognized in US, Europe and South Korea and has been listed as degree mills.
Pretty shameful and sad that he is involved in an institution that is unaccredited.
The fact that he attempts to use the law to suppress this favt shows he is a Lion with a fake PhD whomis afraid that his can of worms will spill out.
Since the bloggers is targetting Mavani, it is strange that some CEO of a obscure company in a shoplot should suddenly sue an unknown anonymous blogger who never personally discredit him, which altogethet shows his lack of depth and intelligemce in dealing with the cyberworld.
Dr Ranjit, congrats, you are the biggest loser. You have an unaccreditted PhD which is an epic fail for a UM graduate, you spent £18000 or more for a piece of toiletnpaper. Bravo.
BTW, Organisation Behavioral PhD, what the fuck is that.Maybe can be used to run a rumah urut in your shoplot premise.LOL.
anon 22:08, don't be a coward, go and say it to Ranjit and don't post your stupid comment here.
DeleteNo degree or study is 'worthless'. What I can see on website is impressive. So too, is their UK website: I am impressed with the large number of successful alumni on Linkedin.
DeleteDear Dr Ranjit, suddenly out of the blue you take this blog seriously, it's just a personal rantings, the life of Annie, so please don't take offence because if she stop writing, I have one blog less to read..
ReplyDeleteit is the other way round, it is Annie that brings her blog to the attention of Ranjit by way defaming Ranjit.
DeleteYou may go and read a more productive blogs like Rockybru and bigdog.
Anon 22.22, I agree with you 100%.
DeleteRocky and BigDog only mentioned the word "unaccredited warnborough.." and never used the word "fake qualification" as what Ms Annie wrote above. In fact, she even went overboard by adding "the ugly guy". Haiya...she is asking for trouble lah.
Anons 22:22 & 23:46,
DeleteIf you think Annie's blog is unproductive, pray tell, why the 2 of you are menyeboking here?
Just ignore ulat- ulat yang suka mencemari your blog by posting garbage. Many of us including yours truly enjoy reading your articles. Keep up the good work!
Ala..TQM tu company accredit ISO je...this Dr Ranjit is probably good at talkimg Bullshitnto his clients to train about Quality Management System.
ReplyDeleteThe lowlife doctor prolly used his fake PhD to make him more competititive and so that companies swallow all his kencing training.
Sikhs may be good in talking, but some oike Dr Ranjit..kaki kencing macam anjing bakuteh DAP.
anon 22:22, cakap banyak, show proof boleh ?? kalau tak ada proof saje cakap syiok sendiri, maka anon ni layak jadi kaki kencing macam anjing !
DeleteAnnie, hope you will sleep well tonight. Usually it will takes 1-2 days for the demand letter to reach you unless the lawyer work overtime tonight to get it drafted.
ReplyDeletePlease go to your lawyer tomorrow first thing in the morning to sort things out. Time is running out for you now.
Stay Chill.
Anon 23:06
DeleteHahaha, you must be having a field day ya?
Sleep well and sweet dream, you tomorrow might not be better than today.
Annon 23:06
DeleteJust hope you wake up ya.. My kids still sore over Cory's sudden death.
Hahaha, Sory over Cory's death? Who is Cory? your kid's father? grandfather?
DeleteIf he is some far away celebrity, do you think he care about your kids?
About time your kids adore the right person in their life
ASIC is recognized by the United Kingdom Department for Education and Skills (DfES), the United Kingdom Department for Universities, Innovation and Skills (DUIS), the United Kingdom Border and Immigration Agency (Home Office), the United Kingdom Office for Standards in Education (Ofsted), and the United Kingdom Council for International Student Affairs (UKCISA). ASIC is a member of Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) International Quality Group (CIQG).
ReplyDeleteMinta mengelinkkan website2 diatas, senang sikit kami nak mengomfimkan. Dalam ramai2 commentar disini ada yg mempunyai banyak masa untuk buat kerja amal tolong2 check for the benefit of all..
DeleteASIC is held in high regard in the UK and abroad. In Malaysia several good universities are accredited by ASIC.
DeleteIt's up to you Annie.
ReplyDeleteMy advice.
Don't waste your energies on this, apologize and retract, let other more seasoned veterans do the fighting.
It's not over, it's probably a bluff, and you being the first person they go after show the weakness on their part, trying to bully the weakest one they think they could scare.
Don't give them that pleasure of that massacre. Strategic withdrawal.
Besides, a dubious PhD is not the only problem people have with this Mavani fellow.
This guy has a habit of picking up fight with everybody. Always accompanied by "I have spoken to my solicitor".
DeleteAnybody knows how many libel cases he had won and how many millions in damages?
Seems he has been very successful from what I have heard.
DeleteAre you RPK?
ReplyDeleteWithdraw and live to fight another day.
ReplyDeleteLet's focus on the issue that has landed "Annie" (I have got her real identity from friendly sources) in serious trouble and a definite lawsuit from me if she does not give me an unreserved apology by this morning. She has erroneously insinuated that Warnborough College (Ireland) is a fake or dubious institution. The real facts are that WCI is a private educational institution operating legally in Ireland and is entitled to award degrees. On 18 December 2012 it was accredited by ASIC as a "Premier College" having met stringent requirements and attained commendable grades in six areas including Learning and Teaching;Course Delivery and Quality Assurance and Enhancement. Hence, it is crystal-clear that WCI is not a degree mill or a fake institution selling degrees. This explains why I am extremely upset (and rightly so) with people like "Annie" who slander others without verifying the facts. For the record, I spoke to Rocky Bru whom I know personally and informed him that WCI is an accredited institution due to the fact that it is accredited by ASIC, an independent British-based accreditation agency which accredits educational institutions in the UK, Asia, and in the other parts of the world. Lately, the British Embassy in Bangkok is supporting ASIC on university accreditation in Thailand in preparation for ASEAN economic integration in 2015. Indeed, three universities and three colleges in Malaysia have sought and received ASIC's accreditation. That itself speaks volume about ASIC's credibility and international recognition. I rest my case, my dear "Annie". What I do admire about you is that you always post my comments in your blog without censoring. Finally, I did tell Rocky Bru that I would have sued him if I did not know him personally. You can check it out with him. Remember, I fear none except the Great Architect of the Universe. All you have to do to end this matter is to give me a sincere and unqualified apology (need not be published) and you have my word of honour that I will forgive you and not proceed with the legal suit. None of us are perfect. Salam.
ReplyDeleteEncik, kalau encik nak take legal action against Annie, just go ahead lah. Sudah 24 jam. Berapa kali mahu bagi warning? Penat lah tunggu encik. Also, why pilih kasih? You will not sue Rocky Bru because you knew him? How about other bloggers like BigDog, TheVoice, ... ? C'mon, with your PHD from the most renowed university (or is it college?) in UK, you need to show some consistency here.
DeleteYes la Dr Ranjit where la your suit?
DeleteIf you take legal action I'm sure Rocky and his band of bloggers will rally behind Annie and give her all their support .
And many more ..
Just look at the commentors here you can see that many are among academics, professionals and ordinary people supporting free speach... we are all behind her..
Whether she wins or lose in court does not matter.
Annie had won the moral battle against you.
You can have the moral, but I prefer the money anytime!
DeleteI will honour my word and initiate legal proceedings against "Annie" as the deadline for an unreserved apology is over. I am seeing my lawyer tomorrow morning. Free speech does not mean that one can slander others without justification.
DeleteMake sure its a clean fight.
DeleteMay the best win!
Ayoyo! tarak malukah ini bai, mau lawan amoi pulak . .
DeleteOf course Dr. Ranjit Singh is offended, who wouldn't be with all this misleading information, gossip and innuendo. I can see no evidence on the Warnborough websites where a degree can be purchased. All students work with top mentors, and degrees take years to acquire, and all research is examined externally. Not sure if bloggers here have ever looked at the Warnborough websites!!!!!
DeleteWebsite? Have we ever encounter a website that publish its seedy side?
DeleteIn response to Dr Ranjit Malhi Singh critique of the history syllabus in our schools. Professor Ramlah Adam came up with a response:
ReplyDeleteKUALA LUMPUR, April 10 — Secondary school history textbooks seem too Islamic and Malay-centric because non-Malays fail to understand Malaysia’s history, Malay rights group Perkasa asserted today.
Perkasa leadership council member Datin Paduka Professor Dr Ramlah Adam flayed historian Dr Ranjit Malhi Singh today for saying that the current history syllabus had downplayed the contributions of non-Malays and other religions in the country’s history.
“The non-Malays do not understand this because they do not want to accept the concept of Malay supremacy (ketuanan melayu),” Ramlah told reporters here.
Ramlah, who is also a historian and the author of the Form 3 and Form 5 history textbooks, insisted that there is “nothing wrong” with the current history syllabus for secondary schools.
“The history syllabus is well-balanced … we don’t talk or put in negative issues that have happened, we take in the positive (parts).
“What do you want to be put in? About how the contributions of the non-Malays are in the form of the Malayan communist party?
“We do not emphasise May 13 even. It is negative … we only put in one line, the important thing is that we must maintain racial harmony and patriotism,” she stressed.
Ranjit, who was the author of history textbooks until 1996, believes that “scant attention” has been paid to the efforts of the Chinese and Indians in the development of the nation.
He has also charged that there are too many “half-truths and factual errors” in the current syllabus, and that it is laden with “value judgments.”
But Ramlah said the reason for the emphasis on Malays and Islam was because the Malays were recognised by the British as the original inhabitants of the land.
She also said that historical records showed that various agreements were done and signed by the British and Malay rulers, and not any other race.
Ramlah pointed out that the parties which signed the 1957 Merdeka agreement and the agreement for the formation of Malaysia in 1963 were also the Malay Rulers.
“We are not discriminating, we are following what has been clearly recorded in history.
“The non-Malays, they came to this country, contributed as either investors or labourers (kuli),” she added.
The Perkasa leader went to great lengths to explain that the contributions of the non-Malays have been mentioned in the history textbooks — the late Tun Tan Cheng Lock and Tun H.S Lee, for example, were duly recognised for their efforts in shaping Malaysia.
“Ranjit was talking about how Yap Ah Loy was not recognised ... well, he did not form Kuala Lumpur, that’s why he’s not mentioned.
“Ranjit himself was called by the government, along with Tan Sri Professor Dr Khoo Kay Kim, to check the syllabus … he signed it and got paid. There was no complaint then,” Ramlah claimed.
Ranjit had lamented the fact that non-Malay leaders like Yap Ah Loy were not duly recognised in the history textbooks.
Ramlah admitted, however, that the Form 4 history syllabus had placed a lot of emphasis on Islamic civilisation, and that the government was working to revamp the current module.
“The government is already looking into it, so why is he complaining? Ranjit is a consultant. I do not know what his motives are … we cannot afford to fool around with history, we must make sure it is accurately represented,” she added.
Perkasa president Datuk Ibrahim Ali said the spate of complaints urging a revamp of the history textbooks showed that the “minorities” in the country were too demanding in wanting to assert their “rights.”
“Islam is the religion of the country, Malays are the majority ... its simple,” he said today
Ramjit turns out to be a pr supporter. He got a fake PHD which stands for Pusat Hasad Dengki aka DAP.
ReplyDeleteDo you know that the majority Malaysian Chinese are the descendants of the union between coolies and comfort women? If you don't believe, read RPK 's blog. The coolies were brought by the British to work in tin mines and these coolies brought along loose women from China to comfort them at night and the products of their unions are the Malaysian Chinese of today. Small wonder we have characters like Alvivi, mentally retarded Iguana Eng, holier than God Hannah banana Yeoh, just to name a few.
The picture is getting clearer with more and more comments for this posting and still not ending.
ReplyDeleteAnnie , teruskan perjuangan.
Tiada perjuangan tanpa pengorbanan.
When we were in school, we always aspire to get into well recognised university so that we can get good job. Those were the days when integrity matters most.
ReplyDeleteWhen we get through those hard days, we found that we have to slaved for third graders who can talk, became insurance salesman, enter politic and the rise to the top.
So, lesson learnt was that, why bother with burning the midnight candles to achieve academic excellence? Stellar qualifications will only get you to be a professor who had to teach policies dictated by the third graders.
Hello brother, this is completely irrelevant to the issue at hand. Either you are dumb or you are a hopelessly devoted fan of PERKASA.
ReplyDeleteWhich posting are you talking about?
DeleteNow past morning. Annie, have youreceived the letter from Dr Ranjit's solicitor?
ReplyDeleteI don't think this Ranjit bugger has the balls to sue you. Anyway, he got a fake PhD to begin with and I don't think he is that stupid to produce it in court. We also better ask LGE whether he got a fake CPA judging from his inability to count!
What is a 'fake degree'? Do you mean he has purchased it? Any proof?
Deletehahaha, we will see!
ReplyDeleteAnon 21:20, Have the balls first to identify yourself for alleging that Dr. Ranjit has a fake Ph.D. Then you will know for sure whether Dr. Ranjit has the balls to sue you. You UMNO cyber troopers, including Ruhaini Abdul Ghani masquerading as "Annie", have picked the wrong guy to mess around with. Singa ini lebih garang daripada singa tua Karpal Singh. Mampuslah you, BIG "Annie".
ReplyDeleteA bit of HISstory for you all.
ReplyDeleteEmbarrassment at DFES over official college list
1 April 2005
An official list of "genuine" universities and colleges in the UK contains a number of businesses without recognised accreditation, an investigation by The Times Higher has found.
The Register of Education and Training Providers is described by the Department for Education and Skills as "a list of genuine education and training providers.
But it includes one London-based private "university" that boasts that it "opts not to proceed with accreditation". Another is a private college that shares its name, address, phone number and senior staff with a partner "university" that admits it has no UK "approval" of its quality or its teaching content and methods.
The register was compiled by the Home Office and the DFES as part of a clampdown on bogus colleges acting as fronts for illegal immigration scams.
Although the DFES says the list "does not quality assure or accredit in any way" those listed, its website says that registered institutions have been "assessed and validated by the DFES".
A DFES spokesperson acknowledged that "there is room for improvement" with the register and confirmed that the department was working on a replacement.
One controversial body on the register is Newport International University, based in Northeast London. Its website says it awards degrees through a licence with the Wyoming Department of Education in the US, but this does not amount to accreditation.
Its Hong Kong site says that it is not accredited but adds that this "does not determine the legitimacy of a university".
It warns students: "It is the student's responsibility to determine whether credits, degrees or certificates from the institution will transfer to other institutions or meet employers' requirements".
The principal at Newport in the UK, A. Andrews, said: "We are a centre here providing support and teaching for a US degree. We have got the necessary registration with the US."
Another controversial organisation on the register is Warnborough College, founded in Oxford in 1973. It was criticised in the mid-Nineties after students walked out claiming they had been misled into believing they were joining an Oxford University college. The college this week said the students had been expelled and accused a recruitment agent of misleading them.
The college is now based in Canterbury, where it shares its address, phone number, senior staff, its alumni association and its logo and foundation date with a "Warnborough University".
Warnborough is a limited company registered in Ireland, but it does not receive funding or regulation from the Irish Government.
A spokesman at Warnborough said the college was a "member college" of the university, but added that they were "two separate entities, with the university functioning within Irish law and the college functioning clearly within the laws of England".
"Everything is legitimate and we have no worries or problems," he said. He said the university "clearly stated" on its website that it did not offer UK degrees.
ps. Not everything in Britain is spick and span.
So how come they are UKBA approved to bring overseas students into the UK? If they were bogus then they would not be British Council Accredited either. Obvious that there is a lot of misleading information going around in Malaysia.
DeleteAnonymous 9:30, Accreditation is not an overnight affair. The simple truth is that WCI is now accredited as a "Premier College" by ASIC which enjoys international recognition as an independent accreditation agency. Don't confuse the issue by talking about things in 2005. In case, you don't realise, we are now in mid-2013.
ReplyDeleteAll colleges start out as unaccredited and good ones work towards it. Warnborough College in Ireland and in the UK hold ASIC and other accreditations.
DeleteAnon 12:50, You are absolutely correct and right on target. Anon 9:30 needs to improve his/her critical thinking and argumentation skills besides not being trapped in past history. It's sad that some people don't want to accept reality but keep on slandering others. Masuk neraka tahu terutama membusukkan nama orang lain semasa bulan berpuasa. Bertaubatlah sebelum anda disembahyangkan!
ReplyDeleteWarnborough certainly had a chequered history.
ReplyDeleteI wonder what was the compelling reason for anyone to choose this over so many established institution?
Maybe it was their good mentors, begin the first of any month, reasonable fees, scholarships, friendly service, impressive mentors...
DeleteEhem! you may be right but my experience with British Colleges, some of them were willing to pay "commission" to sponsoring agency's placement officer for making a favorable decision.
DeleteWhat university hasn't had a chequered history? Look at Harvard University where the founder was in prison twice. Look at Bond University where the founder was in prison for many years! Lots of colleges and universities have had problems, and they still do - look at the Chronicle of Higher Education and see how many accredited colleges and universities are being sued.
DeleteSince this matter is now public in nature, a little bit of information about their present and past would be handy. In case someone whom I know been offered a place there, I can then advice accordingly.
ReplyDeleteWell you should do some proper research and contact them, visit them rather than listening to gossip!
DeleteI have never seen any claim that Warnborough offers UK degrees. BUT in the UK they do PREPARE students through the ABE pathway to major UK universities, and they are allowed to accept overseas students under TIER 4 status. SO no way can they be a 'bogus' college.
ReplyDeleteAnon 22:30
ReplyDeleteYou are posting supports for Warnborough all over the place.
Are you on their payroll?
This is supposed to be a balanced blog so everyone is entitled to their opinion. I did my research. I am a consultant based in London. I have visited Warnborough in Canterbury and Dublin. They exist. They are accredited. They have students from all over the world taking classes on site and by distance learning. They prepare students for entrance to UK universities and overseas. They would not be UKBA approved to accept foreign students if they were bogus in any form. Nor would they be accredited by so many bodies. I suggest you visit them so you know what you are talking about rather than listening to gossip. I am not on anyone's payroll.