Sunday, 21 July 2013

A bit on TPPA and a more immediate concern

First, let me put on record here that I am not an economic expert.

So, when the debate on the Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement started, I have to admit that I was a bit at a loss.

That was until this article came about a week ago.


Today there is this another article on the same subject which I think worth reading,
Why the fuss over TPP Agreement?

Both articles simplified the understanding of the issue, especially for the "buta ekonomi" ones like myself.

I recommend those who want to understand that issue, which is actually very important to our country to click on those links for a quick read.

I really hope the government will consider the proposals of the writers of those articles so that we don't end up signing another "selagi ada bulan dan bintang" agreement.

Okay, certainly Pas people, should read the articles as I know most of them are as blind as me on the subject matter. 

I know, they will never admit it and will pretend they know everything, but really la, jangan jadi bodoh sombong. Just read it and learn a bit.

This is so because it will be embarrassing to watch them later on whacking the government without even knowing what the issue is really all about. Nanti orang kata orang Malayu Islam bodoh, kita marah pulak, yea tak? (Note : Errr, Pas people, please google translate the articles if your English is not so good, ok?)  

Now, to a more immediate concern of mine.


Yup, please be careful.

I had been to the toilet three times this morning and my tummy is still making noises as if there is a monster having fun in it.

The char koew teow I bought at the bazaar yesterday evening was most likely the cause of it.

It can't be the soya bean tofu which was the only other thing I ate when I buka puasa yesterday. It seems to be well packed and was still warm when I bought it.

Well, whatever it is, I think the authorities should be more stringent in checking the hygiene level of food preparations of those sold at the bazaar Ramadhan.

Today, if I can make it through the day, I think I will get myself some KFC chicken instead for my buka puasa.


  1. If the Chinese said Tun Dr Mahathir is so racist why Tun's first reaction is to say that this TPP must include China.Apparently US don't want China in this trade bloc why? For the stupid idiot Red Bean mongers plse lah don't say that the China in Tanah Melayu is different from China in China..its a different people that the Tun is referring to,just like their Ba Kut Teh either its itek ayam or squirrel bak kut teh long as its called bak its contain Pork lah bodoh!!!

    1. "..plse lah don't say that the China in Tanah Melayu is different from China in China."

      Strange - the blue fly cyber-troopers over at Out Syed The Box keep on insisting that they are not the same.

    2. If you read helen's blog regarding the RBAs insisting that bak could be any kind of meat; their pea-sized brains included, you would certainly want to puke.

      Such idiocy these RBAs.

    3. Not the same in terms of patriotism.. tak tengok ke Chinese Army di sana almost 100% Chinese, tapi sini batang hidung Cina susah nak nampak?

      Not the same when it comes to what comes out from their mouth. Berani cakap kurang ajar about their leaders? Berani khianat negara sendiri? Sana kena one bullet to your head and paraded in public before execution. Sini biadap macam mana pun ramai Lawyer buruk duk tunggu to set them free.

      Tak sama bab corruption - sana kena hukum tembak sampai mati. Sini, belum apa2 dah cepat2 lari sembunyi ke Singapore, Hongkong... yang gelap2 sikit to India.

    4. Cina Malaysia semua takut mampus! Tuhan mereka adalah $$$$$! Sanggup bunuh ibu bapa untuk dapatkan $$$$$! Bangsa cHINA ni ibarat pelesit jelmaan manusia. BTW, my late dad's half-Chinese but he was an anti-Chinese! Why? Go figure!

  2. Annie punya 'England' memang power...memang ada sebahagian penyokong PAS tak fasih berbahasa inggeris tapi jangan-lah Annie nak memhina ataupon memperkecilkan mereka, tak fasih inggeris pon bukanlah satu kesalahan.

    1. Saya yakin Annie tidak memperkecilkan sesiapa yg tidak fasih Inggeris. Tetapi mungkin orang yang tidak fasih Inggeris yang rugi sendiri kerana ilmu dan maklumat banyak sekali terkandung dalam bahasa inggeris.

      Cuba bayangkan masa Tun Mahathir menjadi PM... membuat ucapan di-Bangsa Bangsa Bersatu dengan loghat dan bahasa melayu Kedah? boleh gitu? untuk mengutuk Negara Amerika Tun menggunakan bahasa Inggeris dengan baik sekali hingga sampai ke-dalam jiwa dan sanubari orang yang mendengarkan nya.

    2. Anon 13:05...sila baca betoi-betoi di bawah ni,takkan england macam ni hang pon tak erti.

      Annie : This is so because it will be embarrassing to watch them (PAS members & Supporters) later on whacking the government without even knowing what the issue is really all about. Nanti orang kata orang Malayu Islam bodoh, kita marah pulak, yea tak? (Note : Errr, Pas people, please google translate the articles if your English is not so good, ok?)

    3. Annie tidak pernah memperkecilkan atau memperbodohkan kita yang tidak fasih berbahasa Inggeris. kita harus sedar penting fasih di dalam Bahasa Inggeris.

      Annie do write whatever is in your mind, it is my breakfast everyday other than nasi lemak and teh tarik. Take care


  3. Annie, you ni memang biadap, hari ni pulak tiba giliran PAS yg kena hina oleh Annie.
    PAS bodoh sombong lah, Melayu Islam bodoh lah......woi ni bulan ramaddan-lah jaga mulut sikit Annie.

    1. Betul ke?

    2. What Annie says is very true. Just look at PAS leaders! Do they have any credibility? Any intelligence? Nada! Zilch! Tapi kalau bab perempuan nombor satu. Fatwa ni lah fatwa tulah! Just look at Mat Sapu Opps! Sorry, Mat Sabu, dah lah muka macam beruk perangai pun macam beruk. Bila cakap aja, shows his stupidity. Another one, Mampus, Opps! sorry, Mahfutz, otaknya letak dekat kepala lutut kerana dalam kepalanya penuh dengan taik. Pordah! PAS leaders semuanya putar alam.

  4. Hope you are feeling better today, Annie. Love your post.

    Pak Andry

  5. Kurang fasih bahasa Inggeris memang bukan menjadi kesalahan yang patut dihukum. Tetapi orang tak fasih bahasa Inggeris mesti menerima ia sebagai kelemahan diri sendiri. Kalau nenek moyang kita tak petah bahasa Inggeris, kita pun boleh jadi tak merdeka pada tahun 1957.
    TPPA yang dipelopori Amerika Syarikat ini bertujuan menggalakan perdagangan dan pertumbuhan ekonomi di kalangan negara terlibat. Pokoknyaa Kita kena tepuk dada tanya selera apakah TPPA ini akan membawa kebaikan kepada negara dan rakyat kita ataupun memudaratkan kita. Walaupun begitu, akhirnya ia adalah persoalan persetujuan perdagangan bersyarat, pelaburan bersyarat yang akhirnya satu pra-syarat to open economy.
    Negara-negara ASEAN masih lagi berupaya menjana pertumbuhan ekonomi masing-masing berdasarkan pertumbuhan domestic demand dan domestic investment. Inilah sesuatu yang dituntut dalam sesebuah negara dan yang lebih memuaskan. As long as this TPPA does not result in Malaysia as net importer it should be fine.

    Orang menjual kita membeli. Makanan beli memang ada risiko. Jadi belilah daripada penjual yang kita dah tahu tidak berisiko perut meragam, Annie. Kalau KFC, KFC lag. Semua makanan kat bazar Ramadan tu nampak sedap. Kita jangan perdaya diri sendiri.

    1. Dear Anon 15:21
      RE: "As long as this TPPA does not result in Malaysia as net importer it should be fine"

      An American Muslim discusses Fair Trade & Commerce for a Better World:

    2. 19:21

      I don't live in heaven. I live on earth. I listened to 1st 7 minutes of the good American Muslim professor's preach. That was all that I need to hear. I would go for Joseph Stiglitz lecture.

      On this earth conventonal trade forms larger trade than that of Islamic way of trade. I believe in fairness in trade but unfortunately this world is not a fair place. Trade must bring benefits to us or else we might as well don't trade. The TPPA has hidden intentions that we must be weary of. We are not sure what they are going to be but it is a real concern. If we end up net imported as a result of agreeing to the TPPA we will be a dumping market which we aleady somewhat are a place to dump the products and services from other economies. We today have been been very much a consuming economy much like America since we become more affluent. But as not a very efficient and without high productivity economy, our exports have limited market and this is real. Half of Malaysia believe the Muslim led government allows ineficiency. All the future growth economic growth must come from the eastern countries and the world is looking to invest in its growth to reap profitable returns where returm is not quite handsome in matured economies in which many now are plagued with unsettled economic issues. So the TPPA which comes with conditional two way trade appears to me to benefit them more than us and should be approached with caution. We must sell our products and only this way growth could be sustained. Hence being net importer does not help.

  6. On the topic of food, I laugh everytime some of us just cant wait to blurt out to declare their love and is so proud to tell everyone we have.. * *abundance of food*... just go to the bazar/pasar and *you find all kinds of food* ..bla..bla..bla..thinking people , locals what more tourists,are dumb. They will be wondering about the quality of oil ( cheapest available thus of not such good quality and possibly reused many times? ) and the hygiene is dubious. They just couldnt care less about exposing food for hours int the open air and serving it cold. What about DBKL ..Ministry of Health.. certainly turning a blind eye and not doing their job!! As customers we need to complain too or the same shit will go on forever.

    1. Orang menjual kita pembeli. Kalau tak yakin mutunya, kebersihannya jangan beli. Kalau balik-balik government nak kena jaga semua hal, payah ni. Sendiri punya kesihatan sendiri kena jaga bukan gomen jaga. Lagi satu ini bukan negara yang tak cukup makanan. Kita pengguna; kalau tak yakin, jangan makan walaupun dah beli. Last negara ni tak cukup makanan nama negeri ni Tanah Melayu time Jepun World War 2. Pakcik pun tak dapat jumpa tu. Dapat dengar cerita aje.Tak pernah rasa.

  7. kepada yg sikit2 cepat nak tersinggong - kalo England awak haprak berusaha lah memperbaguskan nya lagi. Terima lah kebenaran - memang membuat malu aje bila orang cakap lain awak balas lain. Bahasa Inggeris di gunakan merata dunia. Tau tak bibik Indon mak saya ajar bahasa Inggeris - lebeh terror lagi dari pegawai2 kita yg duk berbungkus sebuk menyembah budaya Arab KUNO di pejabat2 kerajaan.

    Another thing - have you seen the standard of English of some of our diplomats and staff sent overseas???.... facepalm!! Aksyen bukan main, lebeh bagus dari ada masa orang local konon. Bila buka mulut....berabuk!! Dah lah topic2 intellectual tentang buku ke, politics ke... FAIL!! MEMALUKAN!

  8. Good luck Annie I love it that you have a blessed Ramadan filled with the Holy Spirit

  9. Join me for break fast Annie i've been doing okay so far ....

  10. Try sajalah kalau tak pandai England ...... Kanak-kanak pergi kesekolah pun kena berusaha bertahun-tahun untuk fasih Bahasa Melayu

    Malaysian accent sokmo!

  11. kat luar negeri tu banyak bukan diplomat, pertanian, jakim, pendidikan, imigresen, ahli politik... so sebelum nak mengata diplomat tu kenali mereka dahulu...

    1. woi baca betul lah.... aku cakap pasal DIPLOMAT..typical tak faham baca sebuk pulak menyampok.

  12. Annie, the write up by Tun M is also very enlightening;

  13. Bulan Ramadhan ini elok masak sendiri dan berbuka di rumah. Baru dapat ditentukan kehalaan dan kebersihan.

  14. Annie - tomorrow I plan to buka puasa with western food pulak....Pizza Hut Super Supreme!

  15. Bahaya tak fasih dalam Bahasa Inggeris... sama juga yang tak fasih dalam Bahasa Kebangsaan, this may create lots of misunderstandings.

    Bagi satu contoh if I say loudly to someone yang tak fasih BM, "you ni SEMAK le!!" yang tak faham boleh tumbuk saya.ALAMAK!

    Sama juga BI... banyak perkataan sama ejaan, sama bunyi, atau sama ejaan tak sama bunyi.. yang tak faham salah translate boleh tunggang terbalik keadaan, whatmore if direct translation is being applied eg;
    Buy only the cook cook mango - beli mangga yang masak masak saja - silap2 yang tak faham bahasa bawa kerabu mangga, chutney mangga or curries with mango in it!!!

    So for those on official missions esp our Representatives.. tak kira PAS atau DAP atau BN.. tolong le jangan masuk tanding kalau tak fasih dalam dua Bahasa penting Negara ini.
