Saturday, 2 July 2016

Pre-Raya blues

Raya is just a few days away.

Went shopping a bit just now.

The place I went to was so packed with people.

I had to park my car quite a distance away from the shopping mall.

The roads leading there were jammed.

I should had taken some pictures but only realised I should had done it after I reached home.

So much for all the talks about bad economy.

Anyway, I didn't buy much.

Not really comfortable to shop too much because of the crowd.

Just bought some groceries, cleaning stuff for my computer and these for Raya,

It's Charles & Keith at RM189.90.

Okay la. Not so expensive.

Will be driving back to KL on Monday to celebrate Raya with my parents.

Hopefully mother will not be working on first Raya.


Sudah mau Raya malas la nak tulis politik.

You all don't want to take a break from the nonsense ka for Raya?

Rest la a bit and be happy.

Don't fight all the time.

How I wish my friends, now fighting each other over politics can get back together and bermaaf-maafan di Hari Raya yang mulia....

I know, not much chance for that one.

But it's not wrong to hope, isn't it?

Here's a song to go with that hope,

Okay, that's all for today.

Cheers guys.


  1. No rest for the wicked
    The good can rest in peace

  2. Dosa kecil kecil, hutang duapuluh enam ringgit, bolehlah bermaaf maafan di hari raya..

    Lu enjoy, wa kena paksa tanggung lu punya hutang, boleh lupa ka, boleh sEttle just bermaafan Macam tu saja ka..

    Kalu you mengaku buat salah, kalau you mengaku berdosa, kalau u clearly minta maaf, ok lah.. Boleh considered.

    Tapi kalau muka selamba macam tak ada apa apa..

    Sorry to say, tiada maaf untuk kamu walau seribu kali hari raya.


  3. re, So much of the talk about bad economy.

    It's Charles & Kate at RM 189.90

    Wa Nyonya , mampu pakai RM 13.00 plastic slipper maa aa .

    Lucky you Annie .

    Selamat hali Laya .

  4. Have a good rest and drive safely back to see your parents, ok? Selamat hari raya to Annie and all Muslims.

  5. Selamat Aidil Fitri kepada Cik Annie & Keluarga!

  6. Selamat Hari Raya Annie dan yang lain lain disini....Maaf zahir dan batin....

    >james bond

  7. Annie,

    Well, not quite Raya yet so I'll hold my greetz until then.

    I guess like most people, you would love the shopping aspect of Raya.

    I know, I know, shopping is part of the fun in any festivity in any culture.


    I am a hopeless shopper. I don't even bother buying myself a birthday present even if I remember my birthday :)

