Wednesday 9 December 2015

What Najib said at the Umno's close door briefing last night

Received a message from an Umno friend who was in the hall where party president DS Najib Razak delivered the close-door presidential briefing for the party's general assembly at PWTC last night.

He gave me in points form the gist of what Najib actually told the delegates.

It's in Bahasa, so I'm translating it for you all useless people who don't understand the national language

The translation is in blue.

Antara intisari ucapan Presiden UMNO:
Among the gist of of Umno president's speech.

1. Sy hormat Tun Mahathir tp jgn keterlaluan, org Kedah kata tibai, tp sy nk btulkan berasaskan pd fakta. Cth awak ini pencuri tp apa buktinya. Tun M kata jika Najib terus mentadbir negara kita akan jd pengemis di negara sendiri
I respect Tun Mahathir but don't go overboard, as Kedahans would say to whack. But I want to correct (the perception) with facts. For example, (alleging) someone of being a thief, but are there any proof? Tun M said if Najib continues to administer the country we will become beggars in our own country.

2. Hendak kritik tidak mengapa (sorakan diterima meroyan ditujukan pd TSMY)
It's okay to criticise (this was followed by cheers when the word "going crazy" was directed at deputy president TS Muhyiddin Yassin)

3 .Jika menyerang Presiden Parti seolah menyerang Parti Umno.
To attack the party president is the same as attacking Umno as a party

4. Cerita 2.6 billion, sy nk tanya mana KB KP KW KPU3 boleh hidup tanpa dana, parti pembangkang pun dia nak dana, jd jgn nk bangkitkan soal dana ini kerana sy cari dana ini utk pastikan parti kita ini berjaya.
On the RM2.6 billion issue, I want to ask how the division chiefs, Puteri chiefs, Wanita chiefs, Youth chiefs can survive without a fund. Even the opposition needed a fund. So, don't raise this issue of fund because I look for this fund to ensure our party's success.

5. Cerita tentang dana ini, ramai yg datang pd sy buat muka sedih, ada yg bawa pelan.
On this fund issue, there are many who come to me with a sad face and some even brough a plan (which needed to be funded)

6. Sy bantu semua bhg, igtkan negeri kalah sj sy perlu bantu, negeri menang pun sy pun kena bantu
I help all the divisions. It's not just in the state that we lost I have to help them but also in the states which we won.

7. Dana ini jangan kita songlap duit rakyat. (Tepukan)
The fund is okay as long as we don't steal it from the people (Applause)

8. Jumpa penderma2 siasat, sbb penderma kata x boleh sebut, bgkitkan isu knp masukkan akaun peribadi, sbb dia suka dia bglah, jika dia bg 2.6 b dia tidak tuntut apa2. Sy bg surat itu pd bank negara. Jika sy nk songlap duit sy x bg pd bank negara
(The investigators) are meeting the donors because the donors had said they don't want to be identified. then there are those who raise the issue of why the money was put into my personal account. That's because they (donors) preferred to give the money that way. They gave RM2.6 billion and they didn't ask for anything. I gave the letters (on it) to the Bank Negara. If I want to steal the money, I wouldn't give (the letters) to the Bank Negara.

9. Semua ini dah tahu apa perlu 2.6 b jika dibanding parti yg berkuasa
These have been made known. What is RM2.6 billion compared to be a ruling party.

10. Perhimpunan Agung ini byk belanja. Sumbgn bhg, wanita, pemuda, puteri tiap2 bulan
This general assemby costs a lot of money. Then, every months there's fund needed by the divisions, Wanita, Youth and Puteri. 

11. Friends of BN pun minta pd sy, bloggers pun nak, tak bg merajuk. Ini perlu pd ini (duit) tp jgn berjuang utk ini (duit) tp berjuang pd agama dan negara.
Friends of BN also asked (for money) from me. Bloggers are also asking the same, if we don't give them they will sulk. We need money, but don't make our struggles for money, instead its for religion and country. 

12. Cukuplah soal ini, biar sprm siasat biar mereka buat keputusan, kita fokus pd parti keramat kita
Enough of this matter, let MACC (Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission) investigate and make a decision. Let us be focused on our blessed party. 

13. Isu 1MDB - org kpg tak kisah. Yg jd isu kerana kita juga. Ini busines model. Jika kata 1 MDB tak ada aset. Ceo TNB pun hendak EDRA, tp sy kata mcm mana nk bg TNB kerana harga dia lebih rendah. Kita ada tanah lg, TRX. Jika kena pelan rasionalisasi mungkin kita ada surplus atau keuntungan.
The people in villages don't care about 1MDB. It became an issue because of us. It's a business model. If we want to say 1MDB doesn't have assets, even the CEO of TNB wanted (to buy) Edra, but I told him that there is no way we can give it to TNB because the price he offered was low. We still have land (at) TRX. If the rationalisation plan goes well, we may have a surplus or make a profit.

14. Byk lg bdn2 lain yg rugi cth Perwaja, MAS, dll tapi knp 1 MDB?
There are others which make losses such as Perwaja, MAS but why (make an issue out of) 1MDB?

15. Patut Tun M bantu kita, sy cukup setia pd dia, waktu ada team A dan team B, sy sokong dia sbb sy pegang pd prinsip kesetiaan kpd pemimpin.
Tun M should have helped us. I was so loyal to him. When there was a Team A and Team B, I supported him because I hold to the principle of loyalty to the leader.

16. Antara PM dan TPM, kita perlu ada hubungan yg baik. Perlu trust each other. Jika berbeza pendapat tak pa.
Between PM and DPM, we must have good relations. We need to trust each other. It's okay to have differences of opinions.

17. Semalam TSMY suruh sy berehat. Tp nk berehat buat apa, sy kuat lg. Kita perlu pertahankan demi kepentingan parti. Sy syg tuan2 dan puan2. Penting sekali jaga parti. Inilah tempat pergantungan kita.
Yesterday Muhyiddin told me to get a rest. But why would I want to do that. I'm still strong. We must defend (our stand) for the good of our party. I love you all ladies and gentlemen. It's important to take care of our party. This is  what we depend upon.

18. Ucpn diakhiri dengan Sorakan Hidup Melayu dan Hidup Umno
The end of the speech was greeted by cheers of Long Live Malays and Long Live Umno

Nice or not, my translations?

Well, I think they are going to sack Muhyiddin at the supreme council tonight.

Umno is like that lah.

Eh, I'm late for work. 

Need to ciao now.



  1. If UMNO delegates believed all these rubbish, then probably also believed that the world will end on 24th December 2015.

    1. Proven that UMNO members are very pleased to be fooled. That is including KJ. Maharaja Lawak good candidate...

  2. Sure! it's alright to take of your own freaking tribe you lousy betrayer of the Malays and corrupter of our religion, you tak-bagus punya bangsatwan! Get out of UMNO!

    1. ah Jib gor mampu jaga kepentingan dirinya sendiri sama para pengampunya saja ... semua tamak haloba sombong bongkak tak terhingga

  3. Salam Hormat Annie:I prefer to comment in Bahasa Malaysia(National Language)tapi agaknya tercampur bahasa seberang dikit(sebab org seberang juga pasang telinga walaupun mereka juga brantakan/kacau(hal freeport/lubang emas dan PT Pelindo/Ports Operator for Indonesia).Saya jadi boss company,BOD pertikaikan kewenangan saya dlm urusniaga perusahaan.Mmg dah jadi SOP perusahaan MD/Exe Chairman/CEO(yg buat keputusan)bila terdapat urusniaga yg tidak sehaluan dengan BOD atau stakeholder maka sebahagian akan tanya ketulusan,tanya lagi,tanya lagi,akhirnya saya sebagai boss beritahu BOD yg sekongkol dgn saya,buang ajalah mamat ni,banyak songeh.Dah jadi tingkah laku boss akan cari org2 yg sokong dia utk beri penerangan.Maka BOD dan stake holder yg bertepuk tangan akan diberi ganjaran.End of Story.

  4. OMG!! Najib is truly a gone case. Muka tempe. No remorse whatsoever! NOW he said he told BNM. In July 15, when WSJ opened the can of worms, he denied the existence of his personal account.

    I feel sorry for the UMNO members, berapa kali mau kena tipu daa? If the RM2.6b is a political donation for UMNO, then how come UMNO Treasury pun tak tau the existence in 2013? How come it doesn't get to be reflected in UMNO books?

    Sudah-sudah lah Najib. Majority of Malaysians are not as stupid as you and your macai.

    UMNO, United Macai Najib Organisation. It is getting truer everyday. Memang betul kata Tun M, parti Umno dah jadi parti Najib. All his sh1ts, Umno yang kena tanggung.

    1. Silly people will believe Najib Razak. Smart people will question like JMD:

      Udah-udahlah Najib ko nak menipu.

    2. Kalau ada Juta2 $$$$$$$$ masuk akaun saya, lantak lah apa dia cakap, tepuk tangan saja la.

  5. Lepas dah tibai 2.6b hang suruh rakyat ganti duit yang hilang dgn menaikkan bermacam macam kos tnb, tol dll.

    Brim? hang bagi RM1 mintak balik RM10. Kimak punya lanun

    1. Itu Tun mamak and kroni kasi naik punya agreement. Sambung ma. Tak tau siapa kenyang

    2. Chedet menjawab:
      "14.​Percubaan memburukkan nama saya dengan berkata saya juga menyebabkan wang Kerajaan hilang kerana tindakan dan pelaburan yang merugikan. Najib sendiri mengaku bahawa dalam perniagaan adakala untung adakala rugi. Yang utama ialah segala yang dilakukan ditulis dalam akaun yang telus dan terbuka. Dan segala urusan dibuat oleh pengawai Kerajaan yang bertanggungjawab. Saya tidak terlibat dengan pengurusan terutama pengurusan modal wang. Tugas saya tamat dengan melulus pelaburan. Saya tidak menjadi pengurus atau penasihat eksekutif."


    3. 17.19

      Apa yang kau merepek ni?

      Terlebih air ketum?


  6. What happen about sueing WSJ? That's also quiet down which means no case and WSJ telling the truth? If the donors wanted to put into his personal account, if it is fine as long as after receive it you transfer back to your party account. So no question ask. But then it was quiet still someone found out and WSJ report it.
    Something still fishy there. When you receive that such big amount, what is the donor's motive? Even though you said that the donor dont want anything in return but that's what you say. We as a public also need to know who's the donor so that we can decide if the donor did receive something in return. Even donor information was kept a secret and dont you think that something fishy going on. In parliament they cant talk about it but in the PWTC they can talk about it. Why be afraid when you have said that nothing to be afraid of? You are still worried that there's going to be a case...a court case??? In short, basically the whole thing is real fishy...a very smelly fish in fact.

  7. OK, I'm on Najib's side if its true that he was raising funds for UMNO.

    Therefore, he sort-of admitted that 1MDB was set-up to be the 'goose that lays golden egg' for UMNO?

    But why use Jho Low as middleman to negotiate on behalf of the government?
    Was Najib also raising fund for UMNO when, as Defense Minister he appointed middlemen Razak Baginda, on behalf of Malaysian Government, to negotiate with the French Submarine-maker?

    Did Najib, on behalf of UMNO, received kick-backs from those huge commissions being paid to Razak Baginda and Jho Low?

    1. It is specially allowed under UMNO's constitution for the president to holds funds on behalf of the party.

    2. okay to hold funds. but come vp and rest of council are like 3 blind mice. he told you personally he is holding the fund? now where are the rest. you having it?

    3. Ada dalam MT pun buat buat tak tau cerita, sebab tu le elok duduk kat diluar.

  8. JMD's last 2 articles skinned Najib alive with dead-precision. If what is said in this blog as it happened as you said it.....then UMNO is doomed for good!

    1. I read the 2 articles you mentioned. In criminal court najib will fail miserably and found guilty as charged.

  9. Hi Annie,
    Thanks for your translation and information. Really, the way Najib explain is like for primary kids. Confirm Najib supporters are brain dead.
    Another, you see the way Najib make himself like Santa Claus. Everyone going to him looking for money. No wonder, Najib is "Cash Is King" type of politician and no wonder why there are politician like Sharir Samad ask for 1 million from Najib. I laugh when he say, those people come to him with "plan" and "sad face" wanting money. hhahahahah.....
    So confirm Najib has to feed these supporters and we have the looking for food PAC chairman.
    I guess this is reality for UMNO, no more bangsa or negara, but Cash is King UMNO. They will sell their grandmother soul if they can to get money.
    This could be reason Najib need 2.6 Billion. Where he get this from??? He already calculate he need 2.6 Billion? Corruption or donation?
    Still the story still never finish. We don't know the ending yet. Thanks Annie.

    1. others not brain dead. they are the 40 thieves of ali. cash is king and mp jb gets 1m.

  10. Annie,

    Lies, lies and more lies.


    It is no good at all to conjure all sorts of reasons to explain away truth:

    One could subscribe to truth
    only when one has self-respect in the first place;

    When a man tells untruths, he has no respect for himself and little would he do better for others except for his own gain;

    And when a man tells lies, he has a tendency to forget:

    With one lie after the other,
    eventually he would be caught
    in his own tangled web:

    1. Only trust can win the day despite all the damage jibby is doing to this country

  11. This is from JASA. Not true. To hear what NAJIBON really said, have to read Din Turtle >>

    Gila iseng punya jawapan.

  12. if you got 2,6b from overseas donor and have every intention of misusing or stealing it, would you bring it back to Malaysia or just dump it in your secret Swiss bank account for you and your family to enjoy for the next few generations? If Najib has an evil intention over the money then he must be the most stupid person for bringing home the money or otherwise those accusing him are just a bunch of illogical dumb asses. I don't know which one is which; you figure it out

    1. sometimes the truth is too painful .... narcissistic absolutists think and feel the whole world owes it to them ... it's illogical and absolutely dumb ass

  13. Ahli2 UMNO yg masih berdiam diri masa perhimpunan nanti adalah pengkhianat dan pembelot kepada orang2 melayu yg menyokong UMNO. Kalau 'explanation' smalam pun mereka terima bulat2 memang sah lah UMNO akan hancur. Bangsa cina, india, melayu di malaysia dan juga negara2 luar ketawa besar lihat gelagat najib dan kuncu2 termasuk ahli2 umno yg sokong malaun ni.

    Buat malu UMNO sahaja!!! Ptuiiiii.... Aku ludah muka depa ni semua!!!

    1. Jgn la kasar sgt bro..nnti org ckp xde adab pulak

      Org parit setongkat

  14. 'Friends of BN also asked (for money) from me. Bloggers are also asking the same, if we don't give them they will sulk. We need money, but don't make our struggles for money, instead its for religion and country'

    Jadi betul la tuduhan selama ini yang mengatakan bloggers juga dibayar..

  15. 3-11 all subjudice
    according to zahid
    so subjudice no more?


  16. Sure GE-14 how to defend the Pagoh seat(?) Yg Bhg TS
    hulur RM5 untuk kematian dan banyak salam dan air liur semasa kenduri kahwin.

    UMNO $ everybody knows but still humour us how many $ millions they spent for you in the last elections boleh?

    Haji M Zin
    Alor Gajah DPH

    1. Cuma belum sempat swastakan kubur Mohamadiah je.

  17. Bacakan talqin aje la umno ni
    Dah kalau presiden pun in very defensive mode..
    Betul parti, sayap parti, bahagian, cawangan semua oerlu funding, tapi apa mentedarah nya semua nak mintak dari tabung parti. Setiausaha lanun dan bendahari unit tak boleh suruh cari duit untuk aktiviti sendiri ke? Ketua bahagian besar pengaruh tu. Ke perut aje besar? Otak kecik! Malas nak fikir.

    Masalah terbesar umno ni sebab umno dah berugama kan duit. Dah tak boleh gostan dan dah sampai tahap membazir. Perangai syaitan tu. Orang yang memimpin umno dah tak boleh faham kalau ayam mahal, makan la kangkong aje. Tapi kita rakyat biasa ni faham. Kangkong pun kangkong la. Telan aje la.

    Buat parti lain la untuk orang Melayu. Atau buangkan perkataan Melayu dalam umno biar tinggal petubuhan kebangsaan bersatu aje. Tinggalkan perkataan Melayu tu. Ramai orang Melayu dah tak boleh terima perlakuan kepemimpinan umno (uno) yang bongkak, pembohong, pembazir in short bersifat munafiq.

    1. Masuklah parti PAN yang masih kekurangan ahli dan pemimpin.

  18. Kawan Annie tak sebut detail atau najib yang tak cerita. Ringkasnya macam ini,

    Setiap calon DUN pru-13 diberi rm1.5juta. Katakan ada 500 calon, jadi
    500 x rm1.5juta = rm750 juta.

    Calon parlimen pulak mesti diberi lebih, katakan 3 juta seorang. Senangkan kira, katakan 220 kawasan parlimen. Jadi,
    220 x rm3 juta = rm660 juta.

    Untuk calon pru-13 sahaja dah lebih rm1.4 bilion dibelanjakan. Baki lagi rm1.2 bilion tu mungkin untuk kegunaan lain termasuk bayar blogger dan belanja untuk parti2 komponen. Kalau nak lebih jelas, kena tanya najib sendirilah.

    Tapi dari mana dapat rm2.6bilion tu, .........? Ku nan dengan zahid boleh tolong jawabkan kot.

  19. Btl la psl zaman tun yang rugi macam2..perwaja dan lain least dato najib x rugi psl 1mdb

    Org muo

    1. Cash is King and Najib is its damned slave!

    2. Masaalah sekarang kroni Tun dah tak boleh cari makan. 22 tahun dah ketagih gaban. Jadi buat isu untuk dapat makan balik. Itu pasal PM pun nak di ada council punaisihat2 dari orang2 tua.

    3. Tepat sekali, najib tak ada rugi pun. Yang rugi rakyat jelata - gst, harga barang naik, tol naik, tambang naik, darah naik, angin pun naik....


    4. Memang Najib tak rugi apa-apa pun.

      Malah dia mendapat keuntungan dan laba yang besar.

      Tujuh keturunan dia pun tak habis makan berbeliyun-beliyon ringgit tu.

      Yang menanggung rugi adalah rakyat Malaysia.

      Yang menanggung hutang adalah rakyat Malaysia.

      Faham tu orang Muo?


    5. Memang Najib tak rugi apa-apa pun.

      Malah dia mendapat keuntungan dan laba yang besar.

      Tujuh keturunan dia pun tak habis makan berbeliyun-beliyon ringgit tu.

      Yang menanggung rugi adalah rakyat Malaysia.

      Yang menanggung hutang adalah rakyat Malaysia.

      Faham tu orang Muo?

    6. BNM forex losses - RM30billion, Perwaja - RM10billion, Mas - 20 billion an so on and on to satisfy kutty interests.

    7. Anon 12:10.

      Yes, I agree Dr.M lost more than Najib, in his 22 years reign. But Dr.M did not designate himself as Finance Minister when BNM lost that RM30 million. When Perwaja and Mas lost billions, the government do not have to sell-off its assets or prime-land to pay interest/debt. Perwaja and MAS was not coined into existence, using borrowed money like 1MDB. Dr.M also did not engaged middlemen such as Razak Baginda and Jho Low to negotiate with foreigners on behalf of the government. Therefore, no unnecessary exorbitant commission was paid to anybody. Dr.M did not hired advisers & consultant that cost the gomen RM7.2 Billion in 5 years.

      Most importantly, Dr.M had no RM2.6 Billions in his and another RM2.0 millions in his wife personal bank account.

    8. He used Tun Diam and Abang Don as his middleman to the chinaman.

    9. Daim was Finance Minister, 1985 ~ 1991.
      Abang Don??? Did you mean that Liwat fella?
      If yes; Anwar Ibrahim was Finance Minister, 1991 _1998.
      The bugger was Dr.M blue-eyed boy. Due to his pious credentials, Dr.M brought him into UMNO, from ABIM, to neutralised PAS religious influence amongst the Malays. It was Dr.M biggest success then. PAS became very weak. Infact, UMNO once captured Kelantan.

      Dr.M affectionately groomed him to succeed him. Unfortunately, he turned out to be a adulterer and a 'kaki-main pungkoq'. This was exposed by Azmin Ali's (current MB of Selangor) sister, Ummi Hafilda Ali in a letter to Dr.M, 1997. Dr. M dismissed it outright as slander. The letter then reached Karpal Singh and Mat Sabu.
      Both of them, then declared in Parliament, 1997: "Kita mempunyai seorang peliwat sebagai TPM" Just imagine the shock to Malaysian then.

      In-fact, the nickname 'Al-Juburi' was coined by Mat Sabu himself, because Anwar portrayed a pious image.

      I guess that was why Anwar became very impatient and tried to topple his boss. His deplorable sexual desire was about to hit the fan. (Please bare in mind that ISA was not yet abolished then) That was when Zahid Hamidi, as Anwar's man, accused Dr.M of cronyism. The next day, Dr.M came out with a list, who got what contract from the government, including APs. Most of them was Anwar's crony, of-course.

      After being dismissed from UMNO, the bugger was charge in court, 1998, for abused-of-power as DPM and sodomy I. This event seems to strengthen support for PAS and PKR was borne to safe the liwat-guy.
      For abused-of-power, (wrongfully instructed the Police to arrest Ummi Hafilda, frightened her to retract that letter and apologised) he was sentenced to 9 years behind bars.
      For sodomy I, he was acquitted for technical reason, though the panel of judges did acknowledged that sodomy act did occurred.

      Moral of the story:-
      Those who supported Pakatan Harapan (Hope?)and Mat Sabu's PAN, please ask Mat Sabu why he accused Anwar a peliwat in Parliament, 1997. Also ask him why he nicknamed Anwar as Al-Juburi since 1997. That's the real truth. That Al-Juburi thing was not from UMNO's people. If there is 'amanah' or trust in Mat Sabu, he would not tell lies.

  20. Dear Annie/respectfully-All,

    For sure Alhamdulillah, we are all blessed with 'grey-matter'. Thus, please engage it to its fullest potential.

    Say la JMD, SatD or Tun M states this. Then Rocky-and-sewaktu-dengannya should rebut/counter convincingly.

    That we had also been educated/trained to evaluate based on FACTS; spare the rhetorics please. For it will only end to a case of 'your-word-against-mine', 'your-Mama-said-so' or the like.

    Despite my leanings, I'd stated/opined before that IF Tun M himself had committed any crime during his PM-tenure, then by all means haul him up as well. Alas, I only 'see' derogatory remarks hurled. No proof whatsoever had been adduced by the anti-Tun M or whatever you wish to label it.

    The bare FACT is NOW. The issues or scandals are against the PRESENT PM/Govt.-of-the-day.

    I just need to lament the fact that it has been announced the electricity-tariff set to increase by about 15% NEXT YEAR; as AGAINST the earlier assurance (if not promise) by DSN, dArul Kanda etc.

    Where I'm wrong, please feel free to factually counter me back.

