Thursday 10 December 2015

Story of a stupid blogger

Rocky's posting

Sulking bloggers suck (Blogger merajuk)

reminds me of what happened a few years ago.

When I was in Johor back during the run-up to the 13th general election, I realised that Johor Umno and its Barisan Nasional allies in the state did not seem to have a proper cyberwar strategy.

I asked the people working for then Johor MB TS Abdul Ghani Othman why they were not putting an effort to recruit cybertroopers for that purpose.

One of them explained that it was very expensive to do so and the effectiveness of cybertroopers supporting BN was rather suspect.

"We simply don't have the allocation to do that. There's also the risk that if we can't deliver what the cybertroopers may want later on, they are going to attack us," he said.

I asked him how come then Umno in the other states managed to have teams of cybertroopers to carry out cyberwar efforts for them.

"Honestly, I don't know where they got the money to do that. It could costs millions of ringgit. We in Johor don't have that kind of money," he replied.

I asked again about the possibility of getting volunteers or sponsors.

"We do have volunteers but they are not prominent bloggers. That's why you don't see them much in the cyberspace. The prominent ones mostly needed payment. As for sponsors, I think you are referring to getting some towkeys (businessmen) to pay the bloggers. Well, if we do that, then we will owe the towkeys and later on we have to give them what they want. That is a form of corruption and as you know my boss (Ghani), he will never agree to do that," he said.

Johor Umno at that time compensated its lack of cyber muscle with hard work on the ground such as meeting the people constantly and trying to solve every possible grouses of the rakyat from clearing clogged drain to providing assistance for the poor, irrespective of race and religion.

I was later made to know that Ghani actually had came under attack by some pro-establishment bloggers because his people declined offers of services (which needed to be paid).

After speaking to the Ghani's people, I had a discussion with two friends Ai and Tinsel.

We decided to be volunteers for the Johor Umno's cyberwar efforts.

Ai, who is the best writer among us was the leader of the project.

It so happened that Ai was around that time being urged by a prominent blogger to set up a blog to help BN.

The blog that we set up is BIGCAT

Ai was the main writer, Tinsel handled the technical side of the blog and me being the least talented mostly just provided the crazier ideas of what to write

The blog I believe was not so bad.

We were quite happy to do our bit for Johor Umno at that time.

At first, Ghani's people couldn't care less about our rather unusual blog but later on admitted that it helped them a bit in explaining things and defending Umno and BN in the state.

When Ai had to leave the team due to personal issues just before the general election she asked Tinsel to take over the blog.

She asked me to set-up a new blog instead.

I was at first reluctant because I'm not a good writer, but Ai said I should just write from my heart and be damned with everything else.

It was her style and I copied it.

I also stick to Ai's blogging principle - never take any payment or order from anyone.

Write sincerely or don't write at all.

Believe me or not, some people who know me actually thought I have became rich for writing this blog.

I laugh every time someone said that to me.

This blog has actually caused me more problems than anything else.

I tend to write from my heart and what's in my heart is not all the time good for other people.

When I put it in writing, I got in trouble.

But still I continue with it.

It's because this blog is a platform for me to make a bit of difference which I hope is good.

It's definitely not a platform for me to make money.

I know. It's quite stupid.

Maybe I am indeed stupid.

Well, some readers of this blog previously wrote in the comment section that I am a stupid blogger.

But it doesn't matter.

I don't mind being stupid if I can believe that I'm doing a little bit of good.

p.s I actually like money. Now I'm saving bit by bit for my next trip to Japan. Want to join some monkeys at hot springs in Hokkaido :-)


  1. Dear Annie,

    Certainly I'd deduced from your writings that you're NOT stupid.

    Y'know sometimes you 'have to do a little evil, for a greater good'..:-)

    Repeat: ..a little.. (jangan sampai orang rasa nak angkat-parang-serang-kampung 'kay!)

    Kim-salamzz to Ultraman if ever you get to Japan..


    1. The strategy of those who have nothing intelligent to counter an intelligent argument is to "shoot the messenger first!"

      Its the same with any discussion on religion. When confronted with clear proofs from the quran and the sunnah of His Prophet ( may the peace and blessings of Alkah be upon him, immediately one is branded a "wahhabi".

    2. Wahhabis have long been branding other Muslims who clearly follow after the Quran and Prophetic Sunnah as "kafir"! Is there anything more atrocious than that?

  2. Di Johor sekarang, majoriti Bahagian sudah latih mereka-mereka yang berpontensi untuk menjadi sebahagian cyberwar troopers.

    Tawaran juga dibuat kepada saya tetapi oleh kerana saya tidak berminat untuk dikongkong, saya tolak tanpa ambil tahu nilai pakej yang mereka tawarkan.

    Setakat mana progress tidak diketahui.

  3. Tidak keterlaluan jika disamakan blogger upahan dengan tentera upahan. Setia mereka kepada wang. Siapa boleh bayar lebih, mereka akan sokong. Mana ada perjuangan untuk orang yang berkiblatkan wang.

    Oleh itu blogger upahan najib hanyalah pembaziran yang nyata. Menjadi sokong yang bawa rebah. Tidak ada hujah. Hanya sarat dengan caci dan nista.

    Tidak ada fakta tapi mereka terus mencipta cerita. Semuanya kerana wang. Masakan perjuangan boleh dijulang dengan wang. Hanya kepalsuan yang nampak terang.

    Kenapa umno perlu bergantung kepada tentera upahan? Sedang dalam lebih 3 juta ahlinya ramai yang mampu berjuang. Di peringkat cawangan pun ada jentera sedia ada yang boleh dilatih. Apa perlu upah orang yang tiada jiwa umno untuk tujuan itu. Upah yang dibelanjakan itu pasti lebih efektif jika disalurkan di dalam parti sendiri. Cawangan terumbang ambing mencari punca kewangan, umno belanja jutaan ringgit untuk upah blogger bodoh dan bangang.

    Undur najib. Selamatkan Malaysia.

    1. Maaf berasiam, setahu saya yang ramai jadi cybertrooper upahan Umno adalah orang Umno sendiri. Yang ramai menulis menyokong Umno secara sukarela bukan ahli Umno. Saya bukan ahli Umno.

    2. Annie bukan ahli berdaftar tapi jiwa lebih umno daripada kebanyakan blogger umno dari kalangan ahli berdaftar yang berjuang demi wang. Bigdog terkecuali kerana dia mungkin berjuang demi pertahankan jawatan. Rakan senegeri Annie tu. Hehehe. Maaf dan terima kasih, Annie.

    3. Maaf sekali lagi berasiam, setahu saya Bigdog tidak memegang sebarang jawatan dalam mana-mana organisasi pada ketika ini. terimakasih kerana bersangka baik terhadap saya.

    4. I am not a blogger but once in a while i put my comments in this blog and on my facebook.I am a staunch UMNO supporter even though like Annie I am not an UMNO member.
      There is nothing wrong if we get paid for something that we believe in.Do you think all teachers and policemen teach and catching criminals just for the sake of receiving their salary? I believe it is more than that.They must believe what they are doing is something good for the society.Itulah yang dinamakan 'ikhlas'.
      As foe me I have never received a single sen from UMNO directly.Kalau UMNO nak bagi, alhamdulillah, rezeki. Kalau UMNO tak nak bagi pun saya boleh hidup dengan rezeki yang Allah bagi.

      Prof Kangkung

    5. Saya pun sokong UMNO dan sering mempertahankan UMNO di FB, secara sukarela. Tapi saya tak sokong Najib dan kerana itu saya tidak disukai oleh En. Azmi Arshad. Walaupun saya tidak mengunakan bahasa kasar, beliau telah block saya.

      Saya pernah hantar borang nak masuk UMNO, 5 tahun lalu. Saya pergi ke Pejabat UMNO Pekan Kapar. Isi borang. Lepas tu kena bayar yuran RM2, kalau saya tak silap. Apa yang saya sangat terkejut, mereka suruh saya hantar sendiri borang tu, bersama yuran, kat HQ. Menyelinap darah. Takkan mereka tak boleh tolong hantarkan bila mereka kesana atas urusan Party?
      Bila saya merungut, ada seorang Mamat tu pandang saya dari bawah, ke atas. Maklumlah, kita boleh perasaan body-language sesaorang jika mereka tidak ikhlas dan tidak suka kepada kita.

      Pada saya, dia mungkin sangka tujuan saya mahu masuk UMNO adalah untuk dapat kontrak atau peluang buat duit.

    6. Annie, UMNO dah mula menjunam dan dijunamkan. Mereka yang berada dalam PWTC tidak ada pemikiran yang sempurna, baik dari segi budaya amanah dan ketelusan. Mereka sanggup mengenepikan budaya amanah dan meneliti dari segi undang-undang. Saya rasa masa depan orang Melayu amat gelap. Menyanjung orang yang mendusta.

  4. Kepada ANNIE , Blogger penggampu Najib yang harapkan diberi makanan dedak dan juga macai macai serta menteri menteri yang tak berapa pandai dan khusus kepada NAJIB sendiri disini saya kemukakan kata-kata penting daripada bekas presiden US yang tersohor bernama Abraham Lincorn semoga kata-kata ini menjadi pedoman anda -" You can fool some of the people all the time,and all of the people at the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all the time " this regard to wang Derma RM 2.6 Billion .

    Selagi najib menjadi PM tiada apa yang BN boleh harapkan seperti biasa cubalah cuba lah hidup tampa bantuan dan menerima duit mudah kerana takut selepas PRU 14 kehidupan bukan lagi seperti biasa.

  5. Hi Annie,
    There is way out being propose.

    1. Najib to step out and have investigation without interference. Solve all this 1MDB, 2.6 Billion, 42 Million donation. If he is guilty, then he should face the hang.
    2. Second, to get strong mandate to lead the party is to have election from UMNO, then whoever elected will have no complain.

    This would solve the credibility and crisis affecting Najib and also the UMNO party. What you think, of Muhyiddin combo with Hishamuddin for the UMNO Presidency and Deputy?

    1. No way. Najib would rather sacrifice UMNO and the nation than face the law. Jail is the last place he would go.

    2. Jail is the safest place for him to retire -if he knew it.

  6. He..he...memang kankung lah Prof kankung tu....tak nampak ke apa yg berlaku kat luat dengan kepayahan hidup...nampak sgt nak duit..."kalau dapat duit apa salahnya"...mana maruah kamu...

    1. I am a teacher. Being a teacher I grade my students' performance. None of my students have scored 100 percent in their exam and yet they manage to graduate from the university. UMNO is not perfect.Datuk Najib is not perfect.But, from my point of view, UMNO is a much better choice as compared to PAS , DAP dan PKR put together

  7. US$ 700,000 donation is a prove how worth Najib and Malaysia is to the Saudi's. There are so many links between both countries recently. This is not an invasion, the Saudi's didn't have powerful military base compares to the US Russia China. It's more into smart partnership among islamic nation... Nothing new. Forget about that envy old man and the space filler.

    1. Kelakarnya........

    2. wahhabi smart partnership with al-jibgor your bedouin ass!

  8. Today, I still met young people who says Anwar Ibrahim was innocent and accused the government as evil. I guess those who were too young in 1997, might not know the truth.
    Therefore, I would like to do the job that people like Azmi Arshad should do. Tell the truth about Anwar Ibrahim. You cannot be sued for telling the truth, anyway.
    Daim was Finance Minister, 1985~1991.
    Anwar Ibrahim was Finance Minister, 1991~1998.
    The bugger was Dr.M blue-eyed boy. Due to his pious credentials, Dr.M brought him into UMNO, from ABIM, to neutralised PAS religious influence amongst the Malays. It was Dr.M biggest success then. PAS became very weak. Infact, UMNO once captured Kelantan.

    Dr.M affectionately groomed Anwar to succeed him. Unfortunately, Anwar was alleged to be an adulterer and a 'kaki-main pungkoq' guy. This was exposed by Azmin Ali's (current MB of Selangor) sister, Ummi Hafilda Ali in a letter to Dr.M, 1997. Dr. M dismissed it outright as slander. The letter then reached Karpal Singh and Mat Sabu.
    Both of them, then declared in Parliament, 1997: "Kita mempunyai seorang peliwat sebagai TPM".
    Just imagine the shock to Malaysian then.

    In-fact, the nickname 'Al-Juburi' was coined by Mat Sabu himself, because Anwar portrayed a pious image.

    I guess that was why Anwar became very impatient and tried to topple his boss. His deplorable sexual desire was about to hit the fan. (Please bare in mind that ISA was not yet abolished then) That was when Zahid Hamidi, as Anwar's man, accused Dr.M of cronyism. The next day, Dr.M came out with a list, who got what from the government. (Contracts & APs). Most of them was Anwar's cronies, of-course.

    After being dismissed from UMNO, the bugger was charge in court, 1998, for abused-of-power as DPM and sodomy I. This event seems to strengthen support for PAS and PKR was borne to safe the liwat-guy.
    For abused-of-power, (wrongfully instructed the Police to arrest Ummi Hafilda, frightened her to retract that letter and apologised) he was sentenced to 9 years behind bars.
    For sodomy I, he was acquitted for technical reason, though the panel of judges did acknowledged that sodomy act did occurred.

    Moral of the story:-
    Those who supported Pakatan Harapan (Hope?)and Mat Sabu's PAN, please ask Mat Sabu why he accused Anwar a peliwat in Parliament, 1997. Also ask him why he nicknamed Anwar as Al-Juburi since 1997, yet he haven't apologised to Anwar. That's the real truth. That Al-Juburi thing was not from UMNO's people. If there is 'amanah' or trust in Mat Sabu, he would not tell lies.

  9. Like a bridge over troubled waters ...
