Tuesday, 2 June 2015

Between lazy rebels and clever Najib's people

It was quite an anti-climax tonight.

I was actually waiting for the big news from KLIA with much suspense.

The hype was quite exciting; DPM TS Muhyiddin Yassin was to make an important announcement once he landed at the airport about 9pm.

A huge crowd was also expected to greet Muhyiddin.

Invites to the home coming gathering went viral.

However, the first story which I saw just now was that by The Rakyat Post,

50 supporters greet Muhyiddin at airport

I was like, "Haaaa....just 50 people only? Why so little like that la?."

That's rather embarrassing considering that the welcome home event was supposed to be the big spark in the rebellion against Najib.

Then I saw this story by Malay Mail Online,

Cries of 'Save Malaysia' greet Muhyiddin at airport

Okay, this one is a bit better for Muhyiddin. It reported that about 100 people welcomed Muhyiddin home.

Still, I was expecting thousands of people to be present.

I can't help but to think that either someone in Muhyiddin team screwed up with the planning or it was actually a clever trick by the opposing team to discredit the DPM.

Personally I prefer the second scenario.

Who knows, maybe Najib's people had suddenly became very clever and capable of executing that slick move against Muhyiddin.

The first scenario on the other hand should means only two things;

1. Muhyiddin's people are not anymore capable than Najib's people .
2. The rebels were too lazy that they were not even bothered to greet Muhyiddin at the airport despite the hype.

Ya, the first scenario is rather pathetic, therefore I prefer the second one - Najib people have become clever.


  1. najib 1- 0 mahadey. tu la aku kata, orang UMNO semua penakut. habih la korang nanti.

    1. Apa yang nak sebok dengan kisah TPM pulang dari cuti ini , sejak dari awal perkara seperti ini tak ada apa apa impact pun , sama ada TPM nak resign ka ,nak sokong ajib gor ka dah tak ada faedah pun. Ajib gor pun tak ada kelebihan bagi dia daripada cerita dan kejadian ini. Benda membusuk macam 1MDB dah tak boleh buat apa dah dan ajib gor menunggu masa untuk perkara ini pecah . Ya BN akan kalah pada PRU 14 , Tapi PR pun kalau menang cuma tipis dan lepas itu tak tahan lama akan jadi macam kes di perak ,sebab pemimpin PR pun dua kali lima kaki songlap dan berebut kuasa dah la idologi tak sama cara makan pun tak sama , elok bagi umno untuk cuci semua musibat musibat yang ada termasuk ajib gor .

  2. Politics is not funny but only political idiots make politics look funny


    1. OK preempting the good Dr Mohd Puad saying(?):
      "The Hon Minister of Education was on a working holiday, to compare schools in the remote outbacks vs highlands Sabah .."

      Haji M Zin
      Alor Gajah DPH

  3. Actually, if Muhyiddin ever wants to garner support from the masses, he should plan what to say, when to say, to whom to say.... All of it planned over longer time.

    But he himself has been awfully quiet about many things and prefers to remain in the background.

  4. We love to assume and predict don't we? Sampai bila kita nak jadi tukang tilik? Kita ni orang Islam, bertindaklah mengikut cara2 Islam... Islam tidak mengajar umatnya berpecah belah dan bergaduh sesama sendiri. Islam mengajar umatnya bersatu. Sekiranya ada perselisihan faham, kita sepatutnya mengajak pemimpin bermesyuarah dan cari jalan penyelesaian.

    Apa yang terjadi pada umat Islam di Malaysia pada hari ini amat menyedihkan. Orang lain bersatu umat Islam berpecah. Inikah tuntutan Islam? Kita mengaku Islam tapi perbuatan kita tidak mencerminkan ciri2 Islam. Fahamilah rukun Islam dan rukun Iman. Itu adalah perkara asas. I

    Apa yang terjadi hari ini adalah kesan apabila Al-Quran dan sunah Nabi sudah tidak dijadikan panduan dan bahan rujukan. Sedangkan setiap kali Maulidur Rasul kita memuji2 Nabi Muhammad saw, Kita mengaku Nabi Muhammad saw adalah contoh terbaik yang perlu diikuti. Tapi sayang itu semua retorik semata mata,

    1. Pigidah. Nak suruh bersatu, suruh dulu pemimpin tu jangan suka mencuri. Asyik rakyat saja yang kena beralah, apa kehey.

  5. I would rather think it was a trick by the crook's team. You know they are capable of all the wrong things,ie; making billions go missing, bl*wing up innocent Mongolian etc...


  6. That's the first move by LKW

  7. Ordinary ppl who support muhyiddin are the silent type. We all hv work to do. Besides, we are not sure of muhyiddin's plan and whether he has the force to fight.

  8. You will not Find Any Solutions from UMNO or its members...Like 1MDB it has to be liquidated (Bangkrupted). Only the Opposition can save the country now.

  9. Nobody turned up because everyone is broken. So many fires need to be put out on a daily basis, I don't think the people care anymore about what happens at the top. I think everyone is just trying to survive for now and they're just waiting for the elections to make the change that they want to see. If I were the government, I would be seriously worried. If I were BN politicians, I'd start shovelling away my billions now.

    1. Requiem for Tai Gor Jib

      Born under a Bad Sign

      but some lucky Asses have all the Billions .....

  10. Bukan cara TSMY bayar orang datang ramai-ramai bawa sepanduk. Dulu kena ketepikan oleh DS Ghani Othman pun dia cool. Tidak melatah. Sekarang dia TPM. TS Ghani? hehe

  11. 1. TPM ada strateginya sendiri...yang mengatur sambutan bukannya digerakkan oleh penyokong-penyokong TPM sebaliknya mereka yang pro Tun M..kalangan ahli PERKASA dan satu kumpulan diberi nama sempena nama restoran tempat mereka berdiskusi isu politik semasa..termasuk salah seorang bekas Exco Wanita UMNO yang tewas pada pemilihan parti lalu.

    2. TPM tidak mahu dilihat bersama-sama dengan Tun M walaupun pada dasarnya mereka senada dalam banyak perkara...cuma agenda untuk menjatuhkan seseorang pemimpin memerlukan strategi lebih dari sekadar mengadakan sambutan ketibaan beliau dari luar negara sepertimana semalam.

    3. Jangan under estimate strategi TPM kerana beliau pernah terlibat sama dalam gerakan menjatuhkan Pak Lah, maka beliau faham selok belok bermain politik sebegini. Yang penting bagi TPM, Dato' Sri NAJIB dan penyokongnya akan sentiasa berasa tertekan dan berhati-hati..bila sedang tertekan, segala tindakan akan mudah ditelah dan diserang balas.

    1. Saya bersetuju dengan pendapat saudara


  12. One penyapu out..2 Naibs now for the gauntlet of loyalty(?) adinda Ms Annie

    Haji M Zin
    Alor Gajah DPH

    1. ????????


    2. Gauntlet boleh diterjemahkan sebagai (BM?) Sdr ANON 11:25 :
      Cabaran/ ujian kesetiaan mereka ..

      NB. Naib DS Dr Ahmad Zahid agak sibuk di Kementerian dengan masalah PATI jadi tak sempat membuat kenyataan sokongan.

      Haji M Zin
      Alor Gajah DPH

  13. Wa atak ingat eaa aa , Wa mau buat itu spondok ," I Love Mohyudin " ,manyak cool lea aa .

  14. Now it is too late for TSMY to strike as the atmosphere is cooling down esp after TDM passed the remark that no one is fit to be PM now......I wonder who is fit....
    The rakyat are mostlyt tired of this episode and want to carry on with their life.
    Minyak naik.....no ho ha
    GST..........dah tak kisah....as those throat cutters businessmen were caught
    1 MDB .....most of us do not really understand the real situation as it takes someones who are knowlegable in business,investment and monetary deals really understood the problem.From what I gathered from bloggers the only thing they harped on were the missing billions and wanted answers.Even the original whistleblower Tony Pua had quiten down as he is one of PAC members.
    So lets us not make too much noise,and allow the PM of the day and his merry men do their work as entrusted by us and wait for the next GE whether we still want them or we kick them out democraticlly.Paointless here if we keep on barking here like fools as how much percentage of eligable voters esp the rural voters read blogs.
