Tuesday, 20 October 2020

Please help the Bajau Laut people

UPDATES at 12.31pm

Apparently, NST has picked up on this story just now. Alhamdulillah.

More holistic approach needed to address Covid-19 among Semporna islanders


My beloved forwarded me this yesterday and asked me to highlight it,

My beloved is really concerned about the plight of those Bajau Laut people but felt helpless for not being able to do much.

I wish I could do more to help them myself.

Since we can't do much, I hope those who are really in the position to do something could help them.

I know, there are many others who are in need of help too amidst this Covid-19 crisis but these unfortunate people seemed to be in more need of help than others.

For those who may later help the Bajau Laut people, may Allah bless and reward you. Thank you.


  1. Saya sudah banyak kali berpesan. Namun kalian di puncak KUASA mentertawakan saya.
    2. Nah sekarang bila apa yang saya kongsikan 20 tahun lepas menjadi realiti, apa yang mampu saya katakan adalah 'the DAMAGE is DONE'
    3. Siapa tidak sedih? My life partner adalah anak jati Kg Sakong Besar, Semporna
    By the way, pada saat-saat kritikal seperti RIGHT NOW, tidak ada yang PALING PENTING melainkan DUE PROCESS
    Kunci untuk Senjata Rahsia kita adalah:

  2. The public can also channel donations to MRA Sabah's Ops Covid-19 2.0 Fund to its Maybank account - 5602 4102 1056. For further details, contact 013-337 3316.



    Very worrying that Sabah is almost at breaking point for medical capacity.

    So angry to read stupid Musang Aman's comments that "he is not responsible".

    If a fox is released on purpose to attack a henhouse, don't expect the chicken farmer to be passive and let him steal your chickens.

    Let's call it what it is:

    The Larut-Pagoh-Gombak cluster.

    So much for "rotan", the poor folks in Sabah are being punished for no fault of their own.

    In addition to the Covid-19 2.0 Fund, I hope more companies step up.

    Kudos to those who donated (see article above.)


    Rakyat Sabah khasnya dan Malaysia amnya, jangan sama sekali lari daripada fakta, bahawa penyebab jangkitan covid-19 Sabah mencanak naik kerana impak PRN ke-16 Sabah.

    Mengapa PRN Sabah berlaku? Kerana Shafie membubarkan DUN Sabah pada 30 Julai, 2020, kerana enggan menyerahkan kuasa selepas kehilangan sokongan majoriti ADUN Sabah.

    Shafie degil, mempertahankan 'bukan' hak dia. Sudah lah Shafie merampas kuasa pada 12 Mei, 2018. Yang merampas SANGGUP MATI berbanding menyerahkan semula hak tersebut.

    Berdepan kedegilan tersebut, pemimpin yang berhak (Tan Sri Musa Aman) menggunakan mahkamah mencabar kesahihan pembubaran, bertujuan supaya PRN tidak berlaku, kerana boleh mengancam nyawa rakyat.

    Namun sama degil seperti mentornya Tun, Shafie dibantu para peguam beliau termasuk Peguam Besar Negeri Sabah, agar PRN diteruskan, kerana pembubaran DUN adalah kuasa TYT Sabah, dan Shafie mempergunakan kedudukan beliau dalam Perlembagaan Negeri.

    Musa bersama 32 ADUN sehingga 11 September, 2020 sehari sebelum penamaan calon yang ditetapkan SPR, masih merayu di Mahkamah Persekutuan, agar PRN Sabah ditangguhkan, kerana alasan yang sama, iaitu boleh menyebabkan peningkatan jangkitan covid-19 selain PRN itu tidak perlu, kerana penggal ke-15 DUN Sabah masih berbaki 3 tahun.

    Kini, apa yang menjadi ketakutan Musa dan 32 ADUN yang menyokong beliau menjadi kenyataan, jumlah jangkitan covid-19 di Sabah terus meningkat, malah kematian berlaku setiap hari kerana virus pembunuh tersebut.

    Sekiranya Warisan Plus memenangi pilihan raya negeri Sabah lalu, mereka tidak akan menyentuh isu pandemik berkenaan.

    Tidak berpuas hati dengan kekalahan mereka, hari ini kita dapat melihat pemimpin Warisan Plus dan Pakatan Harapan (PH) sewenang-wenangnya menuding jari termasuk pemimpin veteran Tun Mahathir, Lim Kit Siang dengan mudah menyatakan PN yang ingin menggulingkan Presiden Warisan, Shafie Apdal, sedangkan Shafie yang bubarkan DUN Sabah.

    Usaha berterusan DAP, Tun untuk mengelirukan rakyat, Ahli Parlimen DAP, Teresa Kok, berkeras menyatakan pilihan raya negeri Sabah berpunca daripada Musa Aman dan PN.

    Selagi politikus usang dan hodoh masih menghiasi politik Malaysia tak akan maju. Sejarah tak pernah menipu hanya sang fitnah jijik yg suka berbohong dan politikus hodoh saja yang snggup buat kerja kotor dan menipu sepanjang hayat.

    1. "Mengapa PRN Sabah berlaku? Kerana Shafie membubarkan DUN Sabah pada 30 Julai, 2020, kerana enggan menyerahkan kuasa selepas kehilangan sokongan majoriti ADUN Sabah."

      Pale otak hang.

      Why did Shafie have to dissolve Dewan, wahai Si Bangang?

    2. 13.25. si piee bedal dah hilang majority si bedal bebal degil pasal kuasa konon bila dah melingkup ke main nak spinn..

      kan Musa bersama 32 ADUN sehingga 11 September, 2020 sehari sebelum penamaan calon yang ditetapkan SPR, masih merayu di Mahkamah Persekutuan, agar PRN Sabah ditangguhkan, kerana alasan yang sama, iaitu boleh menyebabkan peningkatan jangkitan covid-19 selain PRN itu tidak perlu, kerana penggal ke-15 DUN Sabah masih berbaki 3 tahun.

    3. “Everybody knows the whole political fiasco in Sabah was triggered by Musa and his operatives’ move to lure assemblymen to form a backdoor government,” senator Adrian Lasimbang claimed yesterday when commenting on Musa’s “open letter to the people of Malaysia” on Monday.

      “Whatever happened after that was as a result of the actions. It is clear cut situation. No need long and winding explanation,” he said.

      Musa had in the open letter denied that he triggered the third wave of Covid-19 infections with his failed attempt to seize the Sabah state government.

      “Did he ever consider that his move might have implications to the people when trying to take over government during the Covid-19 pandemic, especially changing government when we need to have functioning government the most?” Adrian asked.

      Musa, in the letter, said that he and the 32 former assemblymen who had supported him in forming the state government on July 29 had no intention of seeking a dissolution of the State Legislative Assembly or an election amid the Covid-19 pandemic.

      “More importantly, neither the 32 nor I had the power to request for a dissolution of the State Legislative Assembly. The election was caused by an ill-advised dissolution of the State Legislative Assembly.

      “Given the danger to the lives of Sabahans, we had instructed our lawyers to seek a stay of the election as it was perilous to hold elections in pandemic conditions,” he said.

      Musa, who was dropped from contesting in the September state election, reiterated that the exponential wave of Covid-19 infections in the state was not his fault as he was only trying to take back power.

      — Borneo Post Online

      Terima kasih, Abah Kena Rotan : )

    4. Syukurlah….


      Munafik Anwar Ibrahim seperti lazimnya – tak sabar2, terburu-buru meluru tergopoh-gopoh dilihat sebagai ahli politik pertama buat komen, begitu saja Tuanku YDPA umumkan keputusan tidak istiharkan daruratl.
      Dia seperti biasanya berbuat begitu, memutar belit kenyataan nak coverE “Kemaluannya” atas perbuatan ‘over’ biadap & kemaruk nak sangat jadi PM….!!
      Tak hal dia lah punca angkara menyondol meLIWAT pintu BELAKANG dgn SD-SD ntah apa2nya cuba meramas & merampas kuasa mau memenuhi nafsu birahi jadi perdana menteri.

      Anwar, PGayR & SD-SDnya dihumban ke jamban.
      Padan..Padan..Padan Muka…..!!

      Keep on dreaming DSAI PM…
      (Datok Sodomi Anwar Ibrahim, Peliwat Mengganas).

      S E L I S I H – I tak rela you, dunia akhirat….!!

      Reformasi, my foot…!!

  4. http://syedsoutsidethebox.blogspot.com/2020/10/berita-baik-mca-dap-get-together.html?m=1

    Dap & mca boleh berbincang secara gentleman sebab mereka meletak kan kepentingan the nons diatas segalanya.

    Umno & pkr hanya meletakkan kepentingan poket & diri sendiri diatas segalanya.

    #rakyattolongrakyat #buangahlipolitikpentingkandiri

  5. As of Oct 17, Sabah has recorded 6,727 cases – 2,895 of these in the last week. There are currently 1,785 Sabahans under quarantine, with an additional 17,817 under home quarantine.

    In hospitals, 72% of the intensive care unit (ICU) spaces have been occupied. Despite the creation of "quarantine "centres and an increase in the number of beds in the too few hospitals, 75% are occupied with Covid-19 patients.

    The share is considerably higher in locations with higher infections, notably Tawau and Semporna. Thirty-eight people have died in Sabah in the last ten days. Today, Oct 18, an additional 702 cases were reported for a total of 7429 cases to date in Sabah. With 36% of all Covid-19 cases in Malaysia (despite only 12% of the population), Sabah is not only the epicentre of Malaysia's third wave, it is a testimony to the serious shortcomings in the short-term response and long-standing neglect of both state and federal governments.


    1. Rakyat tempatan bukan ramai sangat pun. Yg penuh dok kena layan are the PATIs. Long standing neglect? Poorah!

      Go to Semporna esp kampung2 atas air. Budak2 berkeliaran tak sekolah.. stateless, parents filipinos, Indons. Masalah apa sja dgn authorities naik bot like magic lari balik negara mereka.. Tawau plak, pulau sibatik laluan PATI indons.

      How to progress? Tax free PATIs duit semua hantaq balik kampung depa.

      Apek2 pula ramai bini2 dari Hongkong, hebat molek2 belaka. Shopping cuti2 semua balik Hongkong atau Australia. Yang ada bini2 anak2 kat Semenanjung, sana depa pasang Filipino Indon mistresses.

      You have to live there to know their real situations..
      Banyak parasites so how can Sabah progress??

      Now many lari donwan buat Covid test faham tak? Many are undocumented or having fake IDs mana berani muncul?

      Professor Nasi Lemak

    2. Anon 09:28,

      Ooo...sabah ni cam semenanjung tahun 60-70an. Pati dari seberang senang masuk & dapat kewarganegaraan. Salah satu keturunannya dah jadi presiden umno. Tu yg kualiti pemimpin umno so low class skrg..

  6. Whenever a damage is done, a finger-pointing game will follow suit. That's how extraordinary Malaysian politics is. Instead of performing some sensible self-examination to acknowledge the blunder made, they are always quick to make an easy way out i.e. blaming others to shield themselves from taking responsibilities. It is always the same mindset: No me but someone else's fault. What's more aghast is their cowardice act is acceptable to some if not all. Likewise, latterly, the Sabah Covid spike, it is unreasonable heaping all the culpability to Shafie alone. One has to trail back to its root cause. Who had actually stirred up the Sabah PRK? Wrath can still be incurred if you happen to come across the contemptible picture where a dumb-ass line-up with number on their heads. Or maybe, was it due to the lacklustre implementation of SPR throughout the polls? To this, if we were compared to S'pore, it is wholly no match however we want to put it. With each passing day, more and more people are getting infected, and worse still, innocent lives are being cut short, yet, those cut-throat impenitent Malaysian politicians who walk tall and talk big but NEVER walk the talk continue to play politics, setting sights on $, position and power. These are the YBs that people had voted them into office. See, who to blame?
