Tuesday, 3 December 2019

Don't let them turn you all into stupid Malay racists

I've not been really well the past weeks.

Not very focused, especially throughout last week.

Had treatment over the weekend and now feeling better.

Managed to sleep properly last night - from 10.30pm till Subuh just now.

So, I think I can write a bit now.

The biggest thing while I'm out of action appeared to be the Chin Peng's ashes issue.

That's silly, actually.

Things are really bad on the economic front now yet we are arguing about that.

Anyway, I think we shouldn't react irrationally.

So what that they brought back the ashes or even celebrated it.

For me, that's just them trying to provoke us.

If we stay cool, they will not get anything out of it.

The way I see it, the whole thing is just another racialist tactic to unite the Chinese community similar to what they did in the run up to the GE13.

Remember the Teoh Beng Hock and Kalimah Allah issues?

It's the same as those.

This time they want us to react irrationally so that the Chinese become afraid or even angry so that they will once again unite under DAP like they did back then.

They can see that more Chinese are seeing through their lies and incompetence like what happened in Tanjung  Piai and they needed to stop it.

They needed this Chin Peng's ashes issue to do it.

Already some elements in Umno are reacting stupidly, believing that the Chinese were being kurang ajar and such.

Exactly what they wanted - stupid Malays being racist towards Chinese.

Hey, not all Chinese support the communists, okay.

They also suffered back then during the Emergency.

And there was a strong argument that if not for the scores of brave Chinese special branch officers who infiltrated the Communist Party of Malaya, the war would not have even been won.

I'm quite sure that the majority of Chinese couldn't care less about the whole thing.

But if we react like some stupid racists, just like what the DAP people wanted us, then the Chinese will react back to it by uniting under DAP once again.

That what happened back then when DAP emerged as Chinese champions while MCA was seen as the Umno running dog.

They are trying to do that again after the huge loss to BN/MCA in Tanjung Piai.

So, I hope everyone could calm down and don't be stupid.

This is just a provocation.

Be cool.

Manage your ego, okay.

And stupid politicians trying to be heroes, please shut up.

Let the police handle this.


  1. Ms, Annie...

    Malaysian Chinese are pragmatic lot - they don't fuck care who rules the country, so long they can earn a living, make business and also possibly as they can make lots of money under the sun.

    On the record - that's why they give full support to the Grand Old Statesman at the 10th GE in 1999 when lots of Malay favouring pas & anwar ibrahim. The Chinese at that material time aporeciated the deed of Tun M in solving the 1997/98 Asian Monetary/Financial Crisis.

    I trust with the sheer hardwork & wisdom of our beloved Tun, Malaysia soon will recover in due course based on the following positive report....

    December 1, 2018 @ 3:09pm
    Malaysia’s foreign direct investments (FDI) increased to RM49 billion this year renewed confidence by some of the countries towards Malaysia. The almost four-fold increase compared to the same period last year, at RM14 billion, was encouraging.

    The increase in FDI showed renewed confidence by some of the countries towards Malaysia, under PM leadership, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

    Good day & warm regards.

    1. Buat penat je susup keluar masuk rumah, masuk lorong tikus, masuk lubang jamban rumah orang siang malam pagi petang senja subuh nak merayu undi....cakap besau pulak tuuu....last2 kena sebijik tolo kat muka ko Wak Suman Tempe....malu lah...hikhihik....

      Saya yang menjalankan amanah,


    3. Pinned by Jufazli Shi Ahmad TV

      Jufazli Shi Ahmad TV8 hours ago (edited)




    4. Pak Othman, bila nak berhenti temberang. Keadaan ekonomi makin tenat. Cina pun dah menyesal undi Atuk. Melayu lagi menyesal. Grand old man dengan nafsu kuasa pun dah hampir mati bateri. Kesian rakyat Pak Othman. Buat apa taksub Atuk. Tg Piai dah sedar. Bila lagi Pak Othman? Mari buat kerja soleh. Jangan teruskan maksiat...

    5. Dah kuar pun Pak Osman, ingat masih sembunyi kat gua atau kuar pakai topeng muka sebab malu teramat sangat.

      Anyway, I rindu jugak kat Pak Osman punya posting.Boleh bagi cebisan rasa Pak Osman tragedi November 16 di Tanjung Piai.

    6. Pak Osman;

      Malaysian Chinese are pragmatic lot - they don't fuck care who rules the country, so long they can earn a living, make business and also possibly as they can make lots of money under the sun"

      Betulke assumption ni.Semenjak merdeka bangsa Cina dah kontrol ekonomi , aset negara dan sewaktu merdeka lebih 70% dari kakitangan kerajaan adalah dari bukan bumiputera. Kenapa dia orang ( DAP) ketika itu masih lagi mengatakan bangsa Cina dinaktirikan sebab adanya hak istimewa orang Melayu dalam perlembagaan.Ataupun dia orang ni satu bangsa yang tidak berpuas hati hingga dapat tampuk pemerintahan.Ambik iktibar di Thailand, Indonesia dan Filipina.Singapura dah obvious sebab mereka majoriti.

    7. Aku kesian tengok masih ada jugak bangsa Melayu yg lupa diri, lembab, bongok & masih percaya pada puak MUAKFUCKAT keBANGSATan sampai orang2 yg dah matipun jadi mangsa serakah penyamun2 yg bertopengkan Mekayu Islam.

      Hari ini tersebar berita rasmi dari Ketua Audit Negara dalam laporan 2018 - RM57.92 juta dibayar kpd arwah2 petani yg dah tak lagi wujud di muka bumi ini pd tempoh 2016~ 2018, wtf....??

      Penyelewengan peringkat tertinggi yg rata2 Bermelayu Islam konon berpegang pada 'dolat terpendam-pendam' anutan politikus baru, "MUAKFAKat BANGSATan".

      Elok dipecat & masukkan penjara, bukan dipindahkan.


    9. Dont wish peoples to dies. Do you peoples to wish your parent to die. What is you religion. No religion in this world wishes such things.

    10. Dulu, hari2 budak gayboy nih tanya bila nak tuduh Najib. Bila dah tuduh, hari2 tanya mana bukti. Dan sekarang bila mahkamah putuskan ada kes prima facie, budak semburit ini bukan saja menolak bukti2 yang berbakul2 dari segala penjuru dunia, malah mula menuduh hakim menjadi alat kerajaan. Last2 tak dapat lollipop, dia lepas gian meratah ngunyah pop corn di blog Kluangman.

      Nawaitu Kejora amat jelas melalui lontaran biadab yg juga merupakan doa hariannya sejak dia memuja KJ di era Pak Lah lagi.

    11. Hanya kaum meLAYU yg lupa diri, lembab, bongok & masih percaya pada puak MUAKFUCKAT keBANGSATan sampai orang2 yg dah matipun jadi mangsa serakah penyamun2 yg bertopengkan Melayu Islam.

      Hari ini tersebar berita rasmi dari Ketua Audit Negara dalam laporan 2018 - RM57.92 juta dibayar kpd arwah2 petani yg dah tak lagi wujud di muka bumi ini pd tempoh 2016~ 2018, wtf....??

      Penyelewengan peringkat tertinggi yg rata2 Bermelayu Islam konon berpegang pada 'dolat terpendam-pendam' anutan politikus-politikus, "MUAKFUCKAT keBANGSATan".

    12. Othman ko tu yg bangsat...dah tua tapi bodoh sbb asyik kena kencing dgn atuk madey and dapigs

    13. Aku lebih percaya jika Kejora kojol dulu negara akan tambah selesa sebab dia besar punya munafik-pembawa fitnah memudaratkan yg mana saban malam dia mempamerkan aksi gay seksnya pd bulan puasa 2018 di blog Shahbudin & Putra Merdeka.

  2. Selamat berjuang, Salam kasih sayang
    2. Provokasi akan diperhebat bila musuh politik melihat kita semakin hari semakin hebat semakin melekat

    Maszlee Malik for PM9

    Selamat berkasih sayang, Salam Perjuangan,😎

    1. Bestnya situasi PH sekarang...elok hancur terus.

      Saya yang menjalankan amanah,

    2. Mana satu Herman Adnan ori ni? Konpius. Taksub Anwar ke taksub Atuk? Kedua duanya memang kaki temberang dan menjadi bala pada negara...

    3. Hai Mr J

      Siakap sinohong gelama ikan duri

      IQ + (EQ×SQ)/PQ = Life's Pinnacle

      aman damai

    4. FAKE HERMAN ADNAN 11:00 aka Kejora Kojolla...

      Memang payah & sukar Melayu nak maju selagi tak mampu berdikari, tak ubah sikap pemalas, kuat mengular, kuat ponteng, mencari rezeki pun bergantung harap dgn kerajaan saja, asyik mengharap bantuan - sikap yg ditanamkan oleh BN-Umno.

      Malays will forever have no backbones - always need umno scumbags & towkey cina's spoon feed, brim, subsidies, incentives & free medical/education.

    5. Memang rakyat tak sedih pun klu mahathir dah mati,, mahathir la punca org melayu berpecah belah,,

    6. Aku lebih percaya jika Kejora kojol dulu negara akan tambah selesa sebab dia besar punya munafik-pembawa fitnah memudaratkan yg mana saban malam dia mempamerkan aksi gay seksnya pd bulan puasa 2018 di blog Shahbudin & Putra Merdeka.

    7. Memang pun payah & sukar Melayu nak maju selagi tak mampu berdikari, tak ubah sikap pemalas, kuat mengular, kuat ponteng, mencari rezeki pun bergantung harap dgn kerajaan saja, asyik mengharap bantuan - sikap yg ditanamkan oleh BN-Umno.

  3. How much more provocation do you want us to take?? Enough is enough laa annie!!

  4. Newtons third law annie. Those who react are the one who is stupid and racist ? Who gives a shit about the abu. Its the non stop provocations tht is the prob. U can ask ronnie liu about tht. Is he a saint then ? Poor cauvinist ronnie just wanna commemorate the fight to independance. He is not racist at all.

    Well annie is such a stupid cauvinist after all. How bout tht annie ?

    1. Ronnie is a thorn in the flesh, that goes without saying.

      MCA is a well known abbreviation for "Male Chauvinist Activists".

      How come Ms. Annie becomes one.....??

    2. Because of this gag order by annie. Otherwise we are malay racist.

    3. Tua renta cakap Melayu bangsa pemalas tapi nak undi orang Melayu

    4. Kejora Sang Tikus AnonyMOUSE Pengecut 12:25 tak sudah2 melalut kalut bak kata omputih, 'empty vessel ostrich bloody fool that tend to stick his head in the sand to adapt change due to his idiocy,ignorance and arrogance' - Dah ler bodoh, sombong pulak.....!!

      He he he

  5. Geng Kartel Azmin semburit semakin terdesak. Kroni cukong Madey nampak cemas. Umur Madey 94 tahun. Masanya Madey nak menipu dan berpolitik kotor semakin pendek. Kerajaan Pintu Belakang Madey masih terbuka. Jual beli MP Pembangkang dengan duit haram Madey berleluasa. Anak Koya pesan jangan buat minum-minum dengan pegawai Kerajaan. Setiap GLC ada spy SPRM. Tapi rumah Azmin semburit dan padang golf spy takut nak masuk. Kahkahkah!

    1. Sang Tikus AnonyMOUSE Kejora 11:13...

      1. Tun tak pernah lari keluar ikut pintu belakang.
      2. Tun jauh sekali main belakang.
      3. Pahlawan bogus Najib yg lari ikut pintu belakang bersama Pendekar Lapok Amin ketika Tun datang ke Dewan Parlimen buat press conference.
      4. Amit-amit....Tun Selisihhh main belakang macam puak2 gay semburit (termasuk Kejora).

      Sebab tuu mereka semua kena dolat, kena bayar cash kesipuan tak terbandingkan sepanjang zaman.

    2. Anok2 PM miskin jadi billionaire faham2 lah

    3. Semua anak2 Tun terpelajar dgn kelulusan tertinggi akademik, entrepenuer2 yg bekerja dgn sykt2 korporat berdaftar kepunyaan sendiri, tak pernah elak membayar cukai korporat dan juga cukai pendapatan peribadi.

      Kamu, anak2 Najib & añak2 Jahit Pornorogol ada ker kelayakan dan amalan yg sedemikian rupa...??

      Haaaaa, ini apa cerita.....??

      Zahid Hamidi paid almost RM1.3 million for his four credit cards between January 2014 and January 2016, including high-end shopping in the United Arab Emirates, United States and Italy, the High Court, here heard today.

      This was disclosed by senior vice-president of Ambank Berhad (Ambank) in charge of management of credit card authorisation and fraud control.

      Apakah nyopping sakan dan korupsi berpisah tiada dgn pemimpin2 tertinggi Umno.....?!


  6. Atok Mahathir tu talam dua muka lah , diam2 simpan duit dalam bank israel di masa yg sama hentam israel kaw -kaw dlm pidato nya di media media dunia . Betul ke ni ??? Atok yg nyanyuk ataupun pemerintah israel yg nyanyuk ??? Mcm ni lah , di ibaratkan kita simpan harta kita dirumah orang kaya tu kemudian kita maki maki orang kaya tu di depan musuh dan kawan2 nya , cuba fikirkan dgn fikiran yg waras, apakah tindakan org kaya tu ???

    1. Yer kerr Kejora, dari lubang taik mana kau dapat MAkLU-mamat tuu, cuba bagi tau no. akaun & nama bank yahudi yg Tun simpan juta2.....??

    2. Baca nih "madah berhelah" Najib yg tersebar meluas di semua media2 utama seantero dunia....

      "Najib told the court that Low was a "close acquaintance" (kenalan rapat) of the Sultan of Terengganu Tuanku Mizan Zainal Abidin and his sister Tengku Datuk Rahimah Sultan Mahmud at the time that Terengganu Investment Agency Bhd (TIA) was formed.
      (TIA was later taken over by the Federal Government to be turned into 1MDB)".

      Alih2 Najib kata Jho Low adalah kenalan rapat kpd Tuanku Mirzan. Tidakkah itu perbuatan biadab & derhaka.....??
      Perlu diketahui Tuanku Mirzan adalah YDPA ketika itu.

      Kenapalah masih ada Melayu bongok mendukung Najib & Umno....??

      Read more at https://www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/2019/12/03/najib-tells-court-at-src-trial-jho-low-039close-acquaintance039-of-tuanku-mizan#qcYbuMOwVkUrcK5G.99

    3. Ya cakap senang. Ada bukti ke.Mcm org tak sekolah cakap saja tapi bila hakim tanya. Saya lupa.

    4. Pakatan harapan dalam menghitung hari nak hancur..

  7. Sepandai mana tupai melompat atas pokok, akhirnya jatuh ketanah juga, apalagi umur sudah tingi, dimana nak sembunyi semua wang haram berbilion bilion dari rakyat Malaysia? Tu sebab tm tidak tunaikan janji2 dlm manifesto ph dan cuba menghalang pm8 demi melindungi dirinya dan rakan2 yg bersekongkol dgn nya, PH memberi peluang kepada T.M untuk mengubah sikap dan membaiki pulih negera tetapi dia masih berniat jahat, akhirnya terpaksa membongkar semua rasia rasuah yg dilakukan sejak ia jadi pm dulu sampai ia di tumbangkan sama sekali dgn keluarga nya kerana tak mau mengundur dari kerajaan PH

    1. Ini PAStu-PASti kerja Kejora Jahanam.

    2. Tolong sikit Sang Tikus AnonyMOUSE Kejora 11:34....

      Sebijak-bijak Tun dilempar, dicampak, digolek, dicemuh, dihina, dikecam & difitnah - dapat juga dia berkuasa memerintah negara selama 22 tahun sehingga bersara usia 78 tahun.

      Sebijak-bijak Tun dilempar, dicampak, digolek, dicemuh, dihina, dikecam & difitnah - beliau bergolek kembali ke persada kekuasaan pd usia 93 menakjubkan seantero dunia dan juga satu rekod sejarah dunia yg tak pernah diraih oleh mana2 insan - Satu Anugerah Illahi...!!

    3. Pakatan hancinggg.. Barua DAP

    4. Kalau anak tun kebanyakan memang betul semuanya kaya raya tak agak agak bagi porejex terlampau benda ni mana boleh soruk oi hidung bedarah disebabkan kepala tun dah telampau panas kerana banyak rakyat menyalahkan tun semenjak kebelakang ini betul orang cakap kalau kaya apabila kalau nak meninggalkan harta terlampau memekirkan sangat begitu lah agaknya senang je tun bertaubat tu yang afdal ok tun jangan lupa banyak banyak minta ampun pada allah yg maha isa insakallah tuhan ampunkan.

    5. Aku tegaskan & ulangi khas buat Clueless Kejora....

      Semua anak2 Tun terpelajar dgn kelulusan tertinggi akademik, entrepenuer2 yg bekerja dgn sykt2 korporat berdaftar kepunyaan sendiri, tak pernah elak membayar cukai korporat dan juga cukai pendapatan peribadi.

      Kamu, anak2 Najib & añak2 Jahit Pornorogol ada ker kelayakan dan amalan yg sedemikian rupa...??

      Haaaaa, ini apa cerita.....??

      Zahid Hamidi paid almost RM1.3 million for his four credit cards between January 2014 and January 2016, including high-end shopping in the United Arab Emirates, United States and Italy, the High Court, here heard today.

      This was disclosed by senior vice-president of Ambank Berhad (Ambank) in charge of management of credit card authorisation and fraud control.

      Apakah nyopping sakan dan korupsi berpisah tiada dgn pemimpin2 tertinggi Umno.....?!


  8. https://ms.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rundingan_Damai_Haadyai_1989


    1. Kalau ye pun gila Atuk tak payahlah sokong DAP. Atuk lain - dia dah makan dari air tangan DAP. Jadi dalam banyak hal dia kena redha. Isu abu Chin Peng ini lebih dari abuk bangkai yg mencemari alam sekitar. Disebalik abu ini adalah gerakkan untuk tukar sejarah dan jadikan Chin Peng wira kemerdekaan. Abu Chin Peng kini juga akan diguna untuk 'rally' kembali sokongan Cina atas isu rasis ini. DAP sedar sebahagian sokongan Cina dah beralih dari mereka.
      Cina yg masih waras akan ingat bahwa Chin Peng membunuh ramai Cina dan Melayu. Ini bukan isu rasis tapi isu mengagongkan pengganas yg bunuh beribu rakyat negara. Namun bukan semua Cina fikir secara waras. Sebahagian akan terima hasutan ini.
      DAP adalah parti yg tiada pengangan kukuh lain dari hasutan rasis untuk kuasai undi Cina. Bila diluar Kerajaan mereka bersuara seolah mereka pejuang aliran sosialis. Namun bila berkuasa kelihatan mereka banyak bersekongkol dengan kapitalis kroni Cina.

    2. Bukan semua Cina fikir secara waras....??

      The MUAKFUCKAT keBANGSATan scoundrels are worst amingst them all - even the dead cannot be RIP.

      Hari ini tersebar berita rasmi dari Ketua Audit Negara dalam laporan 2018 - RM57.92 juta dibayar kpd arwah2 petani yg dah tak lagi wujud di muka bumi ini pd tempoh 2016~ 2018, wtf....??

      Care to explain, J.....??

    3. Pak Othman, buat apalah kau tanya aku. Kan Kerajaan ditangan puak Pak Othman? Siasat dan dakwalah kalau ada yg seleweng. Jangan main PR kat media je. PR kat media pun tak dapat nak elakkan Atuk disembelih di Tg Piai.
      Dalam pada tu jangan lupa siasat skandal 1.4 billion MOA dan jangan lupa siasat skandal MOE yg berbillion juga tu. Belum sebut RCI Forex Atuk 100 billion - bila nak dakwa? Takkan skandal sendiri tutup kot? Inikah perjuangan PH untuk keadilan dan bebaskan Institusi negara. Macam kena kencing je ni...Kesian Pak Othman. Taksub dah butakan matahati....

    4. PH too stupid because:-
      Intefere with Islam
      Pertikai hak Melayu
      Kata Melayu pendatang
      Hina nabi
      Anti Melayu
      Hina askar
      Hina tulisan jawi
      Tanam buluh
      Minum minyak sawit
      Tol kekal
      Minyak tak turun
      AES kekal
      Brim hilang
      Hsr tangguh
      Ecrl tangguh
      Lrt3 tangguh
      Mrt2 kecoh
      Halau Dr Zakir
      Menteri semburit
      Perogol amah
      Hutang bertambah
      Rakyat jadi victim
      statut room
      Tutup sekolah talfiz
      DAP LTTE = penganas terlepas
      Do you think the Melayu can forget those stupid ph policies?

    5. Aduhai J....

      Kenapa pulak kamu bangkitkan isu RM1.4 bil MOE yg masih dalam perancangan belum ada sesen pun dibelanjakan. Kenapa menyibuk menggelupur lemas di daratan sedangkan guruh baru berbunyi tapi hujan tak jadi.....??

      Yg buta hati tuu kamu dan meLAYU2 OKU yg mudah ditipu & digula2kan oleh penyangak2 MUAKFUCKAT keBANGSATan.

      Ini bukti terbaru diperolehi dari mahkamah yg sedang bersidang - Jeng jeng jeng.....

    6. Apa jehal oukak nih, J oiiii....

      "Former minister Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi and his wife Datin Seri Hamidah Khamis had four credit cards with Ambank with a total combined spending limit of RM250,000, with such cards regularly used during November 2013 to January 2016 for shopping locally and overseas including at luxury fashion outlets Louis Vuitton".

      Apakah petinggi2 Umno berpisah tiada dgn grand nyopping sakan kak7 bini dgn duit korupsi...,,??

      Betapa bodoh & dungunya meLAYU2 yg mendukung entiti MUAKFUCKat keBANGSATan....!!

  9. Err ..othman..da kebah demam kau??..tanye jer, tak yah menyumpah..

    1. Akahai sang Tikus Kejora....

      Aku masih sihat & cerdas untuk bersemuka face-to-face dgn kamu (jika kamu berani & tak lari), Insya Allah.

    2. Sejak ph jadi kerajaan..Macam Macam masalah Malaysia..bala bala ph ni

    3. Tak masuk akal jadi pm umur 94 thn.. telinga dah pekak jln terhuyuhayang ape bleh buat lagi utk mase dpn negara.. betul2 gile kuase.

    4. Yg tak berakal tuu - angkaww ler....!!

      Masukkan fakta ini dalam kepala hotak angkaww2....

      Tun walau lanjut usia,

      - masih diperlukan kepimpinannya untuk menumbangkan BN, sesuatu yg Anwar Ibrahim tak mampu lakukan banyak kali;

      - beliau dijemput sebagai Tetamu Kehormat untuk beri ucaptama, hard talk dan sessi soal di Oxford, Universiti2 Jepun & Thailand dan juga Kesatuan Negara2 Afrika.

      - masih menjadi daya tarkan dalam PBB, APEC, ASEAN.

      Sebaliknya, angkaww pulak sampai laa nie kecut takdak telor bersemuka face-to-face dngan aku.


  10. Ini annie atak betut-betut kenal Cina kah ?, apa-apa pon Cina tetap Cina maa aa .

    Cina tatak kenal itu parti , tapi manyak kenal bangsa lor rr , itu pasat pada Cina olang ,itu Chin Peng atalah pejuang bangsa .

  11. Anything But Umno (ABU) terbaik muakakaka

  12. provocation ? seems certain segments of malays are always offended or being provoked by anything the media, politicians or bloggers like you put out. its you who fanned the flames. multiple ex cpm members have been back - the only reason no outcry are because they are malays. Its ashes for gods sake.

    another example, the UM graduate who had police reports & abuse thrown at him because he protested against the chancellor. a mth later we have a misguided student who gave a hitler salute. where is the outcry ?

    msia can never move fwd with ppl like you.

    1. Yeah speaks for uself with the khat issue. Making money with jawi wordings on ur products pretending to be muslim company but had to make a scene with the khat in 3 pages.

      Easily offended ? Wht u think chin peng is not a traitor ? All the gov of msia past and present have stated so clearly tht he shouldnt be allowed here in msia, fcuking ashes included. But thts not even the issue, the issue is how u think it is ok to blatandly go behind the law to promote ur sentiment.

      And whts with ur constant play with our beloved nation's flag. It is always the thing with u lot isnt it. See i got a beef with u and tht u lot are ingrates who are not patriotic tht u cant even spell the constituition right. Sure annie knows 1 or 2 who are quite patriotic but wht about the rest of u, yeah its generalization cause thts wht u do to describe the whole lot. But see war coming to msia whos the first to leave msia ?

      Yeah its tht lazy army isnt it ? Oh im sorry btw if u are offended. Case closes. No provocations intended. Bam. Fraking self righteous idiots thinking u r houlier than then the rest of us is in fact the real problem with msia.

      See u think u can disrespect people and make some flimsy lame excuses and complain later on about why these people are so angry at me. But i apologize ? Really ? Racial harmony much ?

      Oh but hey heres the best part, turns out we are racist according to annie because we should just keep our mouth shuts so tht u can go around stirring the pot some more. So whts next ? Penyapu on the lorry ? O i get it. U just wanna clean the streets. Right.

    2. ingrates ? oh you meant the ungratefuls who are 2-3rd generation born in malaysia, pay the same taxes as every citizen, but not entitled to the bumi discount / handicap ? because some idiot coined ketuanan & social contract ?

      so the non malays who are seeking equality in all aspects are should be happy with just breathing the air in malaysia ?

    3. Sampai bila bangsa Melayu harus menerima "handicap"...??

      Apakah bangsa Melayu OKU (Orang Kurang Upaya)....??

      Hissssyyyyy, malunya.......,!!

    4. Yea well play ur victim cards all u want. U paid tax just like us, in return we shared whole freckin malaysia with u. How come we should only consider fairness only from ur point of view ? We had to share malaysia with u like it not. We lose a lot, u lose some. Verstehts du ?

      Coined ? We got coined cause british dint want u guys. China didnt want u guys. All because u guys wanna gamble and leave ur hometown. And we were forced to accept u cause u got nowhere else to go. So yeah ingrates.

      Cause we could have treated u like many other sick places in the world, but all we ask is tht u respect our positions and wht comes with it.

      Seriously u guys gonna start to sound like a broken record. Always tht same lame justification and tht victim cards. Poor ingrates.

    5. Ingrates talking..complaint not entitled to bumi discount but still control the economy and the assets of the country..Come whatever crisis, they will be the first that flock to the airport to run while the son of soil will stay and defend.

  13. https://youtu.be/oprrh86lKQw

  14. Kesian Annie. Blog awak dah jadi tong sampah!

    1. Hei Minah..jangan cakap Macam tu.Jika Ni Blog sampah kenapa ko datang sini Minah hoi.Ko Ni Pencari /Pengeledah tong sampah
      ke .Harap ko hilangkan diri dari sini .

    2. Kentut ahh, Kejora Kenturi....!!

      He he he

    3. Old man pls. Rip.. Mahathir wants his son to become future pm.. That's why he is crazy of power.

    4. Terkontut lagi eden bila tengok bebelan Kejora Keturi kentut.

      Hi hi hi

  15. Replies
    1. Oiii...Kluang terbang malam...pi meroyan kat blog ko sendiri lah!!!

    2. Hihihihi, pedih ker Kejora...??

    3. Kenapa atok liat sgt nk ltk jawatan dgn segera?atok X malu ke parti Bunga kalah teruk prk TP

    4. Makin lama kamu PM makiin Jatuh Ringgit..Saham..Pelaburan..teruk Ekonomi semua teruk Rakyat pun susah..keerja tak ada ...Barang makin lama makin mahal ..ekonomi negara makin Hancur...Undur lah Tun..jngn nak Tunjuk Hebat lagi..Rakyat dah Tolak kamu kat Tg piaii lah..poorrahhh

    5. He he he

      Sampai tua lah kamu berangan syok sendiri.

      Hi hi hi hi

  16. The chinese are already pretty much united firstly behind dap and secondly behind mca, in that order of priority when it come to casting their ballot. It is the Malays who are now deeply divided between Umno-Pas and the various parties. You see, if DAP can play the provocative race card to unite Chinese behind it, Umno stands to gain by reaping the benefits of the Malay anger to unite more and more Malays behind it. It works both ways and in my view Umno has more to gain from DAP's actions.

    1. Malays will forever have no backbones - always need umno scumbags & towkey cina's spoon feed, brim, subsidies, incentives & free medical/ education.


    2. Othaman Ahmad you prove my point. You must be an Umno operative par excellence. Reverse pysop. It always works. ROFL

    3. watch your words! watch your words!
      encik othman

    4. Tun M dah BAU TANAH sangat dah tak ada upaya untuk jwtn pm lagi....brdiri menggigil...brckp pon dah tak clear malu dng umur la madey oiiiiiiiii....malu dng umur....malu dng umur.

    5. Dr. M patut digasak oleh kebanyakan Rayat Malaysia, kerana dia buat banyak U turn. Economi Malaysia urus pun tidak bagitu memuaskan, tukaran RM dengan negara lain jatuh teruk, saham BSKL pun bagitu gantung di paras 1,600 point, lebih teruk Dari zaman Najib. Dia patut terima kasih kerana dapat jadi PM selama DUA tahun, apa lagi dia mahu?. Masalah ekonomi Malaysia tidak dapat langsai di masa terdekat walau di bagi 10 tahun. Kalau dia serah kerusi PM8 ke Anwar, boleh lah dia buat rancangan untuk PH tabir 5 tahun lagi. Selama ini BERSATU KALAH di semua kerusi yang tanding semua KALAH sebab Orang UMNO memang tidak sokong Dr. M harnya Peminpin atasan yang Ada kes rasuah sokong Dr. M. Jangan kata ahli PAS memang mereka pantang lihat muka Dr. M.
      Kalau Dr. M betul betul nak lawan Rasuah, Anwar boleh lantek dia sebagai Menteri khas, untuk jaga kes makamah dimana Najib, Zahid, Rosma, Azizz kes sedang di bicara. Dr. M tidak perlu kerja 16 jam tiap tiap hari, 2 jam se hari untuk mesuarat kes bicara gang Najib. Sebenar Rayat kesian kepada PM7 yang sudah berumur 94 tahun masih kenana hadir di pejabat tiap tiap hari dengan kerja selama 16 jam. Rehat lah Dr. M kerja Rayat merayu sangat.

    6. Buck-up Malays, stand uo on your iwn toes, prove them that Malays have integrity too.

      Sampai bila bangsa Melayu harus berterusan menerima "handicap"...??

      Apakah bangsa Melayu OKU (Orang Kurang Upaya)....??

      Hissssyyyyy, malunya.......,!!

    7. Memang payah & sukar Melayu nak maju selagi tak mampu berdikari, tak ubah sikap pemalas, kuat mengular, kuat ponteng, mencari rezeki pun bergantung harap dgn kerajaan saja, asyik mengharap bantuan - sikap yg ditanamkan oleh BN-Umno.

      Malays will forever have no backbones - always need umno scumbags & towkey cina's spoon feed, brim, subsidies, incentives & free medical/education.

    8. En. Othman, i think u confuse helps and priviledge.

      And tht u also suffers from this:


      Open ur eyes. There are many of us who are doing well and work hard. But when u put other kind of people who has diff priority in life as the standard, then u wont see anything positive.

      they only one who keeps talking down of ur own bangsa is u.

    9. Sorry mate,

      I am expressing my piece of mind through my experience, mingling & socializing with them. Some of them are really good but majority are empty vessel ostrichs that tend to stick their head in the sand to adapt change,
      due to ignorant and arrogant, particularly the half past six malay educated racists.

    10. Granted there are many things to be done. We are of course full of weaknesses, as many others are. My only concern is tht most of the educated ones tends to dance to the cauvinistic tune: us lazy racist supremist tingkat and many more. Lemah sgt jati diri.

      Lets be fair judging our own. We can hope others to do the same for as long as their malaysian malaysia agenda is not embraced by us, we are forever to the their eyes all of the aforementioned above.

    11. Malays in Malaysia do not have to be apologetic or defensive for how they chart their own course, especially so with regards to what others think about them. If the Malays feel it is necessary to continue with priviledges / help to give their own children and their children a leg up in their own country, so be it. Why do they have to tip toe around the others to exercise their natural rights? Why? It is because the non Malays have been grudgingly harping about it. And so these people has to be put in their proper place and be reminded about their proper place. Malays shouldnt feel embarassed about enjoying priviledges in their own land. Where else can they do so? In China? In Infia? The Chinese in China dont really give a shxt about how their minorities think about them. Heck, they even put their minorities in concentration camps in Xinjiang. So, my point is that in the game of survival to secure resources of the land for your own kind (this is what it is all about) make no apologies about it. Being overly nice and overly considerate of the others at the expense of your own kind will one day be your downfall. And when that happens, your childrenand their children in the distant future will look back and curse at you! And one more thing; there is a psyops war being waged in blogs like this. Some operatives are not what / who they appear to be. They wage war by deception.

    12. Thank you chocolate dream!


  17. “Don't let them turn you all into stupid Malay racists”

    Actually the Malays who make themselves stupid. This breed of meatheads is small in number. Cannot blame them though because they all lack of mental exposure and perhaps have been acting stupid all along.

    Literally, they are frogs under a coconut shell. They are a bunch of ignorant and retarded kind, one of very limited outlook. Mind you, they look sober but actually they are stupid, emotional strain, square and fucked up.

    It is not to late for them to learn to change their outlooks and ways of thinking. Maybe the easiest way is to watch the old British comedy television series. “Mind Your Language” as it was called then. They can watch all the hilarious episodes in YouTube. If they were lucky enough, a different person indeed they will be.

    The series will give them a great laughters. As sure, laughter is the best medicine that elated you to pleasure with loads of fun. You will accommodate a good sense of humour and a sociable personality, indeed it is fun to be.

    This ‘Abu’ things, never mind, go and fuck the Abu!

    Near to home, a character named Chung Su Lee played by Pik Sen Lim. She is a Penang borne, a British citizen. As Malaysians, we should be proud of her.

    Lim played as a Chinese Communist Student who worked as a secretary at the Chinese Embassy. Her character changed many of our faculties. We learned that Communists are not our enemies but Communist Ideology is a matter of our thoughts to be throwback into the garbage.

    1. Haha so this is wht supremist sounds like. They think the world of themselves. Unlike us who are stupid, emotional strain and fucked up. They are in turn some special breeds of human species. So we will only join the fray such as u if we agree to this ideology of malaysian malaysia ? No fucking thank you.

      Like i always say u claimed others to be racist and supremist. Well u r actually speakign for urself. 1 finger points to us while tht other 4 pointed to u.

      Of course u would idolized the british. U owed them much didnt u ? Tht fuckrd up mentality of ravishing other nations for the single purpose of generating wealth. Whts tht they always said "its just good business" ? Go be all british like all u want want haha who gives a shit. Just dont go coming back crying for mamah when they rejected ur application for citizenship after tearing up ur malaysian passport.

    2. "We learned that Communists are not our enemies but Communist Ideology is a matter of our thoughts to be throwback in"

      Shit...Maybe not your grandfather that was killed or your mother was molested by them. My grandfather was apprehended by the communists then and until now we didnt know his fate. Luckiky this country did not fell to the communists and the likehood another Pol Pot massacre could had happen if this country was run by the communists then

    3. Anon 14:53, you ask for it.

      Your profile fit in well with what Anon 09:26 is trying to portray. You are one of those fucked up heads who acknowledged that your head is full of shits.

      Furthermore, kenapa takut sangat dengan bayang-bayang sendiri, what a bloody shame!

      You make your point by showing your 4 fingers pointing to Anon 09:26 is nothing compare to Anon’s 09:26 five fingers pointing downward at you. Meaning, you have been greeted by a bunch of ‘Up Your Ass’.

      Sorry Annie! for all the above.

    4. Why do i have to be afraid of my own byg2 ?

      Im asking for it ? Couldnt care less about tht haha.

      Tht anon showed his true color. Supremist through and through. Even the so called racist malay would be so full of themselves.

    5. Why do i have to be afraid of my own byg2 ?

      Im asking for it ? Couldnt care less about tht haha.

      Tht anon showed his true color. Supremist through and through. Even the so called racist malay wouldnt be so full of themselves

  18. Anonymous3 December 2019 at 17:19
    what the main purpose of khat?


    1. Anon 17:19

      Tst tst tst kamu ni. No wonder you pilih leaders2 like Jelutong and like this one;


      Memang abis la PH. Gone case maaa.

      Professor Nasi Lemak

  19. Annie. You should down this blog if peoples mencarut. Nanti tanggung dosa

  20. Annie,

    For the benefit of your readers, allow me to share some facts on Chin Peng's related matters:

    i. Relevant clauses in the Government of Malaysia & Communist Party of Malaya Agreement dated 2.12.1989:

    i.i Article 3-Residence In Malaysia
    3.1 Members of the CPM and members of its disbanded armed units, who are of Malaysia origin and who wish to settle down in Malaysia, shall be allowed to do so in accordance with the laws of Malaysia.
    3.2 Members of the CPM and members of its disbanded armed units,who are not of Malaysian origin, may be allowed to settle down in Malaysia in accordance with the laws of Malaysia, if they so desire.

    i.ii Item 7-Participation in Political Activities
    7.1 Members of the CPM and members of its disbanded armed units, who are Malaysia citizens are free to participate in political activities including the formation of a political party or parties within the confines of the Federal Constitution and the laws of Malaysia.

    ii. In 2007, Chin Peng applied to court for a declaration that he be allowed to enter Malaysia. Raja Aziz Addruse acted for him. The Court wanted him to produce his birth certificate as proof of him born in Malaya. He claimed that the police then had taken his birth certificate during a raid where he escaped. He asked for discovery of documents but was declined by court. The court rejected his application.

    iii. About 'abu mayat'
    Abu Huraira reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “A man had indulged himself in sin. When death approached, he enjoined his sons, saying: When I die you should burn me, pulverize me, and scatter me to the winds over the sea. By Allah, if Allah is capable, he will punish me in such a way as he has not punished anyone else. They did that to him and when he stood before his Lord, Allah said to him: What made you do what you did? The man said: Fear and awe of you, O Lord. Thus, Allah forgave him due to that.”
    So in Islam Allah did not forbid cremation.

    iv. Chin Peng died on 16 September. Lee Kuan Yew was born on 16 September. Malaysia Day is 16 September. Lee Kuan Yew died on 23 March 2015. Johor Sultan Coronation Date on 23 March 2015. Some coincidence are work of God. Anyone not happy go ask your God.

    v. Re Annie's "For me, that's just them trying to provoke us" - cf Papagomo's "jangan, jangan. Orang Melayu majority di sini. Jangan, jangan." The fragile old man said that he was trying to fulfill his deceased comrade's death wish, and he did. If he broke any law, charge him in court. Sikit sikit kata provoke. Sikit sikit nak pukul orang. Big bully.

    Cukup cukup lah.

    1. Sigh: victim cards. The malay are so not nice because they are majority.


    2. Annie,

      For the benefit of your readers, allow me to share some facts on Chin Peng's related matters:

      i. Relevant clauses in the Government of Malaysia & Communist Party of Malaya Agreement dated 2.12.1989:

      i.i Article 3-Residence In Malaysia
      3.1 Members of the CPM and members of its disbanded armed units, who are of Malaysia origin and who wish to settle down in Malaysia, shall be allowed to do so in accordance with the laws of Malaysia.
      // ok but not relevant

      3.2 Members of the 5CPM and members of its disbanded armed units,who are not of Malaysian origin, may be allowed to settle down in Malaysia in accordance with the laws of Malaysia, if they so desire.

      //ok, not relevant

      i.ii Item 7-Participation in Political Activities
      7.1 Members of the CPM and members of its disbanded armed units, who are Malaysia citizens are free to participate in political activities including the formation of a political party or parties within the confines of the Federal Constitution and the laws of Malaysia.

      // nope

      ii. In 2007, Chin Peng applied to court for a declaration that he be allowed to enter Malaysia. Raja Aziz Addruse acted for him. The Court wanted him to produce his birth certificate as proof of him born in Malaya. He claimed that the police then had taken his birth certificate during a raid where he escaped. He asked for discovery of documents but was declined by court. The court rejected his application.
      // slight relevant, but just like any other case, he couldnt produve the evidence. Foul play or not, and then theres no appeal ? Well i dont know wht u r trying to say here. Many case got thrown out cause the couldnt produce supporting document.

      iii. About 'abu mayat'
      Abu Huraira reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “A man had indulged himself in sin. When death approached, he enjoined his sons, saying: When I die you should burn me, pulverize me, and scatter me to the winds over the sea. By Allah, if Allah is capable, he will punish me in such a way as he has not punished anyone else. They did that to him and when he stood before his Lord, Allah said to him: What made you do what you did? The man said: Fear and awe of you, O Lord. Thus, Allah forgave him due to that.”
      So in Islam Allah did not forbid cremation.
      // my neighbour is a muslim, never said anything about the abu in islam, my friends too and my grandma too. Wht r u trying to proof here ? Far as i know he is buddhist, so wht the problem ?

      iv. Chin Peng died on 16 September. Lee Kuan Yew was born on 16 September. Malaysia Day is 16 September. Lee Kuan Yew died on 23 March 2015. Johor Sultan Coronation Date on 23 March 2015. Some coincidence are work of God. Anyone not happy go ask your God.
      // oh man thts btw u and God. Nobody says anything about this

      v. Re Annie's "For me, that's just them trying to provoke us" - cf Papagomo's "jangan, jangan. Orang Melayu majority di sini. Jangan, jangan." The fragile old man said that he was trying to fulfill his deceased comrade's death wish, and he did. If he broke any law, charge him in court. Sikit sikit kata provoke. Sikit sikit nak pukul orang. Big bully.
      // boring and lame and tired of commenting this

      Cukup cukup lah.
      // agreed cukup2lah

      Summary: i just spent my time..learning nothing useful.

  21. Salam... Othman Ahmad... 4 December 2019 at 18:05

    "Former minister Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi and his wife Datin Seri Hamidah Khamis had four credit cards with Ambank with a total combined spending limit of RM250,000, with such cards regularly used during November 2013 to January 2016 for shopping locally and overseas including at luxury fashion outlets Louis Vuitton".

    Bayangkan Pak Othman...

    Jika Zahid & Isteri... demi Bangsa & Negara, benar-benar jujur & ikhlas mahu majukan usahawan-Melayu & bumiputera, mereka bershopping-sakan di Arcade/Komplek MARA... berapa ramai peniaga Bangsa-sendiri dapat manafaat.

    Sama la... dengan Najib & Rosmah. Asyik memperkayakan peniaga-kapir bekas-penjajah, yang sudah pun kayaraya, di Kotaraya tersohor Negara-Negara Kapir.

    Lekeh sangat ka... di Malaysia ni?
    Kalau ya pun, pandang-rendah pada jenama-tempatan, atau standard perniagaan Bangsa-sendiri koman ataupun malu untuk membeli-beli di Komplek MARA, pergi la membeli-belah di Bukit-Bintang.

    Disamping membantu perniagaan Rakyat 1Malaysia, dapat juga elak pengaliran-keluar Ringgit.

    Ehmm... bila Perhimpunan UMNO... laung 'HIDUP MELAYU'.

    Peniaga-Melayu nak 'hidup' macam mana... pemimipin-Melayu sendiri lebih suka bantu-peniaga-Kapir... nun beribu-batu jauhnya dari Tanah-air sendiri.
