Monday, 29 July 2019

A lousy bastard hit my dad's car

Got a call from my father this morning.

He asked whether I know of any friendly workshop in Klang.

Someone hit his parked car last night causing quite a bit of damage.

The damage on my father's car
That's going to cost him quite a bit, I think.

The problem with the damage was that it's not bad enough to claim from insurance while the person who hit my father's car didn't leave his number or even an apology note.

My father stayed at a relative's place last night and parked the car at a nearby open space.

It's in front of a Chinese temple at a small housing estate along Jalan Sungai Putus, Klang.

He suspected the culprit to be one of the people who attended a celebration at a recently constructed makeshift Hindu temple about 500 metres from the open space. The place was packed with their cars last night.

My father was quite resigned about it.

"I think it's just Allah's punishment for my smaller past sins," he said with a laugh.

My father always said that when something not so nice happened to him and he can't do anything about it. By the way, he is not a very religious person.

I would have cursed the bastard who hit my car like that.

Anyway, I called up a cousin in Klang to help my father with his car.

Sorry la. No politics. I'm just feeling sorry for my father today.

Here's a Monday song for you instead;


  1. Sondol belakang, siapa mau mengaku Annie?

  2. 50-50, maybe ur Papa letak dalam keadaan yang terdedah kepada risiko
    2. Or maybe orang yang langgar itu betul betul bodoh, biasanya perempuan cina tua....
    mumkin juga malaon tersebut dah letak nombor telepon kat wiper however telah diterbangkan angin..

  3. Aisay Annie...naughty post. You have come to the conclusion (though you did not say it directly) that some Indian dudes butt rammed your Dad's car. If there are no eyewitnesses, no CCTV pls don't paint the Indians as potential/suspected culprits. Hate to say this but you are a shit stirrer!

    1. Ya ya ya...fine. It's an Eskimo man who happened to drive his monster truck there and purposely hit my Dad's car. Indians can never do such lousy dastardly thing, right? Suspect also cannot.

    2. its a racial profiling here annie. your entire post is racist in nature. Well done, shown your true colours.

    3. Anon 14.54

      That's rule of probability laaa ...mangkok


    4. Perhaps you should move to klang and then let's see if your opinion is still the same

    5. The place frequented by who during Indian Temple festival? Chinese, Malay, Eskimoes? First people to be suspected should be them? What racial profiling? Mabuk terguling depan kedai toddy, sapa lagi? jakun? orangutan?

  4. Dont feel sorry. It is a blessing that your father was not in or near the car. 40 years ago, both my parents were killed by underaged driver. It was hit and run too.

  5. Yr dad is cool.. thts just part of owning a car, kena b prepared to cough out for all these silly expenses tau.

    My pa always told me.. only 30% of wht u earn is yours.. so jgn sikit2 pun nak malah2, nanti cepat tua.

    Professor Nasi Lemak

    1. My dad just told me the workshop charged him almost RM3k and the car will be out of action for several days. Buta-buta saja. Kalau kena kat you, you tak marah sikit pun ke?

    2. Tak Cik Annie.
      Bukan selalu..

      Professor Nasi Lemak

    3. Well, good for you then.

    4. Mahal tu, Annie. Shouls bring to Puchong, opp Hero Supermkt. Charge less than RM200 to katuk, another 300-400 to cat. Klang also pandai tipu skrg.

  6. Insya Allah Annie. Ada hikmah sebaliknya. Dugaan ni tak terok sangat macam Bang Min kena. Nanti kalau ada rezeki you lebih sedekah kat masjid sikit ya...

