Sunday, 26 October 2014

What Ku Seman actually wrote

My last day on leave was slightly disturbed when someone send me a text, expressing worries about this pro-Pakatan Malaysiakini's report

'Mereka lebih buruk dari pekerja Bangladesh'

It's about an article by Utusan editor Ku Seman Ku Hussain on the vernacular schools issue.

There were actually other reports about the Ku Seman's article in the other pro-Pakatan portals.

All with the same slant. So, I'm not bothered to provide the links here.

They were trying to depict this Ku Seman fella, as an Umno stooge working for Utusan, is a Malay racist who wants the Chinese to submit to Ketuanan Melayu by closing down the Chinese schools.

It's the usual tactic of making the Chinese hate the Malays by making them believe that the Malays are trying to dominate them.

My personal experience tells a different story. My mother totally dominates my father, okay.

Anyway, since I personally know Ku Seman, I would like to tell you all that he is not at all a racist.

This is what he actually wrote in that article;

Memalaysiakan' semangat sistem pendidikan SJKC

Apabila Timbalan Ketua UMNO Bahagian Petaling Jaya Utara, Mohamad Azli Mohemed Saad mencadangkan supaya isu Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan Cina (SJKC) dibincangkan di Perhimpunan Agung UMNO November ini, ada pihak tertentu menganggap beliau menghasut. Tetapi saya melihat Mohamad Azli jujur dan realistik tentang bahaya SJKC dalam konteks hubungan kaum dan ini tidak boleh ditutup lagi.
Selama ini pun banyak pihak sedar bahawa SJKC menjadi pemangkin melebarkan jurang kaum khususnya antara Cina dan kaum teras iaitu Melayu. Tetapi kerana menjaga kepentingan politik, tidak ada pihak yang berani atau sanggup memalaysiakan sistem pendidikan SJKC. Kononnya SJKC tidak boleh dicuit kerana boleh menjejaskan kelangsungan politik Barisan Nasional (BN).
Sebenarnya kita pula telah lama 'berkorban' membiarkan jurang kaum melebar kerana mengharapkan keuntungan politik yang tidak pasti. Walau apa sekalipun hakikatnya tidak ada negara yang mengizinkan generasi muda Cina diasingkan daripada budaya kaum teras melalui sekolah vernakular. Tidak ada. Di Singapura yang dianggap 'negara Cina' juga tidak ada sekolah vernakular.
Saya sangat bersetuju dengan Menteri Dalam Negeri, Dr. Ahmad Zahid Hamidi yang bercakap atas kapasiti peribadi bahawa sudah tiba masanya dilaksanakan sekolah satu aliran. Tetapi apabila melihat beberapa perkembangan politik muktahir, saya tidak fikir kerajaan serius memikirkan gagasan sekolah satu aliran. Apa lagi persatuan Cina, Dong Zong yang cauvinis mendesak kerajaan mengiktirafkan Sijil Sekolah Menengah Cina. Apakah ini juga akan menjadi kenyataan?
Dalam satu kajian yang dibuat oleh sarjana tempatan, Prof. Dr. Teo Kok Seong mendapati 604 pelatih (Cina dan India) daripada 14,000 pelatih di 79 kem Program Latihan Khidmat Negara (PLKN) tahun 2010 tidak boleh bertutur bahasa Melayu. Nisbahnya sangat besar dan inilah 'sumbangan' sekolah vernakular dalam konteks perpaduan yang kita laung-laungkan. Nampaknya puak 604 orang ini jauh lebih buruk daripada orang Bangladesh yang baru tiga bulan sudah boleh berbahasa Melayu.
Bagi saya isu SJKC sudah lapuk. Ia menjadi lapuk kerana tidak ada ruang untuk dibahaskan di pentas intelektual. Semua ruang penuh dengan prejudis dan kepentingan politik. Sekolah vernakular yang terus wujud dan diberi bantuan kewangan adalah suatu yang sangat tidak masuk akal. Tetapi bagi Zong Dong peruntukkan untuk SJKC masih belum cukup. Ini lagi tidak masuk akal.
SJKC menjadi pemangkin kepada sebahagian besar orang Cina yang memilih pengasingan atau mengasingkan diri daripada menerima sosio-budaya etnik Melayu. Pengasingan ini berlaku secara besar-besaran terutama apabila pengaruh politik Cina yang semakin besar pada pasca Pilihan Raya Umum Ke -12 (PRU-12). Malah parti politik Cina yang bertentangan ideologi boleh duduk semeja mempertahankan SJKC. Tidak adakah dalam kalangan pembuat dasar yang boleh membaca mesej ini?
Barangkali ini ada kaitan dengan sejarah silam abad ke-19 dan awal abad ke-20 dulu ketika nenek moyang kaum Cina yang ada di negara ini datang dari China. Pada awal abad ke-19, berlaku pergolakan politik yang hebat di China dan etnik Han yang menjadi majoriti di negara itu mencari tempat lain yang lebih aman serta dapat menambah kekayaan.
Etnik Han di utara China mencari penempatan baharu dan kebanyakan mereka terdiri daripada golongan kaya dan bangsawan. Mereka tidak boleh lagi meneruskan hidup dengan mewah akibat ditekan oleh Manchuria serta peperangan dengan Jepun atau Sino-Japanese War. Etnik dari utara ini memilih untuk berhijrah ke Amerika Syarikat (AS) dan negara-negara Eropah.
Sementara etnik Han di selatan pula memilih Asia Tenggara termasuk Tanah Melayu. Tetapi hasrat mereka berhijrah dengan etnik di utara berbeza. Mereka berhijrah untuk mencari kekayaan dan bukan untuk menetap di Tanah Melayu pada mulanya. Mereka berhasrat untuk pulang ke China suatu masa nanti dengan membawa kekayaan yang diraih di Tanah Melayu.
Saya ada membaca tentang Ru Xiang Sui Su, satu falsafah Cina yang mengingatkan supaya orang yang datang dari luar milieu setempat menyesuaikan diri dengan budaya dan sosial di tempat baharu itu. Inilah yang menjadi pegangan generasi awal Cina yang berhijrah ke Amerika Syarikat (AS) dan dan negara-negara Eropah.
Tetapi malangnya sesetengah orang Cina di negara ini tidak lagi berpegang kepada falsafah Ru Xiang Sui Su ini. Mungkin dianggap lapuk dan menghakis 'kecinaan' mereka. Hasilnya mereka sengaja tidak mahu menyesuaikan diri dengan budaya kaum teras di negara ini. SJKC menjadi benteng supaya orang Cina tidak diserapi milieu sosial yang berbeza dengan tanah asal nenek moyang mereka.
Saya sangat berharap isu jurang kaum ini dapat ditangani dengan penuh hemah, bertanggungjawab dan mengetepikan kepentingan politik. Kerajaan wajar menegaskan bahawa isu SJKC bukan satu tindakan politik dan tidak harus dibiarkan pihak tertentu membina persepsi ke arah itu. Kali ini isu SJKC menjadi tanda aras kesungguhan kita sama ada mengutamakan perpaduan bangsa Malaysia atau terus hipokrit untuk kepentingan politik.

If you all don't understand what Ku Seman was trying to say here because of your poor command of the national language, then, it's just too bad.

You simply have to improve your command of the national language before claiming that you are Malaysian first and Chinese (or anything else) second.


  1. Bullshit. All the Malay kow Malay language but they are still separated into 3 fractions. Salah CIna lagi?

    1. Malays might be divided into 3 main political parties but do keep in mind we still pray to the same God, which is Allah

    2. Woi, Bullshit bloke at 19:35,

      You are not only implying non respect for the Constitution Article 152 on BM but also trying to demean the Malays and the Malay language.

      You are not only Bullshit, you are Human shit. My shit, to be precise.

    3. It's a donkey's argument that knowing BM does not unite the Malays. It's a racist and seditionist argument.

      It's an argument by a damn stupid bloke who does not know politics. Especially the divisive politics of Anwar Al Juburi. He could well be an Al Jubuross. Or an Al Juburee.

      The difference? One is in front, the other is behind. Both are called sodomists. Proponents of LGBT. Evem PAS has had enough of them. Sabotaged them at the Selangor MB affair.

    4. OK yes we have become divide because of the religious ideology of the Islamist Wahhabis. But don't forget that multi-lingual China has long been factionalized by Marxist-Maoist ideology - and today you are the lucky Chinese living in this blessed land of Malaysia, so let's build up this country for our kids through a unified education that caters to all.

    5. Important I wanna add to 18:43's comment -

      "a unified education that caters to all" - based on the Constitution of the country, nothing more, nothing less.

      But more, if possible. That which teaches about loyalty to country, nationalism and patriotism. Those are not mentioned in the Constitution but the unified education must instill those in the minds of our kids.

  2. Who's talking about abolishment? He's saying and we're all saying "INTEGRATE"! You won't believe the Malaysian genius kids that will be coming from the National mainstream schools with integrated curriculums - many of them will be effectively tri-lingual and psychologically harmonized into a vibrant Malaysian society. I know, because my Chinese friend in his 20's is one of them.

    1. Agreed and it seems there are the neglected group.

    2. There needs to be only one stream of education, not three as exist now. Najib has said in his 1Malaysia blog early in his PMship that Single Stream education will be implemented when the rakyat wants it. And the rakyat wanted it 57 years ago. It's very, very high time.

      The vernacular schools should be "merged" into the SK system of education, directed to use BM as the medium of instruction, and the same syllabus as the SK. The teachers sent for training, after that they and the schools support staff absorbed into the schemes of service as for the SK.

      The land, buildings and other assets of the vernacular schools can be discussed with the Government.

      No "abolishment", no loss of jobs, the school children remain in the same schools.

    3. Yeah, 10:57 -

      After directing BM be used as medium of instruction and same syllabus as the SKs, no need for the pupils of the vernacular schools be transferred elsewhere.

      They can stay put and study under NUT kind of teachers. Over time, they'll become known, and in fact are, SKs. Then other pupils, of all races, can study there as well. They'll be just like any other SKs. Children mingling with all races, can understand one another better, develop the same hopes and aspirations for the future of this country. No more asking what the country can do for you, but asking what you can do for your country.

      And not think of Tokong Lim's Sun Yat Sen, like the building he officiated the opening in Penang some time back. They are, after all, Malaysians now. Not Nationalist Chinese or Mao Zedong Chinese, whatever. They are, and must always be, Malaysians. Unless they want to migrate elsewhere.

    4. Anonymous27 October 2014 08:17,

      What do you mean as "the neglected group"?

      If you mean those who, by their own choice and volition, stay cluttered together among themselves, away from, and refusing to join mainstream Malaysiana, not talking BM much, not bothered much by Rukun Negara, having hardly any clue about the history of this country, the Constitution, and what loyalty, nationalism and patriotism mean, I agree with you.

    5. Anonymous27 October 2014 10:57,

      There can be tons of money in the land, buildings and other assets of the vernacular schools which can be discussed with the Government on sale, rent of whatever basis.

      Donation to the Government? I doubt so. The ultra kiasus would donate only to Chinese universities, like Robert Kuok gave RM100 million to a university in Kajang.

      Given a Government decision on a Single Stream education, would they find it attractive to let the Chinese schools be converted into SKs and the land, buildings etc be sold, rented whatever to the Government? Anyone thinks the Chinese don't want money under those circumstances?

    6. The Chinese schools should not only be converted into mainstream national schools but can have strong Chinese cultural programs like in Singapore's many "chinese flavor" schools eg. Chinese Girls High School and Hwa Chong Institution. They are government funded but are blessed with many rich patrons - that is their business I guess hehehehe.

  3. nO 1 Malaysia , NO Malaysian Malaysia , No Malaysia first ,unless every one in Malaysia goes to ONE school .
    It's very stupid, blaming others for regarding as pendatang, at the same time, you want to be difference .

    1. And how come there are two Chinas - PRC and ROC? isn't it because the communists teach a different and opposing syllabus from the democrats in Taiwan? They may share the same language but wasn't there a lot of controversy between adopting Hanyu Pinyin or Tongyong Pinyin for the romanization of Chinese?

      Tongyong Pinyin was introduced in 1998 by Yu Bor-chuan (余伯泉). The goal was to preserve the strengths of Hanyu Pinyin while eliminating some of the pronunciation difficulties Hanyu presents to international readers, such as the letters q and x. Yu's system has undergone some subsequent revision.

      Discussion and adoption of Tongyong Pinyin, like many other initiatives in Taiwan, quickly acquired a partisan tone turning on issues of national identity, i.e. Chinese vs. Taiwanese identity.[5] Officials who identified most strongly with the nation itself, such as the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) and allied parties, saw no reason to adopt Hanyu Pinyin just because mainland China and the UN had. If Tongyong Pinyin more adequately met the nation's needs, the ROC had reason enough to adopt it.[6] Officials who identified more strongly with Chinese culture, such as the Kuomintang (KMT), saw no reason to introduce a new system unique to Taiwan if Hanyu Pinyin had already gained international acceptance. Each side accused the other of basing its preference on anti-China or pro-China sentiment rather than an objective discussion of Community Goals."

      Please realize that we must have the goal of establishing solidarity in Malaysia through a common educational system with a flexible co-curriculum to cater to the linguistic objectives of our non-Malay brethren.

    2. tebing tinggi,

      One school or 1,000 schools, no such thing as "Malaysian Malaysia". That's a subversive slogan concocted by Lee Kuan Yew that led to him, PAP and Singapore "kicked out" by Tengku A Rahman, a damn stupid thing TAR did giving away a strategic island just like that.

      That slogan wanting equality without simultaneously acknowledging the Special Position of the Malays and the Bumiuteras of Sabah and Srawak was subverting that very Special Position. Subtly questioning that Special Position, a sensitive matter covered by the Sedition Act. And now the bastards in this country want that Act abolished. At least 170 out if 191 Divisions in UMNO have spoken up wanting that Act retained, many people even asking Najib be replaced.

      That slogan was picked up by LKY's shit-inspired Lim Kit Siang and flogged by DAP until the rakyat shitted them and they left aside the slogan many years ago. Then they tried to introduce the slogan "Middle Malaysia" but the rakyat showed them the Middle Finger and that was also left aside.

    3. Anonymous27 October 2014 09:46,

      Not just two Chinas. Hongkie China, - Hong Kong - makes them Three Chinas, One country THREE SYSTEMS. China cakap saja, tak serupa bikin, like DAP - the two others want free elections, Beijing doesn't allow, how long now the Hongkies demo-ing on the streets, so who says got one country?

      The Chinese in China are supposed to be homogeneous but are divisive like hell. Beijing wants use of Mandarin enforced for untity, also tak jalan - the blokes in south China held demos in Canton, Hong Kong etc against Beijing enforcing that the use of Mandarin only a year or so ago.

      While blokes in south China don't want to use Mandarin, those in Malaysia wa nt Mandarin, which is not even their mother tongue. Yet their ancestors came from south China. What the ..........

      So, Single Stream schooling in Malaysia, ok?

    4. "a flexible co-curriculum to cater to the linguistic objectives of our non-Malay brethren" said Anonymous27 October 2014 09:46.

      Yes, linguistic objectives. With Single Stream Education and One School For All, the Government should allow Mandarin and Tamil classes as supplementary subjects during normal school hours.

      Those wanting to spend more time studying those languages beyond the specified length of time may do so outside normal school hours.

  4. The purpose of schools is to help prepare the youth for life, to be as successful as possible. The national language is Malay and it is critical that everyone is fluent. It is troubling that the inability to speak Malay is detected at NS training level, as it should have been addressed long before this, probably by holding the student back for a year until they master the language at a far earlier age (for all citizens, whatever type of school they attend). The history of migration and philosophy only clouds the clear and central message of the article - how do we best prepare all of the young people to succeed in life? Ability in languages is only one element, but it is vital. An interesting comparison is New Zealand, where the immigrants outnumber the original people by more than 7 to one, but all their children are required to learn the Maori language, to understand their identity as New Zealanders. Surely, the same courtesy should be applied to the Malay language. It is a failure of the Chinese and Tamil school systems that has impacted on those that have not mastered the language. But why not offer free classes to help those who can't communicate in Malay learn the language?

    1. Anonymous26 October 2014 21:29,

      Precisely, the purpose of schools is to help prepare the youth for life, to be as successful as possible.

      But hell, divisive and anti-national DAP sees different purpose. Lim Guan Eng even officiated the opening of a building in Penang named after Sun Yat Sen. The bloke has nothing to do with this country except tumpang duduk (new word "penumpang", Ambigaga?) during the tumultuous revolutionary situation in China. Bloody Tokong Lim wants Penangites to look to Sun Yat Sen, not even to Tengku A Rahman that practically all Chinese love, for giving away Singapore to the Chinese FOC!

      And stupid President of Dong Zong, administrators of Chinese schools, Yap Tien Sin, with so many sins, using TWO, not one, FAKE PhDs, talked about "multi-nations within a nation" nonsense. Highly divisive bastak.

      He said so during one rally in Kajang some time back. Yet British PM David Cameron has said "Multi-culturalism is dead", echoed by the German Chanselor Angela Merkal and two other EU leaders. A lot of anti-immigration and anti-illegal stay talk in Britain after that.

      Let's keep shouting for the Single Stream education, folks.

    2. Yes, schools. National schools. Sekolah Kebangsaan. Single stream education only. Especially in a multi-racial country.

      There you go. Anonymous 26 October 2014 21:29 has aid it - New Zealand, where the immigrants outnumber the original people by more than 7 to one, but all their children are required to learn the Maori language, to understand their identity as New Zealanders. Well done, mate. More of such please.

      I can only remember, and like to remind the Fiji case to the hard-headed pendatang who refuse to integrate (note the word, fellas - integrate, not forced to assimilate, like in Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines where the pendatang use local names, wear local dresses, eat local style etc).

      In Fiji, where the British allowed the pendatang to become the majority, they won the general elections, but could not take power. The Army grabbed power. Many migrated after the military coup d'etat, and now they no longer are the majority. The local Fijian-led party won the recent general elections and the Army relinquished power.

    3. Exactly! our Chinese and Tamil saudara are not being ASSIMILATED into Malay identity - I hope you all wake up and understand some basic concepts, oh people! Just integrate yourselves with the Malaysian mainstream culture through the proper education syllabus.

    4. Enough of the Alvivi sex scum and the Namewee macho shit types. We want beautiful Chinese culture ........

    5. 16:39,

      Not China Doll culture, please.

      Even after Anwarul Al Juburi is in prison for 10-15 years. hehe

  5. Let them isolate themself with their own money. Government dont be so stupid to finance the seperatist.

    1. agree if they continue with the finance it will be like how annies mother dominating his father..takde teloq (UMNO bloger like parpukari love to use this words).

  6. And use the word assole? You like it so much - being done up by Anwar Al Juburi? Or cheated by cakap tak serupa bikin DAP?

    1. The above was meant as a reply for the 11:00 sharp fellow who is not so sharp.

      Forgot to press the Reply button or was I being disturbed by the Robot - nobody else is sharp except me, hihi.

      Tak caya, want to try? Open up your rear ... I mean, rear flank, as the Army says, hehe

  7. Waaah, plenty serious discussion, above. Well done, folks.

    So, UMNO will discuss Single Stream Schooling at PAU next month, Najib quietly gives the hint, and TS Muhyiddin announces it next year, macam?

    Tan Sri, we appreciate greatly your decision on making History a compulsory subject in schools, now look forward to Single Stream Schooling. Many responsible and concerned citizens see you as a hero, constrained by your position as DPM to tow the line but hope you can discuss one to one with DS Najib on Single Stream Schooling implementation that Najib has written in his 1Malaysia blog years ago.

  8. what I can said is the politician who gave this comment is compliance with Fascism
    Before posting any comment, please read the the Perlembagaan Malaysia:

    Article 8 by clause (1) provides that all persons are equal before the law and entitled to its equal protection.

    Clause 2 states: “Except as expressly authorised by this Constitution, there shall be no discrimination against citizens on the ground only of religion, race, descent, gender or place of birth in any law or in the appointment to any office or employment under a public authority or in the administration of any law relating to the acquisition, holding or disposition of property or the establishing or carrying on of any trade, business, profession, vocation or employment.”

    1. Aiseh, Lehman, where you school one?

      Those are general "clauses" lah. "Articles", they call them coz the Constitution is not like any other agreement or law - it's the highest set of laws in the land, from it emanate all other laws.

      So, if general one saying you are fee to shit, then there is a specific one saying you cannot shit on the street, which one you think is more important?
      Sure cannot shit on the street innit?

      Equality stated in the other Articles, yes lah. But if Article 153 states that the Malays have a Special Position (extended to Bumiputeras of Sabah and Sarawak on the formation of Malaysia), you jolly well respect that lah.

      There are so many other examples as the above lah.

      Psst, I wanted to write Think about it but one stupid bloke some time ago wrote his dislike for comments saying Think about it, Fikirkan lah etc - that complex stricken, non-thinking twit.

      Have a good evening, k? But think about what I said above, will ya? Good for you, I guarantee you.

    2. LehmanOsman,

      Try to understand those words you yourself type into here - “Except as expressly authorised by this Constitution ...".

      Then you look at those "expressly authorized", like Article 152, on Bahasa Malaysia, Mamat.

      Then you try and understand such words as mother tongue is allowed to be used "except other than for official purposes."

      And when you don't understand, ask, don't just come out saying "compliance with Fascism" whatever, ok?


  10. Anon 11:36
    Belajar hormati perrjanjian kemerdekaan..kenapa org bukan melayu perlu mempertikaikan status bumiputra..adakah bumiputra ini mencuri duit kamu?! gganggu perniagaan kamu atau kamu di larang membuka perniagaan, memiliki harta?!..adakah bumiputra juga menghalang kemajuan kamu?..cakap melayu tunggang langgang..da berapa generasi?! ..malu la woi..malaysian first konon!!

  11. SORRY REALLY SORRY... I terlampau batas. I have tried to request the blog author to delete the comment right after I posted it. I think it is the same feeling when we read about the abolishment of SRJK. Both are perjanjian kemerdekaan. Upset... Once again, I apologize and blog author please delete the previous comment. Thank you.

  12. saya bersetuju dgn Ku Seman tu.. SRJKC dan SMJKC memang lebih menyebabkan pengasingan kaum Cina . Terimalah kenyataan. Berdasarkan pengalaman sendiri di mana keluarga sebelah suami (Cina) adik beradiknya (kecuali suami saya) bersekolah di SRJKC SMJKC..dan semuanya tidak dapat bercakap bahasa Melayu dengan baik. Apatah lagi menulis dan membaca bahasa Melayu dengan baik. Hendak bercakap dgn saya dalam bahasa melayu pasar pun mereka tidak berapa fasih! Ini disebabkan pergaulan mereka terbatas antara kaum ( dalam kes in Cina sahaja) di sekolah dan mereka kurang bergaul dgn rakan Melayu yg hanya minoriti di SRJK.
    Nasib baik, ayah mentua yang bersekolah kebangsaan menghantar suami ke sek kebangsaan. takde pula sy lihat suami tidak boleh bercakap dan menulis cina atau hilang sifat kecinaan tu. Malah satu kelebihan kerana suami mampu berkawan dengan semua bangsa x kira melayu, cina atau india sekalipun kerana mereka juga boleh berbahasa melayu dgn baik.
    Bagi saya yg kelahiran awal 80an ni, sekolah kebangsaan adalah medium terbaik yang menyatukan kami pelbagai bangsa sehingga sekarang. Dan sy percaya jatidiri sesuatu bangsa takkan pudar walaupun mereka bersekolah kebangsaan. sgt menyokong jika SRJKC ini dihapuskan.
    FYI, anak2 sy juga berketurunan Cina dan sy akan menghantar mereke ke sekolah kebangsaan.

