Tuesday, 17 December 2013

My plan, once the Chinese take over the country

The MCA elections are to be held this weekend.

Liow Tiong Lai gang versus Ong Tee Kiat gang.

But who really cares lah....no matter how you want to slice or dice it, for the overwhelming majority of the Chinese community, the winner will still be the likes of Lim Guan Eng, whom they feel will one day give them the political supremacy in this country.

The Chinese votes will never go back to MCA.

Let's be honest, how many MCA members who voted for DAP and its allies in GE13? My personal estimates is at least 70 per cent.

MCA had served its purpose, which were getting the citizenship and basic needs for the Chinese during the formative years of this country and securing the community's economic dominance via its good relations with the majority Bumiputra community.

MCA had served its purpose well, and now it is time for the Chinese community to move on to attain a bigger thing : political power.

This is what the DAP has been relentlessly teaching the Chinese community since pre-2008 general election.

Supreme political power could only be achieved by them by giving full support to the DAP, which was exactly what the community did when over 90 per cent of them gave their support to the party during the GE13.

Of course the DAP could not be at the forefront of these big things to come yet, because the Chinese in this country still consist less than 30 per cent of the population. They will put Malay puppets like Anwar Ibrahim as their front.

But that's just for now.

Once they could blur the racial lines of others, the ambition of attaining the combined strength of political and economic clout could be achieved.

That's why the DAP people are shouting RACIST! RACIST! RACIST! at anyone who talk about Malay unity or even Malay identity. They need to dilute such things which are the main stumbling blocks to their ambitions.

Do they on their part dilute their own Chinese identity to attain that nonsense so-called Bangsa Malaysia?

Hell, no.

Here is the chief minister who shouted RACIST GRANDMOTHER! RACIST GRANDMOTHER! RACIST GRANDMOTHER ! at an elderly Malay lady who questioned why illegal Malays' stalls were demolished while big Chinese restaurants just a few meters away, which were also built illegally were only issued with compounds by his DAP Penang government.

In this picture, Guan Eng (second from right) is expressing support to representatives of Dong Zong, the Chinese schools association who are demanding equal treatment from the government for their schools as compared to the national schools. Of course, they also wanted all teachers in their schools to be fluent Mandarin speakers (another way to tell Malay teachers to get out from their schools) and less hours for their students to study the national language as they feel it could dilute their children's ability to speak in their mother tounge.

Honestly, I got no objection against the Chinese schools. My mother studied in a Chinese school from standard one to Form Five. But wasn't such an attitude which was supported by Guan Eng is a racist attitude?

So, Melayu tak boleh, Cina can, is that it Guan Eng?

Well, I'm putting all these personal thoughts on record here because I want to show it back to the stupid Malays and Bumiputera who blindly tag along the DAP's line when the shit hit their face five years from now.

At that time it's going to be too late, they will never get back what they had lost.

This posting was also meant as a reminder for  the stupid Umno people who still think that they can enjoy themselves after winning their party posts two months ago.

But of course they will ignore all these warnings and continue being the monkeys that they are....

Well, it's fated I guess.

Never mind, I think I will just find myself a Chinese husband and blend in the Chinese crowd once they take over everything.

Yup, that's going to be my plan.

Maybe one of these day I will ask that Chinese guy who occasionally belanja me dinner at fancy restaurants if he is really in love with me....

You all other non-Chinese better have some back-up plans too, okay...unless you really believe that the soon to be economically and politically powerful Chinese community led by DAP will not discriminate you lah.



  1. The Chinese will never lead Malaysia.

    The only hope for Malaysia is for Malays to become more enlightened and pragmatic.

    Recently, such remarks were made by Mustapa Mohd, Wahid Omar and Idris Jala (I know, he's not Malay, but nevertheless).

    1. Annie, you out to make the Chinese a big big bogeyman to scare off the Malays ar ? Follow UMNO principle dari dulu, kini dan selamanya chinese will be use as a bogeyman. For international issue, UMNO will use Jews as a bogeyman.

    2. have u heard of this phrase
      and recently thers new phrase

      so wat about babi wth chinese
      its about chinese being greedy macam babi bagi betis nak peha bagi peha nak celah peha

      u see this chinese immigrant is a menace to anywher they goes.. a chinese conman in australia a drug pusher in usa n ofcourse the babi in msia

    3. Anon 12:22, Chinese is truly a bogeyman. For example, they bought a piece of land in the middle of kampong Melayu. They built a factory, with so much noise it made the villagers go crazy. Then the tak tahan villagers, one by one sold their land to more Chinese. If that's not a bogeyman, I don't know what is. I always see Chinese as a threat to Malay wellbeing.

  2. Annie, jom kawin...

    1. Apa yang takut sangat digelar racist. Saya bangga menjadi orang Melayu dan beragama Islam . Jerit berjuta juta kali perkataan racist kepada saya saya akan terima dengan rasa yang amat gembira!
      Sebab kita terlalu sensitive dengan perkataan itu menjadikan orang jenis LGE suka melemparkan kata kata itu kepada kita. Padahal dia lebih lagi! Bila kita dengan bangga dan gembira menerima gelaran racit, Insya Allah anjing akan berhenti menyalak bukit!
      "....Never mind, I think I will just find myself a Chinese husband and blend in the Chinese crowd once they take over everything..."
      Ayo, ayo, mana semangat juang Annie dalam mempertahankan darah panas yang mengalir dalam tubuh dari jurai keturunan bapa?
      Mungkin ramai orang tidak mempercayai bila melihat keadaan Melayu sekarang ini, tapi tahukah Annie bahawa bangsa Melayu adalah golongan pengembara dan pelaut yang handal satu masa dulu?
      Orang Melayu tidak kalah dengan kehandalan dan keberanian setanding bangsa bangsa lain di dunia. Cuma mungkin sejak dari azali lagi sikap orang Melayu tidak mahu menonjolkan kehebatan diri dan tidak membuat catatan.
      Sampai sekarang ada masyarakat Melayu di Afrika Selatan. Kalau orang Melayu tidak sampai ke sana bagaimana ada keturunan mereka di situ.
      Baru baru ini terjumpa keris di Okinawa, Jepun. Jangan lupa keris adalah senjata mutlak orang Melayu. Kalau Melayu tidak sampai ke sana, macam mana alat senjata itu ada di situ? Nenek moyong LKS/LGE ke yang bawa keris itu ke sana.
      Banyak lagi contoh yang boleh diberikan terhadap kehebatan Melayu yang setanding dengan orang lain. Cuma dalam ruagan terhad ini cukup dua contoh sahaja.
      "So, why should we be ashamed to be called Malay racist?" Saya cintakan dan bangga menjadi orang Melayu.
      Sungguhpun begitu saya menghormati hak orang lain yang menjadi warganegara Malaysia.

    2. aiyoyo anon 13:29, Annie tu drama queen tahu and you are over reacting man !!

    3. Cik Annie, perhaps you should just marry a pleasant Baba Melaka uncle, ya? Muslim of course la!

    4. He,he,he I am not over reacting! Please read buku sejarah, tapi bukan baca buku sejarah hasil tangan 'Mat Salleh' sahaja tapi ahli sejarah tempatan juga.
      Bangsa tersebut bukan boleh mengaku bangsa lain juga handal.
      Berita terbaru setelah lebih 20 tahun peristiwa berlaku hanya kini orang Amareeeeka mengucapkan terima kasih terhadap bantuan tentera Malaysia menyelamatkan tentera mereka di Somalia ( Black Squadron ). Entah apa mimpi mereka berbuat demikian!

    5. Anon 17 Dec. 2013 14:49,
      Ayo,ayo ...Annie is drama queen and you are a faithful drama's queen admirer! Why, you keep on reading her blog. Or is this a case of Hate but in love? ( benci tapi rindu? )

    6. Anon 13:29. Syabas kerana menyatakan yang benar dan memberi semangat kepada semua bangsa melayu yang sedah hampai layu. Saya berharap kempimpinan UMNO bertindak atas apa yang dicakap dan bukan hanya retorik memancing undi.

      Hidup Melayu.

  3. Annie, the chinese cant take over the country. Dont worry about that. What you need to worry about though is what happens when your political masters lose out to pakatan rakyat. What then happens to you? Will you then call all the malays who voted for pakatan as racist infidels? Berani? By all means do your masters bidding. By all means raise issues that matter to the common man. But enough with the racial bullshit? Right now, you have the credibility of the peanut. Fight properly, and you will have all the respect you deserve.

    1. Annie is here to stir shit and to scare the Malays about the DAP which herself knows very well that it is impossible for DAP to single govern the country,what more the Malays are the majority here.
      Only those with ignorant mind will believe what Annie wrote.
      Wei, Annie, you punya cerita dongeng 'cina the bogeyman' dah tak boleh pakai lah.

    2. Yeeeh,'....... the Chinese cant take over the country...' But they will be the 'Tok Dalang behind the scene'
      Why is that possible? Because they are a group of Malays who liked to be a puppet of Cinabeng DAP . The Tok Dalang pulled the string and the puppet will act and talked as ordered by their Tok Dalang!
      The sad things is that they are too happy to be a puppet and 'kutuk, dan maki hamun' saudara seagama dan sebangsa.

    3. so, the current tok dalang of UMNO is Rosmah coz she is the one who pulled the string and the puppet (Najib) will act, sing and talk as ordered by tok dalang Rosmah.

    4. Annie bukan nak menakut nakutkan, hanya nak beri tahu kepada orang Melayu sedaikan buluh untuk sepitkan pipit kulup orang Cina dan gunakan kapak untuk sunatkan mereka apabila Pas dan Umno menjadi geng nanti. 

    5. Cik Helen dah lost chinese readers, sekarang tulis untuk narik malay readers. Cik Helen, apa beza lu dengan Hannah yang pakai tudung sebab nak pancing undi melayu..? cuma niat tak sama.... berani deny?

  4. Cik Annie,
    I would love DAP to rule the country because,
    1. LGE promised no more flood in Malaysia after 1 year of ruling
    2. Can drive from JB to Bkt Kayu Hitam toll free
    3. Petrol will be cheaper than water
    4. My children and grandchildren can watch and understand Mandarin Movies
    5. I can always blame DAP(Chinese) for my (Malay) failures and they cannot label me as racist anymore.
    6. Every weekend there will be a community jogging, brisk walk or slow walk all around the city ala Bersih version 10.5
    7. Aiyaa Annie, I'm sure you can add many more...
    What a glorious Malaysia would it be,

    1. anon 12:01, don't be a fool, DAP will never rule the country. It seem like your minda dah di hambakan oleh UMNO.

    2. It needs a greater fool to know one!

    3. Anon 13:05. Tak ada modal lain nak cerita ka? Sekolah cina mari ka?

    4. stupid moronic idiotic of u
      never trust the pendatang cina thetly are diseases carrier in negri melayu

  5. "So, Melayu tak boleh, Cina can, is that it Guan Eng?"

    You DAPster Anti-Confucianist Marxists better watch out for your butt!

    The Chinese Nationalists are coming for you sooner or later!


    1. Confucius said: "By three methods we may learn wisdom: First, by reflection, which is noblest; Second, by imitation, which is easiest; and third by experience, which is the bitterest."

      Never let the bitterness of the Maoist catastrophe slip from your living memories. Remember, only a pure heart is able to reflect faithfully on the aspirations of the ego, and what is worthy of its imitation.

    2. Rock my soul in the bosom of Abraham, oh rocka my soul!


  6. Stupid Annie, don't use the cinabeng to divert the pressing issue the rakyat are facing now.
    UMNO kasi barang harga naik, hidup rakyat makin tertekan. Heran, Annie bisu saje, nampaknya allowance yg dibayar UMNO kepada annie dah naik kot.

    1. Don't worry, there is no such thing as a poor chinese, just like there are no rich malays. Any Malay I see driving a Mercs is a chinese frontman. Any chinese I see driving kancil must have deserved to be poor, perhaps by gambling. I suppose this is how logic works in "chinese are rich, malays are poor" land.

    2. 'driving a kancil must have deserved to be poor'.... what kind of logic is that ? I tell you, Malaysians are getting very smart nowadays.

    3. You tell me la, appearently chinese all rich one. control economy, control politics. No such thing as underfunded SRJK. all rich towkay and bosses only.

    4. sejak bila takda poor chinese?
      proof mana?
      anon 16:05 jangan tak balas. i tunggu ni.

  7. Annie,

    If that were to happened and I believe it could happen , personally I think the Malay had no qualm , as they are known to be very acceptable , adaptable and great sense of tolerance to who ever their Master will be.

    Being a Muslim ,the Malay strongly believe in faith ( quada & quadar illahi ) and I am sure they will accept it very well.

    1. tebing tinggi, whatever annie wrote or predict you will fully agreed with her. A typical UMNO macai.

    2. Whether that happens or not, at this present time we Malays should be witnessing our faith to the non-Muslims. Explain to them the meaning of "la ilaha illa Allah, Muhammadur Rasulullah"; teach them tauhid, fiqh and tasawwuf? We don't know Allah's qada' (decree) but we know we have to "kenal diri untuk kenal Tuhan - sebab kalau tak kenal Dia maka tak akan cinta padaNya " and then "amar makruf nahi mungkar" among human fellowmen.
      Alla this we must strive for and then only accept Allah's qadar, whatever it may be isn't it? How can we just lay back and call it "Iman" to accept "whoever their Master will be"? The only Master we should follow obediently is the pure life and wisdom of Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. ..... Salaama akhi

  8. What if I say the oppressors umno must go so that the malay can be free from their exploitation. It doesn't matter if their ultimate goal is to help the malay, but if at the same time they shamelessly steal the very same people they supposed to protect. Umno did betray malay trust isn't it. What about taib Mahmoud? And also why pas think they can reduce the oil price when umno did not?

  9. what a stupid plan, Annie. Chinese takes over the country then marry a Chinese ? kah..kah..kah...... by still the best quote of the week is by UMNO minister : "kalau tak nak bayar toll, guna jalan biasa..."

    1. Isn't it about time that the Malaysian government purchase back the rights to our highway system from capitalists and replace all those hefty toll charges with a more people-friendly usage fee - only to cover the costs of maintenance and refurbishments? Having said that, the government is spoiling middle-class Malaysians with the ridiculously subsidized RM1 medical outpatient fee - thus sacrificing improved hospital facilities and prompt medical procedures for the general public who really need them. Really, we need to sort out these public amenities and services

    2. dude 16:08, all highways belongs to UMNO and their cronies, so what is there purchase back ? Of course UMNO wants to continue to collect 'tolls' from the rakyat, it is a cash cow for them.

    3. Why should government buy those highway rights. Most of the highways belong to malay companies. Don't look just at the highway, think of all the development taking place along the highways. Who are the beneficiaries. It's none other than the chinese. Keeping the concessionaires at least keep some share of the spoils with the malays. You chinese mahu makan semyua ka?

    4. anon 19:39, you ni suka sangat nak bayar toll ke pada UMNO ? pasal apa ? UMNO kutip toll tak kira bangsa tahu, Melayu, cina, india, kadazan, iban dan dll semua pon kena !!

    5. Takpa UMNO kutip toll semua orang. Cina yang kontrol barang lagi teruk. kalu harga tak boleh naik, depa sorok.

    6. Hey Anon 19:25, 20:28 , kucing mampus pon Lu nak salahkan Umno. Lu punya kakak kena gali, Umno juga Lu balum. Lu punya otak penuh dengan tahi babi Lo.

  10. Makcik Annie, rakyat kini tengah risau tentang kos sara hidup yg makin tinggi, harga barangan keperluan harian semua naik dan bukan risau pasal bila DAP nak rule Malaysia di mana ni adalah satu propaganda jahat Annie dan UMNO utk menakut-nakut orang2 Melayu.

    "harga ayam naik, jgn makan ayam. Ikan naik, jgn makan ikan. Petrol naik, guna besikal. Gula naik elak diabetes. Api naik kurangkan renjatan lektrik. Xsuka kjaan, sila keluar Mesia. Sume naik takdir Tuhan, syukur Mesia aman.. *Mmg kalu dah jd macai, kebodohannya xleh disembuhkan*"
    Source : Andi Hakim Reformasi

    1. Don't worry. Semua kenaikan tersebut tidak membebankan rakyat. Menteri kata.

    2. bomoh gigi khir toyol kata : semuanya ok !!

    3. Bila kerajaan DAP naikkan tariff air, tak pulak bising. Yang menjadi isu hanya bila "BN" yang melakukannya. Well, they will never blame the people they love, would they? UMNO is hated by them so much, so naturally, what do we expect? Even if UMNO did good, they never said thank you, do we think they would smile when UMNO did "evil" (like DBKL rate hike)? If Lim Kit Siang was the person heading the country, and did what Najib was doing, would they raise thunder?

    4. Anon 1:27, soalnya sekarang gov najib yang buat...

  11. KUALA LUMPUR: Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak has again emphasised that the government under his leadership does not adopt the populist approach in the administration but always endeavoured to expand the national economy.

    He said the government must ensure that the national revenue continued to increase and grow before deciding to make 'sweet promises' to the people.

    "I believe all of you are aware of this reality. That is why we administer the country in a prudent manner, our way is not the populist way.

    "I can become a Prime Minister that stands on the populist platform, but this way, I will destroy the future of our beloved nation,"

    Note : Populism is a political doctrine where one sides with "the people" against "the elite"

    Must be Pendek kata!

    1. nobody will percaya what PM Najib say now. Even our worst and non-performance education minister also tak percaya apa yg diucapkan oleh PM Najib.
      In 2011, PM Najib said mengurangkan bayaran tol antara bandar secara peringkat-peringkat, now 2013 tol pulak di naikkan. Cakap tak serupa bikin.

  12. Why not just build a narrative around lower income people against economic injustice? Why must use the race axis instead? How exactly do you expect me to sympathize when it's clear as day that the upper classes of all races are far beyond the price concerns of the middle class, nevermind the lower income group? Most chinese are nowhere near as wealthy as that, and we can play the game all day.

  13. " Maybe one of these day I will ask that Chinese guy who occasionally belanja me dinner at fancy restaurants if he is really in love with me...."

    So you don't want a random chinese guy la, you want a rich guy. please lah. you look down on the local tyre shop mechanic because he's poor just say la.

  14. Well done Annie, you’re getting bolder with your analysts. I don’t think we’re getting too emotional or too ‘drama’ here in saying there is always the possibility that the Chinese will take over one of these days with Captain Guan Eng at the helm. But like you said, “by that time it’s too late’.

    1. "by the time is too late"..... ya too late for the corrupt UMNO goons to escape, all those corrupt buggers will be brought to court and if found guilty all their harta benda and wang tunai will be give it to the poor before serving their jail sentence.

  15. It's not what you say, but what you do. In the previous GE, evidences of you guys trying bring down the Malay-led government were written all over. So please stop exhorting virtues such as justice, equality, work ethics, above race and played victim. Would please stop doing it. Jijik aku mendengarnya..

    1. That's rite, last GE people from all walks of life and all races wanted a change of government but unfortunately PR was not able to knock-out the corrupt regime UMNO.

    2. Fine, let's just abolish elections and let the "Malay-led government" rule forever since PKR/PAS are not Malay enough for you. By definition it is impossible for any change of government to occur without "bringing down a malay led government". Henceforth only the UMNO General Election will select the leaders of the nation. We can save a lot of money abolishing general elections too.

  16. I am not worried about the chinese taking over the country, politically. They are already have a big say in government policies through the likes of YTL, Berjaya, Genting, Lions Groups, etc. I am worried about the malays who are destroying ketuana melayu from inside. They are everywhere, in PM inner circle, in UMNO, in GLC, in Government, in malay-controlled businesses. These are the people who had benefited immensely from post May13, government policies and initiatives. They have attained the kind of wealth, mostly through government handouts, that 99% of other malays can only dreamed off. Sadly, they squandered most of the wealth in fast cars, women, apartment and other non-growth assets. It beats me why PM take chinese as his trusted advisors? In many GLCs, many capable malays were overlooked and the positions given to chinese, whose main assets were "pandai bodek". These malays most likely have theier own war chests buried somewhere in Singapore, Perth, London, Los Angeles, etc. They don't care about the 99% of the malays who had to suffer at the hand of LGE & co. Annie, time to stop barking at the chinese, more productive to expose the real pengkhianat bangsa.

    1. anon 19:33, are you talking to yourself ?

    2. Yeah...i am worried about the very own Malays who are destroying the "ketuanan Melayu" itself from the insides...

  17. "Here is the chief minister who shouted RACIST GRANDMOTHER! RACIST GRANDMOTHER! RACIST GRANDMOTHER ! at an elderly Malay lady who questioned why illegal Malays' stalls were demolished while big Chinese restaurants just a few meters away, which were also built illegally were only issued with compounds by his DAP Penang government."

    Poor good-hearted granny, but maybe the orang besar has forgotten to cherish our old folks huh?


    1. Press Statement By Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng in Komtar, George Town on 10.12.2013

      If Penang Opposition Leader Jahara feels personally offended for my calling her a racist grandmother because it relates to her gender then I will call her simply a racist. I apologise for using the word grandmother. But she is a racist for playing with the fires of hatred in race and religion through her lies and falsehoods that I had approved the name change of Pulau Jerejak to Mazhu Island(a Chinese deity) because I approved the Mazhu Temple. These lies plays up religious sentiments of a non-existent Mazhu Island.

      Another lie is that she asked why no action was taken against 4 illegal Chinese stalls in Pantai Bersih near Butterworth. But she deliberately fails to mention that no action was also take against more than 4 illegal Malay stalls in the same area. Clearly there was no double standard as claimed. The Penang State Government will not keep quiet against these lies intended to create hatred between our multi-religious and multi-racial society.

    2. Is this statement issued by Regina Lee?

  18. Persoalannya adakah DAP atau org Cina berpeluang menguasai kerajaan Persekutuan??! DAP cuma bertanding 51 kerusi parlimen. Pada PRU13 lalu DAP menunjukkan prestasi terbaik tapi cuma menang 38 kerusi. Katakan kesemua orang Cina memberi undi kpd DAP...ini bermakna DAP atau parti orang Cina cuma memperolehi maksimum 51 kerusi dan kekal manjadi parti minoriti dlm Parlimen yg keseluruhannya berjumlah 222 kerusi . Jadi tak mungkin org Cina menjadi dominan dalam politik nasional dan seterusnya dpt menguasai Malaysia.
    Sekali pun DAP bergabung dgn lain2 parti non muslim/Melayu, mereka tetap  tidak mampu untuk membentuk kerajaan kerana tidak cukup kerusi kecualilah UMNO dgn senang hati membenarkan calon parti Cina bertanding dikws majoriti Melayu yg berjumlah 129 kerusi...
