Friday, 31 May 2019

The right decision on Lynas

First and foremost, I'm glad for the about 1,000 Malaysians working at the Lynas' rare earths plant in Gebeng near Kuantan.

Yes, their prayers have been answered.

This is the story by Reuters;

Malaysia to let Lynas to continue running its rare earths plant


“We will allow Lynas to carry on because otherwise we are going to lose a very big investment from Australia,” Mahathir told reporters at a news conference in Tokyo. 

But I think this also got something to do with it,


Lynas’ status as a non-Chinese producer came into sharper focus this week after major Chinese newspapers, including the official People’s Daily, reported Beijing was ready to use rare earths to strike back in its trade war with the United States.
China supplied 80 per cent of the rare earths imported by the United States from 2014 to 2017, when it accounted for 81 per cent of the world’s rare earth production, data from the U.S. Geological Survey showed.
You all can read more on that at these links;

Somehow I believe that Dr Mahathir was glad to make that decision.

He knows that those anti-Lynas politicians such as Fuziah Salleh and Wong Tuck are actually so full of shit and just using the issue to gain political mileage. 

Yup, the whole anti-Lynas movement was actually just a load of crap.

If you believed in it back then, then I'm sorry for you.

This is what Dr Mahathir wrote in his blog about Lynas on May 20 2012,

1. I was the first to write in my blog about rare earth, about how difficult it was to rid ourselves from activated rare earth when it was no longer needed.
2. Rare earth can be used for many things and in many ways. The rare earth represented by tin tailing, mostly ilmenite, when activated can be used in colour television. Today colour television uses plasma or LED.
3. This posed a problem of getting rid of the activated rare earth left in Malaysia. Finally it was agreed between Mitsubishi Electric and Malaysia that a site in Perak of almost a square kilometre be reserved for burying under concrete the activated “amang”.
4. Although visitors were banned and no human habitation was allowed at the site, I am told that now there is no more danger of radiation and human dwellings have been built there.
5. The Lynas project is not about activating the rare earth to make it radioactive. It is about extraction of the element to be used in making lithium ion batteries and magnets.
6. Lithium ion batteries are extensively used to power electronic products including mobile phones.
7. We carry in our pockets and use mobile phones all the time, putting them against our ears to hear and speak over the air waves. Obviously they are not harmful. This lithium ion battery does not emit harmful radiation.
8. As I understand it, the Lynas plant in Pahang does not involve activating any of the rare earth components to make them radioactive. The process cannot be harmful. As for the waste, it does not give off harmful radiation either. The waste is just ordinary earth which is normally mixed with the small amounts of rare earth. The necessity to export the waste does not arise.
9. Malaysia is endowed with significant quantities of rare earth. In its natural state it is harmless. Tin tailings or “amang” is probably more likely to give off radio waves than rare earth. The mining and extraction of rare earth can bring much wealth to Malaysia. In fact Malaysia should be producing lithium ion batteries for use in electric and hybrid cars. Today these batteries are being produced in Germany and Britain, using rare earth from China and elsewhere.
10. Lithium ion batteries will be much in demand in the future. They are usually rechargeable and can last for many years.
11. It would be a great loss to Malaysia if misguided people prevent us from extracting and using the high clean electrical capacities of rare earth. Just as the lithium ion batteries in the cellular phones is not harmful even when we carry them everywhere in our pockets and put them to our ears, the mining and extracting of rare earth from Malaysian earth will not harm us in any way.

Well, yesterday's announcement by Dr Mahathir was indeed satisying because I have been writing quite a bit about Lynas myself.

These are some of my previous posts on the issue;

Quite a few, aren't they?

Really glad that one settled.

Well, I'm alone in the house now. Not working today.

Maybe I'll go out later and celebrate a bit during buka puasa time.

For now, I just want to relax and enjoy the solitude.



  1. Alhamdulillah..PM make the right decision ignoring the so called experts from PH. Another PH Uturn.

    Thanks to you Annie for fighting the right of the rakyat.1000 jobs of the Malays are now secured and this will be the best hari raya gifts to them.

  2. huawei upset with trump, trump upset with huawei but is dumbo bossku really upset with spending src 42 millions...apa dah jadi bossku takpe lah bossku boleh terus shalalala hidup bossku sigh

    1. U sebijik macam Chickadee Lim Kit Siang.tak habis2 SRC.
      Mahachai Dapigs upahan hari2 komen kat sini ,semua isu kaitkan Najib bossku.Perangai pemakan babi tonyok ....

    2. 20:29 better support a non babi eater who telan/songlap people money sigh

  3. Alhamdulillah.. terkenang whn they tendang the contract workers last yr.

    One tea lady wth leukemia, gaji bulanan for her medical costs pun tak mencukupi... org macam ni pun PH kick-out. Ceh!

    Whts happening wth Huawei and ECRL must have knocked some sense into kepala hotak yg2 berkenaan. They mengoyan they are maha powerful nak buat sesuka hati.. then ask rakyat to tanam buluh dan pokok ganja..

    Bulan2 dok makan gaji duit buta ke? Bila PH nak perform ni?? Koman la.

    Professor Nasi Lemak

    1. Hang ni... buta-perut betoi.

      Hang tak nampak ka... Rally anti-Lynas dan demo-Bershit dulu, paling 'hangat' dan ramai peserta... diliputi Stesyen TV Antarabangsa dan tersiar seluruh dunia... ketika PAS sedang berpelok dengan DAP.
      Ketika itu yang meramaikan demo-Bershit adalah muka-muka Melayu dari PAS dan PKR. Malah ada yang berjanggut & berserban, sanggup tidur atas jalanraya untuk halang kereta Polis.

      Lepas tu... bila Haji Hadi tidak lagi berpelok dengan Kit Siang... demo Bershit, terus lumpuh dan tidak bermaya.

      Mengenai Huawei... takkan hang nak Kerajaan dan Dr.M ikut polisi anti-China President Trump yang anti-Huawei?

      Trump pindah Kedutaan US ke Baitulmuqaddis, hang sokong ka?

      Hang setuju ka... dengan 'Middle East Peace Plan' berkaitan Palestine yang diterajui Kushner, menantu Trump?

      Betol-betol Anglophile la... hang nih.
      Buat malu profession Prof, ja aih.

    2. Siapalah agaknya yang berjanggut dan berserban tu? Tidur atas jalanraya halang kereta polis? Teringin nak tahu siapakah hero al-arabi yang dimaksudkan.

  4. "Somehow I believe that Dr Mahathir was glad to make that decision.
    He knows that those anti-Lynas politicians such as Fuziah Salleh and Wong Tuck are actually so full of shit and just using the issue to gain political mileage.
    Yup, the whole anti-Lynas movement was actually just a load of crap."

    Ha ha ha. You're spot-on Annie.

    I've seen the video, you posted sometime ago, where Fauziah was seen chopping some sort of a mutant-chicken... and since then, my respect for her, goes down the longkang. That was really a load of crap.
    If I were Fauziah or Wong Tuck, I would've tendered my resignation to Dr.M... yesterday.

    "If you believed in it back then, then I'm sorry for you."

    Lucky me.
    I've never supported anti-Lynas rally or BERSHIT's demo, the notoriety of which was its peak when Haji Hadi, Mat Sabu and PAS supporters was actively involved and berpelok-pelok with DAP.

    Therefore, Haji Hadi should slap himself in the face, for his 'Politik-matang' rhetoric.

  5. Prof. Nasi Lemak.

    Hang perlekeh dan ketawakan cadangan tanam tebu, pokok-ganja atau ketum, sebagai gantian komoditi-peladangan getah & kelapa-sawit yang harganya sekarang, jatuh merudum.

    Mungkin hang tak pernah dengar istilah 'medical marijuana' atau permintaan-tinggi terhadap daun-ketum dari Eropah, terutamanya dimusin-sejuk. Mengapa penyeludupan daun-ketum ke Thailand sangat menjadi-jadi?

    Langsung kita tidak peduli untuk 'mengkaji' kenapa ada permintaan-tinggi sedemikian-rupa. Mungkin kita sangka orang Siam atau Eropah kaki-berdenggung macam kita, orang-Melayu.

    Tengok la nanti... 5 atau 10 tahun lagi... bila Thailand, Indonesia & Filipina sudah jadi pengeluar & pengeskport ganja/marijuana/ketum terbesar-dunia, ketika itu, baru kita nak terhegeh, nak mula semai dan tanam.

    Bila pokok dah besar, baru saja nak mula tuai-hasil untuk dijual, harga ganja & ketum sudah jatuh merudum. Sebaliknya, harga-getah dan kelapa-sawit pula yang naik-mendadak.

    Masa tu la, sepatutnya hang boleh ketawakan pemimpin PH.

    Hang lupa ka dulu... ketika harga getah-tinggi dulu, penoreh-getah jadi buruan penjual-kereta, tak perlu slip-gaji... ada yang sanggup tebang pokok kelapa-sawit untuk tanam pokok-getah.
    Malangnya, selepas 5~7 tahun, bila getah sudah boleh ditoreh, harga-getah jatuh dan kelapa-sawit pula yang tinggi.

    1. Macam mana manusia macam 14:06 ni boleh claim dia professor.
      Professor Jamban la. Akal pendek static thinking..more like penyokong parti jual ugama parti keris terpacak

  6. Minister of PH...semua lidah biawak

    1. Ini 19:59 jenis melayu mudah lupa; lidah najib ( i have done no wrong) lidah apa ?. Lidah zahid lidah apa ? lidah bekas menteri ugama lidah apa ?
      Baru 3 contoh ni.
      Manusia yang Rakyat Malaysia undi to Parlimen dan DUN semua nya sebentuk la melainkan segelintir Yang Berkhidmat untuk Rakyat

    2. Lidah orang melayu bro...

  7. PH is doing its best so no need for monyet2 BN (incl annie) jumping up & down (read meroyan) on the road 😂

    1. Who's jumping up & down?
      Chickadee Lim Kit Siang or U Anon 23:11 brainless Dapigs Machais

    2. 00:02 is a typical bawang or lobakman dumbo blaming others (kenot berak also blame DAP) wakakaka

  8. ph mp are full of hypocrisy obviously never vote them again

  9. Dah terang lagi bersuloh ,PHancing kaki temberang,fitnah sana fitnah sini ,provoke sana provoke sini,akhirnya benda yg BN buat juga yg mereka buat.Kalau ada yg masih kata PHancing ok ,mungkin otak dia yg tak ok,mata mereka buta warna.Itu yg mereka masih tak perasan,rakyat mejoritinya dah benci mereka,tapi masik nak berlagak.Cuma berlagak di belakang tabir je,nak tunjuk muka terang-terang depan awam,tak berani dah ,malu juga pada BOSSKU.

    1. Anon 07:36.

      Project sudah berjalan... ada yang baru siap 13%, tapi 80% bayaran sudah dibayar... pasal apa nak hentikan jika kena bayar ganti-rugi, termasuk bunga/interest keatas hutang-pokok, kos baik-pulih tapak dan lain-lain?
      Sebab itu, ada 'benda' tak baik dari peninggalan kerajaan dulu, terpaksa diteruskan demi mengelak pembaziran. Kata bidalan... Dibuang mati emak, ditelan mati bapak.

      Bandar Malaysia/TRX misalnya, 1MDB beli-tanah dari Kerajaan, RM60 psf. Nilai sebenar, RM2600 psf... harga seperti dijual sebahagiannya kepada Tabung Haji.

      Foundation dan sebahagian bangunan dah naik... jika ditinggal begitu saja, nanti jadi sarang penagih. Takkan nak robohkan dan pindah-balik Pengkalan TUDM ketempat-asal... tidakkah membazir namanya tu?
      Begitu juga dengan ECRL..

      Aiit... "... rakyat mejoritinya dah benci..."

      You tahu mana, majority Rakyat dah benci pada PH?

      Jika you tulis... 'majority Melayu sudah benci pada Cina-DAP'... kira logik la juga.

      Maklumlah, dibawah Kerajaan PH sekarang ni, setelah UMNO & PAS berbaik-baik, banyak isu sensitif berkaitan hak keistimewaan Melayu di'main'kan.
      Cina-DAP pun, nampaknya semakin brazen atau 'tanpa segan-silu' membangkitkan, apa yang selama ini dianggap sensitif, setelah menjadi sebahagian dari kerajaan.

      Namun, Cina-DAP lebih bijak dari Party-Party politik Melayu. Jarang kita dengar Cina-DAP memperlekeh Party seBangsa mereka... MCA & Gerakan.
      10 Orang- terkaya dikalangan mereka juga, tidak pernah bangkitkan samada kekayaan mereka diperolehi secara betul atau salah. Cuma kita orang-Melayu yang asyik mempertikaikan sumber kekayaan anak-anak Dr.M.
      Yang peliknya, Reza Aziz, anak-tiri Najib, kita boleh buat-buat pekak ja... dari mana dia dapat modal USD100 untuk buat filem lucah di Hollywood.

      Lebih malang lagi... sesama Party-Melayu, kita asyik lekeh-melekeh & lingkop-melingkop. Mungkin kerana kita terikut-ikut stail Pak-Pak Arab yang asyik bertelingkah berkurun-lama. Akhirnya, Negara Kuasa-Besar Kapir Dunia datang masuk-campur dan atur segalanya.... Ehmmm.
