Friday, 21 December 2018

Under the hot sun, demanding justice for Adib

I really went to the Putra Mosque in Putrajaya for the Justice for Adib gathering today.

That's despite the organiser yesterday saying

Justice for Adib gathering not a rally

They said it's just to hand over a memorandum to the PM.

I told myself that I still need to be there as I'm not really happy with just expressing myself over Adib's death in this blog.

True enough, the number of people who stayed back for the gathering after Friday prayers was just less than 500.

The other jemaah were mostly rushing off back to work after prayers.

The participants of the gathering had a short tahlil recital under the hot sun before proceeding to the nearby PMO to hand over their memorandum.

There were some of the usual speeches which were mostly delivered by NGO representatives.

The only politician who delivered a speech was a guy from Amanah who despite calling for the government to take action against Adib's murderers, was jeered by some in the crowd.

There were shouts such as "baruah DAP", "sembang lebih" and "pengampu bodek".

It seemed that the crowd have little tolerance of Pakatan politicians.

Well, I also think that it's because many of the participants are Pas members and they don't really like Amanah people who are previously their fellow party members.

Other than that, everything went well before they wrapped up the gathering about 3pm.

These are some of the pictures that I took at the gathering today;

The Justice for Adib gathering in front of the Putra Mosque.

A Chinese tourist among participants of the gathering. It's quite peaceful.

Waiting for their memorandum to be received outside the PMO.

A police helicopter circling overhead.
Well, not such a bad way to spend the day.



    1. RPK punya cerita jangan percaya.


  2. Not much of a gathering , just imagine if it's was Subramaniam or Ah Kow instead of Mohamad Adib , Malay NGO would be there too giving a support .

  3. I'm wondering if Adib's family would sue the temple management ?

    The temple that is the breeding ground of those extremists should be abolished ASAP.

    If the police can act so fast as to shutdown those madrasah or markas Daesh/ISIS extremists then they should be able to do the same with the temple.

  4. What happened to adib is a takdir from Allah. While my deep sadness and sympthaty towards the family and adib's loved ones i sense the tragedy is a beginning of malay unity. Hidup melayu.

  5. Thanks Annie for being there. Thank you to attend on our behalf. For the sake of Adib, heads must roll. Waytha and other idiots must be punished.
    I'm proud to say that I was amongst the thousands gathered on 8/12. They called us racist, extremist etc. Well, I don't fuckin care. Perhaps they should take a good look in the mirror
