Thursday, 7 December 2017

Umno lock down

So far, this is the most significant news from the ongoing Umno general assembly;

All three Umno wings do not want contest for top two posts

I was told that this had been agreed upon by the party's supreme council and will be turned into a motion to be later on endorsed by the general assembly .

The next Umno election, scheduled after the GE14, which is in a few months time, will see no fight for the president and deputy president posts.

The general assembly has the power to do that despite the party constitution saying everyone can challenge for anything.

The motion for it, however must be specific, that it's confined for just the next party election.

Basically it's a lock down.

My understanding of this whole thing is this,

- Najib will remain as Umno president for another term no matter what happen in the near future.

- Zahid is safe as Umno deputy president for the same duration....unless Najib later on decides otherwise. Zahid better not be naughty like Muhyiddin.

Other things that I think will happen as a result of the lock down;

- Hishammuddin will remain as the vice-president for the next party election....unless Najib later on decides otherwise.

- Khairy will be the firm favourite to take up one of the other vice-president posts and will be seen as the number two of Hishammuddin as the upcoming new top of Umno line up....unless later on Khairy himself decides he is better than just being a Hishammuddin's side-kick.

- One of the Sabah guys will take up the other vice-president post. My bet is on Salleh Said Keruak, even though I wish the guy could be Anifah Aman.

- Shahrizat can keep her Wanita chief post until she's 179 years old or maybe even beyond that. Seronoknya.

Of course, all the above are subjected to BN winning the coming general election.

If BN lose....honestly, I don't think there will even be a next Umno general assembly if that happens.

Well, that's just my reading okay. much for the most important thing for the ongoing general assembly being the GE14.

Told you all so.

See, they are talking more about the party election than the general election.

Well, I don't mind.

Heck, I'm not even an Umno member, so why should I care too much.

Just being an observer, okay.

By the way, I spent a bit of time at PWTC the past two days.

Simply jalan-jalan and look around.

The place and atmosphere were still more or less the same.

Met some friends from the good old days.

Quite nice hanging around with them at the mall across the street.

They torn down the place where I usually parked my car when attending previous Umno general assembly.

So this time, for the first time, I went there using the MRT and LRT.

Took the MRT at a station near my office, switched to LRT at Merdeka-Plaza Rakyat and then all the way to PWTC.

Quite easy and nice.

Less than RM5, no jams, parking and toll fees.

Eh....I better stop at that.

Need to get up and go to work now.

A bit busy today.



  1. So you were there in that pau (mother of all sex parties) so any proposition to puteri like annie from sex crazed dumnos wakakaka

    1. At least puteri annie is a better proposition than that ms shahrizat cowgate (179 years old terlalu masak leh) LMAO

    2. Oh No empty tables at dumno dinner but MO1 understand dumno2 need to berfoya-foya with opposite sexes wakakaka

  2. dedak dpt ciput je..bodoh...yg kaya cina jugak..

  3. The party and its members living in their own make-believe world. They believe the world revolve around free gifts, free shirts, hand-outs, contracts and goodies. Oblivious to the reality in the ground. Outside the bubble.

    Keep on partying. Keep on having a good time. Who knows. Maybe it’s going to be the last of its kind.

    1. PH is being handed the election on a silver platter but unfortunately they still can't get their acts together.

  4. Haa haa. Wanita kapla Lembu at 179 yrs old.

  5. Najis al-Songlap al-Wanemdeebee sama konco2 makin tertekan.

    Tak boleh tidur.

    Tak selera makan.

    Bugis yg mengaku pahlawan lah yg menyebabkan rakyat semakin susah nk makan.

  6. Annie, did you read the news? Media prima forcing staff to take no pay leave. That's what happens when one churns out praise praise praise for that nation's number 1 crook (who? MOI? as ze french will say).

    Anyway, I was struck by that shameless graffiti whacking Tun M. In the very building that was built during his time. It seems Jibby and cohorts need to convince Umno members about Tun M and oppo. Not the voters.

    Desperation, desperation.....

  7. The Umno circus is back in town!

    Klepocrats, cows, hippos, condos, backstabbers, Jamal The Human Toilet, Musang Anuar, Azmin's Bapok Brother, and many, many more!

    Money politics galore!

    Khalwat as side dish!

    1. So far I have not come across any comment that worth commenting.
      Based on Annie's observation I do agree that Najib is set to remain as the Prime Minister of Malaysia and UMNO's president barring any unforseen circumstances.
      Prof Kangkung

    2. I’m sick and tired of you prof babi

      Every year same old stunt horseshit, assembly time, Jackshit story in the box, defamation by close members against someone, burning pic or items, raised voice like thunderous similar to threat, this that etc...

      That's all and their best can do. Complete whole package of garbage and wasted sperm group.

    3. Prof Jangkang must he damn happy if kepala baakk kau remain PM of Malaysia for the rakyat suffering bear meaningless to Prof Kangkang Koyak. Looking forward for same if not more dedak. Wow! damn heartless human being afterall. Sembayang every day my foot Kangkangman.

  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Sorry Cik Minah
      Your comment could be deemed as seditious. If I let it through, it could cause this blog to be shut down. I believe you don't want that to happen.Thank you.

  9. I am just asking question.
    Tak boleh takpa..............bye-bye.

  10. Ginilah Annie, kalau kita cakap politik, macam Sheila Majid, dah tentulah kita kena hentam left and right. Nak buat camna, U ASK FOR IT!.......HEHEHEHE.
    Komen ni, boleh tak....?????

  11. One significant revelation
    The animosity between brothers has elevated Azmin's integrity another notch
    Even family members do not enjoy a-leg-up


  12. Annie, dari apa yg saya lihat melalui ucapan ucapan presiden, timb presiden dan ketua pemuda, terlihat bahawa umno dalam keadaan tak berapa nak yakin bahawa mereka akan menang. Keyakinan mereka tidak seperti dahulu. Ini dapat dilihat melalui tonasi ucapan mereka, dan isi kandungan ucapan mereka. Mereka cuba utk kelihatan hebat dan kuat, cuba untuk dilihat tenang dan berkeyakinan. Mereka berucap dgn terjerit jerit supaya kelihatan bersemangat tetapi mereka tidak dilihat seperti apa yg mereka harapkan. Sebaliknya mereka dilihat amat lucu dan menyedihkan. Saya tidak tahu kenapa mereka menjadi begitu. Mereka juga dengan bangga membawa azwan ali ke pau dan memberi liputan media sambil ditemani Saudara Jamal. Saya masih tidak faham apa yg diharapkan oleh mereka dari azwan ali, seriously i dont get it. Azwan ali adalah lelaki melayu islam yg telah rosak aklaknya. Tidak ada org malaysia yg waras ingin menjadi sepertinya dan jamal. Mereka seperti amat tertekan utk menang. Saya amat terperanjat dengan keadaan kelam kabut dan tenggelam punca parti tersebut. Orang seperti KJ yg saya harap dapat memimpin negara suatu hari nanti telah mula bercakap tentang jika tidak memilih umno dan bn org melayu akan kehilangan kuasa selama lamanya. Hahahahaha.... saya tidak rasa dan fikir org melayu akan kelihangan kuasa cuma pemimpin pemimpin parti tersebut yg akan kehilangan tempat utk bersuka ria. He had lowered himself to the level of ketua cawangan yg taraf pendidikan cuma sekolah menengah... mcm mana nak menang ni??? Lagi satu sekarang ni adalah penghujung tahun. Masa utk bercuti. Harapan saya adalah jikalau ada pak menteri yg bercuti tolong la sensitive sikit terhadap nasib rakyat yg terbeban dgn kenaikan kos sara hidup. Kalau pak menteri pg bercuti naik kapal layar ke, makan lobster ke, pg main ski ke, pg main salji ke, tolong kawal nafsu utk paparkan gambar percutian mewah anda buat sementara waktu di sosial media. Kasihan rakyat yg terpaksa ikat perut sebab tahun depan anak anak meraka akan masuk sekolah dan memerlukan perbelanjaan. Harapan saya agar umno lebih tenang supaya apa yg anda rancangkan akan menjadi kenyataan. Seperkara lagi saya berpendapat bahawa adalah lebih baik pemimpin pemimpin tidak perlu menjerit jerit utk menyampaikan ucapan anda. Buruk sangat. Cuba cari jalan utk berinteraksi dgn rakyat secara berilmu dan selesaikan kos sara hidup yg meningkat ini, anda akan lebih mudah difahami. Maafkan saya jika tulisan ini membuatkan anda kurang selesa.

  13. Shahbudin sums up well my feelings on najib's speech. Ingatkan nak cuba buang prasangka dan dgr tanpa prejudis, tapi bila dgr najib terjerit2, terus saya switched off.

    Ahli2 umno ni mmg dah delusional. KJ kata zaman najib kebebasan media lebih baik. Apa yg bebas nya?? Komen pasal harga brg naik pon kena kecam macam org yg komen tu bodoh sgt. Nak kena jadi economist atau ceo dulu ke baru boleh komen pasal harga brg?? Arrogant gile.

    1. Delusional or not,wait until GE14.
      We will see who is really having a delusion.
      Prof Kangkung

    2. Yes prof. Bring it on! Lagi cepat lagi bagus.

    3. Might is right for Barisan Nasional

      Merompak is a right!!

      Jho Low

    4. Kangkang. The sooner the better so that the supply of your dedak also ends.

  14. Antara Rizal Mansor, Azwan ali dan Jamal Vs Sheila Majid, Fathia Latiff & Ahmad Idham, saya fikir rakyat Malaysia yg waras akan lebih cenderung utk mempercayai Sheila, Fathia & idham.
    Saya faham Rizal berniat utk melindungi majikan beliau. Tetapi beliau telah melakukannya dengan amat teruk sekali. Beliau berhujah tanpa ilmu. Boleh difahami bahawa beliau ingin mendapat perhatian atau bahasa pasar beliau ingin score point dari majikannya. Tidak salah utk mempunyai cita cita begitu tetapi anda mesti lah berilmu. Berhujah dgn fakta bukan dgn merapu seperti orang yg sedang berhalusinasi. Quality pemikiran dan pengetahuan am anda amatlah rendah sekali. Saya hairan bagaimana saudara Rizal Mansor boleh dilantik sebagai pegawai khas. Apakah kriteria yg diguna pakai? Saya memohon dan amat berharap agar dapat dinasihatkan kepada saudara rizal atau majikan beliau supaya beliau tidak dibenarkan bercakap memberi komen atau menulis di media sosial sehingga pengetahuan am beliau dapat ditingkatkan. Jika kedangkalan ini tidak dibendung dgn segera saya khuatir kegelojohan saudara Rizal menunjukkan ketidakupayaan beliau utk berhujah secara ilmiah dan berakal akan memalukan majikan beliau dan parti yg dipimpin oleh majikannya. Saya faham keterujaan Rizal utk memperlihatkan beliau adalah seorang adiwira yg hebat dalam membela majikannya tetapi beliau haruslah melakukannya dgn berilmu supaya tidak ditertawakan oleh rakyat malaysia.

    1. "Apakah kriteria yg diguna pakai?" Aai, x kan tau, najib kan dah cakap, bodoh x apa asalkan punya kesetian yg tak berbelah bagi.

    2. Untuk pengetahuan am Rizal Mansor dapat ditingkatkan terpaksa mengambil masa 179 tahun setua Sharizat seperti yang Annie cakap kerana Rixal mempetgutukan Prof Kangkang the "slow learner,"

  15. and they said there was no room for dissent and democracy in someone else's time ....

    after muhyiddin, little chance of anyone left in there growing a spine

  16. Annie,

    //Najib will remain as Umno president for another term no matter what happen in the near future//

    //all the above are subjected to BN winning the coming general election.//

    These two statements appear to be inconsistent.

    If BN loses GE14, I cannot believe that the powerbrokers in UMNO will sit by quietly, listening to Najib explaining why UMNO has lost.

    //Khairy will be the firm favourite to take up one of the other vice-president posts//

    KJ is signalling some kind of a move.

    You may recall that in GE13, KJ did not really want to re-contest his seat and was talked into standing.

    This time round, KJ is talking about moving younger candidates forward in GE14.

    Does this mean he is leaving UMNO Youth?

    Does this mean he is headed to that vice-president's chair?

    Does this mean he is going to leave politics?

    Who knows..

    //If BN lose....honestly, I don't think there will even be a next Umno general assembly if that happens.//

    Nupe, you can be certain that there will be a general assembly to elect a new president :)

    //they are talking more about the party election than the general election.//

    Well, why shouldn't they?

    UMNO has won EVERY GE since independence and, from what I am told, UMNO appears on track to win the next one, GE14.

    Therefore, the general assembly is for discussing more important things like party elections :)

    //They torn down the place where I usually parked my car when attending previous Umno general assembly.//

    Now don't be paranoid, OK?

    The two events are not connected :)

    It's just part of the building frenzy needed to boost the GDP.

    //Less than RM5, no jams, parking and toll fees.//

    I really don't understand why anybody would want to drive in KL - it's an absolute pain in the ass.

    I use the LRT, the monorail, taxis and a bit of time management.

    Cheap, easy and convenient.

    The only other thing cheaper, easier and more convenient for moving around KL is a kapcai.


  17. Tun kata PAU tak serupa mesyuarat agong..

    Aku pun pelik juga..tengok bola final JDT vs Kedah pun tak lah ada yang terjerit jerit sawan..

    Bila pemimpin bercakap secara emosi, menggila kutuk Tun dan DAP...something is wrong.. Mesyuarat mesti fokus lebih kepada parti sendiri, kupas permasalahan rakyat dan akar umbi diberi kebebasan membuat cadangan tambah baik..

    Tahukah umno, lebih separuh dari perwakilan yang datang sudah mempunyai kecenderungan sokong Tun dan jika lagak pemimpin masih tak sedar diri, keputusan apa yang harus mereka buat?

    Tamat perhimpunan, perwakilan akan balik dengan nostalgia.."Perhimpunan Auta Umno"
