Tuesday 12 December 2017

Padi Rescue, are they for real?


By Lebai Sudin

Hi Annie..

Maaf la Annie.. aku sibuk seminggu dua lepas. Dua orang abang aku nikahkah anak masing-masing. Aku balik kampung dan bantu serba sedikit kenduri kendara. Masih best  lagi kat kampung tu, boleh lagi majlis kenduri kahwin dibuat secara gotong-royong.

Lagi pun para peminat blog hang ini sibuk dengan Perhimpunan Agung Umno. Walaupun mereka bukan ahli Umno, tapi sentiasa ambil tahu apa Umno buat. Paling tidak, mereka akan kutuk-kutuk Umno. Begitulah relevannya Umno kepada mereka. Hihihi.. jangan marah ye.

Aku tak mahu cerita pasal Umno. Aku nak cerita pasal padi.

Kenapa padi?

Kerana padi ni tak semena-mena menarik perhatian aku.

Ini kisah dalam MRT (MRT lagi).. aku kan pengguna tegar MRT.

Dalam perjalanan dari Kajang ke Pasar Seni minggu lalu, aku terdengar dua lelaki berbual pasal satu nama NGO, Padi Rescue. Tidak la berapa jelas butiran bualannya, tapi mereka bercakap pasal Padi Rescue meminta kerajaan tubuhkan semula LPN (Lembaga Padi dan Beras Negara). Aku cuba pasang telinga, agaknya mereka perasan, lantas masing-masing perlahankan suara.

Sempat juga aku dengar mereka menyebut bahawa Padi Rescue itu mengaku memperjuangkan nasib pesawah padi. Tapi, ahli-ahlinya adalah pemilik-pemilik kilang dan pemborong. Tapi yang aku agak terkejut apabila seoang daripadanya cakap yang Padi Rescue tu tidak berdaftar.

Annie, hang boleh tolong check ke betul ke tidak berdaftar. Kalau betul, mereka adalah pertubuhan haram. Hang ada ramai kawan, mintalah tolong mereka untuk buat semakan. Aku ni malas sikit.

Aku bukan pasal apa Annie…aku nak tau juga apa hal dengan industri beras ni. Rasanya macam tak ada masalah dan industri ini penting kepada kita semua kerana ia adalah makanan harian kita. Aku kalau tak makan nasi sehari, macam tak lengkap kehidupan pada hari itu.

Ada jugak la aku cari-cari kat internet, dan nampak la Padi Rescue ini ada buat demonstrasi dan serah memorandum kepada Perdana Menteri. Menurut yang aku baca, mereka menuntut 14 perkara. Katanya, mahu menyelamatkan industri padi dan beras negara.

Tuntutan nombor 1, minta LPN ditubuhkan semula. LPN yang baru, hendaklah kendalikan semua urusan beras dari benih hingga ke tanam padi termasuk racun, baja dan kemudian tuai, urusan kilang dan pasaran.

Amboi…semua sekali kerajaan kena tanggung ke? Kalau tak silap dalam Bajet 2018 ada penambahan subsidi padi.

Aku rasa la Annie, hang sebagai blogger prihatin, cuba tengok-tengok sikit isu ini. Ape cerita sebenar dalam hal Padi Rescue ni. Daripada apa yang aku baca mengenai tuntutan mereka, banyak soal pesawah. Apakah benar pesawah kita bermasalah?

Bukan ke subsidi yang diumumkan dalam Bajet 2018 adalah untuk membantu pesawah?

Sementara itu, aku pun nak selidik juga sikit. Aku bukan apa, sebagai anak nelayan, soal petani dan pesawah pun dekat dengan hati aku..Terima kasih Annie.

(Annie's note to Lebai Sudin : I will check on this. Thanks)


  1. Annie,

    Tell your friend to not repeat what he did, and bertaubat (I’m not joking):

    Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):
    ". . . And spy not (on one another) . . ." [al-Hujuraat 49:12].

    Ibn Abbaas (may Allaah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "Whoever listens to other peoples conversations without their permission will have molten lead poured into his ears on the Day of Resurrection . . ."
    (Reported by al-Tabaraani in al-Kabeer, 11/248-249; see also Saheeh al-Jaami', 6004).

    If this person then goes and tells others of the conversation he overheard in order to cause trouble for them, then his sin of spying is compounded by another sin, as the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "The eavesdropper will not enter Paradise."
    (Reported by al-Bukhaari, see Fath al-Baari, 10/472).

    1. I think it's okay in this case because it's more like a case of overhearing rather than evesdropping. Furthermore, my friend was not malicious and didn't identify those who were having the conversation. It's a subject of public interest which I think should be discussed for good of all.

    2. Kesian makcik2 pakcik2 dikmpung yg setia pd umno..mereka x thu dn sdar bahawa parti yg mereka prjuangkan sdg di malukan oleh pemimpin yg sudah hilang arah..tandus idea..dgn mmbawa msuk manusia yg brnama AA ni dlm parti..

  2. Najib tak ada otak
    Jangan hanya fikir nak tax rakyat sahaja

    1. Please comment on the subject matter instead of writing something irrelevant like this. I'm trying to be lenient with the comments, but please understand if I have to delete this sort of unrelated comments in future. Thank you.


    2. Since your friend mentioned about being an anak nelayan, can I safely presume that he comes from a well off family? Well, you know, with the prices of fish nowadays getting almost out of reach of the common folks, dare I say his father has a big house and drives luxury cars to and from work?

    3. Jamal itu bodoh x ada otak becakap x pandai fikir patutlah org cakap org UMNO otak diaorang kat lutut bukan kat kepala hati2 kau Jamal jgn kerana santan pulut binasa, kerana mulut rakyat binasa

  3. See the 'niat' of Padi Rescue first lah.....

    .....mebbe becos of things like this?

    "Skandal Felda Global Ventures Holdings Bhd (FGV) lebih besar daripada skandal yang menyelubungi 1MDB kerana ia memberi kesan kepada lebih banyak orang, kata ahli ekonomi terkemuka, Prof Dr Jomo Kwame Sundaram.

    "Terdapat kecenderungan semua orang dalam pembangkang memberi tumpuan kepada 1MDB, tetapi ada lebih banyak perkara tak masuk akal dan bukan hanya 1MDB sahaja.

    "Skandal yang lebih besar pada pandangan saya, yang menjejaskan lebih ramai orang, adalah FGV," kata Jomo dalam forum bertajuk "Membayangkan Masa Depan: Malaysia Mendepani PRU14" di Bangsar hari ini.

    Beliau menegaskan bahawa peneroka Felda mengambil bahagian dalam Tawaran Awam Permulaan (IPO) terbesar dunia dengan FGV pada pertengahan 2012, tetapi kini harga saham berkenaan kurang daripada 40 peratus daripada nilai asal.

    Ini katanya, menyebabkan Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak 'merasuah' peneroka antara lain dengan menghapuskan hutang penanaman semula sebanyak RM5,000.

    "Ini menggariskan betapa sensitifnya isu itu," katanya."

    FACT: Wherever there is money, the dirty hands of Umno will steal it......

    ......why Annuar Musang not charged over Kelate FA and MARA? Of cos not as big criminal as Jibros but still very bad!!!!

    Remember these sins.

    1. Here's the problem:

      PM Rosie is both corrupt AND incompetent.

      Everything must be "cash is king".

      To cover their many crimes, they have to offer money and position.

      To win votes, they need to bribe.

      Ahhhh, those were the long-gone days when we had a PM who we could look up to, despite his faults.

      Dr M's wit and humour is still strong:

      "Responding to Selangor ruler Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah's scorching remarks about him, Dr Mahathir Mohamad admitted in jest that he sets things on fire with his temper.

      "Yes, I am a very angry man, you can see how angry I am.

      "I will burn you, I am always burning things," the 92-year-old former premier told reporters with a stern face, but broke into a broad grin moments later."

      Classy and funny always.

      All that Pokjib Pinklips can do is "jerit". That stupid video of him is on loop in the MRT train TV. When he starts shouting his self-praise, you can see the people on the train staring in disgust.


      No charisma, no vision, no nothing.

      Just stolen money.

      That's all.

    2. najis tong klepet is one of worst public speaker of all times.......no volume control....down, then UPPPPPPP then down, then PYSCHO.........i prefer listen to cats fighting

    3. "Ahhhh, those were the long-gone days when we had a PM who we could look up to, despite his faults."

      Dr M was a strong and consistent voice for Palestine and for Developing World issues.


      The Bugis Jelly is now going to Istanbul for emergency summit.

      No spine.

      Wants to look "Islamic"...

      ...and also wants to jilat Trump's rear end because of DOJ suit.

      Pretends to support RU355...

      ...steals money for his stepson to make porno movies in USA.

      The hypocrisy is staggering.

      So short circuit, lah.

      Najib is 100% opportunist.

      Now it's blown up in his face.

    4. Annuar Musang case......"NFA"

      On Jan 12, the Umno information chief was accused of using his position to force Pelaburan Mara Bhd (PMB) and Universiti Kuala Lumpur (UniKL) to sponsor the Kelantan football team.

      Johor Crown Prince Tunku Ismail Sultan Ibrahim had accused him of doing so, revealing documents detailing the said transactions.

      Tunku Ismail asked if the sponsorship was the reason why UniKL was forced to reduce scholarships for its students by RM700 million last year.

      Typical lah MACC....only there to protect the crooks

  4. Lebai Sudin,

    Anak nelayan, eh?

    That is a profession which has been sadly suffering from poor fish stock management :(

    I know that UMNO/BN have been handing out free nets, free winches, etc in some places but what the fisherfolk really need is a more comprehensive and more effective fisheries policy.

    Heheheheh!! Yeah, I know about those free nets and free winches. Sssshhh, can't tell you how I know :)

    Anyway, Padi Rescue.

    Hm.. isn't rice controlled by Syed Mokhtar?

    I don't think he would let go of that monopoly easily.

    No smart businessman gives away a monopoly!

    //Aku kalau tak makan nasi sehari, macam tak lengkap kehidupan pada hari itu.//


    An extremely well-travelled friend of mine had lived overseas for many years, so he is supposedly quite used to the om putih diet.

    Anyway, after being back in Malaysia for a few years, he fell back into the habit of eating rice every day.

    When he was in Frankfurt, for a week(?), for a trade show, he said the first 3 days without rice was OK.

    But on the 4th day - tak bolih tahan he said, and he had to find a Chinese restaurant to satisfy his craving.

    He said the Chinese food was expensive and lousy but
    he didn't care - he just had to eat some rice - even one teaspoon would have made him happy.

    As you can see, Malays and Chinese in Malaysia are not that much different when it comes to rice :)

    Unless, of cos, you are talking about the Chinese from Northern China - they don't eat rice in Northern China nor do they have soya sauce!!


  5. Lebai,
    Cerita nak selamat padi, ayam itik kita cerita kemudian..

    Keutamaan sekarang..tolong bagi idea pada Najib..
    Umno pun dah nak karam..

    1. Betol kah UMNO boleh karam, analyst James Chin pun dah kata UMNO/BN akan menang besar kerana dapat pertolongan dari hadi.

      Jadi apa lagi idea yang najid perlu, ada hadi sudah cukup, secukup cukupnya.

  6. SG,

    //Since your friend mentioned about being an anak nelayan, can I safely presume that he comes from a well off family//

    Actually, not many fishermen are rich.

    There are probably about 50 fishermen around my kampung and none of them are wealthy.

    Most of them struggle to make a living due to declining catches.

    All the big fish, i.e. the breeding stock, have been taken out of the system and now, there are just the little fish.

    Also, uncontrolled developement and land clearing for oil palm plantations have destroyed fish breeding grounds as well.

    This is just what is happening around my kampung.

    Imagine what is happening in fishing villages all over Malaysia.

    We used to be able to catch two-spotted gouramis in the longkangs - there were thousands of them.

    Today? Not one single one can be seen - the longkangs are putrid with garbage from "civilisation".

    I had previously mentioned the free nets and free winches I saw?

    Well, that fishing village was just pathetic - it was easy to tell that those fishermen were living in abject poverty.

    I saw a house which had a family living there - it was a shack of approximately 15feet x 15feet!!

    I saw 2 young children hiding in the shack - too shy to come out because I was a stranger.

    I could see a TV so they must have access to some electricity from somewhere - probably from the fishing co-op.

    I am sure they feel good listening to Najib Razak on TV3, telling them that life is good and rakyat di dahulukan.

    This is the life of some Malays in Selangor.

    And I am told that, statistically, the father and mother each earn an average of USD$12,000 a year - really?

    The WHOLE fishing village was about the same.

    I wonder who has their share of the USD$12,000.

    Not me.



    1. Thanks Saudara Gladiator.
      I was just being sarcastic.
      I know the dire straits our fishermen are in.
      Being exploited to the max by unscrupulous people who are laughing all the way to the bank while the poor fishermen suffer and remain in poverty.
      Like their predecessors before them.
      Life sure sucks being a fisherman.
      Is there really any long term plans or programs to help alleviate their livelihood?

  7. If we care to read history,the so-called 'rakyat marhin' have become the political capital since Anwar Ibrahim was a student leader a long time ago.
    Remember when the students used to demonstrate against the govenment under the pretext of defending these marginalized group of people.Rubber tappers,padi farmers and fishermen.
    Anwar Ibrahim even created a story of rubber tappers died due to starvation.huhu.
    I believe nowadays the life of padi farmers,rubber tappers and fishermen are getting better due to social upward mobility through education.The father was a rubber tapper but his son is now a professor@ prof kangkung

  8. SG,

    //I was just being sarcastic.//

    My apologies.

    Sometimes I need to tambah extra sarcasm to taste it :)

    //Is there really any long term plans or programs to help alleviate their livelihood?//

    That is a question which Lebai Sudin might like to discuss because of his close ties with the nelayans.

    I have mentioned the free nets and free winches but I think there might be other things like improvements to jetties, new engines, etc.

    But these are all useless if there are no fish to catch!!

    On my part, I just want to know what the Govt is doing in terms of managing our fish stocks.

    No, I don't want to know the policies.

    I am sure there are hundreds and thousands of policies drawn up, sitting on the shelves, waiting for someone to read them.

    I want to know what physical actions have been taken, I want to know the results of those physical actions, I want to know how successful those physical actions have been in meeting their targets.

    So, hopefully Lebai Sudin would write something about nelayans.

    He doesn't need to do any research, just writing from his personal experience should make it interesting for those of us who have never really thought about what it is to be a nelayan or an anak nelayan :)

    Like I said, I am always interested in the lives of others.


  9. Our agriculture sectors are highly subsidied industries by the govt
    For eg. Padi,rubber and oil palm
    Its about past and present management
    A grand idea with diminishing dependant on importation of rice
    Importation and distribution are allowed until such/certain time
    This senario is best described as a'learning curve'
    Income derived from importation/distribution will spawned/developed local rice producing industries
    Rice is our staple and we talked about trains,boats,buses and planes
    This shows how disenchanted we are


  10. Fadzireen,

    //A grand idea with diminishing dependant on importation of rice //

    Thanks for pointing that out.

    Like you said, it is a grand idea.

    But do we know the results of this grand idea?

    Has rice production gone up?

    Have rice imports dropped?

    Have the money derived from importation/distribution gone back into spawning/developing rice producing industries?

    Is it all still just a grand idea with lots of money spent and just Syed Mokhtar making bucketloads of money from his monopoly?

    As usual, it is lots of talk, lots of policies but we the rakyat never get to know what the progress have been made and what the results are.

    It's the same with the PR1MA fiasco, great idea, billions spent, next to zero news on progress, very little results and nobody really know what is happening there.


    1. Not just PR1MA.

      Felda, TH, SRC, 1MDB, MARA, KWAP.

      All victims of Umno corruption.

      In fact the biggest enemy of the Malays now is not Najib but Hadi.

      From James Chin:

      "Najib has cleverly used the 2018 budget to channel aid to more than seven million Malaysians in the bottom 40 per cent of the population using cash transfers and individual tax cuts. The 1.5 million-strong civil service will get additional days off, unrecorded leave for umrah pilgrimage and easier promotions.

      Going forward, the only danger facing Najib is Hadi’s health. Hadi has suffered several heart attacks and there is a possibility that a fatal heart attack could occur anytime. If he dies, PAS will split and Najib may not be able to hold the new PAS leaders to the deal made with Hadi."

      PAS leaders now can drive luxury cars with custom numberplate, thanks to Hadi selling his party's maruah to the pink-lipped crook.

      No wonder the rakyat in Terengganu kicked the loser out after just 1 term.

  11. Anonymous @ 13 December 2017 at 12:26,

    //Felda, TH, SRC, 1MDB, MARA, KWAP.

    All victims of Umno corruption.//

    I didn't want to mention those GLCs because I didn't want this to turn into a shit-fight about corruption.

    I was talking about policies, the seeming lack of action in carrying out those policies and the total lack of an effective reporting mechanism back to the rakyat on progress and performance.

    As Fadzireen correctly pointed out we have great policies in regards to rice but we are talking about cars, boats and planes!!

    Like WTF!!

    //Going forward, the only danger facing Najib is Hadi’s health.//

    Punishment from Allah?

    I'll bet Hadi continues to turn to Nasrani western medicine to heal him.

    I wonder why he doesn't just pray harder?

    //PAS leaders now can drive luxury cars with custom numberplate, thanks to Hadi selling his party's maruah to the pink-lipped crook//

    Please do not accuse Hadi of selling out his party's maruah. Do you have 4 witnesses? :)

    For all we know, those cars and condos are blessings from Allah for leading a pious life.

    Note that no witnesses are required for said blessings - the cars and condos themselves are sufficient evidence that they have been blessed.


  12. World top five rice exporters by USD
    (1)India 5.2 b. Population 1.3 b
    (2)thailand 4.4 b. 66 m
    (3)USA 1.9 b. 300 m
    (4)Pakistan 1.7 b. 200 m
    (5)Vietnam 1.6 b. 93 m
    After feeding their own population they have surpluses for export
    When we were in primary school in the 60s,geography taught us that Kedah is the rice bowl of Malaya
    Are we gearing towards industrilisation
    Home grown product are half foreign own
    Where are we heading not here or there

