Wednesday 8 May 2013

Searching for the moderate Johorean inside me.

There is this comment in my previous posting which made me feel so sad.

Annie, you may be emotional when you speak of this.
But think carefully.
We want to fix race-relations, not further destroy it.
While there are still few Chinese who support the government, there is still hope.
This just shows that Najib's tactic of showering money on the Chinese is not the right way to woo them.
He has to tackle concrete issues - issues that they're unhappy about.
Not just suap them with more and more money.
Get Najib to find out the issues that resonates with them the loudest (by reading DAP's papers) and use that information against DAP themselves.

We mustn't throw in the towel yet. Malaysia's racial ties hung in a very frail balance now.

There are other similar comments in my other post-GE13 postings.

They made me asked myself what I have become.

I don't really like what I have become these past few days.

They were right. I need to calm down and suppress my anger.

They made me remember my mother. She is a Chinese.

They made me remember my grandmother, grandfather, aunts and cousins. They are Chinese.

How am I to go back to Kluang and celebrate the next Chinese New Year with them while feeling like this?

The hurt of seeing Datuk Abdul Ghani Othman being betrayed was so painful and deep. I do not know whether it will ever heal inside me.

But I will try.

The last question I asked Datuk Ghani at Persada, JB on the night of his defeat was, does he still believes in the "Johor moderate way".

"Yes, I still believe in it," he said before shaking my hand for the very last time. His hand was firm as he holds mine.

I will try to be like Datuk Ghani.


  1. That's the spirit, Annie. Thanks Hans Solo.

    Annie, I know you are disheartened, disappointed, sad and angry. Things don't always turn out the way we expect but don't lose that sweet nature of yours.

    Wishing you all the best. Take care.

  2. Dear Annie,
    Dissing in public just add fuel to the fire...chill a bit..Blaming the chinese is the easiest way out..

    Umno needs to have a sincere post-mortem..i.e. feedbacks from grassroots not some mumbo-jumbo analysis from so-called CON-sultants..Why the chinese ditched BN and why Malay support is decreasing..these are essential..

    Please Ditched all these Mat Rempit convoy with underage non-eligible young voters zig-zagging the streets..naik menyampah org kampung tgkla..

    and to YB Dun Mahkota Dato Jais..please show ur face more often especially in kg melayu..these is where the UMNO sentiment is still strong...worked ur ass off for the malays, the indian and the chinese.. If u are not there at least make sure ur P.A is there ready to assist 24/7..

  3. If you wish to live by Muslim faith and the good old Johor way, practice it.
    Moderation - either in wealth, thoughts, emotion and action are what was preached by Muhammad and translated by Ghani in his modern administration.
    Continue being a sound minded and moderate citize. Johoreans are known as practical simpletons. Be you a Cina, Melayu, India, Jakun, Jawa, Semai, Singh, Bugis, Baba atau apa2 saja.
    Those who has voted against what you had hoped have their own good reasons to do so.
    At least they voted...not being the anarchist who'd bringing it to the street. That is th correct way.
    Regardless, now is the time for BN Johor to form an apolitical government. As did Ghani.


  4. What concrete issues? Kenapa dia orang asyik fikir dia orang sahaja yang yang berhak kat tanah melayu ni.. dan dan perlu diberi perhatian lebih daripada anak pribumi yang lain. Seperti perlu diberikan perhatian dan memenuhi kehendak mereka dahulu sebelum membantu. You reap what you sow..

  5. In many senses, Hans is correct.
    The Chinese are wondering why can't they enjoy the rights as a Bumiputra.
    This is because the Bumis still overides the privileges bestowed by the Perlembagaan.
    This is not wrong.
    What is wrong is we Malay are still weak and malas and lembab and inefficient.
    The Chinese are actually frustated as to why this is so...despite their wait for us to be as them - hardworking and tenacious and efficient.
    Perhaps this is the time we should consider these two options:
    1) Give the non-bumis equal privileges as the bumis.
    2) Strengthen the bumis thru education (not free one!, discounted is okay) and English and Chinese languages...then slowly withhold the privileges. I said withhold...not eliminating them altogether.

    for me I choose number 2.

    I am raising my bumi children as non-Bumi.

    Again, Syamsul.

    1. "What is wrong is we Malay are still weak and malas and lembab and inefficient."

      This is so, so wrong. It's well past the time when we let the myth of the lazy native die and rot. Do you know that there are hundreds of thousands of thriving Bumi entrepreneurs now? They are not seen because most of them are not in retail.

      Also, do you know that many Chinese are also weak, malas, lembab and inefficient? Many of them just like to hang out or turn to selling illegal DVDs as an easy way out. No different from our Malay "mat rempits".

      Stop looking down on the Malays, and maybe they will surprise you.

    2. Dear Ramayana,

      Thank you for highlighting my negative statement, though i did not intend to mean it as you would've read it.
      Laziness is not a racial trait.
      It is a habit - a luxury which we should not acquire.
      I agree with you that there are many lazy Chinese, just as many as the Malays.
      And I know that there are many successful Bumi entrepeneur out there.
      For myself, I am trying to be berdikari from certain clauses in the Perlembagaan.
      I will continue to try to surprise myself in the meantime.
      Thank you again.


      p/s: I wonder why you pen the name Ramayana. But then again it is a nice name with good meaning.

    3. Syamsul, it is more than time for the Malays to pen a new CV for themselves. The NEP went a long way towards creating a Malay middle class. Too bad some of the urban generation have no roots and no ties to the past, that they cannot appreciate what the NEP has done for them.

      But forget about the past. Yes, let's look forward to the future where Malays write their own history instead of still adhering to the one handed down by the colonial masters.

      Not only can we do it, we are already doing it. Malays have become successful in droves. That's why the Chinese are jealous and fearful - we have proven in many spaces that we can be their equals, at the very least, if not better. So the cosy myth that they also grew up with no longer holds true.

  6. You are doing fine Annie, keep it up.

    One or two diverging comments are expected.

    Good race relation is all about each race giving as much as possible to attain a situation where every race still maintain their character while acknowledging and respecting each other.

    In our situation, the chinese wants more such that the equilibrium will be tilted towards them and the expense of others.

    The malays have too accommodating for too long.

    Time to wake up.

  7. There's no reason for BN to cater for Chinese demands anymore.
    It's obvious that what they really want is DAP in power no matter what.
    Gelang Patah was just a test and they failed it big time.

    The Chinese are a lost cause.
    Better for BN to focus on neutralizing PAS and PKR support instead.

    1. What about all the malays who voted for dap in gelang patah? When will you realise that bn did badly because of its bullshit policies?

    2. My calculations indicate that less than 5% Malays voted for Lim Kit Siang. These are probably the Malay DAPs, PAS and PKR hardcore members.

    3. i agree. the chinese dig their own grave and now trying to be say no to racism campaign when the malay show signs of retaliation. what???? shd have thought it in their campaign before election. chinese cannot be trusted. enough said. what they say and what they do are two different things.

    4. The fact is, the Chinese made a big mistake in Gelang Patah. Sekarang perahu dah terlajak. Terima je lah.

  8. :)

    Love your writings. They are honest and passionate.

  9. Dear Annie,
    I think you are endlessly naive. You just got won over by Hans Solo's comment! You really believe Han's logic ? What Hans had just said was just to dupe the Malays into giving all that Chinese want (see "read DAP's papers, he suggested). In other words the Chinese will get their objectives by another route, having failed by the direct route. Don't you see Hans cunningness. Does Hans mean other races have no 'wants'; only Chinese have 'wants'. And, all Chinese 'wants' must be fulfilled ! Enough is enough ! We have seen the true Chinese character now, haven't we ? Ghani Othman epitomises the Malay person - 'moderation', which Chinese never understand or appreciate.

    1. omg jauhkanlah NIAT buruk tu!
      Cuba baca apa yang saya tuliskan itu betul2!!

      Siapa yg bagi duit and allocation berjuta utk sekolah cina dan sebagainya bagi benefit org Cina?
      Najib bukan?
      Adakah duit it berjaya membuatkan orang Cina mengundi utk BN?

      Jadi memberikan lebih byk duit dan duit tidak berguna. Duit itu boleh digunakan utk pembangunan di mana yang memerlukannya, bukan utk memaut hati pengundi-pengundi tertentu!

      Saya sarankan kita, dan pemimpin MELAYU kita LEBIH BIJAK menangani hal ini. Kaji MENGAPA DAP SANGAT BERKESAN DALAM MENARIK UNDI KAUM CINA. Kaji dan devise a tactic that can overcome that. BE SMARTER!!

      Itu yang saya cakap, dari melulu saja dgn emosi amarah, BE SMARTER! be SMARTER to overcome the adversary, guna otak, bukan emosi atau kekuatan fizikal!

    2. Nama pun Hans Solo!
      Istilah orang Han pun sama dengan orang Cina.
      Mesti orang Cina Han berpura2 jadi Melayu buat komen...

      Celaka punya Hans, orang Han...

      ~ Bukan Orang Han

    3. I suspect Han Solo is a young adult who still wears rose-tinted glasses. You need to wake up and realise the real politics of the other side. They don't give you a quarter, we don't have to give them an inch.

      Take what they have, and spread the wealth around. That's what we did post May 13, and everyone got their share, in the end.

    4. I never said anything about giving an inch. Which is why again, and again, I emphasized: BE SMART.

      Don't get angry, GET EVEN.

      and by GET EVEN, bukannya kita memukul atau membelasah mereka. Kita 'get even' by BEING ONE STEP AHEAD OF THEM.

      Gunakan duit utk pembangunan nasional. Perkukuhkan budaya bangsa, semaikan semangat nasionalisme. In order to do that BN will have to really get its act together. Get rid of the useless cabinet, pump new blood - people who are passionate about helping the people. BE BETTER THAN OUR OPPOSITION, so they;ll just be reduced to bickering and fighting among themselves. Be FIRM, introduce an anti-slander law so no more fitnah will float around to confuse the people. SO MANY THINGS TO THINK OF AND DO!

      And that means getting angry and lashing out won't do a thing.

      We get even BY BEING SMARTER.

      p/s Hans Solo = orang Han? Hang tak pernah tengok cerita Star Wars ke??? aduiii

    5. Alamak, kenapa bergaduh pulak ni. Think rationally.

      We cannot blame the Chinese alone for rejecting BN. What about those PAS and PKR supporters. Aren't the majority of them Malays? Don't they get and enjoy all the bumi priviledges all these while? Why do they still turn their back on BN/UMNO? Can you answer this? I posted these questions again and again in other blogs as well, so that UMNO supporters will sit down and think rationally.

      Yes, the Chinese perceived the Malays as being lazy, in general. So, show them that we are not. The Malays have certainly divided. LKS sees that and take the opportunity to unite the Chinese into one. And unite they did and he wins. That's what the Malays should do too. Unite. Remember the phrase, bersatu kita teguh, bercerai kita roboh?

      There is nothing wrong with having a Chinese representative in the cabinet. How big is the percentage of Malays speak other languages? How about chinese dialects? For all you know, they may be planning to throw you out right in front of you and you do not even know it! Yet, the Chinese understand almost every single words that you say. To beat them is to know them. The Chinese know about the Malays, the do and the don't, but the Malays know nuts about them. If the Malays completely reject the Chinese, how to know their game and beat them?

    6. exactly, anak jati Johor - that's my point.
      We shouldn't be getting pissed and fanning sentiments so people will retaliate physically.
      We just need to be smarter.
      And to do that, we need to spend all our times productively instead of being pissed off and giving in to our emotions.

  10. Soalan yang ditanya oleh semua YB yang telah berkhidmat dengan cemerlang kepada semua kaum, tetapi dinyah begitu sahaja.... "kawe ni saloh di mano"

  11. Actually what the Chinese want is simple, do what Tun did, business! That's it.

    1. Then, after they gain everything, they use what they gain from you to kill you back. No more gifts for the chinese. Business must be shared with all races, not specifically to the chinese only, furthermore to gain vote that you will never get!

  12. We need ISA...then every one can be moderated.

  13. not to forget the red bean army. what is that for? to cultivate more hatred to the government (read malay)? more chinese raciscm?

    DAP has done it the dirty way. Attack all those agencies like PDRM, SPR, ATM, etc. etc. what the hell were those flyers, sms? full of hatred.

    You may see their action in the past. The DAP especially. I dont want to elaborate. Search for yourselves. In Penang and Selangor.

    If they were so sincere in having good governance, CAT, their (DAP) action wouldn't be like this.

  14. Sabar Annie. We have work to do i.e Fight the culprit on the cyberspace. Let's keep promoting moderation for Malaysia.

  15. I think the Chinese kena tipu hidup-hidup dengan Anwar Ibrahim.

  16. Hans is the real Darth Vader with evil force. Just look at his silly comment -read DAP's publications and use against them. How to use against them when UMNO is buying and rearing cows in Sinkapore and yet many are living below poverty line? UMNO is the government and hold taxpayers income tax. Just look Government can buy submarines but cannot give askar2 and polisi reasonable wages. If not for PR and DAP, will UMNO increase their salary? Penang and Seloangor Governemnt start to give bonus and UMNO government follows. Why not goe against it? When one himself is wrong and someone point out, when UMNO wants to continue to be wrong by going against the pointers. When PR ask for debate, why UMNO would not dare?

    1. dah sah sangat member kacang merah ni.
      i think you may have to start moderating your blog's comments, Annie.

  17. it is not about what the Chinese want. It is about what the Malays can give. What the Chinese want has no limit, no way the Malays can give

    1. Not what chinese want - what rakyat want - good government. Why Federal Government do not give reasonable oil royalty to kelantan, Sarawak and Sabah. Why there is Hindraf and Indians complain too?

    2. Rakyat want good government? So why didn't you demand that in Penang and Selangor? Mata cemey ka?

    3. haiya. what do the malay want? what do the chinese want? what do the indians want? so many people want so many things. But often not possible to give. should we instead ask how much the malays willing to sacrifice, how much the chinese willing to sacrifice and how much the indians willing to sacrifice?

  18. The Chinese want what the Malays have, but they do not want to share with the Malays, what they have.

    That sums up the Chinese mentality.

  19. Annie,

    Enough on Ghani, he had his time. Unfortunately he overstayed. The fact that he did not go for state constituency, tell us that somebody somewhere that matter do not want him anymore.

    He is history.

    Let's move forward.

    Somebody, somewhere loves you, that's where you should focus.

    1. there are warlords in UMNo wanted to finish him off and yet brainless people still cry and said racist tones. Supporters in UMNO should keep him in state seats and let MCA fight with DAP. Umno wanted to make Ghani a superman but not willing to accept any fall.
      Wei Choon gets sliver and not Gold in badminton. Why UMNo do not tell Peoples Republic of China - racist, buy china good last and never trust China?

    2. hey bro,

      Do you have the proof that UMNO warlords wants him out?

      If not, shut up.

      Don't perpetuate your master's lies and deceits here,

      Go spread it at Malaysiakini or Malaysian Insider.

    3. Bullshit. Ghani was placed there because Najib wanted the Chinese to make stand. Reject chauvinism and cakap angin for 47 years, or reject moderation and proven track record? The Chinese chose. They made their biggest blunder since May 1969 when they went on the streets tayang bontot kat orang Melayu on May 11 and 12.

    4. Dem najib looks really pissed with the decision of the chinese. Maybe somehow before this, there is still hope for the chinese in his heart, its called denial. Now, from his recent interviews, he is more charged and act like a true leader and not just pengampu cina. Chinese prove themselves to najib that he is wrong.

  20. Annie, be strong in your conviction.

    This I got from OutSyed The Box:
    "(Let me share a secret ok - the Chinese have never supported the BN in any great numbers throughout our history. According to Rita Sim the highest Chinese support for the BN was in 1995 - about 30% of Chinese voted for BN. The lowest - before May 5th - was about 20%. I think on May 5th the Chinese support slipped below 20%)."

    After all the bowing and scrapping done by all the PMs of Malaysia, the best support is 30%.

    Najib did the most bowing and scrapping (even acted in CNY advert) and they gave him 3% support. Need we say more?

    Enough of what the Chinese want. Now is the time for what the Malay-Bumi-Indian want.

    As your earlier commenter said "What the Chinese want has no limit". We should just leave them alone. They are already rich. Staying in urban area with all the best facilities.

    If your conviction waver, remember this. BN leaders have apologised for many of their mistakes. Did you ever hear any apology from DAP leaders and supporters for calling our men in uniform, the people that protect them and theirs, dog? For their incitement of wanting to use kalimah Allah... and many many more?

    Frankly I don't like this either, but I have to stay strong. If not, Cina will ketawakan Melayu lagi... hangat-hangat tahi ayam.

    1. You mean malays don't live in Urban areas and chinese do not live in kampongs or new villages? Please go and examine your eyes and brain. Sorry you need not to examine them as you have the characterics of 3 monkeys.
      You and umno ministers do not live in urban areas? Former Indo Selangor MB built luxury bungalows for themselves and even former Port Kelang ADUN build 3 storey palatial building and satay warong in his area.

    2. more poor Bumi in rural than urban areas. Time the government put more emphasis in these area, instead of the already over-facilitated urban areas.

      Red Bean Man, why didn't you include Anwar's 7 million mansion in Segambut, mmkay?

  21. for an indepth introduction to todays Malaysian Chinese.....please go to comment any comment column on MALAYSIAKINI...

    1. Yes, full of lies and hearsay (expected from kafiruns)

      Read with your head

    2. Masuk Malaysiakini ibarat masuk kandang babi, bro. Rasa kotor dan jijik. That's the epitomy of a fair and free press? Boleh blah.

    3. Malaysia Kini is like a kill-malay fest in disguise. Using UMNO/government to cover up their anti-malay sentiment.

  22. Moderation has died. The ultra malays will emerge. But dont worry, ultra malays will never be like ultra chinese.

    1. Agreed. Racist will be the new catch phrase.

      Before this only the Chinese used it extensively but I noticed now the Malays dah terang2 panggil Cina rasis.

      Buy Malaysian Chinese Last (BMCL) is a good campaign. Not a total boikot, just be mindful of our purchases. The Chinese never appreciate our buying power anyway. So why should they worry now?

      When they boikot roti Gardenia, Mydin, Felda products.. we Malays didn't say anything. We didn't accuse them as racists.

      So if we Malays wish to "Buy Malaysian Chinese Last", by right they should not object.

      Why? Only they can play the game? Only they have rights? We Malays have no rights?

    2. I was just thinking... I think from now onwards we should be wary of anonymous comments that ask for reconciliation..forgive and forget.

      Maybe their cybertroopers will change tone, now that most Malays are angry. How to recognise the real concerned commentor vs the cybertroopers?

    3. It is ok, the idea of the discussions are to keep reminding each other.

      If their cybertroopers came up with comments that is worthy of rebuttal, then we respond, otherwise just take note of their mindset and ignore them.

      Anyway, the blog owner, will filter the useless ones.

      Keep on pouring out your thought here.

    4. agree..dont be too soft with this kiasu clan...if you look in all the chinese forum in think they talk nice thing about us?..depan2x senyum-senyumlah tpi dalam hati ada tandas banyak busuk.

    5. The DAP cyber troopers and chinese generally, from the facebook wall started posting say 'no to racism, we are all one' bullshit. You shit me not, cakap tak serupa bikin. This may work well with the malay simpletons and easily been conned and sympathise those two face cybertroopers.

    6. i am no Malay simpleton - no peace, no reconciliation, no giving to the chinese, maintain status quo

  23. What the PM should do:
    1. Make learning Mandarin language compulsory. English is compulsory, why not mandarin?
    2. The akujanji, only honour the place/candidate that you win.
    3. All the monies that supposed to hand out to Chinese, use it to enriched the elementary schools. Make sekolah kebangsaan as good or better than the sekolah jenis kebangsaan.

    1. No, no, no. Duit yang nak bagi kat SJKC tu, divert to sekolah pondok and buat kolej-kolej Islam instead.

    2. Agree with anon 19.14.

      BN please fullfill all aku janji at the place which support you. The place who reject you, just leave them be. They already have everything right?

      Why not give all those budget to us who need it most. We support you becouse we believe you can fulfill your aku janji.

      They support PR becouse they believe PR will fulfill their Pakatan Untuk Rakyat. If they want something just ask them to request from their PR ADUN and MP.

      We will request from our BN ADUN and MP. We make our choice and they make theirs. Let their chosen one work.

      And for MCA, just close your MCA center and relocate to BN Area. We need you more than those urbanite are. After all this time, you are the only one who help them but for those urbanite, you just a tools for their ADUN and MP to go for 5 years honeymoon and give them a lots of free time to backstap.

    3. Dear Ramayana.
      I object.
      Jangan buat sekolah pondok atau kolej Islam. Sepatutnya kita kurangkan bidang agama. Banyakkan sekolah vokasional atau technical atau adakan Sek.Inggeris = SRJK(E). Pelajaran agama hanya satu subject di sekolah.

      Kalau terlalu banyak pelajaran agama, akan buat orang Melayu jumut. Nanti di ajar yang pelik-pelik sepert:-
      - haram beri salam pada orang bukan Islam.
      - haram ucap selamat hari natal.
      - dengar bunyi petir, kata Tuhan sedang tembak iblis.
      - dunia dah nak kiamat, mesti tumpu pada akhirat saja.
      - pergi haji boleh hapus dosa?
      - dan lain-lain karut-marut.
      Terlalu banyak Agama akan buat kita lebih ketinggalan di belakang. Silap-silap kita jadi Taliban pulak. Kalau di ajar terlebih agama, mereka akan sokong PAS.


    4. Sekolah Agama is okay. Just make sure it is sekolah agama integrasi where the students take religious studies and learn science at the same time. Somewhat like the education system at the time of Al-Arabi, Ibn Sina and Al Jabr and all that. They were not only well versed in Islamic Law and the Qur'an but also well versed in philosophy, literature, languages, Mathematics, Science, Astronomy etc etc. We need all-rounded students like these. Innovators but at the same time, religious. It does not mean that terlebih agama jd Taliban. these are all bollocks that the Western media hv fed us especially kalau pg sekolah madzhab Pamela Geller.


    5. Sekolah agama?

      Seriously we need a technical revolution like the Japanese did.

      The world is getting more complicated, a lot of people are needed in a lot of scientific and technological fields.

      Or if you want a shortcut you could do the Chinese way and have spies steal everything if you can.

  24. Have you all noticed that The Star, which supposedly an MCA outfit, is currently giving full coverage to Pakatan, especially DAP?

    Look like the paper is actually working for the chinese community at large and they probably had shifted their weight behind DAP, the new champion of the race.

    1. Buy Chinese Last! includes jangan beli The Star. Jangan ambik The Sun walaupun free. Beli NST.

    2. Agreed. The Sun sucks! Very lopsided. Melayu yg worth his/her salt shd stop buying the Star. Just read the online version..

    3. hits to online sites still earns revenue from ads.

    4. yeah I stop buying the Star. StarOnline pun dah tak tengok

  25. true..i worked in a chinese majority company many malas chinese in it...pandai main politik also...depan bos rajin belakang....come to work on weekends konon rajin but busy w personal things...

    1. true. Chinese in private sector pun banyak yang corrupt. If they control the government, they can be corrupt too

  26. 100% agree with anon 19.14

  27. Dear All,

    Please do not lose sight that BN remain in power because Allah wants it.

    HE could have easily given it to Pakatan and Muhyiddin is now the leader of the opposition.

    Allah knows how many muslims perform solat hajat asking HIM for a BN victory and also for HIM not to give us leaders from the evil camp.

    Orang PAS pun mendoakan kemenangan kepada pejuang Islam di Malaysia (Now we know who are fighting for Islam).

    The fact that BN barely won, take it as a warning for BN to look at itself, identify their wrongdoings, repent, seek forgiveness and strive for the righteous path.

    So, let us show our gratitude to Allah and continue to pray for Islam to continue to be supreme.

    1. I live n Selangor.
      I don't know why it takes so long to decide our MB. If our MB is from PAS, I would be very glad if Hudud is implemented. Sure no corruption in Selangor. No nepotism, no crony dealing in government projects.

      PAS should also change off day, from Sunday to Friday.

      "So, let us show our gratitude to Allah and continue to pray for Islam to continue to be supreme".


    2. very sarcastic. I like that. PAS as MB in Selangor? fat chance.

  28. Joke of the Day (as always appeared on The Star)

    hahahahaha.. can't stop laughing

    GE13: DAP condemns social network users for spreading rumours

    BENTONG: Ketari DAP assemblyman Lee Chin Chen has condemned those using social networking sites to spread allegations of a blackout during tallying of votes on Sunday.

    Lee said those responsible should stop spreading such allegations and advised the public against believing the purported incident.

    “None of our aides or myself are involved in sending out any SMSes or uploading the incident of a blackout in the tallying centre.

    “This is not the work of the DAP and I urge the police to investigate the matter,” he said.

    1. It wasn't DAP. It was Anugerah Tuhan!

  29. Kami orang islam percaya setiap yg berlaku , ada hikmahnya ..think positive ..nampak tak cerdik terus menyalahkn mereka . Ini betul2 wake up call utk org melayu bersatu . Syukur alhamdulillah allah masih sayang ..walau seluruh kaum cina undi pr bn masih berkuasa ...bayangkn allah takdirkn mereka berjaya ..tak taulah apa nasib ...walau sehebat mana mereka merancang , rancangan allah lagi hebat
    Walau mungkin pas x mau bersatu , umno kena libat gandakn daftar ahli baru dan yg paling penting pastikn penyokong2nya mengundi ...kalau mereka boleh kenapa umno x boleh ..kekalahan hanyalah kejayaan yg tertunda

    1. ramai orang Melayu langsung tidak mendaftar sebagai pengundi (my wife included). Peratusan pengundi Melayu kurang dari yang sepatutnya

      refer to this

  30. Dear Annie,

    Please be strong. Look what happen now. They start changing their tune. Why? Because they know, they create those ultra malays. And it regretable. The DAP start leaving them. Just like what happen to Indian on 2008. Now who will solve this problem?. They ask themself now, will BN will solved this problem after what they have done? Or BN will go all out to help those who help them aka Sabah and Serawak.

    They never imagine that the malay will fight back. They though they can take over the goverment if they go all out to vote for DAP. Unbeknown to them, they was only a pawn for those guys to take the power. A regret that was too late.

    You already voicing out your opinions and try to get them to understand what will happen. They the one who not listen. Let them be Annie. Just go on and remember, what is right will always right.

  31. to anon 23.10

    kenapa nak kurangkan sekolah agama? adakah sekolah agama mengajar benda jumud? anda ni seorang yang liberal kah?

    "Kalau terlalu banyak pelajaran agama, akan buat orang Melayu jumut. Nanti di ajar yang pelik-pelik sepert:-
    - haram beri salam pada orang bukan Islam.
    - haram ucap selamat hari natal.
    - dengar bunyi petir, kata Tuhan sedang tembak iblis.
    - dunia dah nak kiamat, mesti tumpu pada akhirat saja.
    - pergi haji boleh hapus dosa?
    - dan lain-lain karut-marut.
    Terlalu banyak Agama akan buat kita lebih ketinggalan di belakang. Silap-silap kita jadi Taliban pulak. Kalau di ajar terlebih agama, mereka akan sokong PAS."

    Dalam Islam memang tak boleh bagi salam (assalamu'alaikum) pada non muslim. Selamat pagi, selamat sejahtera sebagai ganti.

    Petir tu actually bukan tuhan tembak iblis. anda tahukan bahawa bunyi guruh itu disebabkan malaikat? dua kes ini anda kena cari sendiri sebab serta penjelasannya.

    siapa kata kena tumpu pada akhirat sahaja? Kajian Islam mana yang kau dah dapat ni? aku nak petik suatu phrase, tak pasti sama ada ayat quran atau hadis, lebih kurang begini, kalau kamu mahu dunia, mesti dengan ilmu, mahu akhirat mesti dengan ilmu, mahu kedua duanya mesti dengan ilmu. Kau mahu yang mana satu?

    Pergi haji Insya Allah akan hapus dosa, bawa pada kesedaran. Itu pun tertakluk pada syarat2 tertentu. sebelum kau nak pegi haji, mesti kau jumpa semua orang dan MINTA MAAF apa2 kesalahan kau kan? Mesti kau berlaku baik kan? Hopefully balik haji kau akan berubah menjadi seorang muslim yang lebih baik dan beriman. Next time jangan terus tembak bulat2 statement tu.

    Apa benda lain yang karut marut? Ajaran Islam sebenar tiada yang karut marut. Kelemahan orang sahaja yang jadi begitu.

    Bagi aku tambah sikit, Dalam Quran ada banyak fakta saintifik. Kalau kau biasa tengok forum Dr Zakir Naik, Ahmad Deedat, mesti kau teruja. Sejarah kegemilangan Islam dahulu dah ada sebagai bukti. Tokoh2 Islam seperti Ibnu Sina, Al Biruni, etc. itu lahir daripada sistem apa? Kalau kau tak minat nak pegi masjid solat berjemaah ke, even nak belek Quran pun, bila dah mati nanti mesti gak nak cari masjid untuk urusan kematian. Jadi, apakah pengajian Islam ini tidak penting? Dalam urusan seperti pembahagian harta, pembayaran zakat, itu pun dah melibatkan matematik. Belum lagi nak sebut kajibintang, biologi, geologi dan benda2 ghaib seperti syurga neraka, amaran hari kiamat, etc.

    Jangan nak samakan PAS dengan Islam. Asal saja sebut Islam, orang dah nak kaitkan dengan PAS! kah kah kah.... what a joke man! PAS memang Islam tapi Islam bukanlah PAS.. UMNO pun orang Islam, dalam PKR sendiri ada orang Islam, Dr Ridhuan Tee seorang cina tapi dia Islam. Apa lagi? Tolong la jangan salah faham tentang Islam.

    1. sekolah ugama jugak perlu di kawal itu hakikat...kalo tak byk radikal agama akan kita bila belajar agama tak boleh tidak akan nak jadi mcm arab saja..tak boleh berfikir secara kritis dan menjadi selektif..tak semua ilmu yg kita termakan sebagai ilmu agama itu btol..kebykannya mempunyai idea songsang yg timbul dr zaman pertengahan di tanah arab..tpi org kita ni majoriti semua yg bau arab dia main kaut je..sekolah agama perlu dikekalkn tpi kita perlu islam dulu hebat tpi kenapa sekarg mcm cikai..jgn asyik ckp salah yahudi..negara arab kaya mcm saudi dan UAE pun tak bleh nak tolong sedara seagama dan sebangsa dia kat palestin..ulamak byk tu kat sana..kenapa tak nak tolong?..sbbnya dorang habiskn masa bertekak tentang soal remeh dr mencipta sesuatu yg berguna kepada semua manusia..akal tuhan dah bagi tpi tak nak guna..yg di gunakan adalah ego..percayalah ego org agama ni mmg tebal.

  32. itu hanyalah persepsi dan mungkin juga benar. Ego nak kena jaga. Adakah ajaran Islam suruh umat Islam menjadi ego? Nabi Muhammad sendiri pun tak ego, sombong, bongkak walaupun baginda seorang yang terpilih malah menjadi kekasih Allah.

    Ulamak ni makin tinggi taraf main tinggi la godaan. Tengok saja apa yang Nik Aziz cakap, nak ludah muka orang? Adakah itu sesuatu yang patut keluar dari mulut seorang yang digelar Tok Guru, faham selok belok agama, warak??

    Aku tetap dengan pendirian, sekolah agama yang mengajar pelajaran agama Islam ini tidak bersalah. Orang2 yang menentukan hala tuju serta idealogi sekolah agama ini yang perlu dipertanggungjawabkan.

    Sekolah agama, masjid, aktiviti yang berkaitan dengan Islam, itu semua perlu serta ditambah baik. Kita perlukan orang Islam yang baik untuk menerajui kepimpinan. Secara logik, kalau seorang Islam itu benar2 beriman, apakah akan ada perkara2 yang mungkar yang tak sepatutnya berlaku? Tolak tepi fahaman politik. Tolak segala dakyah yang menyebabkan kekeliruan dalam Islam. Takde istilah fundamental, moderate muslim. Islam itu sendiri adalah sederhana. Ia takkan menyusahkan umatnya. Human factor is the reason.
