Monday, 9 April 2018

Not so fresh Ong Kian Ming versus Old School guys


By Putra Seri Kembangan

The nation is awaiting the line-up of big fights for the upcoming general election.

For now, let us reflect on this fascinating matchup the last time around, May 5 2013, of one particular contest that did not receive prominent coverage.

The Serdang parliamentary contest then, threw up all the footages, backdrop and personalities fit for a classic.

To appreciate its classic nature, let's return to 1969.

One, Yap Pian Hon was serving in the backrooms of an old clan association, the Yap's, founded way back in 1892.

He was plucked by the DAP to contest the Serdang state seat.

He won; only to cross over to the MCA five years later. He kept winning the local constituency, serving as a state Assemblyman, Selangor Exco member, and subsequently as a parliamentarian and sensationally as an "independent" vice president of MCA.

Dato Yap Pian Hon went on to retain his VP post despite not being honoured with a Cabinet nomination by his party.

In 2013, when the parliamentary seat was already known as Serdang, Yap Pian Hon contested against a wannabe, Ong Kian Ming, who chose a pathway diametrically opposite to Yap's.

Ong Kian Ming arrived in Serdang via the think-tank/consultancy/PhD route.

Old School versus fast-talking, viral-compatible aspirant.

Caught in another wave of political Tsunami, Yap Pian Hon was defeated.

Ong Kian Ming went to parliament, picking the right, shareable themes to maintain a high visibility presence.

Yap Pian Hon stayed on in his turf, Seri Kembangan, where he had in the mid 1990s raised funds to build a neighbourhood MCA building. He still operates out of the building which has effectively obscured the Serdang MCA Division. The divisional operations,  it seems, have slipped comfortably into the role of a defeated outcast.

Yap Pian Hon does his own paper cuttings and is active on Facebook. He straddles old and new territories.

In fact,  he  has consolidated his NGO grounding, heading a coalition of about 30 local NGOs.

The national media is cordially invited to speak to individual NGOs to have a sense of the mood on the ground.

The national political conversation tends to   ignore grassroots topics. We hope this will change.

Telltale signs are there. The media, the other day, visited Yap Pian Hon at his service centre, highlighting some of the bread-and-butter issues in Seri Kembangan.

Ong Kian Ming, meanwhile, may have developed a reputation as an enviromentalist but some urgent envinromental issues in Seri Kembangan have apparently been ignored.

Ong Kian Ming comes across as an  ideologue, someone routinely sought for quotes by the media, and a feature in panel discussions.

 Is he at the same time, a hands-one wakil rakyat?

He has not articulated his thoughts on Seri Kembangan regressing into a slum, "recycling" centres popping up in residential areas messing  up the neighbourhood, and new traffic dispersal project that has added to traffic woes.

Are the Ong Kian Mings of the world doggedly preoccupied in chasing fashionable issues that will burnish their credentials at the national level?

Yap Pian Hon, now 74, is ready for another round of strenuous campaigning. He may contest the State seat of Seri Kembangan rather than the Puchong parliamentary seat. Serdang is no more under the redelineation exercise.

If Ong Kian Ming defends his seat, he will still come up against the grandee Yap Pian Hon on campaign rounds in Seri Kembangan.

Will Ong Kian Ming's lack of grassroots touch be sorely exposed?

 Is he contesting in Puchong or will he seek a safer seat like Kepong? Like Yap Pian Hon, the incumbent Kepong parliamentarian, Dr Tan Seng Giaw is an independent-minded operator. He has declared his intention to defend his seat.

Ong Kian Ming may be adept at theorising politics. He must now demonstrate his fighting qualities.

He should, uppermost, contest the notion that he has neglected his constituency.

At 42, Ong Kian Ming must have been devastated by the new awakening.

He has ceased to be youthful and two prized fighters may just take him on - Yap Pian Hon in Seri Kembangan and Dr Tan Seng Giaw in Kepong.


  1. If the mood on the ground is any indication, both Yap and Seng Giaw will be beaten flat if they were to contest against Kian Meng either in Serdang or Kepong.

    Seng Giaw should know where he stands now, after the PAC/1MDB fiasco, in the eyes of the opposition supporters.

  2. Whatever lah folks your freaking politics ..... just don't let me down!

  3. Annie

    What's your comment on huge backlash vs TMJ?

    Go read Johor Southern Tigers FB comments.....phulamak!

    1. Alamak! don't you know many of the blessed Prophet's young companions had parents who fought the Prophet and opposed his mission of goodwill?

    2. My reply to you Anon 10.4.18....

      Raja payung rakyat jelata
      Raja adil belahan jiwa
      Tanpa rakyat tak ada raja
      Tanpa raja negara masih ada

    3. Othaman dah bunyi macam Tan Seng Giaw

    4. Good answer, Sdr Othaman!

      Two thumbs up!

    5. 1) Keadilan mesti dikembalikan.
      Najib mesti hadapi mahkamah untuk menyimpul RM2.6 billion masuk akaun peribadi atau menerima derma RM2.6 billlion adalah rasuah, mengikut undang-undang Malaysia. Lapuran 1MDB yang dirahsiakan hadapi mahkamah. MACC dibenarkan siasat luar negara, bukti saluran duit luar negara, bukti DoJ dan Singapura, jawapan dari dermawan Arab, hadapi mahkamah. Tuduhan dunia PM Malaysia pencuri, pencurian duit 1MDB, duit rakyat yang terbesar didunia disiasat, tuduhan kapal layar RM1,000 juta dibeli dengan duit 1MDB, duit rakyat disiasat, MACC dibenarkan siasat luar Malaysia, bukti dari Amerika, Switzerland, Luxemboug, Abu Dhabi dan Singapura hadapi mahkamah.

      2) Kerosakan jawatan-jawatan tinggi mesti dibetulkan.
      Hanya dengan kerajaan baru, Rakyat boleh menukar AG, IGP, ketua PSRM, ketua SPR, ketua R0S dan jawatan lain yang disyaki tidak bebas dari pengaruh politik BN atau tidak menjalankan tugas dengan jujur, gagal Misi dan Visi organisasi mereka.

      3) Wakil parlimen BN sudah pecah amanah dengan Rakyat, Rakyat tak boleh percaya BN.
      Wakil-wakil parlimen BN tidak mengikut kehendak Rakyat atau kepentingan Negera, mereka melindungi Najib RM2.6 billion masuk akuan peribadi tak salah, pegawai awam ambil derma RM2.6 billion bukan rasuah, rahsiakan lapuran 1MDB, tak boleh cakap 1MDB diparlimen. Dunia panggil PM pencuri, pencurian berpuluh-puluh billion yang terbesar didunia, wakil-wakil parlimen BN tidak siasat Najib, tidak saman, tidak peduli maruah rakyat Malaysia dipijak. BN melindungi Najib, pangkat dan pengekalan kehidupan mewah lebih penting dari kehendak Rakyat dan Negara. BN pecat wakil rakyat yang berani soal dan bertindak untuk Rakyat dan Negara.

      4) BN membohong, mengelapkan kebenaran dan mengikat kebebasan bercakap Rakyat.
      BN kata "Najib tak salah menerima RM2.6 billion derma"."kapal layar bukan milik Jho Low", "Jho Low tidak ada kaitan dengan 1MDB". Lima puluh lebih suratkhabar dan internet portal dunia bereputasi tinggi melapurkan kes 1MDB di luar Malaysia, suratkhabar dan television berkaitan BN tidak lapurkan. Sengaja tidak lapurkan berita benar dunia adalah seperti membohong kepada Rakyat. Lulusan akta Fake News untuk mengikat kebebasan cakap. Kerajaan BN tidak boleh dicabar? Wakil parlimen tidak boleh cakap 1MDB diparlimen. Rafizi dan Mazlan dihukum kerana meraka bercakap. Muhyiddin dan Shafie dipecat kerana meraka bercakap. Rakyat tak boleh cakap?

      5) BN pentadbiran buruk, tidak pratis Good Governance, pembocoran duit rakyat.
      Tidak ada pisahan kuasa, Najib PM, Najib Menteri Kewangan dan Najib Pengerusi 1MDB. ECRL tidak tender buka, tidak buat kajian kos-untung. FGV tanah Felda dijual tampa pengetahuan peneroka. Terlalu banyak skandal, lancar projek, ambil ratus-ratus juta duit rakyat atau pinjam ber billion-billion, tak untung, duit hilang, rakyat bayar hutang dan faedah, seperti dalam kes NFC, FGV, 1MDB, Mara.

      6) Hutang dari pinjaman beratus-ratus billion, tak henti-henti, menderita Rakyat, perlu bayar hutang dan faedah.
      Hutang negara (hutang kerajaan dan hutang GLC) sudah RM1,000 billion, rakyat paksa bayar cukai GST, subsidi dipotong, baget potong ubat tak percuma. KWSP sudah pinjam RM200+ billion kepada syarikat dan agensi kerajaan, Pinjaman China RM400 billion, kenapa projek China boleh tax free, Rakyat perlu bayar cukai GST untuk hutang China? Sekarang BN nak pinjam RM300+ billion dalam manifesto BN PRU14?

      7) Warisan anak dan cucu terancam.
      Tanah skandal pun banyak, jual tanah murah kepada 1MDB, Bank Negara bayar RM2 billion untuk tanah kerajaan, Felda tanah dijual tanpa pengetahuan peneroka, baru-baru in Rafidah bocor swastaan tanah LTAT. Syarikat kerajaan China dapat tanah Malaysia. Warisan anak dan cucu membayar hutang dan faedah pinjaman BN yang tak beruntung, rugi atau hilang duit, Warisan tanah anak dan cucu semakin merosot, macam Cash Converter, tanah jadi duit, duit pergi mana?

  4. Re: "He has not articulated his thoughts on Seri Kembangan regressing into a slum, "recycling" centres popping up in residential areas messing up the neighbourhood, and new traffic dispersal project that has added to traffic woes."

    In johor, there is a kerajaan tempatan.

    This kerajaan tempatan is in charge of a kawasan perbandaran.

    The kerajaan tempatan has many Ahlus ahlus majlis.

    The said Ahlus Ahlus Majlis are BN people.

    The kawasan, however, has a adun of non BN.

    The kawasan is in the purview of a BN Ahlus Parliament though.

    And the head of the kerajaan tempatan is a JCS.

    A JCS is apolitical, or supposed to be, and there's a Royal Decree for them to be so.

    In the kawasan there's a residential house. The residential house is in a residential taman.

    The residential house is used as a restaurant, selling liquor, no license.

    There are other illegal activities reportedly happening in the house too, but as the pegawai said, lu tak tahu jangan saja cakap.

    So a letter was written to the head of the kerajaan tempatan.

    Nothing happens.


    So the adun must be blamed.

    BN MP, BN Ahlus Ahlus Majlis, and JCS, are malaikat and maksum.

    And so they are, and a heaven beneath which river flows is calling for them.

  5. I think it would depend upon whether On Kian Ming won because he is Ong Kian Ming or because the people voted DAP and Ong Kian Ming happened to the DAP candidate.

    If the tide in that constituency still favours DAP, then it looks like DAP will hold that seat, whoever runs.


  6. Annie why no comment or views on TMJ endorsement for the “captain of the ship” ?

    One wonders what transpired last year that caused the Johor royalty to change their minds?
