Monday, 2 April 2018

Autism awareness week

Please click on this link to know more about


Thanks for caring.


  1. Wear blue but time pangkah nanti pangkah MERAH..

  2. I fell sorry for autism kids because lots of 1mdb money goes into Jho Low and Najib personal account to please fuck themselves out while the needy autism kids are not properly taken care of seperti melepaskan batuk di tangga atau hangat hangat tahi ayam

    1. Anon 10:13, I feel sorry for u coz u can't put aside politcs for 1 second to genuinely express your supprt for autism. Don't 'speak' la if you cannot improve on the silence.

    2. Annie's Blog is categorically, Social & Political (SOPO). So no problem to relate wastage of Rakyat's money to charity for Autism kids.

      What Anon 10:13 wrote was correct also.

      Just imagine Jho Low's yumseng with Paris Hilton on a RM75,000 a bottle of vintage-wine during that mega-booze party on a luxury yacht. On top of that, only God knows how much it cost to get hold of Paris Hilton, in the first place.

      Or... rather than sponsoring thousands of Pak Imam for the Haj and staging Ya Na Na Na and Selawat keatas Rasul at Dataran Merdeka etc., is it not better to donate all that expenses to some Autism foundation or other charity purposes?

      Why must 1MDB's CSR (Corporate social responsibility) be rooted only in self-interest rather than charity?

    3. I know that ros is najib lapdog

      That jilat bontot najib
      Ros jilat bontot Jho Low

    4. Anon 10:52

      Jho low loves a retard like you
      And so is your bacul master najib

      If you are dead serious to help autistic kids then removing najib from power is a way to go

      Instead of bersedih sedih bernangis nangis berdrama drama “oh kesihannya anak autistic” is pointless and further mocked and insult to those autistic kids

    5. masih ada segelintir rakyat yg bagang x dpt melihat pembohongan najib dan konco2

    6. Kalau Najis terus pegang kuasa hanya satu perubahan. GsT dan Hutang Negara lebih tinggi. Hanya Rakyat tiada otak akan pilih Najis dan Be End.

    7. Tumbang kleptrokrasi! Tumbang penyamun antarabangsa terkenal ini.

    8. all world news already bocor 1mdb(only malaysia cakap tak bersalah even caught red handed,even kill that mongolian model also sama).no matter which country you go,speak of Najibs name already well known.

    9. Ye lah..!
      Kali terakhir memegang jawatan.
      Lepas PRU14, nak kerja apa ?
      Hilang gah, hilang maruah dan yg penting hilang punca pendapatan menjadi juta-jutawan.
      Yg ditakuti hilang kebebasan.
      Menjadi penghuni penjara.

    10. Semua berita seluruh dunia sudah terputus 1mdb (hanya malaysia cakap tak bersalah walaupun ditangkap red handed. Malah pembunuhan model Mongolia juga sama) masalahnya skrg negara mana yang anda pergi, bercakap tentang nama Najib yg sudah terkenal seantero dunia.

      Engkau pulak “kesiannyee autism”
      Boleh kenyang ke dengan Kesian?

    11. Kabinet makan Dedak Sayunya muka mereka ini takut kut masuk Palace Sungai Buloh

    12. Muram bukan apa.. Kerana takut.. Takut hilang kuasa hilang segala2nya.. Jagan takut lh umno BN jika x da buat salah. Berani kerana benar takut kerana salah. Jika betul buat salah lebih baik brsedialh utk lari, nanti x smpat lari sg Buluh sdg menanti nun di sana....

    13. Kene keje keras tabur janji macam mana nak bohong lagi...hahaha

    14. Cium kasut saya, tunduk depan saya if you MP mau my vote. Harharhar.

    15. Bubar hari Sabtu, dah elok petandanya
      S - Semua
      A - Akan
      B - BERSATU
      T - Tolak
      U - UMNO

    16. marilah mari kita memgundi..hak dah dipulangkan kepada rakyat...sama2 kita tukar buang mana yg x berkenan..hahah..

    17. mudahan la ada perubahan..kalau maseh juga bn menang..sumpah aku x kan mengundi sampai tua pun

    18. Takut dan bimbang.
      Kena cari kerja tapi nak cari kerja gaji rm30k sebulan tak senang...itulah sebabnya muram kot

    19. klu muka2 nie nak lompat parti pakatan harapan..jgn bg..nie sume muka kaki rembat duit rakyat

    20. TAKZIAH kepada menteri-menteri.. Anda tidak akan bijak sekiranya anda masih lagi dalam golongan bebal.. Lepas ni boleh la derma kat memana ye harta tu..

    21. Mula² fikir untuk tumbangkan BN dulu.
      Macam mana?
      Pilih parti yg lawan BN dlm PRU14,
      Kemudian pilih parti yg berjuang untuk semua kebaikan, dunia dan akhirat.
      HIDUP!!!!! RAKYAT!!!!

    22. Kita kasi 1 pengajaran utk parti BN...ayuh malaysia sokong PH...HIDUP PARTI HARAPAN

    23. Sampai hari ni tengiang2 iklan Maslan bengap GST boleh turunkan harga barang...😂

    24. Mari,mari ayoh kita gegar kan dan kita musnah kan gst dah ajar parti yang buat rakyat di tipu dan di ber janji kosong , rakyat ada kuasa ubah kan kemukaran ,pada kebenaran ,,allah huakbar

    25. Saat dan masa inilah rakyat wajib memikarkan masa depan keluarga. Anak cucu dan Negara Msia terlepas dari cengkaman pemerintah yg zalim. 60THN Negara meredeka dan dijajah oleh bangsa melayu umno dgn beban hutang da berbagai cukai disapu. MARILAH KITA FIKIRKAN MASSA DEPAN DAN UBAH PEMERINTAH YG LEBIH BAIK DEMI BANGSA AGAMA TNH AIR SERTA ANAK CUCU KITA DIMASA HDPAN.

    26. Maka bermulalah perubahan yang rakyat nanti nantikan. Semua rakyat digesa untuk membuat perubahan ini dari sekarang.

    27. Hari ini dlm sejarah 7/4/18 berkuburnya barisan ingat negara ni dia Yang punya!!

    28. Mudah2an dengan izin allah BN kalah....rakyat da tersiksa..yg mkn dedak jeer rasa x tersiksa....

    29. hebat x pmainan setan tua najib.PPBM d bubar 1 hri sblum Parlimen bubar nmpk x pmainan najib yg bsuk mcm bangkai

    30. Muka menteri ketat ketat je pasai apa?.. Esok akan jadi penggangur kut sbb bubar parlimen..buatlah muka konfiden sikit...

    31. Ini UMNO penindas rakyat malaysia..buat muka sedih mintak simpati rakyat malaysia la tu..korang semua mampos lagi baik la..

    32. Tiada yg kekal pemimpin kena set minda jawatan yg disandang hanya bertaraf kontrak 5 tahun, hanya Allah S.W.T yg kekal selamanya

    33. Kita ubah untuk smua rkyat mlysia bg senang... Undi ph

    34. Yes marilah.kita pilih kerajaan baru yang boleh memberi kemajuaan pada rakyat malaysia

    35. Harap photo ini akan masuk ke 'hari ini dalam sejarah' for last kabinet BN ...

    36. Pakat lah seluruh rakyat malaysia...tumbangkan bn...demi masa dpan anak cucu kita..

    37. My grandson will not pay tax for najib fucktard economy

    38. Semua masih muda.. Tapi muka penah letih serupa orang tua.. Orang tua pun tak mcm ni.. Malu la kat orang tua..

    39. Kalau pakatan harapan menang diputrajaya
      Kena siasat semua penyamun dlm gambar terakhir

    40. 1 =lps ni xmerasa dhnorg pgil yb..
      2 =xdpt gaji yb dh..
      3 =mungkin tak kebal dan akan disiasat SPRM dgn lebih teliti..
      4 =projek² besar tak dpt dh..

    41. Jangan beri peluang pada BN jom ramai ramai undi PKR(harapan) demi menyelamat kan negara yg tercinta dari penyamun penyamun yg bermaharajalela

    42. alhamdulillah, yes! saat yg kami nantikan. harap ada muka baru lepas ini. aminnnn

    43. Orang jahat bkn boleh senang2 tewas..msti ada rncgan jhat pnya..

    44. Ingat Pru yg lpas.. Lepas menang jer minyak naik, laksana gst,dan mcm2.. So pru ni pndai2 la..
      Sekali lg nk pesan..
      Ingat Pru yg lpas.. Lepas menang jer minyak naik, laksana gst,dan mcm2.. So pru ni pndai2 la..


    46. Bila dah dibubarkan automatik yg tinggal caretaker gov & gugur semua jawatan menteri2 dgn PeeM tepi sekali....

    47. fikir nasib diri lepas PRU14 nnti..hahaha
      Jadi menteri lagi ke atau pergi shopping kek sg buluh

    48. by this time all money safe in swiss bank already by mid may ramai la ke luar negeri bercuti

    49. Declare state of emergency najib bongok

      Jho Low

    50. Yang paling penting rakyat Malaysia perlu tolak BN penyamun, penzalim n penipu pada PRU14 nanti aamiiiiiiin Yarabala'lamin

    51. Kabinet tahi ..penyokong pencuri negara number 1. Anda semua pengkhianat negara Malaysia.

    52. Nak kena bawak kluaq duit, habuan tauk dedak, tempat masing2

    53. Habis la habis la habis la habis laaa,harap lepas PRU 14 kita punya kerajaan yg berwibawa,

    54. Nazri aziz tidak Kalihatan, mungkin sudah tahu tidak lagi dicalonkan semula

    55. tido x lena la...nak bayar kete..byar umah...maintenance anak bini lagi hahaha

    56. Bn utuh. Tidak akan hilang bn d dunia. Hidup nanti kita tenggok siapa yng menang.

    57. Harta benda akan dirampas...akaun-akaun akan dibeku....akan di pulangkan pada rakyat... tu sebab muram

    58. Nama dah tau tak tercalon....hutang byk pulak tu...lepas ni org kutuk dan kena pulau lagi...

    59. Mana sprm,hakim,polis,depa semua xda kuasa dah,siasatlah,jgn takut dah depa semua dah x blh buat apa dah.

    60. Jgn lah bersedih prof babi kangkung klau x yb,kerjalah pakguardke,cleaner ke,baru le rasa mxmna rakyat hidup dgn gaji rm1000,

    61. selepas jam 12 malam nanti rakyat yg berkuasa , we are the boss now , lets take back our government!!

    62. Setinggi tinggi lalat terbang, akhirnya ke tahi jugak. Hahaha Clean up time soon.

    63. Pengakhiri lagesi R-A-H-M-A-N... Terima kasih BN atas jasa pada negara. #Inikalilah

    64. Dia org senang lenang kita rayat dpt apa dpt gst jngan mengkayakan org lagi yg sudah tu usah ulang lagi

    65. No more bn. ...insyallah allah peemudahkan semoga ph beroleh kemenangan

    66. Bila time nk pilihan raya muka sekupang minta kesian. Menang pilihan raya batang hidung pon hilang p minum kopi. Ke club joli sana sini

    67. Ini akhir kali jadi mentri. Mereka mungkin tukar kerja jual loteri di teli jalan

    68. Ini akhir kali jadi mentri. Mereka mungkin tukar kerja jual loteri di teli jalan

    69. Jom rakyat malaysia kasi pecat semua menteri bangang BN..x boleh pakai langsung...

    70. Muka memikirkan nasib lepas pru14 ni kemana mereka pergi ke sungei buloh atau ke rumah masing2..🤣

    71. Terpancar muka penuh kerisauan dlm benak kepala masing2 terfikir fikir apa la nasib aku lepas pru ni.. koh koh koh..

    72. muram la time nya dh tiba sblm ini tibai n cibai je kejenya...kalau kalah ni tidak usah dihukum diaorg semua ni..tau la diaorg gantung diri sndiri ti...

    73. I curse najib and all macai bastard

    74. Time blom dbubar bsing, time dah dbubar troll plak. Woii, kita tgok result PRU lah cibek. Hanat tat tol

    75. kalo BN kalah..selain najib.. aku nk sgt tgok muka Nazri si Angkuh mcmana plak

    76. Bila parlimen bubar Doj akan keluarkan arahan tangkap MO1..sbb tu sidehhh...

    77. Brim2...nko suka tgk benda2 yg tak logik dan berdasarkan penafsiran buruk nko org jer..tu le rupa kepala otak nko. Kalau nak fikir kebaikan agaknya dalam kepala nko tu mmg zero la agaknye.

    78. Ada yg tersingkir tu....peluang untok mengperkayakan diri dah berkercai.

    79. Tidak apa lah, kalau tiada kerja, masih mampu lagi beli nasi Lemak...ada pencen kan?

    80. Tgh pikiaqqq...sel no brapa nk masuk sg buloh nti....huuuhaiiii

    81. Liow is thinking "Siao LIOW! No more job!"

    82. Bn. Adalah satu2 nya.yang boleh d harap.yang lain p terjun laut la.jom kita tenggok sapa yng menang.

    83. Ada kena buang.ada x dicalun..ada x dilayan...macam budak sekolah tunggu buku rekod.
      Ini baru "real" kita dapat tengok perasaan mereka sebenarnya.MCA,MIC boleh bubarla..Menteri BN taula la sendiri nasib kamu kena kan ing bos tak..

    84. Lepas pru 14 ini harap2 dapat di calun ke idak ? Jangan gundah jadi pemandu uber pun boleh.

    85. Depa muram sebab mungkin pasni ada yg tak akan masuk kat kerusi dia balik..haha

    86. Wajah setiap individu mkn dedak jelas mengingati komplikasi samada sprm,polis,penjara terbayang2.mgkn gak xdpt tido hingga pru14.selepas tu terus terjun dr atas klcc

    87. Diaorg nak buat muka kesian biarkn....tapi jgn kita kesian kat diaorg pulak...naya nanti...!!!

    88. Yeah sekrg rase lega da xde PM... ini kali mohon la makcik2 pakcik sedar sikit.. jangan la undi UMNO baNGANg lagi

    89. lets bring themto graveyard

    90. Semua anjing
      Ikut arahan najis.
      Tak jaga rakyat.
      Ini kalilah ubah.

      Jilat bontot Jho Low

    91. Pakat2 beli tiket kapal terbang,untuk standby kalau kalah,boleh baca dah perangai masing2

    92. 1 je nak ckp.. nilai lah perbelanjaan skrg dengan dulu ada beza tak.?? korang fikir lah sendiri..😅😅#hiduprakyat

    93. Walaupun bubar tp masih guna fasiliti awam. Wahai sultan dn raja mohon bntu rkyat dr ditindas penyamun

    94. Ini lah muka2 jebon al lanun nak kena bungkus campak dlm laut buat tukut

      Corrupt to core

    95. Ubah kali ni utk pakatan harapan.klau rakyat nak merasa senang mcam dulu.takda tekanan hidup.takda gst.takda bom org.takda aset negara hilang dan jual dgn org asing.marilah kita buat perubahaan ini kali lah.

    96. This group of ministers...semua to be office boys kalau in other countries

    97. Apa benda yg hebat dan parti mana yg kuat serta siapa pemimpin yg nak diharap..sampai cakap pun berdegar degar..kalau hanya tukar nama parti tapi muka yg memimpin dan berkuasa nanti orang yg sama...tunggulah . Terimalah..segala galanya adalah salah sendiri..

    98. Kerajaan baru utk diri sendiri. Bukan nak tlg rakyat. Hendakkan nama saja. Cakap serupa bikin PH

    99. Hanya kuncu2 yg kuat jilat aje yg akan tercalun semula.Yg belum pernah jadi calun dah habis jilat cukup2 sehinga terpilih jadi anak buah Kepala Lanun.

    100. Lps ni dok hotel sg buloh plk

    101. Dia kata demokrasi ..tapi dulu adakah dia mengamalkannya semasa dia berkuasa .. hah hah ... habis di cantasnya ..bukan setakat itu ...ada yg terpaksa bertapa di Penjara dlm waktu yg panjang ...

    102. Pm juga.di salahkan .perbangkang je yang betul..hahaha..kalau dah menang esok rakyat pula di persalahkan....hihihi..selamat maju ke belakang lah perbankang ..kahkahkah

    103. You can say anything but the fact is you did not follow your own perlembagaan. Damn stupid. Prove it you had implemented your branch n divisonal AGM .. do not bullyshit around la. Turken

    104. Dia benci sebab sistem demokrasi yg telus akan menyebabkan dirinya, iatwr, anak2, kroni n kaki2 dedak merengkok dlm penjara kelak...

    105. Dia benci sebab sistem demokrasi yg telus akan menyebabkan dirinya, iatwr, anak2, kroni n kaki2 dedak merengkok dlm penjara kelak...

    106. Hahaha... lawak gila. Zaman dialah yg takutkan demokerasi. Tangkap & penjara org yg tentang dia tanpa didakwa dimahkamah. Lepas zaman kau. Pak Lah & Najib tak buat cam tu. Semuanya melalui proses mahkamah. Boleh dijamin. Tak perlu nk duduk dlm penjara.

    107. Mesti perlu ader pihak pembangkang...kerna dgn ader nya pihak pembangkang kita akan taw hala tuju negara yg dibuat oleh seorg pemimpin...kerna jika tiada pembangkang....segala usulan oleh pihak disana mereka akan fkir semua nya betul xde ape yg slh....

    108. This army chief forgot his oath of office pledging loyalty to the king and country meaning the rakyat who pays his wages.This is shameful for a army chief that suppose to lead the army doesn't know his priorities.

    109. What kind of military that supports the PM?
      I remember a line from Rukun Negara: Kesetiaan kepada Raja Dan Negara.
      Since when did the Rukun Negara say LOYAL TO THE PM?

    110. Army and police please save the country and rakyat, be neutral, be the angel to safeguard the nation, our country our home, najis must go, he had ruined our country, we can't keep him as our leader anymore to continue killing us and the generation, we have to think for the next generation our children our grand grandchildren...we can't be destroyed in his hand his corrupted leadership. We have to stop him , police please do the right thing arrest him, all Malaysian will salute you

    111. Looks like Malaysia is doomed when the Arm Forces and the Police Forces are serving Najib and his Forty Thieves in UMNO instead to Agung and the country. Well our present Agung is already being bought by Najib became he is so silent and has become immuned to all the scandals and the bad name of Malaysia that Najib has brought in. Najib was right when he said that Cash is King and the present Rakyat and the future generations are going to pay for it.

    112. A grave error has been initiated by the ROS whereby she did not use her mind to think with intelligence. Malaysia has many learned lawyers and judges and even former judges and veteran politicians who were former lawmakers and this is the right time for them to come out of hibernation to vioce out in order to set the law and legal path straight in order to save this nation.
      With the dissolving of parliament to pave the way for the elections thus the position of Prime Minister and all ministers will be suspended with immediate effect until the formation of a new government after the elections.

    113. Rakyat have the final say with votes are in their hands no matter what dirty ROS /dumno had done. Support will still go to Tun / Pakatan Harapan. VOTE FOR PH!

    114. We all know which party will destroy this country and the unity of our people if they win this election . So, please vote wisely and deligently.

    115. ROS is UMNO

    116. Dont Think U can hold to power n Control everything...What goes up must come down..
      U will be Deal n Judge n in no End the Sg Buloh is the next Check in..After Our Beloved Brother who Sacrifices .This man should taken down asap.God Bless Malaysia towards a Great Country n well known to the whole.

    117. Malaysian government people always doing things very slow.. ..apply everything also slow !!

    118. Dia ingat semua orang mesti ikut cakap dia.

    119. Tun Dr Mahathir will be our New Prime Minister

    120. Ramai melayu tak faham cakap melayu lagi

    121. China doesn't care about Malaysia affairs. To them, it's just business.

      Suck bontot Jho Low is also a business menegakkan agama bangsat dam negara

    122. If BN wins China will own Malaysia in a few short years.

    123. Hope...China don't meddle in PRU14 like that happened in USA for Trump to win with Russian indirect meddling...

    124. China is dominating Malaysia already.. just those kampung folks doesn't realize it yet..

    125. China is fighting US. Buying their way to cutout US domination in South China sea with his allied of Australia and Singapore. That's all. As for jibbon and co. Their purpose is to pocket in money into their own account. They don't have mind like Dr M who can ride on this waves to benefit the country and their people. Try to imagine Ahmad maslan in the picture😂

    126. What more can be said, the worst had been done and Malaysians are set to suffer for generations to come.

    127. China can invest elsewhere in this big world but for BN or dumbo, this GE14 will be their waterloo 😈

    128. PPBM ada ke, tak de ke kita tetap sokong pada TUN. Hidup TUN...

    129. Najib cekap catur permainan politik.batal kan ppbm by ros
      Lantas bubar parlimen.rakyat sedang perhati....
      Mulai hari ni kuasa dah pada jari jemari setiap rakyat....hanya rakyat yg cerdik akan penentu masa depan yg sehat atau gelabah

    130. Jangan cuba² CARI PASAL dengan pendekar bugis....!!!!!!
      Nanti TAK PASAL² 'kedalam' kau.
      Amaran yg akan keluar dari umno.

    131. We will support Tun Mahathir

    132. Caretaker prime minister Najib Abdul Razak tonight announced the remaining BR1M payments for the year will be doubled.

      Najib, who is also BN chairperson, revealed this when he unveiled the ruling coalition’s manifesto at a packed Bukit Jalil Stadium.

      The Umno president said this was made possible by the country's stronger finances.

    133. Nak tmbh sikit. Kejayaan menggelapkan 2.6 billion..kejayaan dlm sejarah malaysia kapal terbang hilng tak jumpa2..padahal setelit kita canggih...kih.kih bnyk kejayaan yg dicapai tak di catitkn disini..

    134. Most people in the UMNO club don't give a shit about this country, just how much money they can make

  3. Annie,

    I must commend you for your consistent effort in promoting awareness of autism in Malaysia.

    By nature, Malaysians tend to shy away from those considered "not normal".

    We pretend it doesn't exist.

    I don't really know how much assistance the relevant authorities give to families with handicapped children, so it is hard to comment.

    But given that we are talking about the Malaysian health system, it is unlikely that any such assistance would have very high priority.

    Hell, we can't even properly look after normally healthy people!!

    It is just amazing that there are some ppl amongst us who say that we should not politicise such things but exactly when should we talk about such things?


    1. Gladiator.

      "... but exactly when should we talk about such things?"

      Maybe some of us thought that we should talk about such things only on a specific day. If not, why would politicians or NGOs came up with; mother/father day, Quality Awareness Campaign, Autism Awareness Week, Day for the mute, Labor day etc., as an annual event?

      By the way, why the organizer urge people to wear blue for 1 week, in support of Autism Day?
      Is it due to the coming GE14?
      Every year the same color ka?

    2. UMNO is your local evil puppet master
      Even though he is bacul he got a tonnes of proxy and zombie that idiotically backed najib

      Thier grandsons will curse these men for supporting najib bacul

  4. RD,

    //Maybe some of us thought that we should talk about such things only on a specific day.//

    Yeah, we just talk about for one day but forget the peoblem for the other 364 days until the next time.

    //why the organizer urge people to wear blue for 1 week, in support of Autism Day?//

    Sure or not wear blue for 1 week only??

    The graphic above says clearly to wear blue "from 2nd April".

    No end date there :)


  5. Annie,

    Sorry for being off-topic here but looks like Prof Kangkung has every reason to be confident of a BN win.


  6. Annie glad you r highlighting autism...but to the odd hashtag...#WeRockAutism#...what message are they trying to tell
    - we love autism
    - autism rocks
    - autism is cool
    I would certainly love to be enlightened. Can some kind soul help.

    1. and sing post malone's rockstar...pow..pow..ayy..ayyy...

  7. Prof kangkung jom pergi kelab malam

    Kita orang merpertahankan orang melayu dengan kongkek amoi seksi bergelek

    1. Anon 16:45

      When NEELOFA went to ZOUK with her tudung, she was attacked by all walks of Islamic lives because ZOUK was a "place with elements of VICE".

      And some claimed that NEELOFA needed to be charged for criminal offence for bringing disrepute to Islam.

      How? Because TUDUNG is a symbol of ISLAM, according to some.

      Now, UMNO is a symbol of PERJUANGAN ISLAM, like Saiful a.k.a SWORD OF ISLAM...

      Janggut, which is a practice of As-Sunnah, is also a symbol of Islam, ... or may be not, because some nons also got janggut. But generally in Malaysia especially amongst corporate Melayu Islam some JANGGUT could certainly carry them far ahead in terms of competition for position. So JANGGUT per se is also a symbol of Islam in Malaysia.

      Now, KELAB DE VEGAS may not be a VICE den. How many ustaz or ustazah have frequented that place, nobody knows, unless the tokeh KELAB could give some data.

      The many rooms inside KELAB DE VEGAS, were they used for having Majlis Tahlil, DOA SELAMAT etc..? Who knows? But serving coffee , yes, that's what they do.

      Chit chat, bersalam-salaman, that's certainly a good place for activities like that. After all, it's a TEMPAT ISTIRAHAT, precisely termed.

      Nothing wrong with the terminologi KELAB MALAM. Kelab, from the word CLUB, means a place of gathering for people with similar interest or hobby.. As MELAYU GLOKAL, a bit of Malayed English words certainly means technological prowess and advancement. Or you may call it MUSOLLA, if you so wish. As for MALAM, that's the time for IBADAT.

      So KELAB MALAM, nothing wrong with having some coffee there, and certainly TEKSI CHAN can agree with that.

    2. much feel when pulling devil horns up. sadly u right...wat d fark happened!

    3. I’m sorry let me rephrase

      Prof kangkung jom pergi whorehouse

      Kita orang merpertahankan orang melayu dengan kongkek amoi seksi bergelek

  8. Lai Panjang,

    //#WeRockAutism#...what message are they trying to tell//

    I have about what it means snd the only response I can give you is that the word "rock" appears to have many meanings.

    It can mean all that you have said. i.e. it's about love, it's about being cool, or maybe more.

    By "more", I mean emotions like caring about those with autism, like possessing a fighting spirit to , like not allowing autism to control our lives, etc etc.

    Now, I could probably write another 10,000 words in response to your query, but I guess it all boils fown to what you wanna rock about autism and how you gonna rock it.


    Well, if you told me that #WeRockAutism, my reply would be - fuck yeah, let's do it :)


  9. Here's an opinion piece on what can be done further on autism:

  10. Yang kutuk najib tu...mesti tak layak proses brim..tu la marah kutuk najib..atau ada jugak yg terima brim..blanja guna duit brim tapi belagak nak tunjok senang..kutuk najib..takde org nak bangga dgn korang..dah bgus kerajaan ada bagi brim..dari takda..sedar sikit wahai manusia..besyukurlah kamu semua dgn apa yg ada dan yg di beri..terimalah kenyataan... #HIDUPBARISANNASIONAL #ILOVEPM #NAJIBRAZAK #1MALAYSIA #MRCOOL

    Orang melayu jilat bontot saya

    Jho Low

  11. Bn penipu. Hidup tun m

  12. Alahai..brim naik..confirm2 la brg2 kperluan naik mncacak..

  13. Ayuh, marilah rakyat jelata M’sia tak kira kaum beramai-ramai tumbangkan kerajaan pusat BN n UMNO !

  14. Bn&Pas jugak dah jadi kuncu2 lanun yg dah bersubahat dgn Umno untk menghalalkan kerja2 Perlanunan Najib keatas duit rakyat.Kejahatan mesti ditolak rakyat.

  15. PAS pati serpihan aja..pas macam tak wujud..pas jangan katakan taring gigi pon dah tak ada..

  16. Klau bN masih kekal, pasti rakyat akan dipijak pijak ..... maaf dacing buruk dan bulan ijauuuu kita akan tolak

  17. Muram mungkin tidak calun lg ,keduanya takut dgn kekalahan disebabkan sebelum ini mempermainkan rakyat dgn jawatan yg dipegang.
    Rakyat akan buat perhitungan dgn sikap mereka yg sombong sebelum ini dan memperbodohkan rakyat ,kini kuasa ditangan rakyat semula .
    Perubahan buat negara yg tercinta .HIDUP RAKYAT.....

  18. kalau menang lg mmg tak tau la nak ckp apa. bodoh bangang tolol waliol semua ada dlm kepala rakyat Msia.

  19. Kita ramai 2 sokong Pakatan Harapan,Kita bagi laluan utk PH memerintah bagi 5 tahun Akan datang,Kita tgk apa bakal perubahan yg Akan Di lakukan PH,sekiranya Kita tak puas Hari,Kita tukar parti lain lepas 5 tahun,tak Salah bagi laluan utk PH,Belum Cuba Belum tau.sama Samalah Kita sokong Pakatan Harapan,Harapkan yg terbaik Dari PH.

  20. yg penting boleh dakwa dan keluarkan semua jenayah2 yg dia dan konco2nya buat. bru kita tahu punca masalah2 ni sume. InshaAllah. Tuhan tu adil.

  21. Kita rakyat kita juga kerajaan apa mesti kita buat ,kita undi Pakatan Harapan mungkin simbul nya Parti Pakatan Rakyat (Keadilan) kita kena perihatin ok selamat mengundi inshaallah Allah akan menyebelahi pada pihak yg benar yakin dan percaya lah

  22. Mahu x sedih..hikayat jd menteri bakal berakhir besok..lps pru tak tahu kemana arah tuju.pergi penjara kajang atau penjara sg buloh..masih ke dpt nk kaut harta dan songlap duit rakyat lg ke...sedih sedih dgn prestasi BN UMNIO la ni.rakyat akan hukum puak ni nanti..

  23. Korang yg komen kt dlm ni korang buktikn yg korang x sokong bn dan korang kena undi pakatan harapan bgi peluang kepada pakatan harapan untk jdi kerajaan untk masa depan pula kita sebagai rakyat Malaysia kita kena ubah masa depan malaysia

  24. Annie,


    That's quite a jump in the number of comments ;)

    If only comments in blogs vould win PRU14, eh?

    On my part, I just can't help thinking of that Malay Mail article and that 16.5%.

    To be honest, I don't think BN needs to be particularly too worried abt GE14.

    For all I know, Rosmah is already planning to renovate Seri Perdana after Hari Raya.


  25. Annie, your blog ni dah kena spam ke? Org bodoh manalah yg pikir ada org nak baca komen dia yg panjang berjela.

    1. Sayalah orang yang telah melakukannya

      Kenapa? Tak puas hati? Sebentar ya saya akan berurusan dengan kamu selepas saya lepas kongkek minah saleh ni kat Las Vegas menggunakan wang rakyat

      Jho Low

  26. AI dah taken over.

    1. Orang melayu dan macai UMNO suka menjilat bontot Cina seperti saya

      Jho Low
      Dun indonesia
      MP parlimen Hong Kong

  27. Oh my! Me favourite blogger is being attacked by trolls.

    1. Oh my! Oh my English!

      Jho Low
      Dun indonesia
      Parliamen Hong Kong
