Thursday 15 December 2016

Media Prima at war

I have been reading these posts by RPK with quite keen interest,

Chairman Media Prima, Dato’ Seri FD Iskandar, is a common liar, says Tunku Abdul Aziz and demands a public apology

FD Iskandar: delusional and pathological liar

I think those were quite serious allegations.

I really don't have any opinion on them but my guess is that there must be some serious infightings going on in the Media Prima group.

When I read those RPK's postings, they somehow reminded me of Mus Kamil, the former New Straits Times group editor.

I think I'm the one who broke the story about him resigning from NST in this post,

and confirmation of his resignation in this one,

I wondered what Mus has to say about the latest development in that organisation which he was once a player.

So, I checked out his now said to be quite famous (or for some infamous) Facebook page.

This is his comment on RPK's posts on the Media prima thingy that I found,
Now this is indeed interesting. Since the writer has made this public, I suppose we can all read it.
I have no comments relating directly to the issue the writer writes about here. But as someone who was once an insider, I can tell you that be it TV ratings or newspaper circulation, the Media Prima group is suffering due to the excessive political interference from outside parties.
Both the corporate and editorial divisions of the group knows this. However, they each are answerable to different masters.
While the corporate people have to answer ultimately to shareholders, the editorial side answers largely to the political masters. Which explains why, on the newspaper side especially, despite the dozens or so efforts to revamp the group's publications, at all times with inputs from the corporate side, such efforts were frustrated by the editors who almost always reverted to blind loyalty to the establishment.
The public, in turn, made their judgement and the results can be seen in the ever declining circulation of all the group's newspapers despite the numerous revamps. I suspect TV3 is heading in the same direction although the station offers other programmes than just news.
I don't know Dato Seri FD Iskandar well but if what the writer here say about him is true, then I'd say FD Iskandar is doing the right thing. Whatever the Media Prima group stands for, it must first survive as a commercial enterprise.

I think I agree with what Mus wrote, especially the last sentence.


  1. It's a sad state of affairs when bloggers and has-beens act delusional into thinking they matter.

    Get off your high-donkeys and get a reality check. People read blogs to be mildly amused. That's all.

    1. 'It's a sad state of affairs when bloggers and has-beens act delusional into thinking they matter.' Maybe they know they don't.....annie's 'blogging captain' tak berani publish comments now....kena "quarantine" 2-3 minggu in case the bosses realise the spin is failed.....kah kah kah

    2. An old man and a little boy on a donkey were on their way into town. They passed by a group of people who said, “What a shame for that old man to be walking while that perfectly able-bodied boy rides that donkey.”
      So the boy got off the donkey and the old man got on. They later passed by some more people who said,” Why should that little boy have to walk when they have a donkey to ride on. So the little boy got on the donkey and they both rode it. After a while, they passed some more people. They overheard the people say, “That poor donkey must be worn out from carrying both of them!”
      So the little boy and old man picked up the donkey and started to carry it. They were struggling with the donkey across a bridge. The weight of the donkey became just too unbearable and slipped from their grasp and toppled over the side of the bridge into the water and it drowned.
      The moral of the story is: If You Try To Please Everyone You’ll Eventually Lose Your ASS! So try not to be a disingenuous dumb-ass commenter.

  2. RPK should be changed to RIP..

    1. LOL...RPK, poor guy. So very insecure. That's why he's so boastful, so full of himself, reminding you constantly how "clever" he is (in his own tiny mind.) But the exact opposite is true; he is just a life-long con artist who has never held a proper job for any length of time. No wonder even the offspring is a loser. Bad genes...

    2. He should change name to meRePeK......that's all he does.....

    3. In the media fraternity,the good side of Rpk is called Mustafa
      Mustafa,you have brought honour to both your parents by displaying honesty
      You are a filial son
      We are parents too


    4. Well done RPK.

    5. "Well done RPK"? Ehhhh, Medium Rare RPK pon OK yob. Just make sure he's cooked in his own slime.

  3. RPK: delusional and pathological liar

    Dungu Aziz: delusional and pathological liar

    FD Iskandar: no comment

    1. Between these 3, I would never trust the first 2....not even one inch!

    2. 1. Con Artist

      2. Moon crater faced outcast con artist

    3. Dungu Aziz got excellent English syntax...unfortunately he talks cock semantics (btw he graduated to Ahjibgor's master class)

  4. Sapa tengok Bulletin TV3 lawak....delusional and pathological merapu

  5. Consider this Annie. Bulletin 3 is a Malay news -- therefore every interviews were in B Malaysia. Everybody comply to that - be it a Chinaman, a new-Malay, an Indian man, Kadazan, Iban and Asli - except of 1 man. And he was given 2 to 4 minutes to rumble with minimal point in slanged English. Trust me whatever argument he is putting, it will not reach my kampong folks. The urbane also found him repulsive -- because he is making a mountain out of an ant hill. So there begs the question -- who decides in giving in the airtime?

  6. Decline (and death) of NST and Utusan is because of excessive political influence.

    Some people I know cancelled Utusan after 30 years plus of being loyal reader.

    1. I am one of them, been buying utusan since i started work back in ogos 77 but now my wife buys just to serve as alas meja makan semasa mkn, sebab dia lebar i dont even bother to read it

    2. How many times has Utusan been bailed out by govt? Let it perish lah....

    3. This is the weakness of current Malay culture....excessive ampu-mengampu

  7. The wise words of Sdr Mus......

    "Sudah teramat jauh perginya skandal 1MDB ini namun niat asalnya seperti membangunkan hartanah TRX itu jarang sekali kita dengar di dalam berita.

    Sebaliknya yang kita sentiasa dengar adalah satu demi satu pembongkaran yang kesemuanya menjurus kepada terdapatnya salahlaku yang amat besar didalam dana pembangunan negara tersebut.

    Saya terkenang satu peristiwa dibilik berita pada satu senja yang telah mengubah pendirian saya sendiri tentang dana ini.

    Pada masa itu saya mengepalai bilik berita akhbar NST dan pada waktu itu saya masih lagi cuba mempercayai apa yang 1MDB ini kata walaupun semakin banyak kesangsian yang ditimbulkan mengenainya.

    Petang tersebut, beberapa jam sebelum mesyuarat sidang pengarang harian, saya diberitahu supaya menyediakan satu atau dua mukasurat kosong bagi memuatkan berita dimana ketua eksekutif 1MDB, Arul Kanda, akan menerangkan kemanakah wang sejumlah RM42 billion kepunyaan dana tersebut telah dibelanjakan. Ramai yang mendesak ianya di terangkan.
    Saya berpesan kepada rakan editor lain supaya menentukan berita tersebut ditulis oleh wartawan berpengalaman serta saya sendiri mahu melihat cerita tersebut sebelum ianya dicetak.

    Kami menunggu sehingga kira-kira waktu Maghrib baru lah kenyataan dari Arul Kanda itu tiba. Apabila seorang rakan editor masuk untuk menyerahkan pada saya satu salinan kenyataan akhbar itu, saya hanya mampu tersandar dan menggelengkan kepala.
    Bagi menerangkan kemana sejumlah wang yang amat besar (RM42 billion) telah pergi,

    Arul Kanda cuma melukis satu rajah diatas sekeping kertas saiz A4. Ia adalah rajah yang budak sekolah menengah rendah pun boleh lukis dimana disebelah kirinya dinyatakan jumlah wang dan kanannya kemana wang tersebut dibelanjakan.

    Saya terperanjat kerana saya jangkakan setidak-tidaknya lapuran itu akan sama tebal dengan lapuran ekonomi tahunan yang dikeluarkan Jabatan Perangkaan. Akan ada begaimana kos-kos tersebut diperolehi, kadar faedah bon-bon yang diterbitkan dan sebagainya, seperti prospectus satu langkah perniagaan oleh syarikat tersenarai di bursa misalnya.

    Begitulah sikap ambil mudah pegawai-pegawai 1MDB itu terhadap wang negara kita ini. Acuh tak acuh sahaja, sedangkan rakyat kelas menengah ramai yang mengeluh terpaksa menghadapi situasi kos kehidupan yang sentiasa meningkat dan dikala dana itu telah gagal dan terpaksa menanggung beban hutang yang besar.

    Sejak itu saya langsung tidak percaya bahawa dana tersebut adalah cuma untuk membangunkan negara. Ia ada tujuan lain yang kita tidak diberitahu. Dana itu sendiri tidak bersedia untuk bersikap telus kerana mungkin ia tidak sangka ianya akan terperangkap satu hari kelak.

    Apabila ia tersepit, ia cuma ada rajah diatas kertas A4 bagi menerangkan kemana wang RM42 billion itu pergi."

    This is why journalists should have principles.

    If you cannot tell the truth because you are pressured not to, if you are silenced, then quit on principle.

    Sy tabik u, Sdr Mus.

    1. "Sejak itu saya langsung tidak percaya bahawa dana tersebut adalah cuma untuk membangunkan negara. Ia ada tujuan lain yang kita tidak diberitahu."

      100% accurate, as events have proved.......sadly

    2. In the USA, two reporters brought down Nixon in the 1970s.

      If you read the book All The President's Men, they were told their lives were in danger.

      They just persisted.

      In Malaysia Woodward & Bernstein would have been SOSMA-ed and entah apa lagi within a few weeks.

      Nazir Razak said, why did the Edge get suspended when all its data on 1MDB money trails is now confirmed as "sah" across multiple jurisdictions?

  8. TV3/4 : The Ex is the public enemy no one. He is the Pengkhianat...

  9. When news comes from a fugitive who once swore a SD, implying that Rosmah was at the scene where Altantuya was C4ed... you must take everything he wrote with a pinch of salt.

    1. Not a "pinch" of salt...a gantang of salt!!

    2. RPK did explain in detail why he signed the SD. But protuns will never believe what his explanations because they believe only Mahathir, outside the box, A Kadir Jasin and their ilk tell the truth. Anyway, aren't you glad that Mahathir is losing the war? Well, many of us will be happy to see the end of Mahathir and his goons.

    3. 05:38

      Sadly his 'explanation' is as full of holes as everything else he writes. "Truth"? And you're saying the DOJ, Swiss are lying? Better them than some fugitive Melayu tiruan pelacur living off PMO handouts, kan?

      Have a good time selling your children's backsides to sponsor Bik Mama's shopping for next 7 generations.

      Who's the sucker now?

    4. Anon 05.38,

      Important of Signature.

      "a signature is a mark or sign made by an individual on an instrument or document to signify knowledge,approval,acceptance,or obligation"

      Its purpose

      "to authenticate a writing,or provide notice of its source,and to bind the individual signing the writing by the provisions contained in the document

      Dr Mahathir and his goons has nothing to do with the SD or losing the war


    5. Anon 05:38.

      One thing is obvious though.
      RPK had successfully rendered SD into disrepute.

  10. And also not many know his little secret as he seems to know Kevin Morias , Saiful and supposed Anwar's sexual orientation. You can Guess and Guess with whom and who

    I like to write like Annie be vague

    Never said I saw he doing it but heard from the crowd . The moustache helps a bit

  11. I will touch only on the print side. The decline in most of the NSTP's titles became obvious in the late 1980s and for many2 years, despite changes in editorship, failed to check the drop. For the most part there were no compelling plans. If there were, the plans were dropped into the waste bin by succeeding editors. U can't really blame the present management team bcos the decline has been too big. Once u lose your market share, it's almost impossible to go back up, especially when the decline happened over a long period of time.

    But following Malaysianisation in 1972, not a single of the chairman had tried to interfere with the editorial management, knowing fully well that the appointments of the editorial number 1 comes from the Umno president or via his nominee/appointee. In fact so does the appointment of the chairman!!! Thus it would be naive fro any chairman to want to know differently now, because it's not as if the Umno leadership is not aware of the decline or the reasons for it. Yes the chairman/board must answer to the shareholders but it is what the controlling shareholder wants that decides, no two ways about it. Umno must surely be aware of the business perspective and the position Media Prima is in, just as it must be aware of the dire financial position of the Utusan Group, another of its business interests.
