Friday, 28 January 2022

Johor Undi18 expert is sophisticated, and that's about it

 This is a cute report by FMT;

Race politics unlikely to sway young voters in Johor polls, says NGO

FMT, which editorial's political affiliation we all know, likes to come up with these sort of reports.

For this one, it quoted Undi-18 co founder Qyira Yusri .


“Young people tend to see past race and religion, although not entirely. They lean towards policy-based politicians. I think they will look at things like manifestos and election promises,” she told FMT.

Actually, her name is Nur Qyira Yusri. Not sure why FMT dropped the Nur part in its report.

I checked her profile and found her to be quite a successful professional, based on her qualifications.

She's based in KL and looked quite sophisticated.

Definitely not the typical Johor Malay kampung girl type.

I wonder how she became an expert of Johor politics or at least an expert at gauging voting trend among young people in Johor.

Anyway, are school leaver kids at 18 really don't care about their Malayness, Chineseness or Indianess when they make big decisions in life?

Voting the leaders of your country is a big decision, I think. 

Someone really need to do a survey at Foon Yew High School in JB (which I believe is the biggest Chinese school outside China) and ask the students who are about to graduate from there whether they ever consider their cultural and traditional heritage when making such decisions.

I like to bet that most of them do. And to be honest, I think most of them would be more comfortable to vote for candidates whom they believe would care more about the interests and welfare of their own race than anyone else. Naturally, such a candidate should be a Chinese.

That's just simply how it is.

You see, I have never been against Chinese schools and in fact I previously wrote many times in defence of those schools.

I even gave space for those who wrote about why Chinese schools should not be abolished such as this one;

So, this is really not me taking a dig at the Chinese or their school system or anything like that.

The truth is, I'm not even against those Chinese kids who prefer to vote a Chinese candidate rather than others of race different from theirs.

That's actually only natural as they were brought up being Chinese and mostly mixed with other Chinese kids in their schools.

Even in sekolah kebangsaan, Chinese kids tend to mix mostly with Chinese kids, the same with Malay, Indian, Orang Asli and other kids.

Of course there would be exceptions but those were the special kids.

Having said that, I have to insist that not all of those kids will continue to live in their own racial cocoon for the rest of their life.

Many of them are going to mature and appreciate having friends from other races and probably more willing to vote good candidates who are not of their own race.

Well, if not, how do you explain me, who many of you accused as being a racist, going around defending Chinese schools, Taiwan and the Hong Kong pro-democracy movement.

Eh, even my beloved is a Chinese, who has a purely Chinese name, prays to Chinese gods as well as studied in Chinese school and Taiwanese university. That's as Chinese as anyone could get in this country, okay.

Oh, and my beloved eats pork and drinks beer all the time....urgh. Love is terrible.

Anyway, the sophisticated Qiyra lady was also quoted by FMT as saying that the Undi18 kids are very concerned about party hopping.


“Whichever party or coalition comes up with a firm stance on this issue, as well as a promise to tackle it, will be able to capture the youth vote,” she said.


Well, these are the state assembly frogs in Johor after 2018;

Hmmm...Umno to PBBM, Umno to PBBM, Umno to PBBM, Amanah to PKR, Amanah to PKR, Amanah to PKR, PKR to PPBM.

None jumped to Umno, MCA or MIC.

So I guess, young voters would see BN as the one which suffered the most from the frogs. Naturally BN should therefore be the one that likely going to be firmly against party hopping. 

And based on that logic of the sophisticated Qiyra lady, most of the Undi18 must then be inclined to vote for BN lah.

Hmmm...I better check that one with those soon to be Foon Yew High School graduates.


  1. foon yew student are taught to support one that is morally good, they would not vote conman and pencuri if given choice. btw which party have the most pencuri?

    1. who is morally good ? if a candidate stole 10 candy and the opponent stole 11...foon yew kids gonna pick who ?

  2. "Anyway, are school leaver kids at 18 really don't care about their Malyness, Chineseness or Indianess when they make big decisions in life?

    Most importantly, can they spell "Malayness" correctly?

    Let's hope so.

  3. Umno bloggers know just one song.

    Race, Religion, Race, Religion, Race, Religion, Race, Religion, Race, Religion, Race, Religion, Race, Religion, Race, Religion, Race, Religion, Race, Religion, Race, Religion, Race, Religion, Race, Religion.

    All UMNO bloggers have the same basic aim:

    Create divisions among Malaysians, so that the rich elites in power can continue to gang-rape the country financially, and get richer.

    As simple as that.

    So the script never changes.

    It's like smelling stale kentut in an airless room, but I guess bloggers have to eat too.

    The rich elites give them a few crumbs.


    1. Guess Im the only pro-Umno blogger singing racist religious song while defending Chinese schools and confessing my love for a pork eating, beer drinking Chinese, who by the way is a DAP supporter 😁

    2. Annie, kalo dia nak makan pork, drink beer that's his right because not forbidden by religion.

      But please try and cure his DAP addiction, it's not healthy : )

  4. Kes Bossku bukan kes biasa , melainkan kes diatur untuk memenjarakan nya.

    Bossku memang wajar perguna Queen Council untuk pembelaan memandangkan kesnya sangat berat sebelah dan jelas satu penganayiaan.

    Kes dibuka bukan untuk mengetahui kebenaran tapi kes di ‘design” khusus untuk penjarakan Bossku dengan fitnah jijik PH mesti di terjemahkan menjadi realiti , setelah semua janji PH hanya menipu belaka.

    Itu sebab banyak kepincangan berlaku dari menghalang bukti di selitkan kepada rayuan, maklumat berkenaan curian lebih awal dari puak yang rapat dengan Tun Mahathir seperti Zeti Akhtar , Nor Mohamad Yakub dan AMBANK di sembunyikan.

    RM42 joota (alahai ciput rupanya) masuk dalam akaun Bossku dengan tanda tangan palsu. Berbanding dengan RM700 juta diagih agihkan masuk dalam akaun suami dan anak beranak keluarga penyamun Zety, Nik Faisal, Anak Sedara Mohamad Nor Yaacob atas komplot kerja kotor Jho Low serta imbuhan rasuah pegawai bank Ambank supaya buat kerja kotor mengenakan bossku.

    Ini kerja kotor Kartel Kerala tuan puan sekelian.. Ini besar punya celaka Kerala fitnah jijik tuan puan.! Cukup cukup lah percayakan kaum mata sepet barua DAP@ LeeKwanYew ini dlm urusan kerajaan.

    Cukuplah dan katakan pukimak pada barua2 Singapura@LeeKwanYew. Hapuskan barua pukimak DAP@ LeeKwanYew dng senang hati sambil garu dan gentel telo labuh serah Pulau Batu Putih pada Singapura. Katakan jahanam pergi dng Singapura

    Negara lain sanggup berbunuhan dan berperang pasal tanah tetapi Melayu barua DAP@LeeKwanYew dlm PH selamber bodoh jer sambil garu2 gentel telo bagi pulau pada anak Lee Kwan Yew..!! Puii..!!

    Mana mana pemimpin Melayu yang mesra dan banyak simpan duit di Singapura wajib berwaspada dan dicurigai.

    Selain itu , menghalang mendedahkan maklumat transaksi akaun bank keluarga Zeti , seolah olah ketakutan terlihat ke mana wang RM700 juta itu disalurkan.

    Ada sumber menyatakan selain suami Zeti mendapat RM700 juta , Nor Yakaob juga mendapat wang RM85 juta dan di “parking” atas nama proksi di Singapura.

    Pada kes Bossu kali ini, selain 200 lebih fakta tidak di hujah , bermacam macam tekanan dan kezaliman di ambil kesempatan atas nama ‘penghakiman’ dan mereka berselindung dibelakang nya.

    Maka Langkah DSNR mempelawa Queen Council menjadi pemerhati dan pemantau sangat wajar kerana keadilan sudah dinafikan kepada bossku.

    Mahathir pernah lakukan Ketika hendak memecat Ketua Hakim Negara Tun Salleh Abas satu waktu dulu. Apapun sila buka kes di mahkamah terlebih dulu.

    Mahathir telah perguna hakim luar negara untuk mengendali kes Tun Salleh Abas demi hendak Nampak ada kredibiiti.

    Siapa yang memilih hakim hakim itu usah di tanya lagi.

    Harus di ingat kes ‘Sandakan” yang ada bersaksi dan ada video pun Pakatan Harapan pimpinan Mahathir hanya gebang di “press conference” sahaja dan tidak berani membersihkan Azmin di mahkamah , bahkan Polis juga tidak cuba mencari lelaki berwajah Azmin yang di atas ranjang Bersama Hazik.

    Itu lah nilai dan harga diri pemimpin yang jadi barua PH yang akibatkan semua pelabur lari keluar sebab status kerajaan tiada etika.

    Biar pihak luar jadi saksi dan menyebarkan apa terjadi kepada perbicaraan dan tahu compang campingnya kesnya sudah diatur sedemikian hodoh untuk penjarakan bossku.

    PRN Johor medan terbaik melingkupkan Boboi dan Pejwang dan semua barua DAP@ LeeKwanYew

    1. Perghh...jgn kata QC kalu malaikat turun jd hakim kes najib dan didapati bersalah depa tetap kata bossku tak bersalah. Nat wat camne terlalu lama tonton rtm dan baca utusan mesia tiap2 hari.

    2. 12.52

      Setiap kali bicara fitnah jijik bossku di mhkmah beratus ribu kali di sebuat Jho Low kuar dari mulut puaka AG Tommy Tomas dan saksi....

      Sampai abis bicara jejak tapak kasut jho low tak ada di tangga mahkamah...

      Mintak ex IGP lantokan Tun si Amit Bedol dia kata Jho Low lesap bertukar jadi beruang.. Peguam bossku raya tangkap dan bawa Jho Low pulang Tun dan ex IGP amit bedul lantikan Tun buat gentel telo buat bodoh...

      Ko rasa bicara kes Bossku jalan dng adil ker...

      Selagi Jho Low Nik Faisal lesap dan tak muncul di mahkamah.. bicara Bossku hanya taha sampah bacol dan buang masa..!!

    3. Jl dah lepas diri sendiri. Bossku left high and dry. If fitnah why four judges have decided otherwise. Lepas lead counsel dah ko 2 kosong nak bawa permain import QC kat final. So desperate.

    4. Jika Bossku rasa dia tidak bersalah, dia hanya perlu minta Kawan Baik Raja Arab yang derma 2.6 b itu datang ke mahkamah sini dan memberitahu para hakim bahawa memang betul dia telah menderma 2.6 b itu, maka segala bukti pendakwa boleh di buang ke tong sampah dan BossKu bebas serta merta.

      Bukan ke ini cara yang paling senang untuk membuktikan Bossku tidak bersalah,dan banyak masa and dana negara dapat di jimat untuk membantu berjuta juta rakyat yang dalam kesusahan akibat covid dan banjir baru baru ini.

    5. Bodoh lah mintak raja Saudi datang.. dia orang pun ada protokol... Bring Jho Low back home... bawa Zety jadi saksi tapi dihalang...

      bodoh bertingkek tingkek berhujah

  5. Agreed with Annie. Cute report or trying to be cute...maybe they think to sound cute can win election.

    Just like some people thought by harping on other parties to only sing racist religion song only would absolve their parties from 22 months of failure to launch and empty promises of manifesto.. that is also cute

    Pandai cakap yet cakap tak serupa bikin.. also cute

  6. our undi18 kids fall into 2 camps - one trying to find a job after school, trying to make ends meet, but wont bad an eyelid spending 10 on a starbucks for social media. the other are the bangsar brats who scream social media outrage on blm, freebritney, but quiet AF on rohingya, custody deaths.

    1. And the parents count 1 cup starbucks coffee equals at least 10 coffee at home. And the other type exercise in air-conditioned rooms, tak kenal nyamuk dan lintah.


    DAP ingin memuji rakyat Malaysia kerana bersatu sebagai satu negara untuk menjaga dan membantu antara satu sama lain bagi mengatasi bencana tersebut.

    “DAP berharap kerajaan Persekutuan berhenti mengabaikan aspirasi masyarakat Cina.”

    “Sebagai penyumbang penting kepada pendapatan negara, masyarakat Cina mahu kerajaan menghormati kepelbagaian, menghargai kerja keras dan bersikap adil dengan memastikan sekolah dan golongan miskin dibantu tanpa mengira kaum dan agama.

    Kaum Cina penyumbang judi online terbesar dinegara ini.. Melayu jugak jadi kaki judi..

    Kaum Cina penyumbang bapak ayam terbesar negara ini. Melayu jugak yang mandi lendir

    Kaum Cina juga kuat menyimbang rasuah terbesar di negara ini... abis pemimpin Melayu kaki rasuah

    Kaum Cina juga bapak pengedar dadah di negara. Bapak pengedar dadah lesap.. Melayu jugak yang jadi zombie dadah.

    Kaum Cina juga manipulate paling besar..Melayu jugak bodo bangang kena tipu..

    “Kesanggupan rakyat Malaysia tanpa mengira kaum, agama atau latar belakang untuk membantu antara satu sama lain memberi harapan kepada kita bahawa ada masa depan untuk semua orang di negara kita,” kata Tokong dalam perutusan Tahun Baru Cina hari ini.

    Kaum Cina tak hebat mana pun cuma Melayu saja yang terkinja kinja menghina bangsa sendiri..

    Tanya Tun Mahathir bila Tun ada kuasa Taikun Cina di bela Melayu kena maki hamun. Negara lain berbunuhan jika tanah mereka dirampas.

    Pulau Batu Putih pun Tun boleh beri selamber jer sambil gentel telo labuhnya pada anak Cina Lee Kwan Yew untuk Singapura.

    Kong Ci Fa Chai maaaa..!!

  8. Annie,

    Just to put into context, Qyira is of mixed parentage, father is a Malay and mother is a Chinese Muslim. The parents are from Perak. I know the family.

    I wonder what made Qyira an expert in politics of the young minds in Johore.

    1. undi18 in johor is just a subset of whats in store for ge 15. Qyira’s point is general, not johor specific.

      as for annie, she cant get over another female blogger / columnist who can analyst & articulate a point. its a queen bee syndrome.
