Thursday, 15 March 2018

Zairil's third time

What is this la....?

When this one first came out, they sort of denied it...said it's gutter politics lah and what not.

Then finally the other day

DAP's Zairil and Dyana get engaged

Okay, fine....personal stuff and sorts....

But how about this,

Read what a Chinese ultra wrote about this tak malu punya kes,

The Yeo Bee Yins in Life and Morality. China & War

This is what I wrote at the height of campaigning for the Teluk Intan by-election,

It's my second most read post of all time.

Guess DAP tried to groom her but this Zairil fellow overdid it at that time.


  1. This is proof that most if not all politicians are accomplished liars, no matter which side of the fence they belong.

    Siakap senohong, gelama ikan duri ...

  2. Masaalah Air di Selangor lagi kritikal...

    1. Ni masaalah air la juga...

    2. Yea, masaalah air lagi kritikal, tak nampak/dgr pun apa kjaan selangor nak buat. Nak kena tunggu berapa penggal lagi baru boleh selesai? Kontrol macho sgt mb s'gor ni

    3. Annie you are really LOW CLASS and DESPICABLE.

    4. Dirty-dirty girl...

    5. Ini AIR PANCUT...Fauntain water yaaa

  3. Isle Zairil tu termaktub antara dua batang kaki hehehe ... siapa tahu tentang imen nya?

  4. Chinese packaged and sold Dyana? We Chinese don't know how to sell sentiments. It is Anglophiles, Christians especially. They learnt this deception craft from Americans and white people. It is also how Christians sell Jesus. You can't tell the difference between the Chinese and the DAP, Annie?

    1. You are probably right. Maybe that's why she lost in Teluk Intan.

  5. tak pasti isu ini ada ciri-ciri menyusahkan/membebankan rakyat. Cuba nak faham tapi tak berjaya. Atau dah takde isu lain barangkali? Walau DAP menang semua kerusi parlimen, mereka masih tak boleh perintah negara ini. noktah

    1. Buatnya kalau PH menang, Zairil dilantik jadi menteri belia atau tourism, nak cakap apa? Ini soal integriti. Kita bakal menggantikan org2 yg tak punya integriti dgn jenis manusia yg sama.

    2. hebat tok nujum! dah nampak future?

  6. Penting sangat ke watak zairil dan dyana dalam politik Malaysia dan berapa jauh mereka zairil boleh pergi.

    Jika mereka tercalon untuk PRU akan datang, ia sesuatu yang malang buat DAP dan PH.

    1. KD Pondan.. wah ko sibuk datang blog orang ye.. blog ko dah kena kunci pintu??

      Orang tua macam ko tak paham watak zairil dan dyana itulah 'the iconic malaaii couple of dapig'..matlamat dap untuk mengubah melayu jadi urban dan liberal setahap tu.. ko mau tanya lagi??

  7. Ini kes.. Masuk Melayu Skrew Melayu .

    That Chinaman murtad fella is taking full advantage adat melayu isle ...

    Yepp ... that's what Ultrakiasu DAPis is all about .


    1. Zairil is a real Malay.

    2. Zairil is 110% CINA lorr!! where did came the biological malay blood?? See this laa..



    3. Waghih berani murtadkan orang...hebat, hebat..

  8. Rachel Maddow of MSNBC said 4.5 billion US dollars being stolen in cash. How billions that is in RM? Anyone?

  9. Anonymous 16:12: You call Annie 'low class' and 'despicable'. In a DAP congress Hannah Yeoh publicly declared its party leaders to be unlike BN, righteous and moral and who don't have adulterous relationships that ruin families. Repeatedly, from Lim Kit Siang down, DAP says and insinuates to no end they are transparent, open, clever and fear only God. So, what does the Zairil/Dyana episode tells us about those standards? They are righteous? Moral? Family devoted? Open? Transparent? Clever?

    Annie is wrong to say Zairil/Dyana are shameless and that their marriage is personal. Doing so, she uses Christian DAP yardstick and that people have split personalities. Annie has no split personality, online and off.

    But, Zairil/Dyana are far, far worse than Annie's portrayal. It is so bad their character not only extends to but also reflects the entire DAP morality, political, religious racket. And the Chinese public gets the blame for such DAP behavior.

    So, you want a list on how bad DAP has fallen? So, what class's got to do with Zairil adultery then lying about it? So, who's despicable? You piece of hypocritical motherfucker.

  10. Well, at-least this Zairil fella did not had a tryst a married woman like that MACC boss did.
    However if both of them were politician or high-ranking public officer in a Kapir countries like Singapore and Australia, they would have been fired already.

  11. Dyana had a tryst with a married man, and married twice. Are you fucking sexist?

    1. Walaupun anda mengikuti kesah cinta Dyana dan Zairil secara terperinci, daya rasa masaalah ini tak sekritikal masaalah air di Selangor.

    2. Sesungguhnya Kami telah menurunkan Kitab kepadamu dengan membawa kebenaran, supaya kamu mengadili antara manusia dengan apa yang telah Allah wahyukan kepadamu, dan janganlah kamu menjadi penentang (orang yang tidak bersalah), Oleg kerana (membela) orang-orang yang khianat, dan mohonlah ampun kepada Allah. Sesungguhnya Allah Maha Pengampun lagi Maha Penyayang.
      Dan janganlah kamu berdebat (untuk membela) orang-orang yang mengkhianati dirinya. Sesungguhnya Allah tidak menyukai orang-orang yang selalu berkhianat lagi bergelimang dosa.
      [QS. An-Nisaa’ :105-107]


  12. Ini kawin punya hat ,siapa mau kawin siapa ,itu lia olang punya hat maa aa ,kalau sudah tatak sesuai kasi pisah lain kawin maa aa,mana ada adultery lea aa.

    Lebih baik betut-betut kawin lea aa ,kalau kasi kekal isteri ,tapi simpan sana simpan sini lagi manyak telok lor rr.

    Lia tatak celita busok ,sama pertama punya isteri ,sutak tatak ngam ,pisah kawin lain lor rr.

    1. Lufang, yea, gua setuju, ini kisah peribadi, tapi gua x mau orang ini macam jadi menteri atau timbalan menteri. Dia ada skandal masa masih berkahwin, bila kantoi, dia tipu kita hidup2. Org macam ni x boleh percaya.


    2. I remember a certain Minister of Culture, Youth and Sports in days of yore who was caught 'khalwatting' with a certain singer/actress in a certain hotel room in a certain seaside town.
      Long story short, that politician is now at the top political post in the country while the artist is now (unhappily?) married to someone else. Somewhere along the way, that politician had an affair with someone else's wife, ditched his first wife, accusing her of having mental illness, and then bought off his mistress (tebus talak) and now is shackled in marriage to THAT woman.
      Talk about morals. Huhhh.

    3. Anon 23:10, exactly! Integrity & morality is something ingrained, not situational. Society turned a blind eye then & look where it got us today.

  13. Annie,

    Saya rasalah Annie,

    Masalah Air di Selangor lagi besar.

    Dalam dunia yang fana ini, dengan masalah peperangan, kebuluran , Kleptokrasi, rasuah di sana-sini, harga barang naik, harga rumah naik, masalah FBI naik bot Joo Low dan lain-lain.

    Tapi tak boleh lawan Masalah air di Selangor.

    Masalah Air di Selangor adalah paling besar sekali dalam dunia dan dalam segenap cakerawala alam sekitar.

    Apalah masalah dua orang tuu bercinta, kalau nak banding dengan masalah air di Selangor.

  14. Bagi pandangan saya,

    tidak salah kalau di berkahwin lebih dari satu.

    Daripada melakukan perkara yang tidak manis, berkahwin secara sah sepatutnya dipuji.

    Tanggung jawap seorang wakil rakyat adalah berkhidmat kepada rakyat.

    Kalaulah orang itu berlaku amanah, tidak mencuri, menjalankan kerja dan berkhidmat kepada rakyat, itulah yang lebih penting.

    Soal kahwin 2 ini, adalah soal "peribadi".

    Kalau dalam cerita Mafia Godfather, para gangster mafia perlu bezakan yang mana satu "personal" dan yang mana satu "business"

    Kalau orang yang berkenaan itu sudah berkahwin, itulah sebaik-baiknya.

    Sebenarnya dalam Bn pun banyak juga yang kahwin 2, kalau PAS pun ada juga.

  15. Memang lah masaalah kahwin hal peribadi...
    Tapi skrip pra kahwin itu yg tidak dlm katagori peribadi kerana kedua duanya adalah public figures...
    Tak perlu recyled kisah mereka....

  16. Annie there are so many myriad issues plaguing the country and you highlight Zairil's wedding. So what that he has taken a 3rd wife (his religion allows him). It's his performance as an MP that matters not his performance in bed. Why are you so fixated on who is screwing who when we are all being screwed big time by the present gomen.

    1. It's actually about the lies

    2. When Chua Soi Lek was videotaped in a hotel room with another woman, the DAP, chiefly its women politicians, and its sycophants gloated daily for a whole month and even years after that. A philanderer in private life, Chua couldn't be trustworthy in public, and they called him names.

      When Zairil was caught on camera with Dyana, the DAP say it was BN's work, a conspiracy. The mud slinging, from both sides, is to be expected. Politics, you see.

      But, here's the rub.

      (a) Only DAP politicians (from Lim Guan Eng down, think in particular Hannah Yeoh) don't just whack. They especially insist their lot is the holiest, who don't lie, don't cheat on their wives, are never corrupted by money and are straight as timber.

      (b) Only DAP politicians and sycophants are so duplicitous. Lai Panjang is typical, offering the typical DAP red-herring argument: the whole country is screwed, Annie, so why are you talking about Zairil's private affair although not a single word in this post has to do with the man's virility.

      DAP's skills in deception and manipulation are what sets the DAP apart from all other political parties.

      Unless a DAP person like Lai Panjang is stupid, we have to say he is being deceitful. Being deceitful, we can then conclude that DAP is a danger to Malaysia because, given their duplicitous methods, we have to ask eventually this: In power, how will the DAP hide their lies and their corrupted ways? Will Lim Guan Eng be better at it than Najib Razak?

      Lai Panjang, go fuck your mother.


    3. Why not you go fuck your mother, or better still, let me fuck your mother.

    4. Temper, DAP temper. And right on cue, DAP trooper. Okay, your dick has the first stab. Now show us what you have, you are the DAP Panjang prick...

  17. Pro BN dah habis peluru, budak politik mentah seperti si zairil dan dyana pun jadi bahan.

    Jom tengok isu besar. Bila najib nak saman media asing, fake news?


  18. Playboy jugak si Zairil ni.
    Prof Kangkung

  19. FINALLY, a pendatang gets to screw a fooking Melayu. Huat ah!
