Sunday, 11 June 2017

Battle of Dedak

Feeling a bit better this morning, did bits of work and now writing this.

Just a short one to keep this blog alive.

I was totally cut off for the past week, so I have to rely on other blogs as source for this one.

Saw this post by Big Dog,

Dedak Tak Serupa Bikin?

It's about Pribumi Bersatu preparing to distribute essential items to the public in conjunction with Ramadhan and the coming Raya.

Based on the pictures, it's a lot.

Must have costs the party quite a huge sum of money.

I wonder how Pribumi Bersatu managed to get the financing for the initiative.

Well, never mind.

Whatever it is, the effort will be good for the needy as it takes a bit of load off their shoulders for the coming Raya.

A sack of rice and few days supply of other essential food items mean a lot for poor people.

I think I understand a bit about poor people. One day I will tell you the story of my father who is from a poor family.

Okay, about it being a counter dedak from the Dr Mahathir's party, I think that's besides the point.

Poor people don't care about all that.

They will just be happy and grateful that there are people who care about them.

 I think you all know what that means - more votes for Pribumi Bersatu.

Yeah, it's just a token handout compared to what the BN government is doing for the rakyat, but giving out rice and essential food items feels real for the needy who receive it.

Dedak or not, really doesn't matter to them.

It's even better than BR1M, because BR1M is a government's initiative. The poor expect the government to assist them, so the impact of BR1M is lesser.

"Hey, it's the duty of the government to help us. We don't owe the government anything for BR1M," some of them would say.

So, what can BN do to counter this Pribumi Bersatu initiative?

Just bitching about it wouldn't help, okay.

Well, BN should also embark on similar effort.

Outdo what Dr Mahathir's people are doing.

Buy lots more rice and essential items and distribute it before Raya.

I'm sure Umno, MCA and the others can do it.

It would be money well spent.

Better than paying tones of money to useless media barons and cybertroopers who don't really know what they are doing.

Whatever it is, they need to hurry because Raya will be here soon.

As I said, dedak or not doesn't really matter at this point.

It's a battle of who can give more and be appreciated in return of votes, okay.

Anyway, the sure winners will be the poor and needy.

They can get lots of stuff, courtesy of both sides of the political divide and enjoy Raya better.

What's wrong with that, right?

Yes, dedak or not, I don't think we are in the position to tell the poor to be idealistic with an empty stomach.

Okay, I need to rest now. It's starting to hurt again.

I leave you all with this nice song.



  1. Hahaha nice one Annie straight to the faced.

    But than when initiated by Pakatoon it is called Bantuan...Dedak is only from Najib.Now can you see why i called them Pakatoon! Only cartoon can defy logic.

    1. Mappadulung not ashamed to do "Nothing to Hide" but I think the badass will never do "Everything to Share!"
      What say you all?😟

    2. I dont know about all this dedak things but if u as Annie she sure do.


  2. Peribumi kasi , UMNO kasi ,PKR kasi ,PAS kasi ,siapa jadi kaya lea aa ???? , Cina jugak kaya maa aa .

    Kechik punya parti sikit wang punya kasi sikit punya balang ,busat punya parti macam UMNO juta-juta punya wang pon sikit bagi bagi lor rr ,lebih manyak hilang maa aa .

    Wa manyak ingat aaa aa itu Peribumi bagi punya manyak iklas punya lea aa ,biasa sikit wang punya olang kalau bagi manyak iklas punya lor rr ,tatak mau tunjuk punya maa aa .

  3. "Kau lah yang Maha Esa Kau lah Yang Maha Pengasih Kau lah Yang Maha Penyayang Engkau Tuhan Yang Satu"

    Thanks Annie for the upload.

    Buat baik, baiknya kepada kita. Ramadhan ramai bayar zakat dan fidyah dan bulan berlumba untuk bersedeqah.

    Jom join.

    Semua kita lahir miskin. Tanpa seurat benang. Tanpa daya. Tanpa upaya. Then kita lupa.

    Salam Annie. Moga bertambah sihat. Ameen Yang Maha Pengasih.

  4. As long as people avoid "self-dedak"....

    This is what the First Klepet have spent on themselves, based on forensic investigations in Swiss/US:

    RM520k for Chanel;

    RM60m for clothes, jewellery, car;

    RM28m for Nazir Razak,

    RM280k for son,

    RM176 m to Solar Shine,

    RM56 million to Jakel,

    Exotic Cars RM224k;

    RM3.75 million at De Grisogono;

    Plus RM25 million charged to credit cards.

    All from 1MDB and SRC.

    So Malaysians can choose to remain corrupt and stupid, if they wish.

    Or they can open their eyes.

    1. Anjing menyalak bukit?

      Prof kangkung

    2. Suka hati Tuan Professor la..

      Setengah juta ringgit for Chanel. Tapi hanyir nya tak hilang jugak. Enampuluh juta ringgit untuk pakaian, barang kemas dan kereta. Mana datang duit sebanyak ini ?
      Ada ke pernah kita denagr Syed Mokhtar Al Bukahari berbelanja macam ni ?


      Syaitan memang dah dah duduk berumah tangga dalam hati laki bini perdana ni.

      Memang la tak runtuh bukit disalak anjing, Tuan Professor. Yang tok arab derma rm2,600,000,000 tu tak pasal la; tok arab derma peribadi. Ni yang kerajaan menaggung hutang berbiliion-bilion ringgit disebabkan kelalaian keseluruhan ahli lembaga pengarah 1mdb takkan tak ada siapa yang harus dipertanggung jawab kan ? Sampai hari ni diam aje. Kalau Zakaria FGV digantung kerja pasal hutang tak kutip, kenapa shahrol halmi masih terus berkhidmat di jabatan perdana menteri tanpa sebarang tindakan ?

      Tuan Professor tentu boleh berfikir waras dan boleh betanya soalan yang sama saya tanya, kan ? Ini juga dia soalan berjuta rakyat Malaysia tanya.

      Tuan Professor dapat peluang mengaji oversea, ramai yang lain pun dapat. Saya pun dapat. Saya sepatutnya fail SPM pun. Toksah kita nostalgic, prof. Tauke Umno dulu bantu rakyat tapi bukan dengan duit tapi ilmu dan lain lain. Tauke umno sekarang kaki joli katak. Duit senang dapat....

      Ini bulan Ramadhan. Memang dalam bulan Ramadhan ramai orang berlumba lumba cari pahala. Bersedekah ni memang bagus tapi kalau ada niat nya lain, simpang harta tu lagi baik. Jangan le pulak kita yang teka teki ini dedak untuk dapat sokongan. Boleh bagi tau dengan bigdog. Kalau br1m dari kerajaan. Tapi ni parti bukan kerajaan. Boleh jadi adalah penaja sedekah ni.

    3. Astagfirullah prof panggil orang anjing... bersabarlah...

      I used UMNO technique against prof kangkung

    4. Prof Kangkung forever grateful to Ahjibgor mah. Ahjibgor last time ask poor rakyat to go eat kangkung kan? Many millions poor rakyat in Malaysia you know!

    5. Anon 2304.
      Anjing menyalak bukit is a Malay proverb.nothing to do with the dog.I am an animal lover anyway.Dogs are cute.

      Prof Kangkung

    6. Anjing menyalak bukit?

      Prof kangkung

      Dogs have intelligence, Pros Kangkang.

      You have none.

      See the difference tak?

    7. Dogs can produce graduates.I forgot that.haha.

      Prof Kangkung

    8. UMNO before and UMNO now is vastly different

      Prof kangkung is a true dog amongst all of us here

    9. Anon 11 June 2017 at 20.11

      Bd cannot even differentiate between a monkey and a coconut

      'Dedak Tak Serupa Bikin'

      (1)Donations to those who are rich/influential/dominant are called DEDAK

      (2)Donations during the month of Ramadan for the poor/needy are called SEDEKAH


  5. Coming back to Malaysia - after extended periods away - can be a lamentation on what could be, and now squandered away.

    There was so much going for negara ku in the 70s, 80 --- the rot began to show in the 90s and how far we have regressed while others have progressed.

    Many citizens of talent are shutout from government engagement - by design as there ancestors had come here 2, 3 generations ago.

    Muslims go to Canada, UK, France to be free -- and in muslim-lands other religions, and in some cases muslims, are repressed.

    Gone are the days where races and religions co-mingled so freely -- bribes were minimal and you felt that the government were of the people.

  6. Saya berasa lucu apabila membaca kenyataan Datuk Seri Abdul Rahman Dahlan selaku Menteri Jabatan Perdana Menteri yang begitu yakin bahawa Malaysia boleh menjadi negara maju menjelang tahun 2020. Dengan sekali lagi hanya menggunakan Keluaran Dalam Negeri Kasar (KDNK) sebagai petunjuk ekonomi.

    Rahman Dahlan masih tidak serik cuba mengelirukan rakyat dengan memanipulasi data ekonomi semata-mata untuk meningkatkan kepercayaan rakyat terhadap Umno BN yang imejnya kian tercemar dengan budaya pembaziran, rasuah dan tatakelola yang buruk.

    Dengan menjaja nama Bank Dunia yang membuat unjuran bahawa pertumbuhan KDNK Malaysia akan berada pada paras 4.3 peratus, angka ini sebenarnya tidak cukup untuk menjadikan Malaysia sebagai negara maju atau negara berpendapatan tinggi.

    Mengikut pengiraan atlas, Bank Dunia mendefinisikan negara berpendapatan tinggi iaitu apabila KDNK per kapita (jumlah tahunan KDNK dibahagikan bilangan penduduk Malaysia) mencecah USD 12,475 atau lebih kurang RM53,181. Sedangkan pada tahun 2016, KDNK per kapita Malaysia sekadar mencecah sekitar RM37,104 sahaja.

    Dengan suasana ekonomi yang muram, ditambah lagi meningkatnya pengangguran dan inflasi. Negara akan semakin sukar untuk mencapai status negara maju menjelang tahun 2020. Seperkara lagi adalah peningkatan dan kejatuhan kadar matawang ringgit Malaysia yang mempengaruhi pengiraan KDNK.

    Amalan boros dan pembaziran kerajaan Umno BN dapat dilihat dalam dasar fiskal yang diamalkan. Acapkali pembentangan bajet tahunan, Kerajaan Persekutuan akan mengusulkan belanjawan defisit iaitu jumlah perbelanjaan akan melebihi pendapatan.

    Meskipun Rahman Dahlan menyatakan bahawa jurang defisit semakin menguncup, hakikatnya Malaysia mempunyai pertambahan hutang negara yang semakin tinggi hingga menyebabkan Najib Razak terpaksa mengusulkan belanjawan tambahan.

    Kenaikan kos sara hidup, pertumbuhan gaji yang rendah, jurang kaya-miskin yang melebar dan bertambahnya bilangan penerima bantuan kebajikan jelas menunjukkan bahawa data ekonomi yang digemburkan adalah retorik semata-mata untuk mengelirukan rakyat.

    Saya sarankan Umno BN untuk berhenti mengelirukan rakyat dengan mengemukakan data-data ekonomi yang kononnya mengandungi angka-angka positif sedangkan rakyat secara realitinya berhadapan dengan suasana yang sukar.

    Kerajaan Umno BN seharusnya menggubal polisi ekonomi yang mengutamakan kebajikan rakyat dan bukannya melebihkan poket kroni, kleptokrat dan hartawan yang sekian lama telahpun memiliki kekayaan yang lebih banyak berbanding rakyat kebiasaan.

  7. Apa-apa cekap pon sutak tatak bolih pakai lagi lor rr , one kali bohong mungkin olang pecaya maa aa ,kalau selalu bohong apa-apa pon tatak bolih pecaya lagi maa aa .

    Menteli cakap semua babut maa aa ,sendili hidup lasa apa macam maa aa ,itu KDNK jangan ambik pusing lor rr.

  8. i have to admit, its kind of a dedak strategy. so they are being hipokrit i guess.
    but comes pru, i still gonna vote bersatu. if it is choosing the lesser evil, then thats exactly what im gonna do. all the stealing, treasonous act selling out assets need to stop.

    but i dont aspect gov to help me when they give out money. i aspect the gov allocates well all the money the gov took from me.

    if i receive some back, i just take it as the little money they return back to me after stealing so much more through the tax, gst and all the klepto activities theyve done.

    nowdays people avoid going to private clinic cause its too expansive. they either dont go seek treatment at all or brave themselves going to the gov clinic by then we all know half a day is gone. quallity of life is decreasing. how many accidents now, due to improper maintenance? not because they dont want to. theres just no more moneys left. and when ask they say, well i could have, but my moneys gone to pay off all the corrupt officials for their hair do over, porno film and some shiny stones.

    we remember this when we vote.

    1. In malaysia, middle class families are still poor
      And as a poor man, I will take UMNO goodies and BRIM and still vote opposition

      Disclaimer: the goodies is not UMNO money, rather it's public money
      And if you are so stupid to understand that, public money means your mom, dad, uncle, aunt, cousin, grandparents, your teacher, your lecturer, your taxi driver, your rakyat malaysia money

    2. "Disclaimer: the goodies is not UMNO money, rather it's public money"


      The Scumno gomen steals from public funds then gives it to us expecting us to be grateful.

  9. Dedak or not, as long as it is coming from legitimate sources such as donation or sponsorship, it is actually perfectly legal and acceptable and not against the law.
    What is worrying if it is coming from dubious source such as laundered money or money meant for something being diverted to be used for something else, than that is not right and improper. It is considered a crime and punishable under the law.
    Nowadays, if someone in high office was caught red handed doing it and confessed he's not aware of it, then it is completely okay and considered no case. If someone else doing it, they will quickly being thrown the book. How unfortunate.

  10. Apa yang berlaku dalam FELDA & FGV takde kene mengena dengan Tun Mahathir ataupon DAP.

    Tak perlu DAP utk jahanamkan nasib orang Melayu selama ini apabila UMNO sendiri yg jahanamkan. Ini fakta dan kenyataan!


  11. Annie,

    //I wonder how Pribumi Bersatu managed to get the financing for the initiative.//

    Eeerrr... i don't think Pribumi Bersatu is exactly poor, OK?

    //A sack of rice and few days supply of other essential food items mean a lot for poor people.//

    When will we start asking ourselves why would anybody need to be handing out food to help someone?

    When will we start asking ourselves why the Malaysian culture is so focus on handouts?

    And mind you, we are talking about Malaysia, a country which has made trillions of ringgit from petrodollars.

    //I'm sure Umno, MCA and the others can do it.//

    Come on, Annie, let's not be naive, OK?

    We all know that UMNO, MCA, MIC, and the others can easily do it.

    We also know where they have been getting the money from to do it all these years, OK?

    //Anyway, the sure winners will be the poor and needy.//

    Yes, the sure winners are the poor and needy.

    But as you pointed out, it is merely a token handout - they are only short-term winners.

    Within days of receiving their hand-outs, they will fall back into their poverty and waiting for the next hand-out.

    To me, this seems like cruelty.

    It merely reinforces the parlous nature of the receipient's life - reduced to nothing more than a beggar, dependent on the largess of others.


    1. "We also know where they have been getting the money from to do it all these years, OK?"

      Yes, from public funds.

  12. "Peribumi kasi , UMNO kasi ,PKR kasi ,PAS kasi ,siapa jadi kaya lea aa ???? , Cina jugak kaya maa aa ."

    You manyak pandai la... Lufang.
    Apa lu cakap, manyak butut.

    Sama macam Pak-Pak Arab bodoh... saling berbunuhan sesama sendiri. Yang paling untung adalah Israel dan Negara-negara kapir, pembuat bom & peralatan-perang yang jauh lebih maju dan moden. Mungkin kerana makan babi & minum arak, orang kapir jadi lebih cerdik dari Pak-Pak Arab dan Yahudi yang tak makan babi.

    Kedua-dua pihak, Sunni & Syiah akan berlumba-lumba beli senjata dan memperkayakan Negara-Negara Kapir untuk berbunuhan sesama sendiri.

    Puak Sunni beli senjata dari US, Barat dan Israel.
    Puak Syiah beli senjata dari Russia & China.

    Dan semua Negara-Negara pembekal senjata akan ambil kesempatan ini untuk buat ujian, simulasi dan 'fine-tuning' keberkesanan senjata mereka dalam pertempuran sebenar di negara-negara bodoh Pak-Pak Arab.

    Syabas kepada Kerajaan UMNO-Najib & BN kerana telah hantar Tentera kita dan secara tidak langsung menyebelahi Puak Sunni dengan mengambil bahagian dalam 'Pakatan Negara-Negara Islam Menentang Keganasan' yang diketuai Arab Saudi. Dan sudah tentu... bagi Kerajaan berRaja Arab Saudi... 'pengganas' adalah Syiah atau Iran.

  13. Tambang bas pon naik menjelang Hari Raya. Jom ramai-ramai ucap "We LOVE PM"

    1. Gaji naik x cerita ke bro?

      Prof Kangkung

    2. You are an idiot as usual, Pros Kangkang.

      Take your stolen public dedak and shut up.

    3. prof kangkung,

      gaji naik 100, sara hidup naik 1000 xyah sembang la.

      do u really believe this gaji naik argument or its the dedak speaking ?

      if u gonna get that stolen money anyway make it worth it la bro


    4. Apa-apa pon redha maa aa , apa pasat mau galoh apa guna maa aa .

      Mujur lalu melintang patah maa aa .

  14. Annie,

    Salam Ramadhan.

    The Muslims were told, that whoever do their fasting during the Ramadhan will get double happiness, the first they get when they break fast, the other when they meet their Creator in the Hereafter (that is if they ever meet).

    When you fast for the whole day, for a certainty you will be happy when you break fast. But would it be different if there's no food for you to break fast? Or, like the Prophet s.a.w's family, just half a date to break fast?

    So when you said: "Yes, dedak or not, I don't think we are in the position to tell the poor to be idealistic with an empty stomoch (sic.)." That was true, but I wish that you could continue to say these:

    i. That there are over seven million people in Malaysia entitled for BR1M from Najib;

    ii. That means over seven million people live below poverty line in Malaysia;

    iii. That POVERTY will lead to 'KEKUFURAN';

    iv. That no one in Malaysia should live below poverty line especially when those in the current Regime are living in luxuries, overfed and flying around first class over the world as public servants together with their spouses and family members;

    v. That the poor are the ultimate loser because they would be led to KEKUFURAN due to poverty and therefore they lose in this world and the hereafter.
